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Michael Shannon Reads the Insane Delta Gamma Sorority Letter

ChaosEngine jokingly says...

They contibute binge-drinking and random fucking and you want more?

Did you want Einstein to be able to dunk too?

EvilDeathBee said:

As a non-American, the whole fraternity and sorority thing seems so stupid. WTF do they contribute to college aside from the promotion of binge drinking and random fucking?

Michael Shannon Reads the Insane Delta Gamma Sorority Letter

EvilDeathBee says...

As a non-American, the whole fraternity and sorority thing seems so stupid. WTF do they contribute to college aside from the promotion of binge drinking and random fucking?

Speed Drinking F-A-I-L.

Speed Drinking F-A-I-L.

Hamster dreaming Cutest thing you've ever seen

Sesame Street Pulls Controversial Katy Perry Duet with Elmo

peggedbea says...

as a raging feminist and a mother,.... i gotta disagree.

my kids grew out of the sesame street days years ago, and now are mortified of viewing or duplicating anything remotely attached to sesame street.

are little girls over sexualized in/by pop culture? yes
is it because they saw a pop stars cleavage on sesame street one time when they were 2? probably not.

do i think the same sample of parents will let their little girls idolize vapid, packaged, subtly sexualized and marketed teenage pop stars later in their lives? yes.
and let their little boys form a skewed idea of women and sexuality built around pop culture iconography and too much internet porn? yes.

>> ^GenjiKilpatrick:

@<a rel="nofollow" href="" title="member since June 23rd, 2010" class="profilelink">Stu
Your point is my point exactly! Our culture is constantly filled with scantily clad females.
As soon as you change the channel you'll find a girl in a bikini is selling you some crap.
So in our hypersexualized marketing culture it's not a cop out to suggest that we promote modest behavior and select role models for young kids who practice modesty.
By obstinately defending Perry's right to show the top of her tits..
You're all missing the point completely.
And essentially condoning someone like Kesha teaching 3 to 7 yr olds their numbers and alphabet by rewording her song about binge drinking and causal drunk sex.
Some of these kids are going to become attached to these shitty artists.
Worship their albums and outfits and success and likely associate being half naked with success and popularity.
They don't even have to be told that. They just see the behavior and emulate it.
My point is. If you show kids racy glamorous popstars they'll aspire to that.
Maybe if you showed a female scientist or olympic athlete or district court judge more female youth would aspire to those things.
...Am i seriously the only windbag on videosift that hold this point of view?

Sesame Street Pulls Controversial Katy Perry Duet with Elmo

GenjiKilpatrick says...

Your point is my point exactly! Our culture is constantly filled with scantily clad females.

As soon as you change the channel you'll find a girl in a bikini is selling you some crap.

So in our hypersexualized marketing culture it's not a cop out to suggest that we promote modest behavior and select role models for young kids who practice modesty.

By obstinately defending Perry's right to show the top of her tits..

You're all missing the point completely.
And essentially condoning someone like Kesha teaching 3 to 7 yr olds their numbers and alphabet by rewording her song about binge drinking and causal drunk sex.

Some of these kids are going to become attached to these shitty artists.
Worship their albums and outfits and success and likely associate being half naked with success and popularity.
They don't even have to be told that. They just see the behavior and emulate it.

My point is. If you show kids racy glamorous popstars they'll aspire to that.
Maybe if you showed a female scientist or olympic athlete or district court judge more female youth would aspire to those things.

...Am i seriously the only windbag on videosift that hold this point of view?

Legalizing Marijuana - Ron Paul and Jesse Ventura

NetRunner says...

I knew I should have put a disclaimer on my comment saying "That said, I do support legalization of marijuana."

My real point is this: making a behavior illegal reduces the incidence of it. If it didn't, we wouldn't bother having law enforcement at all.

@LordOderus, I was taught the same thing about prohibition. I never really questioned it because I definitely think prohibition was stupid, but honestly just flipping through the evidence in the link you provided, all they really showed is that criminally-supplied alcohol was more likely to get you hospitalized and/or arrested. I dunno if that was just because people were cutting corners to make as much as they can and producing unsafe liquor, or if it was because people tended to binge drink when they did get access to alcohol, or both, but I don't think that means the overall consumption of alcohol actually went up. It just showed that the negative effects that derive from people drinking alcohol got more acute (which is perfectly good grounds for repealing prohibition, IMO).

It also shows how hard it is to ban something that's essentially universally considered socially acceptable.

@dannym3141, I agree with you. Those are the reasons why I favor legalization of marijuana. I still say banning it reduces usage, I just don't think we should care about reducing marijuana usage.

@gwiz665, funny you should bring up banning high fructose corn syrup, fat and sugar. I'm strongly in favor of taxing those things, and using the proceeds to partially fund a national health care system, but I'd obviously oppose banning them. Granted, we could probably entirely eliminate the use of high fructose corn syrup in food by reforming our farm subsidies (preferrably by mostly eliminating them), something I'd also like to see happen.

Now, I'm gonna play devil's advocate.

I'm totally for controlling (i.e. make them by prescription only) drugs which are highly physically addictive, and drugs that can be immediately life-threatening.

For example, I don't think I'd ever support legalizing heroin or crack.

I might be amenable to banning cigarettes too, though I think the way it's being squeezed in the US is probably the only way to really cut down on smoking -- keep jacking up the tax on it, and essentially ban smoking in all public areas that aren't bars, and run media campaigns to try to stigmatize smoking.

Answering machine all schools should have.

dannym3141 says...

However what it's referring to is the reason we have such an apathetic and violent bunch of binge drinking absentee parents populating our country, breeding another generation of same.

