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67 year old White Dude Told Him not to Fuck with Him

rychan says...

Watching the follow up video and reading about Epic Beard Man, it's clear that he's a little off his rocker. Sad, really. I think he probably did say something racist and insulting to the other guy in this video. But still, the old guy moved away from the argument and the young guy threw the first punch. I don't understand how you pick a fight with someone as large as that old guy. He's clearly extremely strong. I guess that's why it's EIA.

The most pathetic people in this video are the ones filming it, alternatively encouraging the fight, feigning outrage at the outcome, and then stealing the old guy's bag.

67 year old White Dude Told Him not to Fuck with Him

aspartam says...

I workout quite a bit and I see some older dudes at my gym that put all of us young pups to shame. Epic beard man falls into this category. He's probably been lifting weights for a solid 40 years, and that means he's got good, mature, dense muscles. I would not want to be on the other side of his fists, dudes like him are incredibly strong. I can also notice the signs of roid rage when I see them. He is clearly raging in the second video. I've been there. It takes a lot longer to decompress after an altercation when you have testosterone pumping through your system in doses more akin to a great ape's. I think that cop knows it as well. How often do you see an cop let someone destroy newspaper boxes and swear in public? He knows he can't take him down on his own, nor could he with 3 other officers. You just don't confront an angry gorilla sized man that has been exercised for decades, that is on steroids, and that now has adrenaline raging through his veins. You just don't do it.


The universe as we know it

scientology advertisements on videosift? (Cult Talk Post)

pipp3355 says...

>> ^gwiz665:
It could just be that pipp and me surfs a lot of scientology lova-sites, so Google judges us as "potentials"...

yeah i think that's possible actually, cuz one of my favourite channels is cultsift, i've seen pretty much every scientology-related video there is on the sift.. and i'm a regular visitor to anit-scientology websites.. i think i have a strange fascination for the cult.. cuz they are scarily-effective at what they do.. for example:
and i also love wise bearded man. i think some of his vids are hilarious..

April 12 Scientology Protest by Anonymous in San Diego

April 12 Scientology Protest by Anonymous in San Diego

April 12 Scientology Protest by Anonymous in San Diego

How to Beat Your Wife - According to Allah

legacy0100 says...

Hey, even Americans do not have perfect sex equality yet. We just hush up about it in the evening news. They're less 'politically correct', so they get to say these things out loud and on TV. Just because we don't 'admit' to some of our own Americans abusing their spouse doesn't mean it doesn't mean we'll be able to criticize others. Unless of course, it's on daytime soap operas on Spanish Channels.

From what I've just seen, he's trying to be as respectful to women as any muslim in a Muslim nation. This is a huge progress compared to what they've done before. Change doesn't happen in one night. This is a positive video. Kudos to that bearded man.

And shame on all of you for downgrading this Imam's noble efforts.

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