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I Changed Astronomy Forever. He Won the Nobel Prize for It.

dahauns says...

@vil: Well, it's actually Bell herself that has a similar opinion:

It has been suggested that I should have had a part in the Nobel Prize awarded to Tony Hewish for the discovery of pulsars. There are several comments that I would like to make on this: First, demarcation disputes between supervisor and student are always difficult, probably impossible to resolve. Secondly, it is the supervisor who has the final responsibility for the success or failure of the project. We hear of cases where a supervisor blames his student for a failure, but we know that it is largely the fault of the supervisor. It seems only fair to me that he should benefit from the successes, too. Thirdly, I believe it would demean Nobel Prizes if they were awarded to research students, except in very exceptional cases, and I do not believe this is one of them. Finally, I am not myself upset about it – after all, I am in good company, am I not!

And that doesn't mean she was ignorant to the issue - she *did* tear the sexist media a new one, with gleeful wit:

When the paper was published the press descended, and when they discovered a woman was involved they descended even faster. I had my photograph taken standing on a bank, sitting on a bank, standing on a bank examining bogus records, sitting on a bank examining bogus records: one of them even had me running down the bank waving my arms in the air. Look happy dear, you've just made a Discovery! (Archimedes doesn't know what he missed!) Meanwhile the journalists were asking relevant questions like was I taller than or not quite as tall as Princess Margaret (we have quaint units of measurement in Britain) and how many boyfriends did I have at a time?

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Oh shit! The congressional house oversight and reform committee has found that Trump committed massive bank frauds during his presidency, before, and after.

He hid his massive debts when bidding on the lease for the old post office and getting loans to buy it….preferential loans from foreign banks based on blatantly fraudulent claims about his net worth. That’s bank fraud.
He reported profits of $150 million (publicly he claimed more), but in reality had losses of $75 million. He reported one huge value for his properties on loan applications and another, exponentially smaller, likely sometimes negative value on tax forms. That’s bank and tax fraud.
He took in over $3.7 million from foreign governments for rooms that were rarely if ever occupied. That’s a flagrant violation of the Emoluments clause, Article I, Section 9, Clause 8 of the United States Constitution.

No charges filed by congress yet, but expect all this information and accompanying documentation to make it to the prosecutors in New York who ARE charging him with bank fraud, tax fraud, charity fraud, embezzlement, and who knows what else.

Not a good time to be a Trump.

Just a little PS: In a deposition that took place in August, Rudy Giuliani admitted that the "evidence" he based his voter fraud conspiracy on actually came from posts on Facebook. Believe it or not, this man used to be considered a brilliant legal mind, but now he's been reduced to filing lawsuits based off idiotic conspiracy theories he saw while scrolling through social media.…and you listened to him.

Edit: ruh roe, sounds like there are multiple takes of Trump’s message to the rioters where he praised them but refused to tell them to stop the attack or leave the capitol. Part of the lengthy delay in his statement was because he had to re-record it repeatedly before they finally got him to tell his people to leave. Of course, seeing the takes where he just praised the attacking terrorist mob won’t change your mind, but they will inform future history about when America had a super villain as president.

Why I Give Abortions

luxintenebris says...

what is this 'deed'?

get it straight willie. contraception isn't perfect. sex isn't a crime.

a bank? the vault of her body? she is blowing it open so she can - what - burn the money? what is a crime is that analogy.

it's personal. it's their responsibility. it's personal responibility.

bobknight33 said:

The unborn child is your evidence that ties you to your deed.
You kill it and hence know one knows this ever occurred.

Why I Give Abortions

newtboy says...

...or stand your ground/self defense.

So, in your mind, consensual sex is a shameful crime like robbing a bank? So bad you would kill to hide evidence of it? Your poor poor wife.
And you think having an abortion is to restore perceived virginity!?
And you think that's the only reason anyone has one!?! Reputation!?!?

Just wow. I used to think I was insulting you by saying your IQ was < I see that was a compliment.

bobknight33 said:

Abortion is eliminating a witnesses .

It is like robbing a bank in the middle of the night.

You pick the middle of the night so there wouldn't be anyone around. Weren’t planning on killing anyone.

A bystander passing by who stopped and looked because he heard something and comes in for a closer look.

He spots you in the act you and now you there is a witness to your deed.

Now you have to kill him so you can get away with your crime.

The unborn child is your evidence that ties you to your deed.
You kill it and hence know one knows this ever occurred.

Why I Give Abortions

bobknight33 says...

Abortion is eliminating a witnesses .

It is like robbing a bank in the middle of the night.

