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Brotherhood of Man pt2 --- circa 1946

longde says...

The whole discussion about race and IQ is flawed because there is no scientific basis for the american concept of race (black, white, asian, mexican ), and because IQ testing is not science.

Vote Up Everything Day! (Talks Talk Post)

Anti-Aussie Kiwi Ad

A hilarious take on Matrix Reloaded (Rifftrax)

Throbbin says...

Up? Another money-printing pixar typical 'old man who hates kids spends time with kid, then come to like them as kid learns valuable life lessons'. Pfft.

Haven't seen Zombieland - yet another goreporn with bursts of comedic goodness but mostly bogged down in the gutters of pop culture.

Matrix - what a load of crap. Unrealistic plot. Washed up actors/actresses giving it one more go. Arrogant neo-religious overtones meant to guide viewer through a cascade of emotional discovery, but crashing several times on the way. Modern reinterpretation of the bible - if you don't see that you're a maroon.

The Princess Bride? Great movie - for teenybopper girls (actually, I've never seen it, or Lawrence of Arabia).

Casablanca - gimme a break. The black & white just oozes pretension. That ending? C'mon - mysterious doesn't always equal good.

The Godfather? Glamourizing organized crime while simultaneously annoying my ears with that wheezy voice on Brando. Try some Halls ferchristsake!

Alien - Trailer

Alien trailer

Rachel Maddow: Why Fox News Isn't News

choggie says...

Yes, i have a particular disdain for all things recognized as legitimate media.

Those who would contribute to the field with a view to offering an alternative have their hands tied by the very types of people I tend to despise-Those folks who hide behind semantic exactitude when the foundations of their preconceived and programmed ideas and perceptions are challenged-Those who would rather tattle than deal, sue than succeed. Those who would project their clouded visions of a perfect world upon the masses.

^What the hell is this "contribution" to the Videosift bucket of mud other than someone who, trying to be popular and clever, litters the place with THIS viewpoint over THAT viewpoint? Fox over some other bereft, anemic news organization. The codex for the World's Media system offered to monkeys is "What distracts from the truth and sells the most plastic bullshit?"....nothing to do with truths, but half-truths. Little to do with usable information, useless rather. If it's not some bullshit about REP vs. DEM, it's who got killed, where and how.

I am sorry if I offended anyone with crude language to make a point, and apologies for using a colloquial term that only Brits aren't offended by. Shall I forgive Rachel Maddow for her continued suckling at the teat of her employer? I don't blame her for being just another talking, worthless head, the monies' probably pretty good. She has not ethic or morality beyond that of her own success and popularity. I can't stand her fucking smugness, her tone, her goddamn delivery or the soapbox she feels most comfortable upon....
THAT OF BAITING THE MONKEYS WHO THINK SHE HAS A FUCKING CLUE! Whore of Babylon bitch, like all the other, male or female, hetero or not, news assholes. Hate the other assholes and their pulpits as well, right, left, black, white, etc. There is no objectivity left in journalism, if there ever was any in the first place.

MaxWilder? Your observations serve only to satisfy your perceptions and to conveniently label undesirables. Re-read the comment I made, and you may find that you do not have the information you needed to make your statement T,F,or M.

MW You assume I watched the damn video for starters. You assume I attacked her because of her gender or sexuality, the latter I am taking your word for, because I don't know or could care less. If I had the power, I would downvote it. For what reason??...without watching the thing?? How about title. How about the site is littered with newscast blurbs that suit the majority? How about I can downvote for whatever reason I choose, as long as it does not violate sift guidelines.

How about....I am just as tired of seeing RM's face on the sift as I am seeing Rush Lamebrain, kittenz, members of the Atheist fan-club, or people being"PWND"!

For fucks' sake, can't you people see that the television news is an abortion, a carcinoma??

President Carter Derides Racist Tone Against Obama

Winstonfield_Pennypacker says...

No one is saying there aren't some isolated kooks who are racist. Shame on them. What I'm saying is that for Carter to generically label ALL opposition to Obama as racist (which is what he's doing) is pure garbage. Carter made no qualifications on his comment. He said "The overwhelming portion of the animosity to Obama is because he's a black man." He's lumping anyone and everyone who opposes Obama POLITICALLY into a bin and ascribing thier motivation as racial. Bullcrap.

