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Happy Boobs Make Happy People

ryanbennitt says...

>> ^HaricotVert:

I"m thinking that someone is behind them pulling on their bra straps. But I'm just guessing.
>> ^ryanbennitt:
I've met one bloke able to do that with his chesticles. I still can't work out which muscles I'm supposed to be using to control mine.

In this case you could well be correct, looking at the shoulders of the one in pink, the straps do seem to be moving back and forth.

However the guy I'm talking about wasn't wearing a bra (to my knowledge) and didn't have anyone behind him.

Happy Boobs Make Happy People

Katy Perry feat. Snoop Dogg - California Gurls

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'pop, music, candy land, video, not a cover, katy perry, whip cream bra' to 'pop, music, candy land, video, not a cover, katy perry, whip cream bra, max martin' - edited by lavoll

misterwight (Member Profile)

Lady Gaga - Alejandro

HadouKen24 says...

I actually liked it. It's a tremendously complex video that rewards watching it several times and expending effort interpreting it. The man with the gun--did he shoot Gaga, or is planning to shoot himself? Perhaps he--Alejandro, apparently--is meant to signify a gay man trapped in a straight marriage. Note that in the bedroom, he and Gaga are both constrained by cables from the ceiling, as if they are marionette puppets. Perhaps he killed himself, and is thus the man buried by Gaga in the funeral procession.

What's the with the man wearing the Star of David with a cage around his head, and the man nearby wearing a stylized pyramid? Is Gaga just throwing a bone to the conspiracy theorists, or do they play a more significant role in the video? I am tempted to say that they do. They are presented with the lockstep march of the soldiers, offering commentary on the way they are closely regimented and controlled.

Just a few points: Every costume Gaga wears appears to symbolize some means of control or liberation. Nazi Dictator Gaga, as I have dubbed her, in the black outfit with the goggles, is a symbol of externalized, nefarious control. Cabaret Gaga, in the underwear, seems to represent purely carnal sexual liberation--just plain sex--which is outside her system of control, but does not seem to seriously subvert it. Machine Gun Madonna Gaga might is a woman who--like Dictator Gaga--has seized masculine, phallic power to herself, but in a rather dangerous way. Following the appearance of the M-16 bra, we see that the soldiers are led to violence and domination. Red Latex Nun Gaga symbolizes is like Dictator Gaga in that she represents control--but passive, internalized control, rather than external control--but is nonetheless just as controlling; she has, by accepting the system of control into herself, enslaved a man into a desperate, entirely inappropriate heterosexual marriage. The flip side is Anti-Christ Gaga, who, like Cabaret Gaga, symbolizes sexual liberation from control--but in a spiritualized, highly subversive form--though the flash of an appearance of Dictator Gaga may indicate that this, too, is part of the machinations of the system of control.

There's plenty more one can say. A number of narrative threads, occurring simultaneously, can be teased out of the video.

Also, lots of man-candy. Yay!

Did Sarah Palin Get a Boob Job?

Did Sarah Palin Get a Boob Job?

Did Sarah Palin Get a Boob Job?

Everybody Do the Conga!

Controversy Over Girls Doing Beyonce Dance (Video)

moodonia says...

You need to dance a jig or a set dance with a girl to see the attraction, its very physical, lots of bodily contact, great fun, and if all goes well, drunk and sweaty

Keep in mind the solo jig predates the Bra, so it had more going for it back in the day... and the arms were used too. I dont like that stiff backed arms rigid kind of style.

>> ^xxovercastxx:

But not all dances are mating rituals. I have a very difficult time finding this sexy, for example. It's hard to believe anyone finds a jig arousing.

Draw Muhammad Day (First Annual!)

Matthu says...

>> ^ponceleon:

>> ^Matthu:
how could you people misunderstand what i was saying. i was tired maybe wasn't clear.
im saying quit posting drawings of Muhammad where it doesn't matter(here). post it where it might actually get some attention.
c'mon.. freedom of expression is AT LEAST as important as bra colors.

No, I think we understood pretty well. You called people who posted here cowards, therefore implying that they should post somewhere where their personal information might become available to nut-jobs.
Did I misunderstand?


Are you saying that if nut-jobs can find you, and are willing to kill you based on their beliefs. you should live according to their beliefs?

Are you saying that we should enjoy our freedom of expression unless a crazy person who can find where we live threatens us?

I think the sad reality is that more people will have to stand up against these islamic teachings, and some of them will die, before we can put it to bed and go on enjoying our freedom of speech.

Have I drawn Muhammad on my facebook page? Not yet, but Draw Muhammad day hasn't come yet. I did share the video on my wall. We'll see come DMD day if I've got the balls.

Do you have the balls? If not, where are you going to draw muhammad? I don't think many islamic fundamentalists visit 4chan.

Draw Muhammad Day (First Annual!)

ponceleon says...

>> ^Matthu:

how could you people misunderstand what i was saying. i was tired maybe wasn't clear.
im saying quit posting drawings of Muhammad where it doesn't matter(here). post it where it might actually get some attention.
c'mon.. freedom of expression is AT LEAST as important as bra colors.

No, I think we understood pretty well. You called people who posted here cowards, therefore implying that they should post somewhere where their personal information might become available to nut-jobs.

Did I misunderstand?

Draw Muhammad Day (First Annual!)

Matthu says...


how could you people misunderstand what i was saying. i was tired maybe wasn't clear.

im saying quit posting drawings of Muhammad where it doesn't matter(here). post it where it might actually get some attention.

c'mon.. freedom of expression is AT LEAST as important as bra colors.

Cami Secret - When You Don't Want to Show Off Your Boobs

Cami Secret - When You Don't Want to Show Off Your Boobs

Payback says...

>> ^dag:
There are these weird opposing forces at work in human sexuality. At the same time females try and accentuate and draw attention with push-up bras and cleavage- they are also trying to hide, strap-down and de-accentuate.
An alien would think it weird.

Unless it was a female alien, then she would understand completely.

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