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Vice - Cocaine & Crude

climbing the great pyramid of giza

bcglorf says...

Seconded. Hey, look at me, I'm illegally climbing a 4,500 year old historically and culturally important structure and causing unknown damage to it in the process. I'm so brave to risk the personal injury!

So selfishly minded it just leaves my completely baffled. Showing such gross disrespect for the historical and cultural importance of the object you are on that you actually think the greater risk is that you might harm yourself than the structure that has been there 4,500 years.

eric3579 said:

Tourist who think they can go into others countries and knowingly break the law should be charged, jailed or fined then deported. It annoys me they didn't charge him. Nothing bothered me more when i was traveling then tourists who though they were special and expected to be treated as such.

the nerdwriter-louis ck is a moral detective

gorillaman says...

You're right with me up to the point we reach the kinds of censorship you happen to support.

What's the penalty for incurring the ire of the social justice elite? Well, only that you'll be branded a sexist or whatever by the entire gaming media, perhaps have your Twitter account banned or your videos taken down from YouTube, or maybe you'll just be arrested on false charges of harassment. It's a storm that a strong individual might weather, but from which any company will steer away automatically. Of course it's censorship.

Games are being censored (they came for the japanese bikini simulators and I said nothing...); social media is being censored: Twitter, Reddit, YouTube, Wikipedia and any number of even less reputable sites are being censored - all in response to social justice histrionics. This crybaby, zero-offence, closed-minded, closed-mouthed malaise is damaging to our culture: damaging to art, to academia, to journalism. And if you acknowledge the need for open expression, you will oppose it.

"There is more than one way to burn a book," wrote Ray Bradbury of interest groups taking offence, "...each ripping a page or a paragraph from this book, then that, until the day came when the books were empty and the minds shut and the libraries closed forever." You don't recognise any of this?

Yes, 'critics just don't have the talent to create' is a tired old fallacy and I regret echoing it, but there I was thinking particularly of the likes of Wu and Quinn: loathsome reptiles and degenerates whose own creative efforts are so miserably inept that to garner sales, patreon donations, and fraudulently positive reviews they resort to pretending themselves the brave minority voices raised against the misogynistic, LGBT-phobic, uni-racial establishment - in an industry that has never actually had any of those problems.

As for Anita Sarkeesian; that liar, mountebank, fascist collaborator, and 21st century Jack Thompson; that professional victim and demagogue who harnesses manufactured outrage for profit; or in the most generous possible light, that half-educated nincompoop who somehow rode a tide of hysterical activists-without-a-cause to a broadcast platform for her worthless, narcissistic rambling:
It isn't the fact of her fuck-witted critique to which the gaming community so righteously objects but the baffling inaccuracies and outright slanders therein, her self-promotion via false claims of harassment, her attacks on artistic expression and internet freedom.

And these are exactly the kind of sub-intellectual trash who will presume, against all standards of rectitude and conscience, to instruct their betters on what kind of jokes they're allowed to tell.

You never cede an inch to these fucking people. That's how you get Mary Whitehouse, or the Comics Code Authority, or McCarthy, or the FCC, the BBFC, the OFLC, the IWF.

ChaosEngine said:

I was right with you up to this point. I'm going to give you a the benefit of the doubt and assume that was a typo rather than a pointless antisemetic tangent and address the point directly.

Criticism of a piece of art does not equal desire to suppress or censor that art. I thought Twilight was a fucking awful piece of writing; and yeah, part of that was because of the horrendously misogynistic abstenience promoting bollocks. Would I ban it? Fuck no.

Sarkeesian and her ilk 100% have the right to criticise lazy sexism in video games, and they don't have to "have the skill to make themselves" to criticise it.

There's a difference between dictation and criticism.

Star Trek Beyond - Trailer 1

SDGundamX says...

Uh, isn't the song an homage to the first film when Kirk steals the car and drives it off a cliff (pretty sure this was the song playing in the background)?

Look, this is the 3rd movie in the rebooted franchise. Do people really not get the idea of a "reboot"? They're not re-making Star Trek, they're taking it in an entirely different direction. The first one clearly showed they wanted to go in the blockbuster action film direction and the second one re-affirmed that. So, it completely baffles me as to why anyone at this point would still think the rebooted franchise is going to be anything like the original Star Trek movies (let alone the TV series, which had far more time to build the characters and establish the universe than the movies do).

Now, as to the particulars of this trailer... they're going to blow up the Enterprise, again?!? We haven't "been there, done that" enough yet? And so much for their 5-year mission--looks like that is going to get cut a little short.

Still the idea of the main cast members getting stranded on a hostile planet is pretty good for allowing some cool between-character interaction and does in fact harken back to all of the TV series versions (where it seemed to happen on a fairly regular basis).

