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Secret Service July 14th

newtboy says...

It wasn’t a democrat.
He wasn’t progressive.
It wasn’t an undocumented immigrant.
It wasn’t an LGBTQ+ person.
It wasn’t an African American.
It wasn’t any of the people he says are “poisoning the blood of America”.
It was a young white male registered Republican conservative gun advocate.

He was also a TERRIBLE shot, kicked off the high school shooting team for missing every target and hitting one wall of the range from the other side of the range. Classmates say he was conservative, a loner, a gun advocate but poor shot, and loved to make terrible insulting far right jokes.
Many have said he was bullied mercilessly daily in high school.
Don’t let the lying right try to paint him as a Democrat like they have already tried to do…claiming with zero evidence that he registered Republican to vote against Trump…classmates say he was staunchly conservative. He is one of theirs, unequivocally, undeniably, 100% red.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

😂 That’s the most delusional thing you’ve said lately. 😂

Why not go full nutjob and say “he’s going to come out with a hot prison body.”? It’s just as true. 😂

I bet the threat is enough to stop him from talking shit, at least until he forgets. If he honestly thought being put in jail would be good for him, he would violate the order again today…let’s watch.

He’s going to commit suicide within days of surrendering for his sentence…he’s the biggest coward ever and will never be able to live in prison, not even in a cushy club fed under protective custody, and absolutely not in Rikers Island so jail terrifies him.

I hate to tell you but going to prison or jail disqualifies him to people not in the cult…I know you don’t know any besides me. Most people want a president who is still allowed to vote and own firearms….and who can travel and meet foreign leaders and who can read documents and write orders, prisoner Trump can do none of that, he cannot have a pen or paper clip, can’t get briefings, documents, or visitors. How, exactly, you morons think he can lead from prison is beyond me…but not thinking it through is your MO.
That’s ok though, the public testimony and evidence proving he’s a liar and business fraud and cheater and election interferer and tax fraud have turned most independents away, the polls reflect that, as do all early elections.
His disastrous VP pick hasn’t helped one bit, it’s only reminded people that Trump also hates dogs and has no qualms about putting viscous and proud puppy killers in power. Normal people find that disqualifying…both for her and the man who chose her as your best.

It absolutely looks like we are going to find out. The chances he’s not going to prison are near zero…because he’s absolutely guilty of all charges and has absolutely zero idea how to put on a legal defense. Almost every time he’s been in court he’s lost, because lies and bullying don’t work in a courtroom and it’s his only move.

bobknight33 said:

Jailing Trump will only make him stronger.

Afroman - Hunter Got High

newtboy says...

Poor Afroman, he must have really needed the money to sell out for this stupidity. It’s obvious he didn’t write it, it’s far too uninspired and 5 years late.

Hunter Biden lives rent free in that empty space between your ears, @bobknight33, and he’s never held office or made policy. 😂
He’s a private citizen who’s been exonerated of all but the most minor gun and tax crimes, crimes Trump has committed himself but much worse by buying the “Trump gun” while out on pretrial release and evading hundreds of millions in taxes through fraud.

1) Hunter never raped a woman.
2) Hunter never had to pay to hide his affairs, covering up his lack of loyalty even to family.
3) Hunter didn’t try to foment a coup.
4) Hunter is a private citizen, the left should start investigating the Trump kids including Barron who it’s guaranteed is a huge bully with multiple secret payoffs to quite angry parents, Don jr has a blatant cocaine problem, test his hair, Melania is a soft core porn star and mail order bride never forget, Ivanka sold state secrets with her husband, Eric is just a moron…special prosecutor time.

Navy Vet Delivers Major WAKE UP CALL

newtboy says...

Funny how weak insecure bullies always seem to think self-centered self-agrandizing faux machismo makes you “tough” and strong civic-minded considerate civility is “weak”.
When the chips are down, reality proves them wrong every time…but they just never learn.

School Board cuts off parent

newtboy says...

This is not a response,Bob, it’s a tantrum. Zero information contained in your post because you have none, zero attempt to contradict a single letter I wrote because you can’t, just whining as usual.
Wanna try again? This was a particularly weak reply, not even a good attempted insult, and more proof you have the education of a second grader who is failing English.

