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shagen454 says...

Give a fuck whatchya heard
Yeah fuck whatchya heard
Fore this real shit kicked your whole click to the curb
What, what...
But you don't hear me though

Run up bitch ta da death get gripped my steeze is ballin' out
Of control whatchyou know 'bout bubblin'
Hustle bones comin' out my mouth

Hustle bones comin' out my mouth [repeat]

That hot lic a shot
Never not strapped
Wit a Glock tongue cocked
Run it back
That knock a cop off unconscious Molotov
Cocktailin' sound bomb a snitch
Flat line of chalk drawn round the clock
Too many marks dropped ta count the stiffs

Stuck on the fence
How does it feel
It don't make sense
Nothing is

That rip you a new one trick I'm the true one,
And only never know me never will no son
Leave ya laid out ta fade out
Show a cunt the door
Hit and run
Hustle bones comin' out my mouth

Hustle bones comin' out my mouth [repeat]

That can't wait ta blast
Blood stained knuckle brass gives a fuck sick wit it flav on
That ex con
Hard to da bone
Darkness from the zone
Mastered and pushed far beyond

Eons beyond the line never crossed,
By dem punks livin' soft while I ride that bomb
Dr. Strangelove
Into the sun
Look no hands megatons
Rode like man we can't lose
No shit, no shit

That hit it till it drip wit
Da blood of the raw way
It was fore dem forgot
Why doin' dirt, make slang sound tough gong original
fuck da wrong way
Only one real way to work
That shit out da
Beat street spit
Über freaked heat lit
Hell flame to your brain
Blood thirst
What what...
Run it back, run it

Run up bitch ta da death get gripped my steeze is ballin' out
Of control whatchyou know 'bout bubblin'
Hustle bones comin' out my mouth

Hustle bones comin' out my mouth [repeat]

Criminal intent anti-legal ill
Thief in da night peel your life back spin the wheel

Run it back, run it

Destroying a soda can with a ping pong ball

Sagemind says...

I want to be more impressed than I am.
First of all, I expected the can to be full.
Second, Cans in the US are soooo thin, they're practically paper.
I always forget about how thin the cans are because of how thick they are in Canada. I expect they'd only dent one of our cans.
Looking at the blasted remains of the can, the flaps are waving back and forth while cans here are so rigid, that would never happen.

Loud Neighbor Payback Device

newtboy says...

To whom?
To the neighbors on the other side, above, and below, this guy was inconsiderate first unless they could also hear his neighbors music.

I've certainly wanted to do something like this...I have a neighbor with a pack of up to 18 hunting hounds that bay constantly. I did consider making something exactly like this to blast barking dog noise back at them, but quickly realized that that would make ME the asshole to the rest of the neighborhood, so instead I went to the neighbors and together we called animal control until they were forced to act. He still has far too many dogs, but was forced to get rid of at least 1/2 of them and no longer runs a puppy mill in our neighborhood.
Of course, my hedge and other plants were mysteriously poisoned 3 days later.

He should simply call the building manager and tell them it's a problem, and if they don't solve the problem he won't be paying rent. The noise would stop pretty quickly rather than getting exponentially louder.

Daldain said:

Who was inconsiderate first?

Loud Neighbor Payback Device

enoch says...

he seems so pleased with himself.

here is an idea buddy,how about talking to your neighbors?
i know that is a radical idea,but you do live RIGHT NEXT DOOR!

by making your neighbors aware that the music they are blasting is pumping directly into your place gives you an opportunity to address the situation.

the newer apartments have walls that are akin to rice can literally hear everything,but it does not take a lot of brain power to redirect the bass in order for the music to NOT travel through those paper thin walls.

this dude is just creating conflict where there really does not have to be any at all.

engineering WIN,
but conflict resolution FAIL.

The Israel-Palestine conflict: a brief, simple history

newtboy says...
The Jews that invaded Palestine were illegitimate because they were illegal immigrants invading what was essentially a British 'colony'.
That has nothing to do with the fact that the USA didn't take as many as we might have. Those are two separate wrongs.
Palestine was not invaded because it was 'safer' was invaded because they wanted to own it. If it was about safety, they would have illegally immigrated to the multiple neighboring countries, not one single place all the way across Europe....kind of like the Syrian refugees are doing. If the Syrians all went to Belgium, installed their own laws and government supplanting the local Belgians', made the Belgians non-citizens, took their lands and properties, pushed them into one small corner ghetto, then complained about how bad the Belgians are...we would laugh at their faces as we blasted the shit out of them...why did we support Jews doing the EXACT same thing without a gun forcing (edit: most of) them out of their homes like the Syrians had?
Palestine did NOT have a SIZEABLE Jewish population, it was close to 5% before the invasion. It also wasn't closer by far than any other country in Europe. It only made perfect sense because their religious leaders told them to go there and 'take back their ancestral homeland'.

