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Cheech & Chong's Basketball Jones

Guard The Cookies, Hal

eric3579 says...

Sentry Mode adds a unique layer of protection to Tesla vehicles by continuously monitoring the environment around a car when it’s left unattended. When enabled, Sentry Mode enters a “Standby” state, like many home alarm systems, which uses the car’s external cameras to detect potential threats. If a minimal threat is detected, such as someone leaning on a car, Sentry Mode switches to an “Alert” state and displays a message on the touchscreen warning that its cameras are recording. If a more severe threat is detected, such as someone breaking a window, Sentry Mode switches to an “Alarm” state, which activates the car alarm, increases the brightness of the center display, and plays music at maximum volume from the car’s audio system.

If a car switches to “Alarm” state, owners will also receive an alert from their Tesla mobile app notifying them that an incident has occurred. They’ll be able to download a video recording of an incident (which begins 10 minutes prior to the time a threat was detected) by inserting a formatted USB drive into their car before they enable Sentry Mode.



MAGA Catholic Kids Mock Native Veteran's Ceremony

bcglorf says...

Did you check out the summary of the video evidence posted by eric3579? Or in the nearly 2 hr one I linked skip to 1:11 and check out the interaction between the drummer and the kids.

The kids stay in their group, and the drummer and his followers wade right into them, with lots of room to go around. Phillips is on audio recording declaring that he did NOT feel that he was blocked from any closing ceremony, but that he wanted to go in and separate the kids from the black Israelites to 'descalate' the situation. Eric3579's video again has Phillips audio statement about what he was doing, listen to that and then watch the longer video for a minute or two at 1:11 when Phillips wades in. He's clearly lying, he went in aggressively pushing into the middle of the crowd of kids, hardly what any sane person wanting to deescalate the situation would do.

newtboy said:

Sorry...some details that were hastily reported have turned out to be more nuanced than originally thought, for instance it's now being reported that there were adult chaperones there, but the kids absolutely surrounded, taunted, and acted threatening to the native American elder, mocking his ceremony with racist chants and tomahawk chops to derisive laughter, they were not trying to join him as some have tried to claim.
They also blocked the progress of the planned, permitted closing ceremony, intentionally or not.

More video has surfaced of what appears to be some of these kids shouting at and harassing other people (the video I saw was 6+ MAGA boys screaming at a pair of girls) on this trip, away from this incident.
These aren't angels caught up and unfairly painted, these are kids who have reportedly posted videos of at least 4 of themselves dressed in black face and the whole school's bleachers chanting "caramel" at lone black basketball players at their school functions apparently with the full support of their teachers and school....that video just removed from the school website, but after going public.
They've already been invited to the Whitehouse.

Snarky Puppy - Lingus

Sagemind says...

Also This:

"Initially the band hat contacted me way back in 2014 to produce and record their live debut album. They had a monthly residency at the well known domicil jazz club in Dortmund at the time. Titled “Filou presents…” the band hosted a show with a guest band every third Wednesday of the month, often sharing the stage altogether for one massive jam at the end of the night. The guest bands included well-known German jazz acts but often bands that push the boundaries of jazz in some way or another (Sommerplatte, Cosmo Klein, Xaver Fischer, among others). The monthly residence gave Filou the chance to experiment with unusual stage concepts. As a result, they came up with the idea to dissolve the barrier between stage and audience for the live show.

So instead of going to the studio to create a regular album, Filou wanted to create a live recording capturing all their energy and live show experience as their debut record. The concept of making the audience become part of the stage setting also sparked the idea of abandoning a PA system and providing headphones for the audience instead. It’s a very unique experience for the concert goer and obviously turned out to be a slam dunk for me to ensure the best possible audio quality without the usual PA and monitor trash in the mics

SFOGuy (Member Profile)

Let's Talk About That Gillette Ad...

bcglorf says...

I'm reluctant to agree too much with each other, especially on something that's apparently controversial. That said, a simple string of Trump tweets and finishing with his "grab them by the p****" audio would have been more powerful. You don't have a more cut and tried example of "toxic masculinity" sitting at the top of the patriarchy than him. If you invented the example 5 years ago people would have derided it as too outrageously over the top and calling for something a little more realistic.

newtboy said:

I thought they should have included Trump publicly bragging about....well, every single bad behavior mentioned and then some.
He is in the position of exemplar in chief but has utterly failed to live up to it for even a single second. This could/should be directed right at him.

