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Rachel Maddow Channels Glenn Beck

burdturgler says...

>> ^NetRunner... As for Obama saying they "needed" to avoid using reconciliation, I gotta say, I never heard him say that. I certainly heard him say that Democrats would rather not use reconciliation for the whole bill because it'd severely limit what they could do inside the bill ...

What makes BLIP tick?

Heap of Trouble

cedona (Member Profile)

schmawy says...

Ok, Cedona, thanks for responding.

In reply to this comment by cedona:
No. This web show is hosted at I don't know how to get the embed code from there. I suppose, only the person who uploaded the show can get the embed code from But I found some episodes in youtube and other sites. I took those embed code from there and uploaded to videosift.

In reply to this comment by schmawy:
Okay Cedona, I'll ask you directly:

Do you have anything to do with the production of these videos, or personally know anyone who is involved with the production of these videos?

Please respond by clicking "profile reply" on this comment.

Thank you.

schmawy (Member Profile)

cedona says...

No. This web show is hosted at I don't know how to get the embed code from there. I suppose, only the person who uploaded the show can get the embed code from But I found some episodes in youtube and other sites. I took those embed code from there and uploaded to videosift.

In reply to this comment by schmawy:
Okay Cedona, I'll ask you directly:

Do you have anything to do with the production of these videos, or personally know anyone who is involved with the production of these videos?

Please respond by clicking "profile reply" on this comment.

Thank you.

Fifth Gear - Nissan 370z

Enzoblue says...

Watch the movie "Le Mans" with Steve McQueen to see Reims in it's full glory. Seeing the paddock like this nearly brought a tear to my eye.

Oh, and nice car. The auto-blip feature is genius.

The ELVIS Diet, 2 Fools Gold sandwhiches.. What is one ?

Cancer Breakthrough. Believe It.

Mysling says...

>> ^Truckchase:
Look, if you can't derive happiness from even two strains of cancer cells being selectively killed off, (without proof of it not working on others) I suspect there is little to derive happiness from. Let's be enthusiastic about this eh?

If you were to make a 2-minute news blip promoting the discovery every time results like these, at such an early stage, were published, then you would need a 1-hour news special every week

This is merely a shameless attempt to publically promote a single possible approach toward more effective cancer treatment midst a sea of similar discoveries.

I'm all for news stories that spur interrest and promote the biomedical sciences and the incredible breakthroughs that are being made on a yearly basis. But this is, unfortunately, not one of them.

What Would Jesus Buy (Intro)

honkeytonk73 says...

Religion is just as stupid as rampant wasteful consumerism. Both are selling a product, and you don't need either to live a content and fulfilling life.

We are all victims of the system unfortunately. It is impossible to escape.

Now.. before relying on so-called 'holistic' remedies. Think again. It is just another market for a certain demographic, chock full of scam artists. Not unlike southern 'spiritual healers'. Bullshit. They often peddle crap products or services such as the scam known as 'homeopathy' and other herbal or natural bunk. Why do they come and go so frequently? Because they are fly by night operations.

Another fault is that people are far too lazy to read the fine print. Those that do are often stricken with attention deficit disorder that they can't absorb anything more complex than sesame street language.

The ADD problems are all resulting from being spammed their entire lives by 10 minute segments followed by 30 second commercial blips for another 10 minutes.. back and forth back and forth. Video sites such as this certainly don't help in this regards that much... but at least you have some control over what you see, and can simply block or skip the ads.

I do agree that mass consumerism of a lot of crap made in China is at the heart of the problem.. but China isn't the problem. It is the corporations, as you mentioned, based in the US mostly.. which drive this market. Decades ago products would last a VERY LONG time. Now you are lucky to get a year or two out of the typical low cost imported home appliance. Ultimately that cheap product you keep buying over and over every few years, ends up costing far more in the long run. Corporations like that. It drives the consumerist system.

We are driven by corporate consumerism, and the government is driven by corporations. We feed the corporations cash. The corporations feed the cash to government officials, and as a result control the system.

But.. ultimately who is at fault? We are.. for being stupid enough to follow along like sheep.

Enjoy my positive spin on our existence

"WE'RE SCREWED" - Special Edition NY Post Stuns New Yorkers

Winstonfield_Pennypacker says...

The point is that the words on the page were scientific based facts.

Noooooo - the only scientific evidence is that Earth has climate cycles of warming and cooling and that the Earth is currently in a warming cycle. There is no 'scientific evidence' that human activity is causing any of that cycle to take place either positively or negatively. There is more C02 in the atmosphere, but there is no evidence that the C02 is what 'caused' the warming. There is compelling evidence that C02 is an aftereffect of the cycle, not an indicator of it. And historically, there have been periods of time in earth's history when there was far more C02 in the atmosphere. It did not cause 'harm'. The periods of more C02 and warmth have been times when the Earth was the most lush and had the greatest biodiversity. There is no evidence that human C02 emissions have caused the current warm blip. All that exists is inference, and vague correlations which any statistician would call either negligible or non-existent. The AMG movement is political - not scientific - but they need scientists to hype the masses so they pay them massive amounts of money to ignore evidence, make hasty generalizations, and sensational claims. Follow the money, man. Follow the money. This is one of the biggest scams in all of History since indulgences.

Do you believe in a God? (User Poll by gwiz665)

Farhad2000 says...

In my entire life the Yes or No aspect in belief of a deity never played any role in my life.

I do believe there is more to this life, but only because our small pocket of order that arose allowing life to occur is simply a insignificant blip on the vast scale and majesty of the Universe outside our local galatical sphere.

If I was god I would be having too much fun creating super massive black holes anyways.

Joke for a promote (Comedy Talk Post)

TheFreak (Member Profile)

arvana says...

Hey, thanks for the thoughtful commentary, and welcome to the site!

In reply to this comment by TheFreak:
I think the most significant aspect of this is that they both feel the need to go around changing the world to look like them. I don't care that they came together in the end and combined their colors, what's most stunning is that when they're done we've lost all other colors. All the green and brown and grey is gone. They won't be done until the entire world looks the way they want it to. It's disturbing that we so readily accept the idea that it's necessary for us to change everything around us to become a reflection of ourselves.

juxtaposition ON [OFF]

A Serious Man (Trailer - New Coen Brothers Movie)

Can we expand our embed support? (Geek Talk Post)

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Beggar's Canyon