Your other posts were liars reading student written creative writing papers and pretending they were books that are part of the curriculum, why would anyone actually believe anything you people present. I just assume any MAGgot saying something political is lying and I haven’t been wrong yet. Even if this were a real book available at school, I explained clearly why it’s still not sexual, it’s about bullying….bullying you likely support in practice but pretend hearing “dick in the mouth” is going to turn kids gay, because you are a moron that doesn’t understand anything and gets his positions from consummate liars who benefit from your ignorance.

Bob—you haven’t recognized reality for at least 14 years, likely longer. The list of nonsensical lies you’ve spouted in your tenure here is so long if you were Pinocchio you could single handedly save the timber industry.

BTW- you should know, in order to be insulted by your tantrums, I would need to value your opinion, and I just don’t. When YOU try to insult me, it’s a compliment…an exceedingly poorly written compliment... Thanks.

bobknight33 said:

"First, the book is likely not a real school book."

Newt -- you beyond being blind from reality.

School Board cuts off parent

newtboy says...

Told you you wouldn’t understand. I put it right in your face, yet you cannot comprehend.
First, the book is likely not a real school book.
Second, it describes bullying, not sex acts.

My take is he’s reading about a bully taunting a gay kid….something that happens daily in most schools beyond 1st grade today.
If you think every 6th grader in America hasn’t heard, even used the exact same insult then you are insane.
Scratch that. No if/then statement required here.
You are insane.
Every 6th grader in America has heard most have used some variation of that insult.
This was likely a high school, not a convent preschool. Grow up, or home school and make more ignorami.
This is in schools already, which is more than enough justification to teach about it.
This is normal prime time broadcast tv conversation, but makes you go nuts.

You didn’t notice the two young kids in the audience…why wasn’t his display completely inappropriate in front of children then? In his and your tiny brains you think it’s perfectly fine to read these things to children if it helps your hate filled anti-freedom movement.

Edit: If you want to protect school children from disgusting indoctrination into groups known for abusing children sexually, start banning any mention of religion from schools and keep MAGA republicans away. No other group is more likely to sexually abuse children than the Christian church besides possibly NAMBLA….but Republican politicians are a close third.

It’s not the dick in mouth part you can’t stand or find offensive, it has nothing to do with the act, it’s the mental image of two men that you can’t stop thinking about that’s getting you amped up. You know it, I know it, we all know it. Homophobes are always angry at themselves for having homosexual thoughts they’re afraid to act on….always.

What a delusional fool you are.

bobknight33 said:

:You wouldn’t understand if I explained."

There is no justification for this to be in schools.

MAGA liars --------- It is in you face and yet you do not see.

A fool you are.

School Board cuts off parent

newtboy says...

You wouldn’t understand if I explained.
Suffice it to say when you MAGA liars speak in school board meetings you lie every single time, usually by bringing in books you were told are being given to children in other districts that you pretend are in yours, but in fact aren’t in any.

Asking “suck any good dicks lately” as an insult in a book is educational, it shows how homophobic conservative bullies act, and may well show how to deal with them in the next paragraph. It is not some homosexual sex act being described, it’s homophobic bullying being described. There’s your lie. You don’t understand, do you?

Remember the stupidity about children being treated as cats with classroom litter boxes? Remember CRT in 1st grade classes? 99.999% of what you scream about never existed, and in most cases it would be better if it did, but your ilk prefers ignorance to knowledge, it makes your irrational hatred much more palatable to yourself when you intentionally don’t know better.

bobknight33 said:

He read the book.

How is it a lie?

Mr Tool

Police Officer Attempts To ILLEGALLY Search Journalist

newtboy says...

DMV is private property!?! Then give me back the public money that pays for it asshat!
More examples of why I say if you see a cop on fire, get him a can of gasoline to put it out. Statistically you’ll be guaranteed you are doing the world a service. Liars have no value, liars who are also bullies with authority are the worst kind of criminals that deserve the worst possible punishment.
I don’t blame the private security guard. She’s only there to enforce policy, not laws. (unless she is an off duty police officer, then she should know basic laws)

The idiotic officers that don’t know basic civics and law…like that public/government owned buildings are public property, and that constitutional rights override any unofficial policy…should be fired immediately. They are going to cost taxpayers millions for going hands on and violating someone’s civil rights, guaranteed.
Had he not been so obviously recording/streaming, he would certainly have gone away in cuffs at a minimum.

