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Anti Masker Wears Zoro Mask

newtboy says...

Sweet Zombie Jebus...
The hospital that treated her is now the subject of dozens (or more) terroristic death threats, and a threat of a lawsuit from some of Trump's lawyers, because they didn't just treat her with cattle dewormer.

Your people, @bobknight33, terrorists making death and bomb threats to doctors killing themselves treating almost exclusively right wing assholes who won't get vaccinated.

They should be turned away at the door, go home to your family and die. Their stupidity and inaction caused their illness. I fully support no hospitalization without a covid's too dangerous, they have immunocompromised people in there they should protect from the intentionally infectious. Put them in a camp like they suggest for immigrants....Better, ship them to Mexico with a lengthy process to return after they're covid free.

Don't count the unvaccinated, and Covid is under control.

Destroying an anthill...with gas

StukaFox says...

I have a friend who is a Beavis-and-Butthead level pyro. He loves blowing things up, and he feels that little things like forewarning may spoil the surprise. He has many claims to fame, but this is among the most notorious:

In the mid-90s, at the place we've been camping for 30+ years, he poured an entire can of Red Dot Smokeless gunpowder down an anthill, then lit it. This was cool for all of about three seconds when it hissed and sputtered like a little volcano. It was far less cool when the gunpowder-packed anthill suddenly went off like Mt. St. Helens. Dirt and REALLY fucking pissed off biting ants blasted high in the air before raining down on the heads of the unwitting spectators, and promptly taking their revenge.

There's nothing quite like being showered with burned, angry biting ants to round out a weekend. Jeff thought this was funny as Hell, because he'd scampered out of range when he realized things were going to go very wrong -- things ALWAYS went very wrong -- and had taken shelter upwind. Later, as in 4:00am the next morning, he set off a stick of dynamite in a creek for an encore, also without warning. And after the booming echoes settled down, the only sound for miles around was this maniacal, hysterical laughter echoing in the impenetrable dark.

To this day, if he starts laughing, I RUN.

My condolences on your loss(es), Ant.

Hitler reacts to the fall of Afghanistan

newtboy says...

Right, Hitler could have won if Biden was president....just as long as Trump surrendered to the Nazis unconditionally 10 months before he's sworn in, abandoning Europe and pulling troops and equipment out of England before D day, and as long as Biden's dealing with a pandemic, a major recession, and a near dissolution of the union by violent coup all thanks to his predecessor's total lack of leadership.

Lol...did bunker baby's cultists just make up some nonsense about Biden hiding in the basement at Camp David!? Too funny, like we forgot who really hid in the basement repeatedly, and who actually invited the Taliban to Camp David to discuss Afghanistan's future and our withdrawal without the Afghan government being even notified, much less involved.

Such idiotic infantile whining, @bobknight33. Let's forget what a total disaster Trump's last year was in every way possible and blame all the messes he left on the guy who's cleaning them all up.

More yummy Maga tears. Keep em coming, we love these reminders of how butt hurt you still are 10 months after losing the election in a record loss....sore losers.

As US Withdraws from Afghanistan, Refugees Must Be Evacuated

newtboy says...

Just weeks ago Trump was bragging that it was ALL him, and Biden couldn't stop it even though he wanted to...Trump had sabotaged the military's readiness in the region to ensure his retreat was irreversible. Biden negotiated an extra 4 months, which SHOULD have been long enough to pull equipment and personnel if not for the fact they were both needed to facilitate Trump's retreat, and some was left behind in the unexpected rush to leave.

BTW, today Biden announced the military will remain until every American is evacuated, even if that's after Aug 30.

The RNC removed his rants taking credit from their websites, because they know his plan failed miserably and want to now blame Biden for Trump's one sided negotiations with terrorists (remember he tried to legitimize them with an invite to camp David, but realized kissing Muslim terrorists ass on live tv wasn't such a great idea after all when everyone in America loudly told him "NO!".)

Trump also left them with no process and no progress in the full year since he announced the withdrawal and released 5000 Taliban fighters with no prerequisites or punishments in the deal, and three months until his pullout date with still no plan to even get Americans out, much less allies, at least Biden is making some effort to make good on our promise to take them, although granted too little and too late. Still, his performance is head and shoulders above what he inherited, which was putting all asylum applications into the round file and pretending they weren't received, and washing their hands of any responsibility.

