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A Few Key Moments From The Jan 6 Committee

newtboy says...

Oh….did you read it?
That’s the best you’ve got to contradict it?!?

Who promised you a transcript honey? I bet no one. You get what you get. Because you say it’s missing leads me to believe it’s in the report, not that it’s inclusion/exclusion is even a slider, a 1/16 pounder….just a nothing burger from your fake news. Besides, no evidence could sway you, don’t pretend anything ever could, you’re dishonest enough without that obvious lie.

If all the evidence collected was included, it would be an 84500 page report with months of video. This is a summary. Derp.

The one person on film telling people to go in?!? You really need to learn to gaslight better. You can’t just jump in with easily disproven silly lies everyone knows are lies.

This is an attempt to fly a long ago debunked absolutely baseless conspiracy theory that Epps was an FBI agent that they accidentally put on the most wanted list (he denied it under oath) who was there to provoke the crowd all by himself into attacking because that would somehow benefit the fbi, and he’s to blame not Trump, a brain numbingly stupid conspiracy theory based on nothing more than the claim he was on then off the most wanted list (and that the fbi won’t confirm or deny anything) that you just heard from Mother Fucking Lying TED CRUZ!!!

How many witches will this witch hunt catch and convict I wonder. Hundreds so far that confessed and pleaded guilty. No one has said they went in because Epps told them to. Not even the traitor Ashley Babbitt.

bobknight33 said:

January 6th committee to adjourn without fulfilling year old promise to release Epps transcript.

The one person on film telling people to go into the Capitol (multiple times) disappears from FBI list and is not even mentioned in the 845 page final report.

Witch hunt.

United Airlines Air Taxi Revealed : Archer Midnight eVTOL

newtboy says...

Same for me all day.
Sifty must have the COVIDs. He’s got brain fog.
Votes haven’t been registering either.
I messaged lucky, I assume he’s working on it.

BSR said:

I think I voted this UP 🤔 but it doesn't show. Sometimes it takes long before the screen processes. Also, I've been getting messages on my phone while trying to get on VS saying there was an error or as Spock would say "airoar".

Oops! Fatal error connecting to the database server! Please stand by while BSR removes the body

Seinfeld - Elaine´s Dance

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Full of fact. I wonder what far right propagandists are saying.

It had time (2:30 am), place(Pelosi’s SF home), injuries (arm, hands, and skull fractured), weapon (hammer), identity(42 year old David Dipappi), and exactly what he did(broke in yelling where’s Nancy wielding a hammer, tried to tie up the husband and wait for her, husband called 911 and dropped phone, police came and stopped the murder in progress).
It’s nothing but facts. I think you didn’t watch it. It was short, but still too much fact for your little brain to accept. Such a baby. Do you think shoving your head farther up your ass makes you look strong? Smart? On the ball? It only makes you look scared and intentionally ignorant, buddy. Ask anyone not up there with you.

What isn’t there besides his long history of spouting the exact crazed far right lies you spout daily? Election fraud, COVID’s a fraud, Trump won, Jan 6 was by ANTIFA, Trumpists believe in law and order, Russia is our friend and ally, Lil Kim is a genius and benevolent leader, Democrats are in a pedophile vampire cabal where they take children to pizza parlors to eat their pineal glands and gain immortality….🤦‍♂️

I won’t post because this video can’t be posted off YouTube, you fuckwit. I didn’t bother looking for more, it had plenty to trigger you so served it’s purpose. This story is everywhere, even on Fox, people without cranial rectosis don’t need it spoon fed to them….but you do.

I guess you just need more MAGA terrorism, more violent attempted murder of the elderly, more hard core anti democracy, and more deadly anti American MAGots actions to be posted, although for the life of me I can’t fathom why….but ok, I’ll find something and post it just for you. Don’t say I never gave you anything.

Infinitely more fact and information than you EVER produce, buddy. You have been hiding from your enemy, reality, for at least 6 years now. It effects your family in ways that are severely detrimental to their mental and physical health. You have admitted this in the past, but can no longer admit reality so I’m certain you won’t admit it now. Please don’t murder your family like so many MAGots have…it wouldn’t be a bit surprising if you did.

bobknight33 said:

No facts just slanted fake news.
You are un able to see reality.

You dodnt have the ball to post because you know this is BS.
Provide FACTS.

