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Worst drought in 50 years wipes out cattle herds in Brazil

BoneRemake says...

Where I live you would be put in jail or fined for letting your animals die like that.

Odd how it is so different there than here, grazing land is all well and good but here in the winter you have Hay bales to feed your livestock.

Must be nice to never get winter (real winter)

How drunk do you have to be to try this...

How drunk do you have to be to try this...

How drunk do you have to be to try this...

How drunk do you have to be to try this...

Rundballepakker: The Robo Spiders Are Coming?

Christian Bale Goes Bat S**t on Peter Griffin! [Uncensored]

Naked hay baling fun

Hayman bales himself!

Hayman bales himself!

Hayman bales himself!

Kickass 15 Yr. Old Kid Uses Nanotubes To detect Cancer

MilkmanDan says...

My grandfather is a 5+ year survivor of pancreatic cancer, which puts him in a lucky 6% according to wikipedia. In his case, he probably owes his life to the fact that the cancer randomly created a bulge/tumor that happened to block a bile duct and made him extremely jaundiced. The skin color got him to make a very rare (for him) visit to the hospital, so if it hadn't blocked that duct it is extremely unlikely that he would have been diagnosed in time.

He had a "Whipple" surgery that (as I understand it) removes the pancreas and notable portions of intestine and stomach. Came through that better than anyone would have any reason to expect and now he's back to maintaining his large cattle ranch, manhandling heavy feed sacks and hay bales every day. Tough guy.

I hope this kid's test makes it so there are more lucky folks like my grandpa. Not to mention more appreciative family members like myself!

The Dark Knight Rises - Trailer 3

The Dark Knight Rises - Trailer 3

Sarzy says...

>> ^Deano:

His batvoice really annoys me now.

I might have agreed with you before, but "THIS ISN'T A CAR" wouldn't have been nearly as awesome in Bale's normal voice. That one line alone completely justifies the gravelly voice.

How It Should Have Ended: Assassin's Creed

NetRunner says...

"There goes Altair, being chased yet again by Italy's finest."

Ahem, Altair was in Jerusalem, Damascus, and Acre. Ezio was in Italy.

Also, the mechanics they're making fun of here? In the Italy-based games, guards would recognize you when you sat on benches, and jab their spears into hay-bales.

Though Ezio still survives 1000 foot falls when he just lands in hay, or piles of leaves, or oddly enough, flowery bushes...

Though they've also said that assassins are actually imbued with special abilities they inherited via a little human/SPOILER interbreeding.

A site named "dorkly" should know these things!

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