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Barbie vs. Canon

Barbie vs. Canon

Barbie vs. Canon

Muskrat Love - Captain and Tenille

DJ Shortee - Coffee Cuts

shuac says...

I'd be really curious to know if there's anything more dumb than DJing or whatever we'd like to label this activity. Wait, I've got it. Collecting barbie dolls is pretty dumb. But no, there's got to be something that blows even that out of the water. I'm at a loss, I'll try to think of something.

BP Rent a Cop Halts Media Coverage

Porksandwich says...

I understand the need to keep people from the work areas and allowing the work to continue unhindered. I even understand preventing the guy from approaching the rest area to some degree. But there are ways to deal with it that don't involve what is being shown in this video. They could simply barricade the area, post signs to keep the unauthorized out, and have their guards escort anyone off who enters the area without authorization.

But that is implying that they have the right to do that, which a lot of these areas are public locations. If they had the power it would be announced on the news and radio, and posted to keep away from these areas until announced otherwise. And that would be the best way to deal with the problem of camera men and the public at large, and made it a crime at the same time giving more deterrent. Except that I don't think they want to keep all the public from within speaking range of the workers, they just want to keep the people with cameras away. If it were truly dangerous to the public at large, it would be done by now. And we all know the public at large can't keep from driving through construction sites without barricades, avoiding uncovered man hole covers without barricades, and dealing with much of anything out of the normal where they can stick their nose to find out what's going on (don't those rubberneckers just piss you off? Especially when they drift all over the place.)

And this isn't just actual work sites they are preventing people from going to and filming. There are plenty of videos of the COAST GUARD stopping people from filming and exploring the coast line from sea because BP said so with no other reason than that. No booms were in place, there was absolutely nothing but oil coated coastline and dead/dying birds, sea life, etc.

And Im rather curious that there isn't a lot of personal footage being shot from people's own land of the mess and sent to these news networks to be aired, but I suspect that is being discouraged in another unknown manner as of yet.

As a sidenote: BP has been putting out low ball estimated reports for the leak, that webcam is underwater with no real frame of reference for the public. Without scale, that thing could be a pin prick in a garden hose or the size of that sink hole in Chile. They've since repositioned the camera a little to give better footage, but scale is still pretty hard to judge if you don't know how big the items being shown are. It's kinda like the realtors who like to shoot everything with that fish eye lens that warps everything out of shape to make it appear bigger...wasting your time looking at that shit since it could have been taken in a barbie house for all you know.

Coast Guard with BP guys stop reporters trying to check out oil covered location..they say it's not their rules by BP's rules "under threat of arrest".

Hadn't seen this one myself's even more apparent that they are blocking media exclusively...even from flying over:

Common sense and critical thinking tell me that they don't want the public at large getting pissed off and pressuring Congress to actually punish the company. The longer they can keep the illusion alive that the problem isn't horrifically bad, the more time they have to let the oil sink under the surface of the water and clean up those it won't look as bad as it truly is. Oh and the illusion helps keep their stock prices up, if the clean up outlook is grim...their stock prices will tank. Can't have that happening. If they can keep the stock up, and Congress off their back...they'll only be out up to 75 mil in damages when the lawsuits start coming in...pretty nifty deal with the government contracts already having paid them 800+ million this year.

And upon watching it again, the supervisor gave the media permission to approach the rest areas (after the guards denied it, didn't ask the supervisor at any point as well) to see if the workers would speak to them. The security guards told them not to and continued to do so until they spoke for themselves. At which point the reporter thanked them for cleaning up the beaches and left. And as for the "deadness" of the shots, they didn't shoot much beyond the guards blocking access and their attempt to ask workers to speak to them. We don't know how many people the guards have chased off with or without the authority to do so under the law.

>> ^BrknPhoenix:

Please do re-read your hippie comments and reflect for a bit. These things are why you are throwing fire on an Internet website and not making actual decisions.
Let's think about it a minute. If BP/the gov't gives carte blanche for all reporters, what's going to happen? The next day they're going to have thousands of reporters standing in the way of the actual work being done. All of the workers will be talking to reporters instead of working. They will create a disruption.
I'm not defending BP for the oil spill at all, but having a little fucking common sense, people. The media does have access. There's a web cam on the spill itself for Christs' sake. That does NOT mean any random person can just walk right up to it and get in the way. It's no difference than me going to the White House, and after being denied access, claiming that because of that, they have something to hide.
Also, take a look at that shot. It's dead. There's not a ton of reporters there. Everyone knows the rules. These douchebags know the rules too. They're deliberately trying to stir shit up by asking questions to "Rent-a-cops" about what the CEO of the company says, and making unreasonable demands about going onto a work-site.
Do keep this in mind one day when you finally go over the edge, and after mowing down half a school's worth of kids in your Prius after a hella cocaine bender, the media can't follow you right into your place of work because you too enjoy protections like the workers of BP! Isn't America wonderful.
The steps go like this. Step 1) Think critically. Step 2) Lynch. Not the other way around.

