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chicchorea (Member Profile)

chicchorea says...

*Retained for....

"violent and outspoken when confronted with blind insanity" must pitch a fight club fit when you pass a mirror.

You really do not have a clue...and cannot have a clue. You ARE an offense...but as easily walked away from without an afterthought as a fart in public.

For all your ranting and posturing, you are a frightened child with a man sounding voice trying to be less alone, less ignorant, and less lost...and yes much of that can be said of us all save your volume...much more the pity of you.

You are not a champion. not a voice from on high, not a beacon of light. Should you really desire or aspire to be, go work on yourself, silently, in silence...and good luck. I'm going to follow my own advice.

chingalera said:

No harm no foul chicco, I took a particular offense at your low-blow, esp. making a public spectacle of me according to your own misunderstanding and hang-ups-I rile against hatred or violence towards children of any kind, but am violent and outspoken when confronted with blind insanity.

Ron Paul's CNN interview on U.S. Interventionism in Syria

enoch says...

there are a few things i dont understand about your position.i hope you can clear them up for me. state that there is conclusive evidence that it was the assad regime that executed the use of chemical weapons and that only russia and the syrian government are stating otherwise.
could you supply this evidence for us?
because as far as i can tell the only entity providing evidence is isreal and i have to admit being skeptical of their claims.they have been wrong before and often. lets address the hypothetical that it IS assads regime that is responsible for the chemical attacks.
how does this give the united states the right to unilaterally use military force?
where is the diplomatic option?
why are we not even attempting to bring the players on the ground in syria to the negotiating table?
why are we jumping right over steps 3 and 4 and diving into bombings?
how is killing innocent civilians considered "humanitarian"?

3.if the reasoning that we are being given is that a syrian intervention is based on "humanitarian" grounds and that the assad regime has perpetrated "crimes against humanity" (which is possible).where is the united states deriving this moral authority?
when we consider that the united states itself used:phosphorous and depleted uranium in iraq,which IS indeed considered a war crime.
in fact the united states has pretty much broken international law in every conflict since 1950 in regards to war crimes.
so where is our supposed moral authority?

4.if we dismiss the questionable intelligence in regards to chemical weapons in syria AND we ignore the utter hypocrisy in using banned weaponry and we focus on JUST the crimes against humanity defense for intervention.that somehow the united states is doing all this for "humanitarian" reasons.
then we must ask the question:
"if the united states is such a beacon of moral purity and is the defender of the weak and helpless that it will strike at any sovereign nation that dares to kill its own citizens.why is it that the united states turned a blind eye in other countries that perpetrated almost mass genocide against its own people"?

what makes syria more special than the millions of human beings who were allowed to be murdered and slaughtered by its own government while the united states sat back and did nothing,and many times supplied the very weaponry USED to murder those people?

the hypocrisy is staggering.

the implication is that the united states is NOT interested in a stable syria but exactly the opposite.
maybe this thought is troubling for americans but i submit that if that is the case then they have not been paying attention.

*edit-as for your "iraq is the way it is due to saddam hussein" assertion.
you do realize the united states armed saddam.we didnt pull the trigger when he went after the iranians and the kurds but we supplied the gun.
you do realize that we never left iraq after the first gulf war.
are you aware that even as reprehensible and venal saddam was,iraq had running water,hospitals,schools.even with the continued bombings and sanctions iraq had a functioning government?

are we to believe ,by your assertion,that iraq is in the state it is right now due to saddam hussein and america bears ZERO responsibility?
we have occupied iraq for TEN YEARS.saddam was executed 7 yrs ago.
the united states has failed on an epic scale in regards to iraq.

remember that whole "we will be greeted as liberators"
"the oil we confiscate will pay for the war"
maybe i am reading your commentary wrong but i cant wrap my head around your assertion.
it just does not hold up under the simplest of scrutiny.

Ann Coulter Sounds Like Moron, Tries to Save Face

ghark says...

Aye that's the irony of this, and tbh the worst part is not Coulter's comments, it's the bit at the end where Maher says (referring to bombing the country) "Libya we did, for humanitarian reasons".

