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Ancient Greek Robot!

Issykitty (Member Profile)

blankfist (Member Profile)

Issykitty (Member Profile)

Bill Hicks - Censored Letterman Appearance 15 Years Later

13757 says...

Knowing he was about to die, Hicks could have raised the parade even higher regarding delivery, subjects and attitude. His cinical approach is remarkable and nowadays standup has to be that outrageous or else it'll look like a "there-he-goes-again-thinkin-he's-funny" hotshot imitating his sinatra-enthusiast daddy. I guess this is why Hicks fitted on this airing at this particular present time (2009). I bet Hicks' coke period will be the biggest thing 15 years from now, when "standing up" will be possible only with a neat rockstar from the XX century attitude, while being a rockstar at that future time will mean to be a old sack of biliar snorts. Or maybe rock bands will consist of guys like Hicks on stage that don't bother anymore about singing with juvenile distinction (think Axl Rose) so they simply burst their lines with hatred and defeat while throbbing drums and guitars make people go wild and absorb the moment. Now that's standup.

WTF? Russian truck crossing river - without a bridge

Opel P-1 - 376 Miles Per Gallon Car in 1973!

Winstonfield_Pennypacker says...

The Opel's rear axle was narrowed and super-hard low-friction tires were used.

Makes the car unfeasible to drive on wet roads, snow, ice, high heat, or any other real world driving conditions. The narrow rear axle and super-hard low-friction tires would have to be replaced with standard equipment to meet safety regulations. There goes the theoretical 'efficiency'...

To save even more weight, a chain drive was used.

Chain drives exchange the $4 bucks per fill-up in gasoline you save for about $2,000 a month in increased repair bills. They're also noisy and messy.

Now of course this isn't exactly a practical car. But even if you changed it enough to reduce its performance by 250 mpg, that still leaves you with 126 mpg!

Like far too many people, you are subscribing to a complete logical fallacy. You are assuming, "Well, if this thing gets 350 MPG, then even if we tweak it a LOT it would still get 150 MPG when we put it in the market." That assumption is patently false. If it was that simple then someone would be making a car right now TODAY that got over 1,000 MPG. These 'tech demo' and 'eco challenge' cars have no place in practical consumer markets for a reason. Most of what makes these fantasy-dream cars function is either illegal, impractical, or incredibly expensive.

For example - the wired blog link you supplied indicated that the record is over 10,000 miles per gallon. Following your logic, "Well SURELY we should be able to build a car with only one TENTH of that..." Well, yeah we probably could... However, it would cost about 10 million dollars to make and you'd only get 1,000 MPG when you use it exclusively on 1,000 mile long downhill racing tracks with no cargo, perfect weather, and with you pedalling like Lance Armstrong the entire time.

Opel P-1 - 376 Miles Per Gallon Car in 1973!

cybrbeast says...

Of course this efficiency was set under ideal circumstances, but even with much less MPG in real world driving, this technology could still be very efficient.
"The Opel's rear axle was narrowed and super-hard low-friction tires were used. To save even more weight, a chain drive was used. The engine was pretty much the stock 4-cylinder that came with the car, but the fuel line was insulated and heated so the gasoline entered the combustion chambers as lean vapor.

The record was achieve by driving the car at a steady 30 mph (48 kph).

Now of course this isn't exactly a practical car. But even if you changed it enough to reduce its performance by 250 mpg, that still leaves you with 126 mpg! With modern technology, we should be able to do much better than what we're doing now."

As a comparison, the most recent record of high MPG (with ridiculously unpractical 'cars')
"The winner of this year's Shell Eco-Marathon achieved 10,128 miles per gallon with a one-person vehicle design."

This is that car

Can you sail downwind faster than the wind?

Shepppard says...

mythbusters already proved part of this myth.

The episode where they show that a plane can take off on a treadmill, they explain that when the ground is moving under the object, so long as the object has wheels, its going to be unaffected by the friction of the ground and therefore stay in the same place.

What they've done, is added a fan to the front axle of the wheels, which then gives thrust to the back of the cart, and since there's nothing stopping the object from moving forwards, it has nowhere to go BUT forward.

Using the treadmill proves my theory, but the problem with MY theory in proportion to the "Myth" is that the vehicle would have to generate thrust to move, and treadmill is doing that for it this video.
They give a very brief showing of the vehicle on the road, but it veers off, and we don't see it again, and we're unable to tell if it's self-sustaining, or if the thrust it needs to generate is too great, because the treadmill is actually supplying a power source.