You pick the middle of the night so there wouldn't be anyone around. Weren’t planning on killing anyone.

A bystander passing by who stopped and looked because he heard something and comes in for a closer look.

He spots you in the act you and now you there is a witness to your deed.

Now you have to kill him so you can get away with your crime.

The unborn child is your evidence that ties you to your deed.
You kill it and hence know one knows this ever occurred.

Afghanistan: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

newtboy says...

Crickets!!! Where!?! I'm hungry!

Yeah, we aren't insane and don't congratulate poor performance, unlike the right. Biden didn't cause this mess, but he didn't avoid it either.

Biden doesn't have a secret Chinese bank account used by the Chinese to bribe him, Tiananmen Trump did. Biden didn't say exterminating the Wiegers was fine, Tsingtao Trump did. Biden didn't praise Xi for great work on Covid, guess who did, Tai tai Trump. Who's China's bitch? Lol.

No....not another red tsunami!
Please, Brer Bear, don't throw me into that briar patch. Anything but that! Tear off my skin, rip out my eyes, but please, PLEASE don't throw me into that briar patch!

The republican party is too busy eating itself to pose any real threat. Beyond the massive schism between aging old school republicans and frothing at the mouth Q nutjobs that's splitting the party, the right is also hard at work killing it's voters by suggesting vaccines and masks are bad. In my area, 100% of hospitalization and death is unvaccinated morons, and our hospitals are over capacity and death rates the highest ever...all of them right wing nutjobs. Who's doomed!? LMFAHS!!

TangledThorns said:

Where are the Democrats to defend dear leader Beijing Biden?


That being said, the Democrats are doomed in 2022.

Oh, and in 2024 too!

Taliban flaunt weapons, dollars after US flees

newtboy says...

Good thing Biden stopped nearly another $10 Billion from being available to them through banking and the IMF, now they’re just left with the enormous piles of cash and weapons Trump shipped to the region for bribing locals to be on our side and other unethical spending he wanted off the books.

@bobknight33 doesn’t seem to know where this cash and weapons came from….it wasn’t Biden, he’s not been sending more weapons and more pallets of cash during the draw down/retreat. These were in the hands of the Afghanistan government, put there by the previous administration, largely as bribe money.

Reminds me of when Bush sent $12 billion in cash to Iraq with similar intentions and $9 billion of it went missing.

Afghan President Ashraf Ghani had fled the country with four cars and a helicopter full of cash and had to leave huge piles of cash behind on the tarmac as it would not all fit in, the RIA news agency reported.

A very patient but frustrated Rear Admiral explaining subs

Sleddge jokingly says...

Bloody hell.... I always banked on our government having half a brain but this is just insane. These senators have aids who should be fact checking... smh
there I was thinking the land of Oz wasn't ask backward as the US

Emails Reveal Trump Planned Coup with Loyalist Jeffrey Clark

newtboy says...

No answer Bob? Typical. It’s ok….we knew you didn’t have any.

You can’t say what’s a half truth or what’s spin, you just know it is because if this were true (hint, it is) it means you blindly follow someone who clearly tried to subvert democracy to turn America into a despotic monarchy and was stupid enough to use emails and texts to coordinate his coup, leaving a massive pile of evidence of his crimes. After all, he thought his violent mob would be successful at ending democracy in America and he would just erase all traces of his crimes along with anyone investigating him once he was king for life.

Oh no! Mr My Crackpipe’s cyber symposium with the best cyber guys around, after getting hacked and starting way late, has fallen apart with absolutely no evidence of mush brain’s claims, just his little factless movie, but did include Lindel running off stage crying when he learned that the $1.5 billion lawsuit against him and the other election fraud fraudsters will proceed (an order that came with a scathing rebuke from the judge).
Edit: Er Mer Gerd!…and he revoked his $5 million prize for anyone who could prove him wrong before it started, likely because his cyber security expert Josh Merritt had already said his “evidence “ was utter nonsense and proved nothing in interviews, and others he hired said he didn’t even have these “data packets” he claimed to have, only his video representation of what such packets MIGHT look like as raw data…which would be impossible to decrypt and wouldn’t have the evidence Lindel claimed if you could, even if a Chinese hack had occurred. ROTFLMFAHS!!!

More good news, cyberninjas has reportedly stolen the ballots and data they were reviewing (it was never an audit) and (illegally?) taken them out of state to Montana almost two weeks after missing their deadline to report to the AZ congress on July 28. Good thing they didn’t get their hands on all that other personal information they requested because what they have is not secured and ripe for identity theft already, and they wanted basically all the personal data the county had on every resident, including addresses, employment, family members (mother’s maiden name), social security numbers, medical records, bank accounts, assets, criminal history, …..everything the state had.