Yes Maher, invading/bombing a country is always humanitarian, I'm so glad your shining beacon of morality is here to guide us through these dark times.

Yogi said:

We are still funding their military though, so that's something that should be brought up.

Congratulations to Pumkinandstorm on reaching Galaxy! (Sift Talk Post)

PlayhousePals says...

Ahhh-MAZING! I am so proud to be your "pal". You are indeed an inspiration ... a shining beacon of tenacity. Thank you for leading the way Jen ... and for guiding me to the Sift. Cat Ladies Rule [making Sifters Drool] ... Mee-OWW!

@dag Loved the ditty!

Old man isn't afraid of anything

Aniatario says...

"Whack ye all the serpents which crawl upon their bellies, and thy town shall be a beacon unto others." - Bible

entr0py said:

Remember, if you see a snake on the ground, always wander up and kick it in the ribs to see if it's aggressive. Better safe than sorry.

Bizarre Dennis Rodman Interview About North Korea

bcglorf says...

The US prison system is NOTHING like what is in North Korea.

If America was North Korea, posting what you just did within America would see in prison. When inside prison, you would not be guaranteed any rights. You would NOT get three meals per day. You would in fact be beaten for stealing food if you were caught eating a rat you managed to kill.

Anyone even humoring comparisons between American prisons and North Korean forced labor camps is in bad need of educating. Our world has very, very dark places in it. Places so dark they make America, with all its warts, still look like a bright beacon of eternal freedom by comparison. That's not white washing America, it is just how horrifying and brutal the dark places in our world are, and North Korea is undoubtedly one of the darkest there is today.

zor said:

He's def on to something when he suggests the US does the same thing re: prison camps. What do you call it when you force people to do prison work in order to stay in the general population? So what if they don't starve or whip them if they don't work? We have a very narrow definition of what slavery is in this day and age. We update our definition of slavery to fit the times. It is very, very common now all over the world.

Colorado and Washington Legalize Cannabis

vaire2ube says...

Law goes into effect December 6th .. this is great news for me, I was wondering what i would do with my simple biology degree... and now i may be able to help advance the science of the medicinal uses of cannabis, or work in a quality control lab.

i know WA will become a leader in cannabis research, as we are on the coast and next to Canada, so the influx of supplies wont be interrupted by any crossing state lines approach to law enforcement... we will be a beacon of freedom.

Of course, soon the secret about what a great place WA is will be totally out.

A House For Lions - Come On Let's Go (Acoustic)

Death Penalty For Rebellious Children? -- TYT

criticalthud says...

>> ^Lendl:

Again, I must ask (again and again and again)...

most residents of the USA are infected with the "SPECIALNESS"

the idea that we are each unique little snowflakes, made in the image of God and of whom God is with at all times, and citizens of the City on the Hill: the shining beacon of light and good amid the darkness of the world and all of those evil things that dwell there. And that we are so authentic, original, and entitled.

I think we could also call it the Puritan Ethos, but it is not specific to england and the US. so in general, I think "the specialness" may suffice.

and it is a fundamental flaw in the psyche of species, mirrored around the world in different cultures in different degrees and by different names. and it is the root cause of almost all stupidity and suffering.

Bug: *win tags both wings and win channels. (Geek Talk Post)

Louis CK Has Lost His Mary-Jane Mojo

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'live at the beacon theatre, pot' to 'live at the beacon theatre, pot, louis CK, standup, marijuana' - edited by legacy0100

Louis CK Wins 4 Comedy Awards and Feels Progressively Worse

rottenseed says...

He never repeats his material after he does a special. He credits George Carlin for inspiring him to trash his material and start anew after every bit is perfected. Unlike comedians like Jerry Seinfeld that just tell the same jokes with the precision of a "technician". That would get old to me.>> ^Aniatario:

>> ^rottenseed:
Louis strikes me as the type of guy that will leave the business before others think he's ready. I think that once he's out of shit to say or he's not having fun anymore he'll disappear (or shift his efforts)>> ^Yogi:
Don't worry Louis you were right and it's all downhill from here.