Arizona Republicans Attacking People Trying To Vote

newtboy says...

In another case of Republicans physically attacking political enemies this election, the FBI is investigating a politically motivated terrorist attack in San Francisco.
During a home invasion 82 year old Paul Pelosi was attacked in his home by a man wielding a hammer. Before and during the attack on Mr Pelosi the man was searching their home and yelling “where’s Nancy”. He attempted to tie Mr Pelosi up to “wait for Nancy” when police arrived and he attacked with the hammer, hitting Pelosi in the head before police intervened. Pelosi is undergoing brain surgery.

This was clearly and undeniably another assassination attempt against Pelosi by another terrorist nutjob egged on by the entire MAGot party. (Menacing Americans with Guns)
This is what can be expected as “normal” if the right regains control. Political kidnappings and murders, all cheered on and excused by the leadership.
Watch, the right is going to stand behind this attempted murderer and call him a hero.

@bobknight33, where were you last night? Party of death, destruction, and debauchery….you sure as fucking hell are. Also the party of repeated political kidnappings, thousands of political assaults, and multiple attempted political assassinations. Wow.
Anti democracy to extremes never considered before MAGA.

Despotic Tyranny

newtboy says...


Propaganda? No sir, this is the definition of entrapment being used as a deterrent to voting against only Democrats, Republican counties exempted. Not one bit made up, like your red wave….another red tsunami coming to wipe out your dreams. How’d that work out last time? ROTFLMFAHS!! You sucker.
There’s a reason even Trump started calling fraud last week before voting started, he knows his candidates are major losers, the most insulting incapable mentally defective candidates ever put up for office. They lost you 100% of independents and nearly 25% of republicans, and are already driving democrats to the polls in record numbers for a midterm.

#walkaway is real this cycle….but it’s Republicans walking away by the thousands. I personally know many that, until 2016 voted Republican across the board every election no matter what. They will never vote Republican again after Trump. D’oh!

Edit: And let’s not forget this election happens in Roevember, and Republicans made the stupid decision to ignore the long held rights of the majority and legislate for the tiny minority. It’s going to cost you the under 35 vote, and the real “smaller government, more freedom” Republicans like my family who, had they not already left over Trump, would have left the party over abortion rights.

The party that fucked America is yours, buddy. Over 1/2 of inflation is due to corporate profits going up over 50% in the last 2 years. The other half is from Trump’s policy of printing money when he couldn’t get funding for his personal ego projects, and from spending trillions in 2020 while gdp went to negative 36%!

Statistically every prosecuted voter fraud case this decade has been against Trumpist cultists or Republican candidates, sucker. (DeSantis’s blatant, now determined by the courts to be entrapment notwithstanding). You guys fucked up election integrity, intentionally, because you cannot win fair free elections, and cannot accept your losses because you’re babies.

Tool of the party…..stop with the projection, dummy. No one has been as much of an unthinking dull tool as yourself. Proof? Ashley Babbitt, treasonous anti American that deserved to be shot dead….she destroys at least two of your idiotic party positions just by existing, that’s why you cower, hide like a frightened child from the question. You know your propaganda regurgitation painted you into a corner with your toxic spew.

This idiotic, desperate “democrats want communism” nonsense….you don’t even know what communism is, moron, and you can’t point to a single policy from democrats that supports this idiotic accusation….so I’ll ask…why are Republicans wanting communism? (Your baseless accusation against your enemies means you just admitted YOU want communism fast. Very reminiscent of Republicans calling investment in infrastructure “democracy destroying socialism” then rushing to Biden on their knees, mouths open wide, begging for some of that sweet sweet socialist jizz that’s just so delicious). Yes, I’m rubber, you’re glue, but only because you speak in projection from a place of intentional ignorance, and because it’s painfully obvious to those with brains that every accusation the right makes is an admission….like calling democrats “the party of debauchery” when Republicans get caught jerking it in public to kindergarten children while in their clear view.

Ashley Babbitt, I’m so glad that, by your cowardly silence, you admit your total hypocrisy and now say she deserved to be shot point blank along with every single MAGA terrorist “fucking with police” on Jan 6. and those leading them to it….all the MAGA traitors deserve a bullet in the head says Bob.

bobknight33 said:

This is the propaganda you need to stem the tide of a red wave in midterms? Wow such Bull shit.

