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The Watermelon Joke That Saved Me After I Got Pulled Over

noims says...

@StukaFox, funnily enough today I was thinking of a joke I used to tell back in the day. I couldn't find just now in a 2 minute search making it less likely you've heard it before, so I'll write out a quick version. It's not the funniest or the dirtiest, but it's fun to tell.

So a guy's looking to kill himself and fortuitously comes across a sign saying 'for an interesting death enquire within.' This being a joke he decides he has to give it a go.

Inside is an absolutely huuuuge naked woman. She first instructs him to put his belt on her. He struggles, but eventually manages. "Now," she says "pull it tighter until I'm thin." With every ounce of strength and leverage he can muster he gets the belt to the last notch. Struggling for breath she says "Now eat my pussy". He's starting to suspect a scam, but he goes for it anyway. "Harder!" she gasps, grinding against him. He pushes back against her as hard as he can. "harder! HARDER!" He's pushing so hard he's struggling to breathe. He suspects she's just trying to smother him with her pussy when he feels her starting to orgasm. He pushes harder still. Her muscles tense and pulse until suddenly the belt can't take it any more - POP! Ssccchhhhlllup! And he was never seen again.


Bonus clean joke I saw when I searched for the one above: Don't challenge Death to a pillow fight unless you're prepared to face the reaper cushions.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

It's become a daily occurrence that people are easily cutting holes in Trump's border fencing big enough to drive a full size Ford expedition through already. That car in the crash that killed 13 people in one car had just driven through one along with another car that caught fire. Still think it was worth the tens of billions, ecological damage, and the division it caused both domestically and internationally? It seems to be easier to get through than what it replaced, just cut 4 spots and push. As a bonus, it's more expensive to repair too. What a brilliant plan it wasn't.
Thanks Trump

Something went terribly wrong with this ship's controls

TheFreak says...

When I first saw all those people without health insurance crashing into the dock I was horrified. But then as the concrete ripped through the hull of thousands of people working for an unlivable minimum wage, I felt a little bit of satisfaction. Anyway, you can be sure that monument to forced overtime without compensation is insured and if there are any remaining costs, they can be covered by suspending pay raises and bonuses for another year.

Trucker Life - Springfield, Missouri Underground

BSR says...

Bonus Video - The Hidden Metropolis Beneath Kansas City

One-hundred-fifty feet below Kansas City, in a 270-million-year-old limestone deposit, more than 1600 people work in the world’s largest business labyrinth. They basically work in the Batcave, and it's probably more interesting than your office.

Developers vs Quality Assurance

spawnflagger says...

For software/hardware designs of any substantial size, there's usually a separate (from the developer) person/team that does Quality Assurance (QA) testing & verification on a design. This has proven (over many decades) to be useful methodology to catch bugs because a developer has pre-conceived notions of how it should work and be used - so they don't think about edge cases. The QA person's job is to find a way to break it, so the final product has less bugs.

In the video above, the developer is on the left - you assumed she made the bucket lid and the pieces that go in the various holes. The QA person is on the right, demonstrating the problem(s) with the implementation. They get bonus points for making the dev's cry.

olyar15 said:

I ... Don't get it. Is this supposed to be funny?

What if We Nuke the Moon?

StukaFox says...

So this is a bit incorrect. Teller-Ulam devices (aka: huge fucking nukes like the Tsar Bomba) are three-stage or more weapons. The first stage, the "atom bomb", is the initiator. The second stage is where a normal hydrogen bomb gets its "oomph" from. After a third stage is added, things get very scary very quickly:
" Each stage can be 10-100 times the size of the previous stage. The 50 Mt bomb mentioned above was a three stage weapon."
Edward Teller proposed a (theoretical) T-U bomb that would be in the gigaton range, but reasoned it was impractical because it'd blow off a huge part of the atmosphere into space.
Fun bonus fact! The actual amount of plutonium that achieved pure fission in the Hiroshima explosion was roughly the size of a grain of rice. E=MC^2 is a hell of a thing!

Guy has a truly horrible airport experience

newtboy says...

Oh yes, I remember last times, 2001 and 2008-9. They've used 96% of cash flow to buy back stock, now they want another. Oddly enough, it's the free market believers that insist they should get more free money instead of letting the market decide, and that's why our airline industry is one of the worst, most despised industries where customer service is non existent. Why waste time serving customers when the government will give you more money for nothing? Not for stocks, cash, promises to keep employees, promises to upgrade aging fleets, just free money. It was a near guarantee they wouldn't improve anything, but CEO compensation would skyrocket....and that's what happened.

I would be ok with bailouts if there were stipulations freezing ANY buybacks or bonuses, requiring improvements in service and planes, and ownership of the companies equal to the bailout amount accepted as collateral that transfers permanently if they don't meet all the stipulations or miss any payments on the loan, no handout. Not going to happen, so neither should a third bailout in under 20 years. Let them fail, service will improve.

StukaFox said:

Newt, you don't know the half of it. ^

$91,000 Wheel of Fortune Answer

fuzzyundies says...