I dunno if he's going to run out of ideas any time soon, he's just that good. That, and the fact that he takes a tremendous amount of inspiration from George Carlin. I remember reading his response to his recent success surrounding his "Live at the Beacon" performance. Much like Carlin, he approaches every performance as though it were his "annual crop." Reaping the fruits of his labour and then moving on to work on a brand new routine.

He actually took the time to address a few questions on reddit recently and I remember him saying that he has no plans of performing any of the jokes he prepared for his "Live at the Beacon" performance. The fact that he continues to pump out new and hilarious material as opposed to riding out a gravy train is pretty phenomenal.

Louis CK Wins 4 Comedy Awards and Feels Progressively Worse

Aniatario says...

>> ^rottenseed:

Louis strikes me as the type of guy that will leave the business before others think he's ready. I think that once he's out of shit to say or he's not having fun anymore he'll disappear (or shift his efforts)>> ^Yogi:
Don't worry Louis you were right and it's all downhill from here.

I dunno if he's going to run out of ideas any time soon, he's just that good. That, and the fact that he takes a tremendous amount of inspiration from George Carlin. I remember reading his response to his recent success surrounding his "Live at the Beacon" performance. Much like Carlin, he approaches every performance as though it were his "annual crop." Reaping the fruits of his labour and then moving on to work on a brand new routine.

He actually took the time to address a few questions on reddit recently and I remember him saying that he has no plans of performing any of the jokes he prepared for his "Live at the Beacon" performance. The fact that he continues to pump out new and hilarious material as opposed to riding out a gravy train is pretty phenomenal.

Louis CK illustrates the Etch-a-Sketch metaphor

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'Etch a Sketch, romney, babies, memory' to 'Etch a Sketch, babies, memory, beacon theater' - edited by xxovercastxx

Mike Oldfield - Five Miles Out

oritteropo says...

Ha! I remember this. I don't think I've heard it since the 80s, unlike so much other 80s music which just never went away. There's an interesting page explaining the radio messages of the troubled flight -

Between Maggie Reilly's vocals and the lyrics, this always sends a shiver down my spine.

Mike Oldfield - Five Miles Out.

What do you do when your falling,
You've got 30 degrees and you're stalling out?
And it's 24 miles to your beacon;
There's a crack in the sky and the warning's out.

Don't take that dive again!
Push through that band of rain!

Five miles out,
Just hold your heading true.
Got to get your finest out.
You're number 1, anticipating you.

Climbing out.
Just hold your heading true.
Got to get your finest out.
You're number 1, anticipating you.

Mayday! mayday! mayday!
Calling all stations!
This is golf-mike-oscar-victor-juliet
Imc cu.nimb...icing,
In great difficulty, over.

The traffic controller is calling,
"victor-juliet, your identity.
I have you lost in the violent storm!
Communicate or squawk 'emergency'!"

Don't take that dive again!
Push through that band of rain!

Lost in static, 18,
And the storm is closing in now.
Automatic, 18!
(got to push through!) trapped in living hell!

Your a prisoner of the dark sky,
The propeller blades are still!
And the evil eye of the hurricane's
Coming in now for the kill.

Our hope's with you,
Rider in the blue.
Welcome's waiting, we're anticipating
You'll be celebrating, when you're down and braking.

Climbing out.
(climbing, climbing)
Five miles out.
(climbing, climbing)

Five miles out,
Just hold your heading true.
Got to get your finest out....
(climbing, climbing)

Five miles out,
Just hold your heading true.
Got to get your finest out....
(climbing, climbing)

Climbing out.
Just hold your heading true.
Got to get your finest out....
(climbing, climbing)

Five miles out,
Just hold your heading true.
Got to get your finest out....
(climbing, climbing)

Climbing out.
Just hold your heading true.
Got to get your finest out....
(climbing, climbing)

Climbing out.
Just hold your heading true.
Got to get your finest out....

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