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Bullet at 500 fps

Reylor says...

Feel free to correct me, but from my understanding, the matter that's ejected from the bullet's entry point is doing so because of the pressure created by the bullet's impact. I imagine dropping a bowling ball into a 5 gallon bucket full of water would have the same effect. I'll need to try this with some sort of flammable liquid instead...hmmm

Pen Spinner Gets the Shock of His Life

deathcow says...

Well, this and the "bowling ball nearly kills small child" are cool as hell. If someones "canvas" is this shitty YouTube video quality that MILLLIONS of people are rabidly exchanging and loving, then as a 3D artist you have it made, you can do anything, and you can work only as hard to make it "sort of good" because look at the target video quality -- webcammish. This guy could have pygmy monkeys crawling out of his pants at this quality and it would look real.

Bowling Juggle Accident

theoneinsider says...

he was doing pretty well initially, probably using the six-pound bowling balls. guess that kid learned proper bowling etiquette. Never take your approach when the man in the adjacent lane is juggling bowling balls.

Bowler forgets primary rule of bowling: LET GO OF THE BALL

Les Rythmes Digitales - (Hey You) Whats That Sound?

Jesus Camp (controversial 2006 Evangelical documentary)

Ozzie says...

11 minutes in...sounds like shes building an army for a holy war. Upvote for the rat tail...Religion gets ridiculous when you are commanding a bowling ball in the name of Jesus to get a strike!

Ted Haggard -

"In November 2006, he resigned or was removed from all of his leadership positions after allegations of homosexual sex and drug abuse were made by whistleblower Mike Jones, a former male prostitute."

Final thoughts...this is why we need to vote

Drawing Gravity in Three Dimensions

Fletch says...

A YouTube user-produced and submitted video that seems to be an effort to literalize (that a word?) and extrapolate into 3 dimensions a view of space-time that is often used to demonstrate the concept of space-time and gravity's interaction with it (the ol' bowling ball on a trampoline). I'm not quite sure what he was trying to show (and I watched his other, similar video on the same topic), if anything. The ultimate conclusion he seems to arrive at is that space-time warps around planets in a spherical shape (????) Or... something. I guess.

Deathcow, I think he was just trying to visualize space-time in 3 dimensions, rather than the trampoline model we've all seen. I don't think he meant it as a serious scientific explanation. More thinking out loud (but in a video). I read his other posts and he didn't exactly come across as a hard-core sci.physics.relativity type. I'm not either, but I dig this type of stuff. This video just doesn't have any information, or even anything interesting or scientifically correct, imho.

Try this one:

Or this one:

Hilarious Pranks from Japan

Hilarious Pranks from Japan

Fix car dents with dry ice

Moving car + bowling ball + ramp = BAD IDEA

Moving car + bowling ball + ramp = BAD IDEA

UmberGryphon says...

Presumably they rolled the bowling ball from the car. Because objects in motion tend to stay in motion, the bowling ball had the exact same speed as the car did. So as long as the lateral movement lined up, this "accident" was practically guaranteed.

A clip from Discovery Channel's "The First Time Machine"

sineral says...

My physics kung fu is not as strong as I would like, but here goes.

According to relativity, space and time are part of the same thing, called space-time. Anything with the property of mass deforms the space-time around it, like a bowling ball sitting on a trampoline deforms the surface of the trampoline. That deformation of space-time is gravity; if you sit another object on the trampoline it will roll into the dent caused by the bowling ball. The effect the deformation has on time is that time passes more slowly the deeper you are in the dent. For Earth sized masses, the effect on time is small, but for something as massive as a black hole(a far, far deeper dent) the difference would be appreciable. You can imagine if the bowling ball on the trampoline was heavy enough and spinning fast enough that it would try to twist the surface of the trampoline around with it; black holes do this to space-time too. This is about where the explanation at the beginning of the video jumps in.

Due to the effect mass has on time, some proposals for a time machine suggest finding/making a wormhole, moving one end of the wormhole deep into the gravity well of a black hole(where time passes more slowly), then entering the far end; you would emerge near the black hole at some point before you entered. The distance into the past you travel would depend on the depth of the gravity well and when you enter the worm hole; if time at the black hole passes at 1/2 the normal speed and you enter the wormhole 10 years after the setup was put together, then you would travel 5 years into the past. However, the method suggested in this video does not appear to rely on the effect the black hole has directly on time and instead relies on the black hole's twisting of space somehow allowing you to violate the speed of light(relativity says nothing can travel faster than the speed of light: 299,792,458 m/s). How that translates into traveling back in time I'm not sure. I'm also not sure how you get all this using lasers instead of extreme mass.

Burning a candle at both ends

NordlichReiter says...

Woa, that was kinda scary. Heh my physics teacher took a bowling ball, hanged it from the ceiling and did some physics to show us that it could be calculated to just barely touch the tip of your nose.

Then he asked for volunteer noses.

Doin' Nails for Jesus- from Jesus Camp

EMPIRE says...

This girl has been fucked up by her parents. Scary
Curious how she even prays to roll a damn bowling ball. Guess what? Praying does nothing... however people are weak-minded and pathetic enough to keep on praying, even though nothing happens all the time.
I'm getting older, and I should be getting more tolerant (and I wish I was... I really do), but I'm starting to develop an absolute direspect for anyone who is stupid enough to buy into the crap religions feed them.
And you wanna know WHY she decided to go do a sales pitch (because that's what it was) to that girl at the bowling alley?
I'll bet some moronic fuck told her that girls who are attractive and wear makeup and revealing clothes are whores who must be saved from damnation... PATHETIC

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