Fartwell gets call out

newtboy says...

Which truth? Lizard people infiltrated government?
Pizza pedophile rings operating in inter dimensional spaces that don’t exist in our dimension but are definitely real?
Jewish space lasers cause most wildfires?
Covid 19 is a bio weapon attack against the US?
School shootings are all false flags?
Clinton is a clone?
Biden isn’t president? Biden is a clone? Biden is a robot? Trump is really still running the country in secret?
Trump is weeding out pedophiles (not befriending them and putting them in his inner circle again)?
Obama isn’t American?
Moon landing is fake, all astronauts actors?
9/11 didn’t involve airplanes or Saudis and was an inside job by the Jews?

Which is your “truth”?

Traitor Greene? Who knows, she spreads her legs for anyone that can stand the stench, then lies about her affairs even after being caught red handed. She hung out with Trump, so She’s absolutely slept with spies. There’s infinitely more evidence of that than there is about Swalwell (because there’s absolutely none about Swalwell), and you know it.

Really…she fundraised for his campaign, zero evidence she was ever his lover. There’s absolutely zero evidence he had any personal relationship with her like 2 mayors did. One US mayor described as older and “from an obscure city’’ in the Midwest called Fang his “girlfriend” at a conference in Washington, DC, in 2014 (likely Republican), the other sexual encounter involving Fang and an Ohio mayor (likely Republican) was also caught on FBI surveillance. You love to assume…and you are always wrong in your assumptions. Derp

Every accusation an admission. We know Republicans suck, that’s why they’re below 25% favorability. We know they’re anti American, they tried to overthrow America and since they failed have tried to actually defund police, fbi, DOJ, and suggested we should suspend the constitution. You don’t get more anti American…but we knew that.
We know Republicans want to return to pre-civil war era laws when any non whites and women did as they were told or died, when a lynching was celebrated not frowned upon. It’s no secret.
We know Republicans are trying to legalize sex with 12 year olds and are constantly getting caught having sex with children and covering for those who are having sex with children.
We know Republicans try to sell the blatant lie that human caused climate change isn’t real, but also invest based on climate science. Watch the money, not the flapping lips. I don’t see you investing in cheap low lying beach front property in Florida.

So, you say well over 1/2 of Americans are blind ignorant people…but you also try to say you love and respect America? ROTFLMFAHS! 🤦‍♂️
Only insanely ignorant racist fascists vote Republican. That’s a lot, but not enough to win elections, and independents see you as the anti American infantile bullies and snowflake thin skinned morons you are now. Good job!

bobknight33 said:

Q probably pushed more truth than the fake news did.

Traitor Greene -- What spy did she sleep with or what spy was her driver?

" Salwell slept with Feng, there’s zero evidence of that," --- Really Shes slept her way around with Democrat politicians in CA and finally ended up dicking fartwell.

Look Democrats suck and are Anti American.
They enslave blacks and only want their vote.
They push gender bending and false climate change.

Only blind ignorant people vote democrat.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

So….Mike Pillow for RNC Chair. Endorsed by Trump.
Yes please.
Nothing could possibly end the party faster than putting a bat shit crazy crack head in the top party position and a convict as your presidential candidate with an ignorant crazy Karen as his VP.
Always running to the lowest common denominator, and in your case that’s LOW. Like pedophilic Nazi on meth low.

Wannabe Werewolf Walker saying people under 35 shouldn’t get to vote (because they aren’t voting for him), and anyone (on the left) with any complaint against America should leave and lose their citizenship (not realizing his entire campaign is about complaints he has against America) is pretty much perfectly on brand….this was in response to a question about children being bullied online.