Epic fail...yes. ....30% on Bush, 20% Obama, 35% Trump's, 15% Biden's. Biden didn't put the opposing army back in the field without stipulations while totally sidelining the legitimate government then instantly surrender unconditionally, letting them destroy the government while we packed, closing bases that supplied support to the Afghanis....that was Trump, but Biden didn't anticipate the speed and totality of the takeover, a huge fail after seeing how fast Daesh took over.

It's astonishing anyone will work with us at all....America never keeps it's obligations unless it's convenient to do so, just ask Ukraine.

bobknight33 said:

The 1/2 ass withdraw lays at the feet of Biden.

Biden had the power to delay to the point when all weapons vehicles etc is disarmed or destroyed.

Also Biden left all the helpers who should be pulled out, left being only to be raped and killed.

Now the purging will begin.

Epic Fail.

Greenville Ca, 8-5-21 After Burning To The Ground Overnight

StukaFox says...

True story:

When the total solar eclipse was visible in the western United States, my friend Matt and I watched it in a little town called Detroit, Oregon.

Two years later, it burned to ground.

In mid-June of this year, Matt and I drove through Greenville on the way to our annual camping trip.


Hey, Bob, what town do you live in?

(just kidding!)

TangledThorns (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

“Beijing Biden” is so hilariously clueless….
…like you’re forgetting Tiananman Trump, who fully supported the genocide and re-education camps being used by China against the Wiegers and praised China and Xi for the exemplary job they did against COVID, including their transparency.
Did Biden have secret Chinese bank accounts they used to bribe him with? Not that we’ve seen….Trump did.
Did Biden’s children get paid tens of millions in “gifts” of patents like Trump’s kids? Some idiots claimed Hunter was gifted billions, but have no evidence of that, nor evidence he ever had 1% of the money that those people claim.
Did China rent out 3 full floors in Biden’s hotel for his entire tenure like they did at Trump’s hotel? Rooms they almost never used, btw. (Hint, Biden doesn’t have a hotel.)

TangledThorns said:

Still wearing a mask after getting vaccinated? Yeah... CDC, WHO and Beijing Biden are all morons. Meanwhile China is laughing for winning in germ warfare.

Land of Mine Trailer

newtboy says...

Thanks…I like to think what I cook up is entertaining, even when the menu doesn’t appeal.

Not kill kill kill, but definitely a lack of sympathy if it happened to some. I have no sympathy or tolerance for nazis and fascists, and I don’t see a thing wrong with that. Their atrocities at the time were unfathomable, and the youngsters could be more zealous and hateful than the adults.
I also learned about WW2 at an early age, preschool or kindergarten, I had an uncle who fought on a mobile howitzer in almost every major battle in Europe after D day, and helped liberate one of the smaller concentration camps, I can’t recall which one off hand. I heard first hand about man’s inhumanity towards man in details too graphic for children.
It’s just my worthless opinion though, it’s not like I pass judgment at The Hague or hunt down aged nazi youths. Who cares if I don’t sympathize with one group of young soldiers’ plight from almost 80 years ago? War is hell for all involved, there’s just not enough empathy for everyone.
I think the Nazis earned my disdain, if I don’t give it to them they might try to earn it again!

Yep, I’m on the West coast, in the one spot not baking like an oven, Humboldt, Ca. coast. We’re having low 70’s but overcast. I could use some more sun and warmth.

Who was the nazi?
What are my choices? In what context?
With no criteria, there are so many to choose from… I think I’ll take Mengele for the block.

luxintenebris said:

rather thought some of the ribs were delicious.

Land of Mine Trailer

newtboy says...

Hilarious….you need to ask why someone doesn’t like nazis?…but who said to kill them all? Wasn’t me.
Are you under the mistaken assumption that being a mine defuser is a death sentence, and they all died? Is that what happened in the movie? This was a German plan to have them earn their freedom and not starve to death in POW camps.

I can’t abide Nazis. If you feel the urge to defend nazis, that’s on you, buddy.