The red wave is coming to wash away the Biden stain. You can't stop it. Biden and the party fucked up America too much.

Newtboy : The Tool of the party.. I truly feel you pain. Capitalist America not turning communist fast enough.

Transgender Rights II: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver

newtboy says...

Yes. Kids are capable of understanding these concepts at very young ages if you’re just honest with them and don’t dance around facts. It’s the lies, obfuscation, misdirection, and misinformation that makes them confused and prone to stupid permanent decisions and unhealthy/unsafe experimentation.
Just say no was an abject failure. Same with abstinence only sex education. Every attempt to hide the facts from kids ends with kids finding out the hard way.
What’s more, it’s often painfully obvious when a child born with male genitalia has a female brain, and vice versa, and stopping or delaying puberty is a reversible way to make their transition as adults much more successful and less invasive. There’s no legitimate reason to oppose that type of reversible treatment when everyone involved agrees it’s called for.

No. Ignorance ALWAYS does more harm than good….as do palatable lies.

Keeping kids ignorant leads to dangerously ignorant adults….something you know about.
More knowledge is always better and leads to informed, well considered decisions.
More ignorance is always worse and always leads to kids making uninformed decisions, often horrible decisions.

But the GOP says “to keep ‘em dumb, get ‘em young.”

The idea that informing curious children that their sex can be altered (with years of difficult, very expensive treatments and eventually painful risky surgeries after years of long term psychological counseling and doctor consultations) is “grooming” them, is convincing them to alter their sex, is moronic and says WAY more about those that claim it than they understand.
Did you want to change your sex from the first time you heard it was possible? Is that why right wingers say they think that? It’s the only logical conclusion.

Sad you are still incapable of addressing the traitor Ashley Babbitt who fucked around with police and found out. That says volumes.

bobknight33 said:

Your talking about kids, not adults.

This is more harm than good.

Viral transmission not tested in Pfizer trials

newtboy says...

“Did we know about STOPPING immunization before the roll out?”
That’s a different question form “Did they test for immunization?” As he extrapolates.

Anything that safely lowers infection rates MUST by definition lower infection/transmission rates. The vaccines were all proven to lower infection rates and severity before they were released to the public.

WTF is this about Covid Passports? Does he not remember it took months and months after vaccinations started to implement covid passports, by which time we had data on transmission, and the vaccines DID lower transmission significantly. We also had early immunity data by then that indicated vaccinations did impart some immunity (we didn’t know for how long for a while). Just such stupid rewriting history, Bobby….as usual. I know you can’t remember facts at all, now I know why, you watch these videos that intentionally scramble facts and dates to create some conspiracy you can get outraged about, because if you aren’t outraged at your enemies, you lost. 🤦‍♂️

So sad, @bobknight33, you’re still fighting vaccination …at least it’s not because Bill Gates put microscopic computer chips in it to control your brain, like you used to believe. Watch Eric’s video above if you care to understand why your video was nonsense.

Now, Ashley Babbitt, got what she deserved, should have complied with police instead of fucking with them, in fact every violent Trumpist insurrectionist should have been shot dead, correct? Or does that only go for non whites?
They should still be shot dead for treason, right?
If you can produce no answer, that’s a shame filled “YES”.

How Alcohol Increase the Risk of Cancer

newtboy jokingly says...

Funny…I thought Baileys went better with Kahlúa and vice versa….why ruin good ice cream and your nightcap?

(Really, I think Baileys goes best with peach schnapps in a brain hemorrhage….peaches and cream with a hint of grenadine. Yum!)

noims said:

Even if most ice creams go better with Kahlua?

Murdering Cops Murder Cyclist For Crossing The Street

newtboy jokingly says...

Trump said on live tv that we should inject bleach and UV light into our bodies to fight covid.

Trump stared directly into the sun and fried his brain just like Jimmy Wichard on live tv. (Although if you’re dumb enough to stare into the sun, your brain is probably already fried….kind of a chicken or the egg thing).

robdot said:

Trump said on live tv that George Washington had airplanes.

Murdering Cops Murder Cyclist For Crossing The Street

surfingyt says...

lol you know that coward bewb wouldn't answer this. even if the chumpster tried bewb's little mind would get (even more) brain bubbles hahaha

bcglorf said:

Litmus test for ya @bobknight33,

Ashley Babbitt was the white girl shot on Jan. 6 trying to illegally force her way deeper into the capital. Was her shooting justified as you claim in this video? She was certainly following your advice on how to interact with cops even less than the guy in the video...