And Elon, by removing misinformation rules and fact checkers and bringing back the crazed right wing nuts spreading misinformation and planning terrorism on Twitter, has violated Apple’s terms of service, prompting them to 1) stop advertising on Twitter (around $200 million per year) and 2) consider removing the app, meaning all apple products can’t download or update the app…essentially killing Twitter.
He tweeted that he carried the sink in to “let this sink in” when he took over, but now it’s clear it was just his intent to “sink” the company from the start. He’s personally lost $100 billion in net worth so far, and still plummeting. That’s making it harder to get funding for his other companies. Tesla is down 55% ytd. “All in” is not looking great these days. It’s always a huge risk. Can’t say you weren’t warned.

VW makes a better office chair

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Sweet Zombie Jeebus.
In 2014, when Biden was VP, Tucker and Susie Carlson wrote to Hunter begging him to pull some strings to get Tucker’s son into Georgetown University…ending their letter with “Tucker and I have the greatest respect and admiration for you. Always!”
Loves Hunter when he needs something, hates him with a passion now that he’s useless. Same Hunter.

Tucker’s child is now a communications director for a far right senator, a position for which he has zero experience, hired right out of college as a staff assistant at $40k (nice cushy entry job), quickly increased to $65k, 6 months later became communications director for $75k, which was quickly and quietly raised up to $130k. Not normal.
There’s no doubt at all that he was hired and advanced solely to gain favor with Tucker and the ultra Maggots. Tucker just publicly lambasted the entire office he works in because someone dared to mention he wasn’t there on his merits, he’s there because his daddy can help your campaign…he can’t even stand up for himself and needs daddy to come bully all his workmates because one said something completely true about him.

You might keep that in mind the next time Tucker gets you riled up about Hunter….Tucker went begging to Hunter, asking for special treatment for his son and groveling because he really believes it’s all who you know and who you’re related to, not ability, that should determine success. Tucker doesn’t believe in meritocracy for himself or his family. None of you do.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Aaaaahahahahaha!! Trump is threatening to sue CNN for saying he’s a big liar spreading his big lie. His claim….it’s his “belief”, so when he says it he’s not lying…not that it’s true, not that he can prove it, just that he believes the lie and that magically makes it not a lie.
He will never sue because 1) he has no case at all 2) he’s terrified of discovery and they would gain access to all the Jan 6 documentation he’s hidden from the committee, and 3) it’s a slapp lawsuit, which he would lose badly and be forced to pay millions in restitution and punitive damages for a frivolous lawsuit designed to silence critics….to anyone he sues.

Derp! What a sad, powerless little bully, enraged that no one takes his threats seriously anymore.

Also, his Saudi Arabia PR golf tournament is losing him so much Republican support. The FBI has said definitively that the Saudi government was directly involved in 9/11…not just the 15/19 terrorists being Saudis, but Saudi intelligence agents supplied them with funding, lodging, and “travel assistance”.
Trump was well aware of this, but chose to keep it secret to protect the crown prince and billions in arms sales. Biden declassified this information and stopped protecting those that attacked America.
Birds of a feather….no wonder Trump likes the terroristic draconian Saudis. I wonder how 9/11 Rudy feels about it.

Side note, the sedition caucus voted against helping victims of human trafficking. Their press conference celebrating protecting perpetrators of human trafficking was disrupted when Gaetz was asked if he’s a pedophile and instead of answering “no” he and the rest literally ran away in fear.

Second side note- Republican senator Mike Braun has said the quiet part out loud and proclaimed the right’s next move is to make interracial marriage a state right, not federally guaranteed, so states whose legislature is controlled by Republicans who are against it can ban it, just like abortion. I’m sure you won’t admit you see that as racist, but everyone else does.
Next comes voting rights for non whites and women, they need to be barefoot in the field, or barefoot, pregnant, and always silent and submissive anyway, right?

Will Smith smacks Chris Rock on stage at Oscars Uncensored

BSR says...

I doubt Chris will press charges. I think Will will apologize and realize he was a showoff bully asshole and carry the guilt with him and regret his actions.

If not, he is a good actor and can fake it. Or maybe he watched Bill Maher's latest show and thought he was being the man's man and defending his woman.

What I do know is that he made the Oscars all about him. He stole the show.

Now... if you don't mind, I'm going to Google Bald Jokes.

Ohio GOP Primary Debate

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