So, you’re just trolling then….or are you so dense you don’t see a difference between captive invading murderous soldiers who are around 16 and who were committing a genocide and non combatant children who are 10 and not indoctrinated into violent expansionist racist and murderous fascism? Nazi youth aren’t cub scouts….Jojo Rabbit wasn’t a historically accurate documentary.

If we had not abandoned Vietnam and our soldiers were captured instead, our soldiers there should have been forced to demine Vietnam and Cambodia, including the 15 year olds (the idea that non combatant children be sent there is brain numbingly ludicrous)(Dan Bullock (December 21, 1953 – June 7, 1969) was a United States Marine and the youngest U.S. serviceman killed in action during the Vietnam War, dying at the age of 15. Yes, we use youth soldiers too.).

The mines we left all over those countries have killed and maimed numerous generations, tens of thousands, and continue to do so to this day, and if I’m not mistaken, many POWs did clear mines during captivity. Leaving an active minefield on foreign soil should be a war crime if it isn’t already. It’s definitely targeting the civilian population once the war is over.

Wow. Remind me to never be around your family then. Everyone in my family knew it was wrong to invade and murder our neighbors because we like their stuff and land, and wrong to try to exterminate an entire ethnicity by the time we were 6. If you didn’t know that by 14, you have serious issues. Nazis exterminated the mentally feeble.

The young republicans aren’t a murderous group exterminating Jews, blacks, gays, and anyone not Republican…nazis were. If the young republicans were a murderous group like the nazis, any member should get the death penalty, even the murdering racist 15 year olds….young adults kill just as thoroughly as 35 year olds, their victims were just as terrified and are now just as dead.

The nazis didn’t have a tiny majority through which they controlled German politics, they had a monopoly. Another false equivelent. Christ on a cracker. If Trump had won in 2020, and used the Jan 6 attack on congress as a false pretext to outlaw any opposition to Republicans, taking over completely through violence and intimidation and held and consolidated power for nearly a decade you would be almost there. Holy Ghost on toast!

Are you shitting me. You equate these things, refusing vaccines, creating bad state laws disenfranchising voters, to accepting and participating in genocide. Just fucking wow, buddy. Stretch much? Almighty God on cod!

Old enough to murder, and you do it, you’re an adult. I don’t give a flying fuck if you’re 9. If you know what your doing when you put that gun to a Jews head and say “your children are next, you fucking kike” or a similar slur then pull the trigger, you just became an adult and eligible for the death penalty. We try 12 year olds as adults, but you would shield murderous hitler youth, many of whom turned in their own parents for liquidation, from responsibility from committing genocide among other disgusting atrocities. These kids aren’t Jojo Rabbit. Mother Mary with her cherry!

Besides…as I informed you, it was the German commander who had the idea and gave the order. At least get mad at the right nation.

You said “ but just can't get my head around putting children in a minefield. no matter the justification. that'd be just as bad as anything the nazis could ever do: lose any sense of humanity.”
1) you have lost your ever loving mind if you think a little danger is as bad as anything the nazis could ever do….you simply have no fucking idea what you’re talking about. The atrocities the nazis committed make clearing a minefield they layed look like a nice summer job with a friendly and generous boss by comparison. Try abasination, sewing twins together, seeing how long people can live without skin, raping people to death, melting people alive in acids, starving babies, stomping babies, gassing entire populations, etc. you really climbed so far up on that high horse you can’t see reality anymore. Sweet Zombie Jesus!
2) it was something the nazis did. This was a nazi plan from a nazi officer. Get it straight. The nazis did this, not the allies. That’s what I mean by learn the history instead of getting mad over a story….you are upset over fiction….and defending nazis in your outrage over nothing.

You have a problem. Your position is that nazis shouldn’t have to take any responsibility for their actions…apparently going so far as excusing college age men for fascist, racist genocide because you know some people that age who made some mistakes. (I say that proves my point that just as being older doesn’t mean making better decisions, being younger doesn’t mean you can’t make good decisions. I learned to not hurt other people except in defense in preschool.)