I never said those in the 40's were not that desperate, nor did I ever suggest we 'change history'. You need a reading comprehension refresher. I said those illegally invading in the 30's had little to flee (unless you are saying they had a time machine and KNEW what was coming). I also say those in the 40's after the war and all those coming after that had NOTHING to flee.

The difference being that the Arabs had been there for centuries, living peacefully with a small Jewish population as part of their 'country', yes, peacefully. It wasn't until the Brits ignored their own immigration laws and allowed the Jews to invade by the thousands that conflict broke out. Today, non Jews are not full citizens in the land that the Palestinians lived on for eons, and what's left of the native Palestinians are held in a concentration camp.

If things being bad where you live is a legitimate reason to take another country, all of Africa should be taking Europe today, along with much of Asia. In fact, we may as well forget countries if that's the metric, all countries treat some group poorly.

The invaders gained more land than they had at the outset (they had NONE at the outset, they lived in what had been British ruled Palestine, and was now reverting to Palestinian rule...) but the Jews wanted their own Jewish country and stole it from the people who had never had an army, using American weapons purchased mainly with American money (or given to them for free) while the Palestinians were barely supported by their neighbors, who had never been their allies. It was not "civil war' it was an invasion. Those fighting came from elsewhere to steal the land, it was not just the native Jews fighting, it was mostly invading Jews.

Yes, of course they refused. If Mexico took Texas, then the UN said "OK, it's yours, just don't take New Mexico", yet the Mexicans were already settling in New Mexico with their army protecting the settlements, I really don't think the US would accept the UN plan either. It was ridiculous and a plan based on stealing from Peter to pay Paul back for somethin Ringo stole. WTF?!?

Yes, that counts as 'stealing land' using overwhelming force, then fighting over it, then stealing MORE land, then subjugating and dehumanizing the locals, then stealing MORE land, and more land, and more land, and whining and crying that they're the victims.

The alliance of Arab nations that fought them was much SMALLER militarily, you know this.
When a 'smaller' invading force uses it's international contacts to become a violent racist bully, uses it's overwhelming force to steal land for decades, pushing the locals into the sea or concentration camps, kills tens of thousands and imprisons millions in horrendous conditions for decades and claims they want peace, yes, they need to return all the land they gained with their evil behavior or expect the leftovers of their genocide to strike back until one side is wiped out.

They were not a nation when they did this. They were an invading horde of Europeans trying to create a religious nation on someone else's land.

bcglorf said:

Sorry, but I still can't understand. We obviously don't get to wish away history and just declare America and everybody else should've allowed more Jewish immigration and thus the Jew's that fled to Palestine were illegitimate. If we are wishing, we might as well go all out for an alternate history where Hitler and the Nazi's respected human rights and strove for peace.

Fact is that millions of Jews were trying to flee persecution in Europe(and not just the Nazi's, they were just the worst of the bunch). Fact is that the nations of the world, just like today and always, didn't want to take in nearly that many refugees. They allowed in the smartest and the richest, and that was about the line that was drawn. Truly, I can not blame the still million plus Jews with nowhere to legally escape to choosing illegal immigration to locations deemed safer for them and their families. With Palestine already having a sizable Jewish population and being closer than many other places, it made perfect sense for them to flee there. I really can't see any rational objection to this you've raised save for declaring their situation NOT that desperate or that magically we should've changed history and had everyone else act better, which plainly wasn't something the European Jews could rely upon.

As to theft of land, prior to the total outbreak of civil war in Palestine, it cut both ways. You again seem to refuse to acknowledge this. It was not just the Jews unfairly and violently dealing with the Arab Palestinians, but it was equally Arab Palestinians doing the EXACT same to the Jewish Palestinians. With the British pulling out, both parties were grabbing for land and power. You talk as though the Arab Palestinians were standing there holding out roses and snacks for the Jewish Palestinians only to find themselves shot down for the favour.