Will wait and see. Probably will be a good action popcorn flick (which is clearly what they want the series to be).

Start Getting Used To Saying President Trump

ChaosEngine says...

To address your points:

>> Bush: Disaster. Remember, remember the Patriot Act?
GW is not up for re-election and to the best of my knowledge Jeb had nothing to do with writing the Patriot Act. He supports it, but almost all the candidates do. I'm not a huge fan of Jeb, but he actually seems like the smart one in his family. Would still prefer him not to be president.

>> Clinton: Lying, manipulative, currently under Federal investigation by America's FBI department. Really?
@newtboy already addressed the so-called "email-gate" or whatever. As for "lying, manipulative"? You're kidding, right? She's a politician. They're all lying and manipulative. Ultimately, I think Hillary will probably get the democratic nomination and while I'm not a huge fan, she's an order of magnitude better than any of the republicans.

>> Bernie Sanders: Self-purported Socialist. Lovely.
So what? "Socialist" is not a bad word. Many of the highest ranked countries for citizen health and happiness are socialist. America needs to grow the fuck up and get over it's childish clinging to McCarthyism. A bit of socialism would do it the world of good.

>> Ben Carson: I have no particular qualms, by all means intelligent, however, doesn't say anything beyond the bloated party line.
Ben Carson, "intelligent"? Are you fucking kidding me? The guy's borderline insane. How he ever got to be a surgeon baffles me.
This is a guy who thinks that "Joseph built the pyramids to store grain", that doesn't understand fucking magnets, er, gravity and believes evolution was ‘encouraged by’ Satan. He's a fucking moron.

>> That brings us full circle back to Trump... He has a real, tangible plan...
to fuck everything up? Seriously, Trump is an idiot and would be the worst thing to happen to the USA (and by extension the world) in decades. His ignorance is matched only by his ineptitude.

>> As for Obama, and I include him because many seem to think he is great for some reason..
a) I don't think he's great, he's been a huge disappointment and
b) he's irrelevant to this debate
but anyway...

>> His healthcare plan failed(look it up)
I did and it hasn't.

>> America is now over $18 Trillion in debt.
I wonder if the previous president starting two wars has anything to do with that?

>> And he insists on throwing pebbles at ISIS while the EU does all the fighting
Way too big a topic to address here. Post on another video if you want to discuss it further.

>> I am not necessarily saying that Trump is a good person, or would make a good President, but he would me loads better than the other shrimps for candidates...
He's not, he wouldn't and better than an invertebrate with a brain only barely recognisable as such is not a sufficient bar for the presidency.

Syntaxed said:

Who would you have Americans elect?

Lewis Black reads a new ex-Mormon's rant

bareboards2 says...


Wishful thinking on your part, Newt Dear. You both dearly want people to not want religion.

Billions of people choose religion. Some fake it. Some leave. Some hate it.

My brother grew up in a secular household and has been a devout Mormon for 40 years. I grew up in the same household, and find the idea of organized religion intellectually embarrassing.

Both of you are railing against the preponderance of evidence you are surrounded by. SOME people are drawn to religion. This is just a part of human existence.

I find it so odd that both of you want this fact to be incorrect. Humans create religions, which lead to churches. They have done it for millennia. How you can look at the evidence that surrounds you and say it isn't so baffles me.

It's all good. Just like my brother, you want to believe what you want to believe.

I don't try to argue my brother out of his dogma. So I'm going to stop trying to argue you guys out of your dogma.

Real Time with Bill Maher: Why Do They Hate Us?

PlayhousePals says...

HAha!, Great minds. I just finished posting that [been waiting for my unsifteds to open up a space]. That was one of the best interviews I've seen on Real Time. She is so eloquent and stunning. Why more people can't be of like mind is baffling to me.

dag said:

Quote hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

The interview with Asra Nomani was great. I'm a big fan of her outlook, and like the #boycottsaudi idea.

“Empty” Epson ink cartridges are still 20 percent full

Dumdeedum says...

It was always inevitable that the printer industry would shrink significantly as things become more digital, but it's always baffled me that they responded to that by making it harder and less desirable to print things.

Hardware is worse than it was 20 years ago, the drivers are much, much worse, and ink is more expensive. At this point we should have had rock-solid printers that you top up once a year from a litre (or bigger) refill bottle.

But hey, free market, right?

John Oliver Trashes Whole Foods

Mikus_Aurelius says...

To claim that the collective non-consumption of 3%ish of the country is not taken into account in meat production is a pretty dim outlook of the intelligence of food executives. Of course one vegetarian doesn't make much difference. Neither does one vote or one person's taxes. If you're railing against incremental action, you'll have problems with a lot more than people's dietary choices.