Race is the last thing on the mind of most of the people that oppose Obama. They oppose his radicalism. They oppose his interpretation of the Constitution as lacking 'negative rights'. They oppose his Kenesyian propensities. They oppose his cradle to grave vision of America. They oppose his attempt to change health care. They oppose his attempt to tax energy & carbon. They oppose his takeovers of the auto industry and key financial institutions. They oppose his union ties. They oppose his deplorable habit of bad mouthing his own country. They oppose him for a million and one reasons, and none of them have anything to do with whether he's black, white, or purple.

Carter is full of crap. His comments are more a reflection of is own propensity for viewing the world through the lens of race than anything else.

UPDATE: And hopefully this little gem from Obama himself will put this silly matter to rest... Whatever racism actually exists against Obama is isolated, and in the remotest, most miniscule minority.

Dave Chappelle - Black White Supremacist

Dave Chappelle - Black White Supremacist

Dave Chappelle - Black Bush

Nine Policemen Can't Take One Man Sitting Peacefully

vairetube says...

"police taser sitting man" got me to a blog of someone who says they called police and asked about the story:

"The officers were called to the scene by a neighbor. The man who was tased apparently spent the entire morning on his front lawn screaming racially charged remarks at the top of his lungs. Among the things he yelled were: “White Power!” and “Heil Hitler!” The officer was not sure what ethnicity the man was, but he informed me that his name appeared to be of hispanic origin. He was not a black man, contrary to some reports.

The first officers arrived on the scene. These were a mixture of different races (black, white, and hispanic). The man on the porch screamed racial slurs at them. Furthermore, he screamed “Shoot me motherfuckers!”, “I bet if I had a gun you would shoot me, maybe I should go get my gun!”, and other variations on this theme.

The officers identified this as a mental health issue but also realized that he seemed imbalanced enough that he might be dangerous. They called a negotiator to the scene to try to subdue him. The negotiator tried to talk him into calming down for 15 minutes to no avail. The commanding officer on the scene then decided that it was in the interest of the public’s welfare and the man’s own welfare to take him into custody and get him medical attention.

The man on the porch was advised ahead of time that he would be tased. Finally, we got what we saw on the video. Immediately after the tasing, the man was transferred to the hospital where he was treated for minor injuries. The police then transferred him to a mental institution. The entire incident lasted 17 minutes.

Finally, according to Folsom Police, the taser was set at a non-lethal level. According to Folsom Police, officers are tased several times in training, and that, in their opinion, there was no excessive use of force in this incident."

demon_ix (Member Profile)

Fox: Faith Healing vs. Medicine

Bill Kristol Admits That The Public Health Option Is Better

Bruti79 says...

The more pertinent question is, how much did the tests cost you in taxes or provincial premiums? I paid $5K ONE year. The previous and subsequent years I paid very little (in the low hundreds) because I didn't have big needs. You, on the other hand, pay 2 or 3 thousand (average) a year into the Canadian tax system whether you need it or not. Over the course of your lifetime you are spending many thousands more than I am.

I don't think you understand how taxes work in Canada and the provinces. The answer is zero. I pay my federal and provincial and municipal taxes. I went up into a higher tax bracket not too long ago, and that's the only time I've had to change what I pay. We may pay a little more, I think it's 3-4% more, and I'm okay with that, if I'm helping pay for an MRI to help someone know they don't have cancer.

No - we don't have to agree with that because it is a patently false statement. Our system is different than your, but it is FAR from 'inferior'. The US system creates far more innovation, has better doctors, and far more rapid treatment times. It has its problems, but it is not a clear-cut obvious answer that a single-payer public option would solve those problems. Socialized medical plans are different. Not better. You pay for those so-called 'free' systems with higher taxes, longer wait times, and 'denied coverage' where in our super-evil private system we have no health tax, extremely fast treatment, and everyone gets treated whether they can pay or not. It isn't as black & white an issue as neolibs try to pretend it is.

There actually isn't any "denied coverage" in Ontario. They don't turn you away if you have a problem, they will take care of it. Wait times, do happen, but make sure you looking at all the numbers. There's something called: "The 90th percentile" Yes, if you have a non life threatening condition, lets say a new hip or knee, then yes you will wait.. But, the doctors know how the system works, so they will schedule you for that surgery down the road, when you will need it. Ninety percent of the numbers Republicans are using are from that, they don't look at the stats for people with life threatening conditions. As for better, Canada is ranked higher than the US in healthcare. Infact, lets count the third world countries that are ranked higher than one of the greatest industrialized nations in the world; or lets look at how much of the GDP is spent into health care and look at the results, if you're America, you're not number one, you're far from it, which is a shame for such a great country.

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