I was wondering that too! Dug a little and found out why:

This was the first cash answer of the "main game" -- it was just a $2000 question in and of itself (as you can see from the empty numbers until his $2000). However, he then went on to solve every puzzle in the rest of the "main game" (before the bonus round), racking up a record of $91,892.

messenger said:

Impressive, but how is this a $91,000 answer?

Tesla China - Shanghai Gigafactory production line

bobknight33 says...

Tesla is a good buy today even at 52 week highs. There is a growth path forward in which new factories are coming on line

+ Giga Nevada battery factory adding lines.

Limiting factor is battery. Battery day should lay out the path forward.

Tesla is profitable , last 4 quarters, and believe this will continue.

I am looking long term. Min 5 years to 10 years.
I am looking for production to double approx every year.

600k this year goal
1.2mil min goal next year
2.4mil + in 3 rd year.

I've posted the 2020 NC transportation outlook on the Sift. It is really worth a look.

Also any one interested should look at Kathy Wood of ARC investment. Just look for her on you tube.
This is ARC investment link

Sandy Monroe ( you tube) tore down a 2012 and a 2020 model and was astonished at not only in improvements but absolutely astonished in the technology lead of the produce. His group does this and sell reports to all. Evey Asian and Europe atuo manufacture has bought his report. Not 1 American Auto maker has.

Ford, GM are far behind.

Every ICE maker ( ICE Internal Combustion Engine) will have to not only continue that investment and also invest in EV. Dont think they have enough Research investment dollars on hand to do both.

Musk is a visionary Just look at what he is doing besides cars.

Space X . Few step into the space race and succeed like Musk.

Boring company . Fed up with traffic jams he look for solutions. Looked at boring machines and found then to be 15 times slower than a snail. Got a team together and designed a boring machine 15 times faster.

Supplemental storage energy for peak energy demands.

Solar panels. Redesigned and lower cost of ownership.

Musk salary /bonus ties to achievement goals, not just a set amount.

This a BUY time.
This is like buying Apple when Steve Jobs came back to Apple.

Over valuation is what people see Tesla to be worth.
Market forces, Technological improvements and Government regulations will push EV market to forefront over the next decade. There is no stopping this.

StukaFox said:

Bob, and I mean this with all seriousness, SELL!! The over-valuation is so fucking crazy on TSLA right now that it makes the Dot-Com look like Berkshire Hathaway.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

And another way Orange pedophile bad....selling appointments, like Dejoy at USPS. It's been clear from the get go that he's there because he donated millions to Trump through fundraising events and maximum donations. What wasn't clear until now is he violated campaign finance laws by pushing employees to attend his fundraisers and donate t he maximum, which he reimbursed by giving t hem bonuses. Clearly illegal campaign finance violations, and more reason why Trump intentionally keeping the elections commission understaffed his entire tenure so badly they cannot perform their function of prosecuting people like Dejoy.

Talk about selling America out, Trump's never done anything but.

When the next president fills the positions and returns teeth to the fec, everyone with a finger in the Trump administration going to prison.

Trump tried to sell out to China, but they want nothing to do with his flailing, inconsistent, bat shit crazy administration that can't be trusted to keep agreements and the talks fell apart. Now we have a bigger trade deficit plus billions in tariffs and China not buying American anymore. Trump simply doesn't understand international trade one bit.

Oh, let's not forget yesterday when he threatened any police department that isn't rabidly pro Trump and giving him public endorsements, "the ones who didn’t, I think we have to look at them — where do they come from." Trump only likes cops that fawn over him first, it's not about liking cops or the law, it's about liking anyone who will say they like him....If they won't, they need to be investigated.

Orange infant, biggest business failure in America two years running by HIS accounting, daughter diddling Don : bad.
Alert Joe : good AND competent.

bobknight33 said:

Biden selling out to China is subverting Americans.

Orange Man GOOD.

Sleepy Joe BAD.

Far Cry 6: World Premiere Trailer

Anthony Jeselnik - Mother

Joe Biden response towards Tara Reade allegations

newtboy says...

People voted for Butigieg because he's intelligent, articulate, honest, thoughtful, tactful, smart, an honorable veteran, civic minded, faithful, patriotic, and a true leader.
Trumpublicans don't know a thing about any of those traits, they've had to forget about them in order to follow Trump.
The fact that he is openly gay was just a cherry on top, not a reason to vote for him but a Trumpian madness inducing Obama being black. They aren't reasons for me to vote for them, but they are absolutely reasons your ilk never would....kind of like Trump being a repeatedly convicted con man, it's not why you voted for him but it's one inescapable reason people with IQs over 85 won't.

Tell me, what trait made you love Trump? He doesn't display a single positive trait Butigieg exemplified.

bobknight33 said:

Voting for a female for the sake of being a female is asinine.

It is the same for voting for mayor Pete just because he is gay.

Conservatives don't care what you are, its you leadership to put America first that matters.

InstaTrolling in a Guitar Superstore: the FORBIDDEN RIFF

Kid hits Doorframe

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