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Neodymium Magnets Reaching Terminal Velocity

Payback jokingly says...

Sure looked like "breaking up into small parts" to me...

break up into small parts, typically as the result of impact or decay.
synonyms: break up, break apart, fall apart, fall to pieces

MilkmanDan said:

Ahh, but the magnets don't actually *disintegrate*... Maybe "centrifugal separation".

Still, I like the cut of your jib.

radx (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Yeah, that Krugman piece was pretty ridiculous.
'It wasn't the big banks that caused the crash, it was smaller Lehman Bro's' (really, smaller?), not BofA and their I'm sure he's technically correct, that SOME economists have said that, but not those that are impartial.

I'm also getting pretty sick of this lie that Sanders didn't have a plan and couldn't answer the question of "how do you break up the big banks". It's a lie, pure and simple, and only works on the ignorant willing to listen to edited 'interviews' where his actual answer is cut out, or willing to believe those with a clear bias against him. He had a clear plan, he explained it, it's a reasonable plan and it's well thought out. That Clinton can't 1)understand it or 2) admit it, and that her subordinates are willing to spread the lie exemplifies HER lack of qualification to be president, not his.

It's funny (sad really) that many of the 'extravagant promises' that she mentions that have taught the African-American voting block to be distrustful came from the Clintons.

Again with the 'large lead in delegates' is 1) not large and 2) quickly evaporating. Without the (well paid for) super delegates, Clinton's lead (before losing Nevada and Missouri) was already <10%, with most states yet to vote polling heavily for Sanders (except in land line only, day time polls). In the past week, 2 states that were called for Clinton have gone to Sanders thanks to her delegates not showing up for her...even they don't really care for her enough to vote, and they're HER DELEGATES! When do we get to start saying Sanders is the clear frontrunner and that Clinton is harming the Democrats by badmouthing HIM? That day must be coming soon.

To the guilty, blame assignment is often called 'petulance' and 'self righteousness'. When one answers charges with insults against those making the charges, it's a pretty good indication that the charges are true.

radx said:

Operative K's latest hit piece on Sanders, Sanders Over the Edge, was so off base with regards to the role of big banks in the financial crash that there's some really interesting comments on it floating around.

Just two examples: Paul Krugman Crosses the Line by Gerald Epstein and Why the Banks Should Be Broken Up by Matt Taibbi.

Parents Try To Prank Son - Backfire

Yoga balls are dangerous

Triumph And Fake Fox News Girls At Republican Rallys

bobknight33 says...

bla bla bla

You only believe in those who promote murder (Abortions).
Who keep poor people poor.
Who believe in debauchery.
Who promote the breaking up of family.

These are Democratic principals.
The party who voted to remove GOD from its party platform.

None of these ideas are good for America.

Live your ignorant trash life like the fool you are.

VoodooV said:

And I'm sure bob can demonstrate how one can objectively measure "believing in America"

Let me guess, it involves....the gut?

good ole reliable truthiness.

Poor bob, no one is going to read your copy/paste

canadian man faces jail for disagreeing with a feminist

Lawdeedaw says...

A man posted rap lyrics of killing his wife after a break up. She said fuck, he is threatening. Supreme court laughed, ex-husband laughed, wife cried. So to answer your question. Probably not liable for slander. Kind of like how pols can call Obama Muslim, or Hilary a whore.

Edit Added later:

Oh, and that comment pedophile comment could be easily construed as satire, which is protected. He would have to risk a lot of money to succeed...

Oh, and more. The content could be argued that it was in good faith because someone else called him it and it was reasonably believable. (That a 13 year old girl called him out on sexual harassment.) That the source was unverifiable is inconsequential. Even when they found out the woman was over age, they have no obligation for wasting time on the issue through apologies.

Blame the law, but yeah, there is that.

newtboy said:

Isn't there actually a 'game' where you choose the picture and 'beat it up'?

It's pretty funny that they get upset at an 'internet bully', so they become a gang of internet bullies to...well...I'm not sure...get theirs? Certainly not to stop internet bullying...they're using it as a main tactic.