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Walker- paid for at least one abortion probably many more, so by his definition he’s a baby murderer, liar, philanderer, self admitted total shit for brains moron, wife and child abuser, mental defective, suicide case, attempted murderer, kidnapper, deadbeat father x 4 or more, police impersonator, fake businessman, fake graduate,….the list never ends. He is absolute proof that the right has zero morals, ethics, standards, or anything besides a blind lust for power.
I can only imagine the never ending jabs and accusations from you if he was a Democrat….and they would be well deserved.

Oz - puppy torturer and murderer, liar, quack, and snake oil salesman who made millions by selling fake miracle cures to morons and now wants to buy a senate seat. More proof that morals, ethics, standards, and honesty are 100% lacking in the right….but we knew that after Marmalade Mussolini.

Which party is the party of death, debauchery, and criminality again? ROTFLMFAHS!!

Edit- forgot Tina Forte, AOC’s opponent that calls AOC a “crime surge creator” while hiding the fact that Forte’s family are a major crime organization , her repeatedly convicted husband Joey Snapple and her son are recently convicted illegal gun and drug traffickers that used her failing beverage company to run guns and drugs, she is often found with terrorist Proud Boys, and was at the Jan 6 failed coup. Sure sounds like she’s much more of a crime surge creator all by her self. Funny enough, she was a hard core anti marijuana advocate until her husband was busted with $150000 in illegal marijuana among other illicit drugs and illegal guns, now she wants it decriminalized and conviction records expunged. No….she won’t abuse her office for personal gain….never.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Um….what? This stops any state from cheating and requires they send electors for the candidate that won more certified votes.
Today, without the bill, if a State legislature cheats like dozens of Republican legislatures did in 2020, there’s a good chance it’s still official….that’s what you want, the ability for dishonest Republican legislatures to pick the state winner, not voters.
This stops unsubstantiated claims of cheating from being enough to overturn an election…it stops anti democratic frauds like the ones Trumpsters tried in 2020 from being in any way legal.

Are you brain damaged? Democrats wanted the recount, Bush won because it was halted. Gore sued for recounts, Bush sued to stop them. YOU MORONIC IMBICILE.
Holy fucking sheep shit buddy. You have everything totally backwards and upside down. It’s a shock you aren’t dead from shoving steak in your asshole and trying to shit out your neck.

This time Republicans tried to stop the count, not a recount, not a second recount, but the initial count of valid certified votes….also, moron, history lesson..republicans and the conservative court stopped the recount in 2000, not Democrats….after 1/4 of Florida counties failed to complete a legally required machine recount Gore sued for hand recounts and Bush successfully blocked them, that’s why Bush “won” despite not getting more votes. Are you really so insane you think Democrats stopped the recount that had them ahead, handing unearned victory to Bush? You probably are.

Tried to stop the Trump count? What the everloving fuck are you making up now? Clinton conceded the day after the election (after she won with 3 million more votes), no one tried to stop the count, you moronic liar. WHAT!?!

Again…WHAT? What do you mean by the meaningless “if a state cheats”? That’s some meaningless nonsense speak….define this chimeric right wing term. This bill STOPS state legislatures from cheating, ignoring the vote and sending electors they choose. That STOPS cheating, it doesn’t allow it. It also still lets congress to invalidate electors if there’s corruption…but by 2/3 vote not just one.

You’re smoking too much meth again. Derp.

bobknight33 said:

So if a State cheated -Its official?

Democrats tried to stop the Bush count and also the Trump count.

But when Republicans try to stop the Biden count you cry like little bitches.

So now we are at the point that IF a state cheats it counts. Brilliant.

David Blaine Freaks Jimmy Out

BSR says...

You just turned my brain into Jello

noims said:

Hang on, now, this is physics law.

Let's say it's a 1g nail and a 100g frog. In order to effect a 100-fold increase in relativistic mass (i.e. starting mass / sqrt( 1 - v^2/c^2) ) the velocity must be over 99% of the speed of light (it would be 99% if we didn't have to square them).

That's a hell of a lot more than 20 over, buddy. Is there a limit on that fine, or does it depend on the width of the ticket?

Right VS Left : There’s A Slight Difference In Approach

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