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ant (Member Profile)

Doug Stanhope: High on Shrooms AGAIN

shagen454 says...

yeah, it honestly seems like his depression bubbled to the surface in this interview. Mom has emphysema, lonely and reckless with substances. Austin might be a good move for him.

AeroMechanical said:

Xanax ground up in hard liquor. Quantities determined while tripping.

That's safe.

rottenseed (Member Profile)

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laura (Member Profile)

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rychan (Member Profile)

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MINK (Member Profile)

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9875 (Member Profile)

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rottenseed (Member Profile)

siftbot says...

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Terrorized seal makes tough choice

Russian Cargo Ship Loses Cargo of Big Ass Pipes

bremnet says...

They aren't wrapped in wood, but if this is uncoated pipe, some will lightly tack weld a ridge or piece of scrap barstock to the OD of the pipe to keep it from rolling when building the stack; they aren't there to prevent this type of major rolling action. At around 1:33 you can see one of these going over the edge. Just guessing, but these look to be in the 20" to 30" diameter range with plenty of length, so they're just really small ships with the ends cut off and will float for a bit until well flooded - lots of surface area there for some buoyancy, and I've seen 40 foot joints of 20" diameter casing float near the surface for 30 seconds or so when a bubble gets trapped temporarily inside before burping out and sinking to the bottom. At around 2:15 you can see the big reddish block with the vertical groove right on the corner of the load platform about 1/4 of the way up the frame. That's where normal humans stab the stake or pipe to help contain the load (so, the vertical pipe or solid stake goes in the hole, the load is built, and no rolling can occur - momentum is the killer here, so if you keep things from rolling, life is good. This was an excellent example of how not to load pipe on a barge / ship.

Payback said:

I was wondering why some of them seemed to float, but it looks like they were wrapped in wood planks.

The New Wave of YouTube "Skeptics"

gorillaman says...

You would think, wouldn't you, that they would be diametrically opposed.

Well it turns out that esjews and islamists both, for example, despise sex and sexuality, differing only in whose sexuality they denigrate the most. They do both believe that women's bodies in particular are disgusting and ought to be covered at all times - certainly this is the impression you receive from esjew film and videogame critiques. They both believe that women are inferior to men and need to be protected from normal social experience - for the islamist this takes the form of, you know, chaining them in a cupboard and shouting verses from the Qur'an at them; for the esjew the creation of safe spaces and online bubbles where they can be protected from white patriarchal oppression, consequences, and new ideas.

They're equally fond of the lie that any opposition to their fanaticism is evidence of bigotry.

And of course they both believe that any dissent from their worthless ideologies should be forcibly silenced.

Turns out regressive belief systems have a lot in common.

I say this all, by the way, as the leftest of lefties. Liberals don't censor. Liberals don't attack men for being men, or white people for being white, or cis het whatever for whatever, and they don't team up with fascists just because they're brown-skinned fascists.

Esjews aren't lefties; they're a shit the left took on the carpet and haven't cleaned up yet.

dannym3141 said:

Also an Islamist in the traditional sense ('someone who promotes Islamic politics') shouldn't share much of their ideology with an 'SJW'. Depends on what group or particular muslim you're talking about, but an 'Islamist' and SJW should disagree on homosexuality, women's rights and capital punishment to name a few. I'd have thought strictly traditional muslims would be diametrically opposed to SJWs.

The Spitfire's Fatal Flaw

AeroMechanical says...

A lot of the clips of Spitfires in this are actually Hurricanes (the Spitfire is the one with the bubble canopy). Of course, they had the same engine in them with the same problem.

Great film, though, Battle of Britain. I understand a lot of the effects in it were inspirations for Star Wars (particularly the head on shot of a pilot in his cockpit which is starting to explode around him and then cut to the external shot of the model exploding).

ed: You don't actually see a Spitfire until 0:26 and the plane used as an example doing a roll is a Hurricane.

Climatologist Emotional Over Arctic Methane Hydrate Release

Mordhaus says...

There have been some interesting suggestions to solving the methane hydrate issue, but the none are very realistic. The closest thing to a possible plan would be that we introduce particulate, natural or man made, into the atmosphere to partially block the solar heating cycle. That would seal the methane back into the permafrost and give us time to try to reverse the effects of climate change or find another method of neutralizing it.

That is the main issue. We don't have a way to remove the methane safely. Basically the situation is primed, we have a methane bubble that is going to happen at some point, there is no stopping that without removing the methane deposits in a safe fashion.

Climatologist Emotional Over Arctic Methane Hydrate Release

newtboy says...

The simplest counter arguments to your dismissal are, 1) it's not a single degree, it's a number of degrees in a short time, releasing massive amounts of methane at once instead of over a few millennia. 2) it's exactly what happened 250 million years ago when climate change happened rapidly enough to release massive methane deposits in a short time frame, causing massively more climate change and a mass extinction event. Since then, there has not been the same kind of rapid mass increase in ocean temperature since the methane deposits were replaced.

It's about the speed of the temperature change, not just the amount of temperature change. Methane is short lived in the atmosphere, so if a change happened over 1000 years, the same total amount of methane might be released as a 100 year change, but only 10% of it will be in the atmosphere at a time. Consider, we've raised the temperature fast enough that the permafrost is melting at the same time as ice at the bottom of the ocean. That's a fairly unique situation that releases two enormous deposits of methane at the same time.

Our understanding does not need to be "complete" to be scientifically valid, or right. We may not know everything we need to know about the climate, but what we do KNOW is how methane reacts in the atmosphere, and how methane hydrates melt at certain temperatures/pressures, and we are near those levels in the deep oceans and permafrost areas close that there are massive methane pockets bubbling out of the northern oceans and recently frozen ground worldwide.

bcglorf said:

The simplest counter argument to your catastrophic prediction is the stability of the paleo-temperature record. If there has been a methane 'time-bomb' just sitting there waiting to be set off anytime the temperature got an extra degree warmer then temperatures wouldn't be stable as they have been over the last millenia. The gradual shifts from ice-age to global rain forests wouldn't have been gradual at all, and likely wouldn't have been reversible either.

The more likely answer is our understanding of climate functions and things like just how much methane is likely to escape in a certain time frame is incomplete.

Climatologist Emotional Over Arctic Methane Hydrate Release

newtboy says...

These methane clathrate (methane hydrate/hydromethane) deposits have been releasing both under the ocean and from permafrost melt for years now...with the rate of their melt release increasing exponentially.
Pound for pound, the comparative impact of CH4 on climate change is more than 25 times greater than CO2 over a 100-year period.
For those of you who are religious....this is the 'burning seas' you would expect from the apocalypse, because the pockets of gas coming from the ocean are highly flammable, even explosive.
This is why I have said for over a decade that there's absolutely no chance to avoid human extinction along with a world wide extinction of most of life. Once the methane started bubbling up from the sea floor, any chance of stopping the change was gone, and that was a while ago and we've done absolutely nothing but increase the amount of greenhouse gasses we produce. The ocean responds quite slowly to climate change, so there's nothing that can be done now that it's warm enough to release the methane, even if we stopped producing all greenhouse gasses today.

This is game over, people, game over. A massive methane release will have almost immediate effects and could double the entire temperature rise since the industrial revolution almost overnight. When (not if) that happens, say goodbye to nature both on land and in the seas.
The above number, 80% of life on earth vanished, is misleading. 80% of species were lost completely forever, 98% of all biomass died, so of the 20% of species that were left, only 10% of their population survived. Humanity won't.

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