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Alert monks train F. Castro et. al. to do something useful

lisacat says...

Nga Phe Kyaung Monastery in Myanmar. This place is a famous tourist attraction. From a nice article in the LA Times here:

"The Intha are known for the strange way they propel their small wooden fishing boats. The fisherman stands at the stern, balanced on one leg, and rows with the other leg by wrapping it around the oar, leaving both hands free to work the net.

Although this method of fishing is unusual and something to see, it's starting to be overshadowed by some unlikely local residents — Madonna, Leonardo DiCaprio, Brad Pitt and Tina Turner, among others.

Our driver cut the longboat's engine, and we glided gracefully toward Nga Phe Kyaung, the abode of these local celebrities. Nga Phe Kyaung, an 18th century Buddhist monastery built from teakwood on stilts over the lake, is known more affectionately among its visitors as "the jumping cat monastery." For more than 20 years, the monks here have trained their cats to jump through hoops.

U Nan Da, a young Buddhist monk, met our boat. He led us inside the temple, where Chinese green tea, roasted barley and bananas are served to those who visit.

As I sat on the teakwood floor sipping tea, a feeling of peace prevailed. Beams of light streamed through the open windows, and the eyes of 64 golden Buddhas seemed to watch me from every angle. I sensed another pair of eyes, those of a curious cat, but when I turned to look, it had disappeared.

"That's James Bond," the monk said.

I laughed, but he assured me he wasn't joking.

"He is a very secretive cat," he said. "He likes to watch, but if we try to catch him he always escapes. So we call him James Bond."

How to do the Ing Ping Ching magic trick

How much sugar is in a can of soda?

joedirt says...

"Simple sugars include sucrose, fructose, glucose, galactose, maltose, lactose and mannose."

sucrose = glucose + fructose
lactose = glucose + galactose
maltose = glucose + glucose

Simple Carbohydrate Sources
Sucrose - Table sugar, brown sugar, confectioners sugar, raw sugar and turbinado
Glucose - Dextrose, corn syrup and glucose syrup or tablets
Fructose – Honey, fruits and vegetables
Lactose - Milk products
Maltose, Dextrose – Cereals, flour and many baked goods
Alcohol Sugars - Sorbitol, mannitol, xybitol

Complex Carbohydrate Sources
Insoluble Fiber - Wheat bran, cabbage, beets, carrots, brussel sprouts, turnips, cauliflower and apple skin (pectin)
Soluble Fiber -: oat bran, oats, legumes (beans), citrus fruits, strawberries, apple pulp, psyllium, rice bran and barley
Starches - Flour, bread, rice, corn, oats, barley, potatoes, carrots, corn, legumes, fruits and vegetables.

HFCS is getting a bad name. You'll start seeing P&G and our chemical manufactured food overlords switching to other things, like galactose.

Diabetes is the fifth deadliest disease in the United States. High blood sugar is among the most costly health problems in America. Health care and other costs directly related to diabetes treatment, and the cost of lost productivity, are $98 billion annually. Forget Big Tabacco, Big Sugar will be the next target for class actions

Stephen and the Colberts - Charlene (I'm right behind you)

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