The only thing i disagree on is the bit about foreign languages. And even then only because most of the people who say that sort of thing are racists who are trying to line themselves up with people like me, who welcome anyone into a country as long as they integrate.

I think (and i would) if you go to live in another country, you should abide by their rules, customs and conventions rather than suing the government/police force/whatever else every time you're asked FOR YOUR OWN SAFETY/OTHERS/TO DO THE JOB PROPERLY to remove an item which you feel is culturally/religiously part of you. If you still can't remove it/abide by whatever is asked of you, don't do that job. To grant someone special dispensations, i believe, is inequality not equality. Everyone has an equal right to do anything they are qualified and right for, as long as they are willing to do it to the same standard required of anyone else.

A policy of not pandering to people in this way would deal with a lot of home-grown problems as well as cultural differences with others. And i'd argue that, in the long run, it'd bring different cultures together more for obvious reasons.

I've been called racist by a certain person on this website for saying this before, and if you agree with that, then i call you an unracist. In an effort to rally for equality, you overshoot the target and end up on the other side where there is still inequality just in favour of someone else.

rottenseed (Member Profile)

Spaghetti Cat makes a mysterious TV appearance

Pornography Myths (Femme Talk Post)

Octopussy says...

Didn’t I read the other week that about 25% of internet users visit adult content websites occasionally? I guess that a further study would show that some of them are 13-year old males and some 80-year old females; some are in a relationship, others are single; some are total sex addicts and others are just curious; some watch porn alone, others together with their significant other. Not to mention the wide variety of porn out there: some of it is cute, lame, boring or sexy, but there’s a lot of shocking stuff as well. As for the actors: I guess, some are just curious and give it a try, are taken in by the glamour or are wanna-be movie stars, others are desperate for money or addicted to sex or victims of sexual abuse.

How could anyone generalise all those factors into some silly statistics or myths? You could easily ask the same questions with regard to food, games, and spending your weekend and the whole matter would be totally uninteresting unless it concerned fast food, violent games or binge drinking.

So Thepinky, what is it exactly that you want to learn from us?

All that being said, I do have One Serious Question about porn, that I’ve never been able to get answered: the cum shots. Especially on the face, sharing, licking &c (you know what I mean). Who wants them? As a woman, I find them totally repulsive, so maybe the shots are supposed to appeal to the male audience. But then, I find it hard to believe that any, in particular heterosexual, man would be aroused by watching another guy’s sperm splashing of the screen.

PS: @Kommie, you do know, don’t you, that women shop (and eat chocolate) as an outlet for not getting enough good sex ;-)?

Dumbass of the Day!

dannym3141 says...

Holy shit... i have to say, if i was breaking down a concrete fence, and i saw it was broken already, i'm not certain the idea wouldn't have come to me to kick it through.

Not through vandalism, though i am british so it does appeal to me. As does "shove ha'penny", "binge drinking" and "domestic violence."

It really wouldn't have occured to me that the weight of the concrete was so great or that the break would be so clean that the other blocks could slide down unhindered.

gorilla_squad (Member Profile)

MINK says...

he's a genius.

In reply to this comment by gorilla_squad:
i think bill bailey got pretty close:

"We have strong prevailing south westerly winds. 52% of our days are overcast so as a nation we're infused with a wistful melancholy, but we remain a relentlessly chipper population. Prone to mild eccentricity, binge drinking and casual violence. Breakfast is served 7-9."

In reply to this comment by MINK:
yeah you can make the best of it, and it's not a warzone. i just didn't understand your point. thanks

In reply to this comment by gorilla_squad:
i was addressing you. bill bryson is utterly mawkish about britain and most of what he said in the vid is bollocks, but then so is your rant.

I've been living in london on a modest wage for years and have a great time, so I thought I'd add some balance to bryson's indulgence and your bitterness.

In reply to this comment by MINK:
errrr.... not sure who you are addressing with that comment

i left england, and i am not so sentimental about it.

if you were agreeing with me, then yeah! haha

In reply to this comment by gorilla_squad:
jesus, turn down the sentimentality. england's not all that.

In reply to this comment by MINK:
as another englishman who left that ridiculous island... i can say this is bollocks.
you need a LOT of money to like the UK...

...maybe the kind of money you would get if you wrote a cozy book about how great the UK is.

ok so people DO apologise if you hit them carelessly in a crowded place, big woop.

MINK (Member Profile)

gorilla_squad says...

i think bill bailey got pretty close:

"We have strong prevailing south westerly winds. 52% of our days are overcast so as a nation we're infused with a wistful melancholy, but we remain a relentlessly chipper population. Prone to mild eccentricity, binge drinking and casual violence. Breakfast is served 7-9."

In reply to this comment by MINK:
yeah you can make the best of it, and it's not a warzone. i just didn't understand your point. thanks

In reply to this comment by gorilla_squad:
i was addressing you. bill bryson is utterly mawkish about britain and most of what he said in the vid is bollocks, but then so is your rant.

I've been living in london on a modest wage for years and have a great time, so I thought I'd add some balance to bryson's indulgence and your bitterness.

In reply to this comment by MINK:
errrr.... not sure who you are addressing with that comment

i left england, and i am not so sentimental about it.

if you were agreeing with me, then yeah! haha

In reply to this comment by gorilla_squad:
jesus, turn down the sentimentality. england's not all that.

In reply to this comment by MINK:
as another englishman who left that ridiculous island... i can say this is bollocks.
you need a LOT of money to like the UK...

...maybe the kind of money you would get if you wrote a cozy book about how great the UK is.

ok so people DO apologise if you hit them carelessly in a crowded place, big woop.

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