Even you can’t spin the refusal to provide their conclusions (now what, almost 5 months into their 3 week review) and fleeing the state with state property as some indication they found something, and you were so gullible that you bought their blatant lie about “suddenly appearing unregistered mail in votes that had no record of being sent out” that turned out to be early in person voting numbers, but they were too incompetent or dishonest to say so and instead pretended they found fraud….and continue to pretend they found fraud after being debunked, and are using that obvious bold faced lie in their efforts of trying to go door to door in large groups of Trumptards to force people to tell them who they voted for in a clear, blatant case of text book illegal voter intimidation.


bobknight33 said:

Just more lame leftest BS 1/2 truths and spin.

TangledThorns (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

“Beijing Biden” is so hilariously clueless….
…like you’re forgetting Tiananman Trump, who fully supported the genocide and re-education camps being used by China against the Wiegers and praised China and Xi for the exemplary job they did against COVID, including their transparency.
Did Biden have secret Chinese bank accounts they used to bribe him with? Not that we’ve seen….Trump did.
Did Biden’s children get paid tens of millions in “gifts” of patents like Trump’s kids? Some idiots claimed Hunter was gifted billions, but have no evidence of that, nor evidence he ever had 1% of the money that those people claim.
Did China rent out 3 full floors in Biden’s hotel for his entire tenure like they did at Trump’s hotel? Rooms they almost never used, btw. (Hint, Biden doesn’t have a hotel.)

TangledThorns said:

Still wearing a mask after getting vaccinated? Yeah... CDC, WHO and Beijing Biden are all morons. Meanwhile China is laughing for winning in germ warfare.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Aaaahaha. Have you seen Eric's interview yesterday trying to defend Weisselberg? He's so dumb he actually publicly admitted the company paid him under the table and gave him millions in unreported perks and salary to avoid taxes....$3.5 million in unreported salary with cars, opulent houses, tuition for his family members totalling $359,058, etc. Eric doesn't think >$3.5 million hidden from the IRS is even an infraction....that's more than the average worker makes in their lifetime....Imagine if you fraudulently reported never making a dime your entire career, imagine if a Democrat did that....what should happen to such a criminal? What should happen to the business owner who organised the secret payments?

It makes one wonder how much Eric doesn't report if $3.5 million hidden from the IRS is nothing to him. He, Don jr, and Ivanka were all top level executives during Weisselberg's time there, and all received the same off the books compensation or more, and also had oversight over all these illicit secret payments just like Daddy....prosecutors have the secret record books, Weisselberg left them for his estranged daughter to find and turn over...that's where these charges come from, their own off the books records their crooked accountant kept at home. Expect them to be next, and do you really think they won't flip on Daddy to avoid prison? LMFAHS!

Hilariously he, in efforts to minimise these massive massive financial crimes, admitted his father personally paid Weisselberg's family's tuition as a company perk with personal checks signed by Don himself, indicating there's physical evidence of daddy's personal involvement in a long term tax fraud scheme that's not just felony tax fraud but grand larceny.

And we haven't even gotten to the bank frauds Trump's already publicly admitted to, overvaluing properties on loan forms, then undervaluing them on tax forms. He calls it good business and claims everyone does it, not tax and banking fraud that are serious felonies most people wouldn't even consider. It's sure going to be a fun couple of years watching the whole group go bankrupt and to prison.

Imagine if Clinton had done many congressional investigations would we have had by now? Instead, Republicans don't even want to know what happened Jan 6, probably because any investigations will show their involvement in the failed coup, that's definitely how it looks. They certainly don't want to know about Trump's tax and bank frauds because a felon can't be president and they've got no one else.

Mom arrested after posing as 7th grade daughter in school

newtboy says...

Yeah, because parents are never up to no good....and moronic criminals never record their crimes.

Legitimate to worry, not legitimate to take it upon yourself to test it. I'm worried about my money in the bank, it's not legitimate for me to break into the vault to see how easy it is. Duh.

What?! How would the school not having funding to increase security in any way excuse her going to great lengths putting all other students at risk? It would be worse, because she would be going in knowing they CAN'T increase security because they can't afford to.