I say if you pick up that gun and march, you’re a soldier and responsible for your actions. If you kill, you’re a killer, no matter your age.

luxintenebris said:

what's beef w/the Hilter youth?

can't abide w/the kill all the baby adolphs vibe. seems extreme. even by WWII standards. just the bare fact that children were used to defuse bombs isn't what one would call kosher. if that was the right of the winning side, one hell of a lot of bombs lying around in Laos and Vietnam - what about sending our Boy Scouts over to take care of the US mess they left?

anyway - not meaning to be mean - at 14 most are not at the level of being correctly called 'idiots'. if you don't know - you just f'n' don't know!

christ on a cracker...know folks who now question what they were thinking joining the Young Republicans - - - AND THEY WERE OF COLLEGE AGE!!!

what is freaky is the line "If the majority of Germans weren't complicit, the Nazis would have never come to power."

2016 mean anything? and that's the MINORITY of Americans!

christ on a cracker...what's the situation on the COVID vaccines? on voting bills? on any f'n' bill or issue in this land? the MINORITY is having their day keeping the rest in the dark.
[2nd Amendment but screw the other 26...or 24...cause 21 cancels 18 = 0]

as you said "History isn't nearly as cut and dry as it's presented, neither are war crimes"
as he said, "And as with most things, particularly in times of war, it's complicated."
but just can't get my head around putting children in a minefield. no matter the justification. that'd be just as bad as anything the nazis could ever do: lose any sense of humanity.

Land of Mine Trailer

newtboy says...

Big assumption. Many Hitler youth made the choice to fight for Germany, and joined on their own before children were being drafted.

As for those that were conscripted, is it your position that draftees are somehow immune from responsibility for murdering their neighbors, women, children, rapes, burning towns, or planting millions of landmines on foreign soil, etc? How convenient for them. I don't believe that's a popular or legal position.

I take responsibility for my actions. If their fate was mine, I would be eternally grateful I was treated so much better than I would have treated them if the tables were turned. I would be part of an invading Nazi army, trying to undo just a tiny bit of the damage we had caused, doing so at the direction of my superiors just like when I caused the situation. I would deserve execution, not release. This assumes I wouldn't have the spine to refuse to be a Nazi and be imprisoned or executed.

If the majority of Germans weren't complicit, the Nazis would have never come to power. You give them far too much credit. From the holocaust encyclopedia- "Opposition to the Nazi regime also arose among a very small number of German youth, some of whom resented mandatory membership in the Hitler Youth." Same with adults, the opposition was a minority by far, not the majority of Germans. Who told you that?

"Survived the fighting"? "Here"? "They"? Please finish your thoughts so they have meaning. You seem to be equating Nazi soldiers with the Jews they tried to eradicate. What?!?

The Geneva convention we know today was ratified in 1949. The accords of 1929 were found to be totally insufficient to protect POWs, civilians, infrastructure, etc. Yes, Germany did appear violate it's vague did the allies. That's why it was strengthened in 49.

What provision of the 1929 version do you claim this violates?

Articles 20, 21, 22, and 23 states that officers and persons of equivalent status who are prisoners of war shall be treated with the regard due their rank and age and provide more details on what that treatment should be.
Articles 27 to 34 covers labour by prisoners of war. Work must fit the rank and health of the prisoners. The work must not be war-related and must be safe work. ("Safe" and "war related" being intentionally vague and unenforceable).
Please explain the specific violation that makes mine removal a "war crime". It's not war related, the war was over, and it's "safe" if done properly.
Since this was done at the direction of German officers, the convention as written then doesn't apply.

Death camp!!! LOL. Now I know you aren't serious.
"The removal was part of a controversial agreement between the German Commander General Georg Lindemann, the Danish Government and the British Armed Forces, under which German soldiers with experience in defusing mines would be in charge of clearing the mine fields.
This makes it a case of German soldiers under German officers and NCOs clearing mines under the agreement of the German commander in Denmark who remained at his post for a month after the surrender - this means Germany accepted that they had responsibility to remove the mines - they just had far too few experienced mine clearance experts and far too many “drafted” mine clearers with no real experience in doing so." So, if it's a war crime, it's one the Germans committed against themselves.

I'm happy to say that anything done to a Nazi soldier is ethical, age notwithstanding. Many Nazi youth were more zealous and violent than their adult counterparts. Removing their DNA from the gene pool would have been ethical, but illegal. Taking their country to create Israel would have been ethical, but didn't happen.