After the break out of civil war the Jewish Palestinians and refugees absolutely gained more land than they had at the outset. That is hardly the only time in history that a civil war worked out that way though. More over, when Israel accepted the UN 2 state solution, it was the Arabs that refused, allied with the surrounding Arab state to grossly outnumber the fledgling Jewish state and swore to drive the Jews into the sea. The exact quote is from Azzam Pasha, the Secretary-General of the Arab League, who declared "We will sweep them into the sea". When that war ended, Israel was even larger than when the war started. If that counts as 'stealing' land I think your a little too lose with your definitions. When a much larger alliance of nations tries to destroy a smaller one, is it really expected that the smaller nation return all land it gained as a manner of good behaviour?

Christopher Hitchens on Hillary Clinton

RFlagg says...

Yeah, I'd love to hear him on Trump and Cruz...I think he'd be all about Sanders. He blasted the Tea Party, so we can be fairly sure he'd be blasting the leaders of the current field. He'd probably admire that Trump is at least honest enough to say what he wants without a filter, but also reflect how dangerous it is that his views are so accepted among a scary percentage of Americans. How if Trump, or even Cruz, get's elected, it would isolate the US from our allies. They are still upset about Bush, and going that far to the right would endanger our relationships with all of them, save perhaps Israel, which is all the Christian right care about anyhow. He'd be giving a Hitch Slap to the media for the way they are following the Trump circus just for ratings, and building up Clinton while largely ignoring Sanders. Of course the political right would use that people like Hitchens would support Sanders and reason enough to ignore and fear him. "That demonic Atheist supports Sanders, so that's what you get with a vote for Sanders. Satanism wrapped up in the disguise of Atheism... and we all know that every knee will bow and every tongue confess, and we know they honestly do believe, but are just mad at God about something and trying to turn others against him", or something along those lines.

How to scale fish in seconds if you have a pressure washer

newtboy says...

Not bad for some fish. Fish with thinner skin, or harder to remove scales might not do as well.
I'm more than a little surprised he didn't blast right through the skin and into the meat...or into the open body cavity. Clearly he's had practice.

Goodbye Moonmen (RIP David Bowie) - Rick & Morty

The Fastest Way To Defog Your Car Windows (And Why It Works)

bitterbug says...

Also, if your cars starts to overheat while you're driving and you need to keep going to get to service/safety, roll down your windows and turn the heat on full blast - even in the summer.
The heater pulls heat off the engine and gives you extra time before you go critical.

canadian man faces jail for disagreeing with a feminist

enoch says...

dude..the hypocrisy is staggering.
guthrie claims harassment,yet even after she blocks elliot on twitter,she continues to blast him..on twitter..and her defense?

to combat the harassment.

i am not making this up.

again,i urge all of you to watch the fairly lengthy break down by girl writes what i linked in the description.

ant (Member Profile)

AdrianBlack (Member Profile)

Blacksmith Debunks 9-11 Myth

newtboy says...

I was disappointed that he didn't use his forge to prove how a blast furnace takes a fuel that burns at one temperature and with forced air added, raises that temperature significantly. He easily could have rigged his furnace to work on jet fuel, then just put a thermometer in it and showed them it goes to 2500deg.
That said, he still should have kept the temperature to 1500, since that's the temperature he was debunking, then done a second explanation to 'prove' that it doesn't matter that they're wrong about 1500 being too cool (even though it still bends at that temp), because the 1500 deg limit is a pure fantasy and fallacy from people who don't understand fire.

Chairman_woo said:

Yeh I anticipated the same stupid counter argument when he said it was 300 degrees over!

Best I've seen on the comments to that vid was someone suggesting that the molten metal seen dripping in some 9/11 vids could not have been aluminium because "Molten Aluminium is silver".


Harlem Globetrotters set 7 Guinness World Records® records.

Nephelimdream says...

I had the opportunity to sit courtside at a Globetrotters game around '93 or so. They basically had two teams. The showmen that are usually associated with the group but also some young talent that could just flat out fly. Pure athleticism that was off the charts. Needless to say, I had an absolute blast and meeting these fun loving entertainers after the game is a memory I will cherish my entire lifetime.

Engineer Guy: NERF Blaster

AeroMechanical says...

Nerf toys were always the coolest when I was a kid. I haven't played with one in over 20 years, but we had endless fun with the old Nerf Blast-A-Balls when I was smaller. They made a great noise. That might have been the first Nerf "blaster" they made. Simple, cheap, fun. Perfect.

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