Revoke BP's Corporate Charter

kronosposeidon says...

That's good information to know. When armageddon comes, I know whose home I'm going to invade.

JK. I only eat what I kill. I'll throw a blankfist on the barbie for you. >> ^volumptuous:

I work from home, my GF takes mass transit. We have a massive garden where we get most of our food from. We buy all other food from locally grown, sustainable sources (mostly south central farmers market). We make all of our own cleaning agents, use soap nuts for washing clothes, recycle all water, harvest rainwater, solar dry food, hardly ever use a heater, have no A/C or central air. Blah blah blah, I'm a dirty hippie, etc.

Groovin' with Ken!

Blankfist sings about Rottenseed

Amour Audition Ads - New Porn Channel (Safe for Work)

bananafone says...

Aww, isn't it cute? He thinks he's people.

>> ^fjules:

Yellow fever weeaboo spotted.
>> ^rottenseed:
Not enough Asians. It better be on demand.

"To me the brunette at 0:35 was more attractive than any of them. Nothing kills my libido faster than when a woman finally speaks and seems to have the mental age of a 12 year old. You just feel creepy. Even more so when you see that she's done everything from surgery to taking a bath in makeup to look as much like Barbie as possible."
Just admit that you're a nerdy virgin with low standards.
Seriously, I hate when guys expect "intelligence" for a woman and get the hots for some nerdy girl that the local alpha male will anal fuck on the first day why you will be left in the friend zone forever.
Women want a man not a wuss. A man is open with his sexuality.

Amour Audition Ads - New Porn Channel (Safe for Work)

Payback says...

>> ^entr0py:
To me the brunette at 0:35 was more attractive than any of them. Nothing kills my libido faster than when a woman finally speaks and seems to have the mental age of a 12 year old. You just feel creepy. Even more so when you see that she's done everything from surgery to taking a bath in makeup to look as much like Barbie as possible.

I got the distinct impression "Jessica", the blonde with the white vest, is substantially more intelligent than she's letting on.

Amour Audition Ads - New Porn Channel (Safe for Work)

timtoner says...

>> ^entr0py:

To me the brunette at 0:35 was more attractive than any of them. Nothing kills my libido faster than when a woman finally speaks and seems to have the mental age of a 12 year old. You just feel creepy. Even more so when you see that she's done everything from surgery to taking a bath in makeup to look as much like Barbie as possible.

Agreed, all around. On Loveline back in the day, Dr. Drew and Adam Corolla would listen to a few seconds of a caller's voice, and accurately guess at what age the caller was when she experienced the trauma that stunted her vocal development. People would call them on it all the time, saying it was cruel to dismiss someone's pain so cavalierly (they'd usually bet), but they pointed out that such traumas are 1) relatively commonplace and 2) devastating if not addressed. Every time I talk to an adult who has that little girl voice, I wonder when it happened to her.

Amour Audition Ads - New Porn Channel (Safe for Work)

fjules says...

Yellow fever weeaboo spotted.
>> ^rottenseed:

Not enough Asians. It better be on demand.

"To me the brunette at 0:35 was more attractive than any of them. Nothing kills my libido faster than when a woman finally speaks and seems to have the mental age of a 12 year old. You just feel creepy. Even more so when you see that she's done everything from surgery to taking a bath in makeup to look as much like Barbie as possible."
Just admit that you're a nerdy virgin with low standards.

Seriously, I hate when guys expect "intelligence" for a woman and get the hots for some nerdy girl that the local alpha male will anal fuck on the first day why you will be left in the friend zone forever.

Women want a man not a wuss. A man is open with his sexuality.

Amour Audition Ads - New Porn Channel (Safe for Work)

entr0py says...

To me the brunette at 0:35 was more attractive than any of them. Nothing kills my libido faster than when a woman finally speaks and seems to have the mental age of a 12 year old. You just feel creepy. Even more so when you see that she's done everything from surgery to taking a bath in makeup to look as much like Barbie as possible.

Homemade mini-cotton candy machine

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