You are free to assume this person had only perfectly pure motives (just as others are free to assume she was going to kidnap a child for a sex slave while disguised as another child in a mask and hoodie), but that doesn't change the fact that she surreptitiously snuck into the school with no authorization or authority to do so. Her motives might be above board, her actions aren't even close. The proverbial road to Hell is what you think excuses her illegal actions.
Edit:You seem to be suggesting we prosecute thought crimes only....If I intend to commit a crime but don't intend to do harm, no foul, but if I wish to do harm but take no action, lock me up. That's not American or reasonable without a perfect mind reading machine. We prosecute actions, and her outrageous trespass was definitely illegal.

Would you be fine with me, or any random citizen "testing" the security of your home when only your children are there? What if I dress like their friend? Gee....why not? Don't you think the other parents have the right to not have adults constantly trying to be in their schools disguised as kids under masks?

WmGn said:

On distinguishing between security checks and kidnappers/pedophiles/etc., I think that being a parent of a child at the school, and documenting the day seems a pretty clear distinction.

Agreed: if she'd been hired by the school to pen test, there would be no question. In this case, my argument is just that I don't see anything to suggest that she's anything other than a concerned parent. I think it's perfectly legitimate to worry about your children's security in a US school.

I don't know what steps parents have taken to try to improve security at the school - and don't know how much it matters: sure, she's in a stronger position if the school repeatedly rebuffed requests for spending their tight budget on security consultants.

Mom arrested after posing as 7th grade daughter in school

newtboy says...

If a hacker breaks into a company and is CAUGHT, then claims they were just testing security....the hacker gets prosecuted. It's not the hackers job to expose the problem unless the company hired them to do that. Otherwise any hacking efforts ever could just be excused as "security checks" and not prosecutable, even when they're successful at stealing money, data, and IP. Even if they do no harm and report themselves, it's still an illegal attack, just like if you catch me leaving your house after breaking in but I say I was just exposing your poor locks by picking them and searching your've still been illegally violated.

If I break into a bank, break into all the safe deposit boxes, and when caught in the vault say" I was just testing security, what's your problem, I'm the good guy here", I'm going to prison, just like she should.

The daughter would be in trouble because she helped an adult sneak into the school, not because of the schools reaction but because of her clearly inappropriate and likely illegal actions.

She's a real nut or she never would have thought this was a good idea. Do you think any concerned citizen should do as she did? How do you distinguish security checks from kidnappers, pedophiles, thieves, .... People who take the law into their own hands at the expense of other people's security are not heroes, they're self centered, self aggrandizing, nutjob criminals.

WmGn said:

I'm going to vote for mum here.

If a hacker breaks into a company, or its software, and reports the breach to the company, the hacker often gets a bounty. It's not the hacker's job to think about how to fix the problem - although s/he may: it's the company's.

Yes, maybe she daughter is in trouble - but, if so, this would be due to the school's reaction.

Unless she's a real nut, I'd like to see the school thank her, and invite her to join a school safety parent-teacher body.

Putin puppet

newtboy says...

Such nonsense.
Biden did not approve, nor is he helping build this pipeline. He chose to not sanction one Swiss company helping build the last 90 miles, but is still sanctioning Russian companies involved, and is likely to block it's certification and insurance (by banning any insurer from using international or US banking) without guarantees the Ukrainian pipeline won't be abandoned.
He decided not making Germany go dark was a better plan, not alienating a long term ally and strategic partner that we are trying to repair our severely damaged relationship with.
He also decided putting Russia in bed with the Chinese, their other option for selling their gas, was not a smart move.
He is clear, he is against this pipeline and is still sanctioning many Russian companies involved in it's construction.

Those grapes must be really sour today @bobknight33, they've got your yummy tears flowing like a firehose....keep em coming. So yummy, you guys.

Edit: I'm curious why America SHOULD hold veto power over international projects approved by all involved countries on other continents. Should we stop pipelines because Putin says so? He could stop hacking them and just tell us to quit. It seems ridiculous that we are telling Germany they can't have more natural gas, and telling Russia they can't sell it.
For clarification, I'm against it for ecological reasons, yes gas produces less CO2 than coal and oil, but produces way more methane which is >25 times more destructive per molecule in the short term. 11 billion could have built any number of wave/tidal generation facilities that run 24/7 without a new source of greenhouse gases.

Psaki Shows How To Handle "People Are Saying" Questions

newtboy jokingly says...

People are saying Barron Trump is actually Ivanka and Don's incestuous love child. Lots of people. They've never denied it.

People are saying Trump regularly raped 13 year old girls with his best friend Epstein during the verified regular trips Trump took to kiddie rape island.

People are saying Trump sold out America to the Chinese for millions in personal gifts and family bribes. Lots of people. The media. The banks. The Chinese.

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