At the time, there were few mechanical means of mine removal, they didn't work on wet ground, they required a tank and that the area be pre-cleared of anti tank mines, they often get stuck on beaches, and had just over a 50% clearance rate, cost $300-$1000 per mine removed, and they were in extremely short supply after the war. The Germans volunteered in this instance. Now, the Mine Ban Treaty gives each state the primary responsibility to clear its own mines, just like this agreement did.

So you know, the film is fiction, not history. Maybe read up on the real history before attacking countries over a fictional story. History isn't nearly as cut and dry as it's presented, neither are war crimes.

psycop said:

These boys neither chose the age of conscription nor to go to war. Given their age and the time in the war, they would have been forcably made to fight. If you had the misfortune to be born then and there, thier fate could be yours.

Being in the German army did not imply being a Nazi, the majority of the German population were victims as well, pointlessly lead to slaughter by monsters.

Those of them that would have survived the fighting ended up here. They didn't feed them. They worked until they died. They expected them to die. They wanted them to die.

The Geneva Conventions were signed in 1929 making this an official war crime if that's important to you. I'd say the law does not define ethics, and I'd be happy to say this is wrong regardless of the treaty.

As for alternatives for mine clearance. I'm not a military expert, but I believe there are techniques, equipment, tools or vehicles that can be used to reduce the risk to operators. Frankly it's besides the point. Just because someone cannot think of a solution they prefer over running a death camp, does not mean they are not free to do so.

If you have the time, I'd recommend watching the film. It's excellent. And as with most things, particularly in times of war, it's complicated.

Land of Mine Trailer

psycop says...

These boys neither chose the age of conscription nor to go to war. Given their age and the time in the war, they would have been forcably made to fight. If you had the misfortune to be born then and there, thier fate could be yours.

Being in the German army did not imply being a Nazi, the majority of the German population were victims as well, pointlessly lead to slaughter by monsters.

Those of them that would have survived the fighting ended up here. They didn't feed them. They worked until they died. They expected them to die. They wanted them to die.

The Geneva Conventions were signed in 1929 making this an official war crime if that's important to you. I'd say the law does not define ethics, and I'd be happy to say this is wrong regardless of the treaty.

As for alternatives for mine clearance. I'm not a military expert, but I believe there are techniques, equipment, tools or vehicles that can be used to reduce the risk to operators. Frankly it's besides the point. Just because someone cannot think of a solution they prefer over running a death camp, does not mean they are not free to do so.

If you have the time, I'd recommend watching the film. It's excellent. And as with most things, particularly in times of war, it's complicated.

newtboy said:

If you're old enough to go to war, you're old enough to clean up your mess.
Truer words were never said.
These kids should be eternally grateful they weren't treated the same way Germany treated POWs.

Unmasked and Entitled - a Karen monologue set to music

newtboy says...

The problem with that is, as they burn, they incubate mutations with the possibility of making all the vaccinations and immunity useless against the new strain. That's why vaccination should be mandatory, with the only opt out option being quarantine in a secure camp. Let them burn, but apart, far away from everyone who was a responsible citizen.

Mystic95Z said:

Haha, got what she deserved lol.

I am at the point though where I think ALL mask mandates should be dropped except maybe in schools being kids cant get the shot yet. Vaccines are widely available now for the adult population and sadly it seems that vaccination rates are plummeting. I got mine and do not care to have to wear a mask all the time when out just because a bunch of loons wont get vaccinated. Let them burn...

‘This is not a zoo’: Biden administration blocks filming

Anom212325 says...

"Sorry, there's no cult of Biden." Saying that in the same breath as all the dribble you just posted. lol what's wrong with you? You are obsessed with Trump being the devil. You just have to shout it with all your cult-like might. The guy isn't even in power anymore yet you need a diaper change every post you make. Your obsessed brainwashed little brain can't understand that non-Americans DONT LIKE TRUMP AND DONT LIKE BIDEN! Also what did I expect, Americans can't read past a headline of an article.