Can't they be sued for publicly calling him a pedophile? Do they really accuse people of being pedophiles so often that they can't remember doing it?

I have to think there's something missing what he actually posted that he's being charged with. Did he make threats? Unfortunately, time and time again this kind of opinion piece leaves out the most important pieces of information. I need to see the tweet that rose to the level of charging him before I form an opinion.

It sure seems like calling him a pedophile publicly meets the criminal standard, why isn't she up on charges?

OverLord (Member Profile)

Smarter Every Day - You won't believe your eyes

Sagemind says...

Ok so, Judge me with your opinions here...
But, I knew all this, intuitively.

I knew what was happening. I understood the persistence of vision as a given phenomenon. I can actually induce this persistence of vision on things as I look at them. Slowing down and increasing this persistence. Not a great amount, but I can do it enough to observe it. This means I can look at any normal object and move my head slowly to the side and watch the image degrade on my retina as I move my direction of vision to the side.

Now Destin, immediately saw this as a trick that fooled the mind into believing the image was a solid. But I wasn't fooled. Why wasn't I fooled? HAve I just been exposed to this before, and my mind is telling me the truth, thus negating the illusion?

I've seen similar tricks like this before, like on a wheel, to create an image, but if I concentrate I can see and immediately comprehend what is happening. I can stare long enough to break up the image and loose the illusion, and then have it come back.

I hope I'm making sense here.
So what I want to know, is, "does everyone have or not have, see or not see as I do?" I assumed we all did. So much so, that I've never had a question in my mind as to how this worked or that it was a trick.

Tell me I'm crazy, that's fine. But I'm interested in what other people are perceiving.

Two Female Teachers Teach 16-Year-Old Stud How to Threesome

lucky760 says...

Similarly to any spouse who's been cheated on.

Worth noting he's not necessarily going to be a single parent, though. They may not break up and she may not go to prison.

newtboy said:

Don't forget the husband. He's pretty clearly a victim here too. He now gets to raise 3 children as a single parent, and his finances will be destroyed by her defense costs and fines, not to mention the loss of her income in the household and the severe damage to his psyche/ego from having his wife cheat on him with a kid and another woman. In my mind, he's had it the worst of all victims in this case, but he's not the only one by far.

Spacex Dragon disintegrates 3:20 after launch

Texas cop busts a pool party picking on the black teens

artician says...

I cant tell what's going on here at all. I'll read the article in a bit, but the title of the video doesn't seem to reflect what's going on. I was expecting a texas cop to break up a group of people (i.e. kids from a pool party or something) who were ganging up on some black kids.

Jesus fucking christ. That poor girl. That poor girl. I wish that fat white fuck had just suplexed that piece of shit off of her. This is fucking ridiculous. What must have been going through that poor girls mind... Omg.

Are You Consuming Your Coffee Correctly?

MaxWilder says...

So my instinctive late morning breaks were right all along! I love breaking up the work day into thirds. Start around 7:30 or 8AM, a long break around 10:30, then late lunch around 1:30PM. Unfortunately I'm the only person who likes it that way, so everybody thinks I'm weird.

Ice fishermen in Pennsylvania get surprise

Retroboy says...

Watch the movie again and see how much line the guy pulls up. That's about ten waders in length, almost in the middle of what looks like a well-defined channel. Even if it was out lengthwise, that tells me there's a decent current there.

Next, try and go swimming in waders, or get them off when you're either in water or hanging on to a broken ice ledge.

The guy doesn't have ice pick safety devices in easy reach, it's windy as heck, and the conditions are slushy which means that ice is breaking up. And the ice in the hole doesn't look very thick either, maybe a couple inches from what I can see.

I'm "quick to judge" because I'm also an experienced ice fisherman. From all evidence that's visible in the video, that's a very dangerous way to fish.

Barbar said:

Unless it's a river they know, and their waders are sufficient if they broke through the ice. People are quick to judge.

newtboy (Member Profile)

notarobot (Member Profile)

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