On the other hand, the business about soy consumption is a baffling new argument circulating the internet. I say baffling, because it only takes about 15 seconds of hard thinking to debunk. (Hint: animals eat soy, you eat animals). Almonds, of course, are as optional for vegans as everyone else.

But all of this is a sideshow. The real point is that I make choices that do no one any harm and make me feel better. You on the other hand apparently go sifting through the internet for arguments against my lifestyle, fail to subject those arguments to even cursory critical thinking in your zeal, and parrot them on a video sharing community while proudly declaring your loathing for people like me.

I think this says a lot more about your relationship to eating animals than it does about mine.

JustSaying said:

You're not helping any animals because the vast, vast majority of mankind still prefers meat and that industry is still globalized, trying to produce as cheap as possible. All you do by going vegan is increasing the consumption of soybeans and almonds.

Rescuing a dog from a life of cruelty

Earthling says...

These cruel souls who neglect their pets baffle me. I'm just glad the original owner came to her senses (probably got some $) and gave Rusty Diamond a chance at a happier life.

Hackers Remotely Kill a Jeep on the Highway

sixshot says...

What I don't understand is why are they (the car manufacturers and designers) exposing vehicle controls to the head display? There are certain things that should not cross over. It baffles me that they could design a connected vehicle that exposes so much of the controls to the outside world. If these car designers and manufacturers keep going with these stupid ideas, it won't be long people will end up being Facebook-shamed for their driving abilities.

Colorblind Dad Experiences True Color for the First Time

MilkmanDan says...

I had never heard of these -- I'm still a bit baffled as to how they could possibly work. I'm not colorblind myself but a good friend is red/green colorblind, I'll have to see if he knows about them.

Assuming $400 is an accurate price, it still really doesn't seem that expensive to me. I'm pretty extremely nearsighted -- roughly minus 8 -- and my glasses (with frames) already cost almost that much just because my prescription is on that far end of the bell curve. Without glasses I can't see a damn thing more than 3-4 inches in front of my face, so I basically *need* them no matter the price.

Actually, I remember having a reaction somewhat like this guy when I got glasses for the first time ("holy crap! I can see *leaves* on trees!"), and my eyes were much better then than they are now...

Fantomas said:

$400+ seems crazy expensive for glasses that offer a pseudo cure.
I think I'll wait until they can inject the cure directly into my eyeballs.

Girl, You Don't Need Makeup

ChaosEngine says...

Comedy is about the most subjective thing on the planet. I think she's genuinely funny.

There's plenty of shit comedy around, but there's also plenty of great stuff too.
I think SNL is most overrated show in existence and I am utterly baffled by the success of 2 Broke Girls, Two and a half men and the Big Bang Theory, but Brooklyn Nine Nine and Community are great.

I don't have much time for Bill Burr or Bill Maher, but I think Doug Stanhope and Charlie Booker are geniuses.


Mordhaus said:

Is she really killing it, or is simply that the dearth of true comedy lately has lowered our standards to this point?

A Summary Of Steam's Stupidest Move Yet!

Jinx says...

I find it baffling how poorly thought out and executed this was.

Skyrim? Ok, I get that it's got the largest mod scene, but if they'd done their research they'd know that a lot of Skyrim mods have complicated inter-dependencies with script extenders, assets borrowed from other mods, other mod resources such as animation behaviors or skeleton rigs, patches for compatibility, load order management, SkyUI....the list goes on.

The cynical part of me thinks that they knew their micro-transaction model wasn't really a good fit, but they just wanted to see if they could get away with it. Donations or a Patreon type of system would seem to fit modding a lot better, but I don't think Valve or Bethesda can make themselves the middlemen in that arrangement nearly as easily.
The naive part of me thinks that perhaps they just badly misjudged this...I'm not sure that level of incompetency is really better.

I'd love to see some of the more prolific modders able to make it a fulltime profession, if not just so they could hire some decent voice talent...

Is Obamacare Working?

JiggaJonson says...

Part of the reason, I should point out, that her care cost so much is because we don't have enough government intrusion @bobknight33

When I look at the bill for her formula for example, it apparently cost my insurance company $750 to buy one can of formula (in bulk, mind you) when I can walk down to Walgreen's and get the same can for $20~.
It's truly baffling and if requested I can post pictures.

Why is this? It has to do with insurance companies and negotiations about prices through the hospital. Those prices should be capped with a law, but they aren't.

Thank you to everyone for your kind words. She's doing well and just had a first birthday, but we have 3 appointments a week and another few here and there that each have their own $$$ amount attached. I REALLY would be in the streets if we had to pay for all of this alone. Even if they didn't drop us because of the pre-existing condition, she's reaching what would have been her cap for care of 1 million dollars. Obamacare did away with those too. :-)

Thanks Obama!

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