Those gaps would not have been there if Biden didn't freeze the construction. Like it or not half of the US want the wall and it was paid for. Stoping it was cutting off your nose to spite the face. Biden realized that hence the plan to finish it. The point of the article if you read past the headline was how bad Biden is handling the border crisis of his own making. Just like trump fucked up handling it Biden is doing the exact same.

Let me just get this straight. Trump child border camp bad. Biden child border camp good. Trump border crisis bad. Biden border crises good. Trump speaking like a senile Bad. Biden speaking like a senile good. Am I getting it right ?
Derp indeed.

You would think shouting and blaming everybody else for spreading fake news you would be more diligent... You're so blinded by your hate anybody who posts about your hypocrisy must be a trump supporter.
This is why the world hate Americans... Self centred fucks.

newtboy said:

LMFAHS!!!! Bobby? That is you, isn't it? This is the kind of total non sequitur, irrational, fact free, second grade level "argument" I expect from you. Not sure why you quoted me, you didn't address a single point I made with your rambling rant.

The delusion and lack of self awareness is strong with this one.

Sorry, there's no cult of Biden. Democrats still have functioning brains, unlike Trumpists who believe eating fresh babies make people younger and gives them magic powers, that vaccines have invisible Microsoft microchips that will take over their brains so George Soros can force them to become transsexual communists, and that when you lose an election the patriotic thing to do is stage a deadly coup. The right lost it's mind in 2015 and has never seen a doctor.

If Biden shot someone in cold blood, Democrats would demand prosecution and ostracize him. When Trump said it, he meant it, and the crowd of magamorons cheered in unanimous agreement. Derp?

Not a bit sure what you mean by linking an article about Biden considering completing some of the useless fencing Trump replaced existing barriers with. No surprise, most of the "wall" Trump brags about replaced existing barriers, many more functional than his fence design that is just gawd awful, easy to push down and drive trucks through and that can't even stand up in wind, but also weren't completed and often ended up being maybe 100 yards of fence, then 20 yards of nothing, then another 100 yards of fence, then more gaps, etc. Those unfinished repair/replacement projects are worthless wastes of billions if not finished, and often made the border more porous, not more secure, because they replaced functional (if imperfect) barriers. You think you have some point to make because Biden is considering finishing those projects to at least fix the holes Trump left, and plans to fund them legally through congress not by illegal executive orders taking money earmarked by congress for military family housing and handing it to his donors brand new construction companies for no bid contracts like Trump did, against court orders no less? I just don't know what you think that means, how it's a bad thing Biden is doing by not just ignoring problems created by the ineptitude of the previous administration but instead being presidential, or how it defends Trump's disastrous record, which seems to be your objective.

Hmmmm.....more snowflake tears, yummy.

‘This is not a zoo’: Biden administration blocks filming

newtboy says...

I mean what I said. Trump (and his subordinates at his direction) made up new regulations, New laws, New restrictions, New limits, new procedures, and new rules that combined made it not just harder but often impossible for people who, before Trump under any administration would have been quickly granted asylum in accordance with the law. He also slowed the process for legally applying, limited the number allowed to apply in a way never done before, and created new systems where instead of waiting in the country they had to wait in another country with no services in crime ridden refugee camps if they're lucky, sometimes sent south of Mexico, many instructed to go home and wait, homes they fled under direct and credible threats of death or worse....many after having their children taken.

Trump did not simply "enforce current laws". He changed them, misinterpreted them, ignored them repeatedly and flagrantly, then enforced those he liked. Consistently the intent was to minimize any immigration as much as possible from countries that aren't predominantly white. Not once was the intent to streamline the system so it would improve, every step was designed to slow the process and deny entry to as many people as possible, even those with legitimate life or death reasons for asylum. He even changed those rules to exclude narco terrorism death threats to be a reason for asylum, not because they aren't valid but because there are too many.

When you personally create the "law" you're enforcing by (often illegally) changing the rules and established interpretation of long standing law and policy to make following the law near impossible and often deadly, you don't get credit as if that's being a humanitarian just enforcing the law. Duh.