It did seem to me they directed this at all men, a few of whom they think act appropriately sometimes. I identify with the guys stepping in, and I still think this ad targeted my gender, not a few bad actors, and much worse it implied these bad behaviors aren't perpetrated by women, which is just ridiculous and false.

Obama, Mueller and the Biggest Scam in American History

vil says...

Secret service people lie by design. The idea is if you give a lot of information people will miss the central problem.

What is wrong about a secret service listening in on a presidential candidate and his "team" who is intensely trying to collude with a foreign power? Is that not their job? If they have nothing, good for Trump. This is all just theater. Both sides. Trump is a bumbling idiot who could not collude if he was allowed to by law, no one has enough hard evidence to do anything, and the only ones laughing are the Russians. Summed up nicely at 31:30 asked what is going to happen as a consequence of "the biggest scam" the answer is "nothing".

The allusion that Trump is somehow successful in business is a joke.

From what is known Trumps team tried hard to contact and cooperate with Russians against "evil Hillary". It may be possible that the people going after him made more mistakes than the people working for Trump, but that still leaves you walking wide circles around the fact of who Trump is and what his morals, methods and friends (and relatives) are.

Keep track of what are facts and what are conspiracy theories.

Also the audio is left channel only.

Star Wars Galaxy of Adventures Trailer

Lion King - Live Action Teaser

OverLord says...

Hmm, i'm sure I'll enjoy this. But really, I'd actually be happier if they just kept the original audio, and just replaced the visuals with this new fangled CGI. Nothing wrong with the voice acting/music.

Rape charge dropped against USC student after video surfaces

Mordhaus says...

Of course rape can occur at any point leading up to and even during the act. If you have penetrated your partner and they say stop, you stop.

However, I would ask what other evidence could there possibly be? Obviously we can't know, but one would assume that a motivated prosecutor would have gathered all possible evidence. We know from the victim's statements that she can't recall much of the night, is unsure she said yay or nay during the sex, but that she didn't think he should have been prosecuted. Her roommates are the ones that reported the 'rape', but they clearly didn't give any evidence the court saw as worth convicting on. If their statements were what USC went by to expel him, that would be available via the court and I'm sure someone would have posted them.

We simply do not know and can only go by the video and the statement of the 'victim'. She seemed to be walking fine and signed her name correctly, so either she is an extremely functional drunk or she was sober enough to make those choices. She said she didn't think he should have been charged with rape. To me, that should exonerate the defendant. It did in a court of law, but not in a closed off Title IX hearing.

I suspect that what happened is what happens in other colleges. The college determines what is going to look worse publicity wise and litigation wise, then expels based on that. The problem is that in the Title IX process, there is no real fairness. You can have an advisor present, but not a lawyer if the school objects. One person decides your fate. There is no appeal process. The burden of proof is not defined as to who it is upon. I am sure that the lady in charge went by some procedure and not merely off personal opinion/belief, but we can't investigate to find that out.

To sum up, are we at the point where we should not have intimate relations if either person has imbibed any type of substance? Should we request that a video camera or audio recorder be present at any sexual liaison? Do we need witnesses like they used to have at the consummation of royal weddings? Perhaps a written contract? It just seems pretty ludicrous to me to have a video and the statement of the person that was supposed to have been raped, yet somehow we still had a punishment given to the individual accused of the raping.

bareboards2 said:

Oops. That information is NOT presented anywhere.

What I was thinking, and didn't say, is that legally there is no case.

Consent at the beginning is not consent at the end. A man can rape his wife. That wasn't possible for most of human history -- it is now.

So although there is plenty of evidence that she gave consent at the beginning -- video proof of consent -- that doesn't mean that he didn't do something later that the university looked at and said -- apparently, since they expelled him -- constituted sexual intercourse without consent.

How they arrived at that conclusion, we don't know. It is missing from what is reported here.

It is absolutely not clear to me that he is "clearly innocent".

Because a man can rape his wife. Right? Do you agree, @Mordhaus?

That lovely video showing that consent is like offering tea lays out the logic pretty clearly. Saying yes to tea at one point is not the same as saying yes to tea when you are passed out.

i am NOT saying that the university did the correct thing. I don't have any knowledge of what they based their decision to expel upon.

And nor does anyone here, as far as I can tell.

Foxwarren - "Everything Apart"

Christopher Columbus: Bankrupting an Empire

Christopher Columbus: Bankrupting an Empire

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