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Whole Foods Anti-gay Slur

ulysses1904 says...

Agreed. Who doesn't look at a cake in the store that they just paid to have some custom writing or design?

Khufu said:

In the video the box is not covered or anything, so he could have seen what it said right there... and he still pays for it and doesn't notice until he gets into the car? Yup, lies. But why?

Whole Foods Anti-gay Slur

Whole Foods Anti-gay Slur

oritteropo (Member Profile)

radx says...

I have no doubt he's on the take in some way or another and I'd be surprised if he wasn't laundering money through offshore accounts. However, Poroshenko is right there on the list and given how the German media has been pro Poroshenko/Yatsenyuk, having Putin on the cover of this story is just the icing on the cake.

That said, I don't really care about the officials or, generally speaking, the high profile cases. The fixers are more interesting, including the individuals set up as fake directors on dozens if not hundreds of shell companies -- a perfect entry into the network. Sueddeutsche has already provided graphs of how many shell companies large German banks have created through MossFon. In the lead, as you will have guessed, is Deutsche Bank, as always when we're talking shady business.

The fact that a German lawyer by the name of Jürgen Mossack co-founded MossFon might motivate same folks to at least dig deeper into MossFon, which would be a start.

oritteropo said:

I think that's just because people found it quite suspicious that close associates of Putin were on the list. Isn't it the point that his name wouldn't be found?

Our local coverage is more interested in Wilson Security (one of the companies employed to staff our Gulags) and the Kwok brothers, but Putin and Sigmundur Davíð Gunnlaugsson have been mentioned too (and Lionel Messi).

omg!... omg!... omg!...HOLY SHIT!

omg!... omg!... omg!...HOLY SHIT!

Payback says...

While the shrooms can give one more control over the size of their Cougars, it is decidedly easier to just feed them the cake.

sillma said:

Can get up to 5' at the shoulder? Man, where are you getting your shrooms from?

You can't have your cake and eat it too

Portal v((ersus)s) Half-Life (HL)

Portal v((ersus)s) Half-Life (HL)

Portal v((ersus)s) Half-Life (HL)

John Oliver: Voting

John Oliver: Voting

bobknight33 says...

It a right for Americans.

With all the illegals , some 30 million an official ID is not a bad thing. Getting an ID is not that difficult.

Leftest crying foul.

But lets not over react when one baker does not want to bake a gay cake.

The Most Satisfying Video Ever Made

how social justice warriors are problematic

ChaosEngine says...

Fuck gamergate. They are not, never have and never will be about "ethics in journalism".

They are straight-up misogynistic assholes that make me ashamed to be associated with an art medium/hobby that I've been involved with for over 30 years.

Let's just put this in context. They claim they are against the collusion of game companies and journalists.

First up, the specific instance they targeted was not a conflict of interest. There are absolutely, undoubtedly, HUGE collusions between game reviewers and games, but gg ignored all those because they were for AAA mainstream games that gg likes and instead accused journalists of giving higher review scores to indie games.

Here's a fucking hint: go read some movie reviews, and tell me if you see movie critics favouring indie movies over blockbusters. Of course they do. People who are seriously into something almost always prefer a niche product. See also: craft beer vs budweiser, restaurants vs McDonalds, etc. I could go on.

But here's the cheery on the big cake of poo.

When a games journalist dared to express an opinion against an otherwise well-reviewed game*, what did gamergate do? Applaud their journalistic integrity in offering a dissenting opinion?

Nope: they started a fucking campaign to get the game company to blacklist the reviewer.

The hypocrisy is simply staggering.

And I haven't even mentioned the doxing, the rape threats and so on.

Once again, fuck gamergate. Frankly, they're on a par with the KKK as far as I'm concerned.

* polygon gave Bayonetta 2 a score of 7.5/10 because the reviewer felt it was juvenille and over sexualised. gg started a campaign to get nintendo to block polygon. Nintendo, to their credit, ignored the little fucktards.

PORTAL (Teens React: Gaming)

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