Edit: BTW Mr law and order, Trump never followed the law in his business dealings nor with his taxes or his loans (hyperexagerated his property values on loan documents, while minimizing their value on tax forms). His best excuse? His claim that he's not a real businessman and didn't even bother to read the loan and tax documents he swore were correct because he had no idea if they were.....His claim that everyone does that, everyone is a tax cheater and bank fraud perpetrator, is asinine.....but exposes him as the criminal fraud we all know he is, not a man who respects the law.

bobknight33 said:

you state ..added more restrictions and insurmountable...

You really mean Trump enforced the LAW.

‘This is not a zoo’: Biden administration blocks filming

newtboy says...

Wait....I drink a line by the gallon? Probably better if you don't try to use metaphors, buddy. You don't know how.

Trump's plan? Working? Which one?
His plan to start a depression and epidemic concurrently, making America less appealing?
Or his plan to deny entry to even unaccompanied minors, leaving them alone in Mexico, ripe for abuse with no protections?

You know Biden is continuing the rest of the Trump plan so far, only letting unaccompanied minors across into refugee Trump did until he caught flack for caging them and denying it....don't you? Probably not. OANN isn't telling you that, and you abdicated your ability to think for yourself long ago.
No one opened the border. You're being lied to again by the same asshats that convinced you of the election fraud fraud. Why do you keep begging them to mislead you? Why do you so enjoy being a misinformed idiot, Bob?

It's odd you aren't complaining about caging them in over crowded camps (which I see as an abject failure by Biden's administration)...perhaps you can foresee the ridicule you might get for complaining about the same thing you defended Trump over?

If Trump's failed fence worked at all, there wouldn't be any making it....but it doesn't work at's usually less secure than what it replaced. It can be cut through in minutes with battery operated grinders and takes days to repair. Some fell down from wind. Almost any section can be pulled down with a car and a chain in seconds. He removed imperfect barriers in favor of useless fencing, making it easy to drive truckloads of anything across the border at will. Thanks Trump....great plan.

I would admit, Biden isn't doing better at preparing for the numbers of refugee children, and he hasn't changed policy much beyond not abandoning children to the cartel sex trade, but treating refugee children like refugee children and not like criminal lowlifes is a step in the right direction. Now we need the infrastructure to handle them. For the money wasted on Trump's legacy fence we could have built it already and could have a functioning immigration system, but Trump had to have that fence....that Mexico didn't pay for.

Note, the main reason people are coming is narco terrorism, created by the war on drugs and made exponentially worse when Trump cut international funding to fight it when his ass wasn't properly kissed by other country's leaders. End the failed war on drugs and use that money to fight organised crime in central America and the flood will be a trickle overnight. Of course, the right has no interest in that, and ignore the evidence of how well decriminalization works.


bobknight33 said:

You really drink the leftest line by the gallon.

Trumps plan was working.
Biden plan was come on in and open the flood gates. No planning on trying to figure out how many people are out there ready to storm the gates..... He just open the doors and got a stampede.

kinda like Thanksgiving
Black Friday Stampede and Fight at Wal Mart -

Mom Says Neighbors Repeatedly Call Cops On Her Kids

StukaFox says...

Dude, you live in West Sacramento, so shut the fuck up. If you wanted to live somewhere nice, you would have moved to the Fab 40s or Land Park. Instead, you bought a cheap-ass house in a cheap-ass area because you're a cheap-ass prick, so suck it up.

You're lucky that bangers aren't drive-by'ing your house 24/7, because that's what West Sac was like in the 80s. The only reason anyone ever went to West Sac was to buy drugs, usually from me. That place was fucking anarchy for decades. My friend and sales associate used to down a 5th of Jack, then camp out on his back porch with a .22 and shoot rats off the power lines. Occasionally, he actually hit one instead of blacking out the whole block. Then, once he was done dealing with the local wildlife, he'd move on to blowing off M-80s and M-100s at 4 in the morning. That's what West Sac used to be like on a quiet night. When shit got rowdy -- a day we called 'pretty much any hot summer day' -- the fun was fully uncorked. Shootings, fires, more shootings, vandalism, fist-fights, street robberies, SO much more shooting, an increase in drug sales and thus my income; even the cops stayed off the streets on nights like that.

This idiot wouldn't have lasted five minutes in West Sac back then. Fucking skateboarding -- shit.

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