I'm not skeptical about this, I actually think it's very cool, but I'd like to see more of the vehicle powering itself.

<><> (Blog Entry by blankfist)

lucky760 says...

Is that Axl? Holy cow. I haven't seen any pics of him in ages. I thought that was Danny Bonaduce.

I've listened thru the entire album once and, yes, struggled through most of it, unfortunately. I was happy to hear that it had a contemporary sound and wasn't just a rehash of their hits of old (unlike Metallica's latest effort, which sounds like it was recorded 15 years ago), but it made me sad that I didn't hear anything I'd want to intentionally listen to again.

TV On The Radio - Dancing Choose

zor says...

I'll submit the lyrics below. Who is this song referring to? Bill O'Reilly? Dobbs? Rivera? Murdoch? Murdoch's sons? Maybe it is Stephen Colbert. I think this song and video are great. I guess I see more into it since I worked as a reporter for so long.

Dancing Choose-TV on the Radio

he's a WHAT? he's a WHAT?
he's a newspaper man
and he gets his best ideas
from a newspaper stand;
from his boots to his pants
to his comments and his rants
he knows that any little article will do!

though he expresses some confusion
bout his part in the plan,
and he can't understand
that he's not in command;
the decisions underwritten
by the cash in his hand
bought a sweater for
his weimariner too

now i'm no mad man,
but that's insanity
feast before famine,
and more before family
goes and shows up with
more bowls and more
cups and the riot for the
last hot meal erupts
corrupts his hard drive
through the leanest months
shells out the hard cash
for the sickest stunts;
on aftershave, on gasoline
he flips the page and turns
the scene

in my mind i'm drowning butterflies
broken dreams and alibis;
that's fine.
i've seen my palette blown
to monochrome-
hollow heart
clicks hollowtone,
it's time.

eye on authority,
thumb prints a forgery
boy, ain't it crazy what the
lights can do
for counterfeit community;
every opportunity
wasted as the space
between the flash tattoo

and the half-hearted hologram,
posed for the party
now he gloss full bleed
on a deaf dumb tree
cod liver dollar signs,
credit card autograph
down for the record
but not for freedom

angry young mannequin
american, apparently
still to the rhythm
better get to the back of me
can't stand the vision,
better tongue the anatomy
gold plated overhead,
blank transparency
in the days of old,
you were a nut
now you need three bumps
before you cut
not that i should care about,
nothing i ain't scared of, but
i guess you had

in my mind i'm breeding butterflies,
broken dreams, and alibis
that's fine.
i've seen my palette
blown to monochrome
hollow heart
clicks hollowtone
in time.

i see you figured in your action pose
foam-injected axl rose,
life size
should something shake you
and you drop the news,
lord, just keep your dancing shoes
off mine

Blankfist's Imperial Love Theme - Guns & Roses & Farts

rock climbing jeep

Biker Barely Misses Wrecked Biker & His Bike

Sagemind says...

What made the bike fall??
Flat tire??
He was upright when..., boom, he just goes down.
Anyone who rides a motorcycle will tell ya, it just doesn't happen like this. You usually go down in a slide or speed wobble out of control.
He just drops while upright. Hold a bicycle tire by the axle, spin it real fast, then try to turn it on its side..., You can't.

Suggestions as to what caused this...?

Girl spins on escalator

Krupo says...

>> ^xxovercastxx:
>> ^oxdottir:
>>Geeze, MG. She's using matched linear forces to provide a rotational spin, and the escalator gadget is being used emmergently. I'm slapping those channels back on, and if the science channel guy wants to eject it, let him. But as the engineering channel guidance counselor, THAT one stays!

By that standard we could mark probably every video on the sift as science and/or engineering. Show me a video that doesn't feature gravitational forces in action. Show me a video that doesn't feature a lever, wheel & axle, or an inclined plane somewhere.
Science is usually rigorously enforced, thankfully. A number of the other channels are becoming catch-alls or the channel owner's favorites list. The frickin woohoo channel even says "anything else that we find suitable.." right in its description.


[Krupo resists urge to tag this video in the woohoo channel... reasoning: she succeeds]

The other rationale for not getting a woohoo tag, in general, is when the video features ENEMIES of Matt Groening (it being the MG & Friends Appreciation Society).

>> ^swampgirl:
Ok, it got more than 20 votes..but essentially this proves my point

He fails. Upvote AND inclusion in the MG&FAS Woohoo family of videos (reason: aforementioned minor epic FAIL).

Don't be bitter SG, we're upvoting this one more because she's successful at it.

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