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Proud Boys And Antifa Rumble In Oregon

So say it

newtboy says...

It’s not so much the word he wants to say, it’s the racist rules he wants to end. In America, rules that are different because of race aren’t supposed to be allowed.
I don’t think people who make this arguement are mad they “can’t “ say a word, they’re mad that others don’t have to follow the same rule.
Anyone who uses that word is racist, no matter what race they are or how much they deny it.
It’s equivalent to racist southerners in the 40’s telling black people they can’t say/do “X” or there’s going to be a lynching. Stupid, and self defeating....and undeniably racist.
I can never understand why those most negatively affected by racism want to practice it so blatantly.
“Rules” that are different based on race are inherently racist and reenforce even create racism. Extremely hypocritical in this case.

Bill Burr on First Ladies

Lambozo says...

When you start off with heres the deal, it sounds like the follow up is gonna be an immutable law of comedy, rather than why you personally find jokes funny.

Bill does actually touch on something true here: a first lady/man is not elected to office, the president is, and yet is given a platform anyways (albeit an unintrusive and politically safe one).

This is a fact that doesnt bother me in the slightest, unlike bill ( or perhaps bills character), but i still find the arguement pretty funny.

Bill's style of comedy is different from luois ck is finding the humour in an agruement against the audience, rather than one on the side of the audience. I think there is as much brilliance in this as any....

Comedy at its core is a performance, not an essay, lecture or real arguement. It may be, just as a performing art can be anything, but it does not have to have a bone of truth in it. Perhaps its patronizing to say thatcomedy is about laugh and everything else is optional, but people seem to have forgotten this.

Guns with History

robdot says...

Gun rights people always seek to quote other causes of death, as if that has any bearing at all on the arguement..IT DOESNT..we shouldnt do anything about guns, because people drown? Thats fucking retarded. we shouldnt regulate guns, because people smoke? How fucked up is your thinking process? Hey, we shouldnt have seat belt laws ! Because, you know,,,people also overdose !! I have heard this line of bullshit repeated over and over, and it has to be one of the stupidest fucking arguements...ever......

Mordhaus said:

So, lets start a list shall we?

1. Incorrectly secured gun
2. Incorrectly secured gun
3. Incorrectly secured gun(s)
4. Legally owned gun(s) that were registered. Due to a series of errors, the shooter was not stopped.

2015 deaths so far in the USA:

Tobacco: 229875
Alcohol: 65678
Drunk Driving: 22204
Drug Abuse: 16423
Prescription Drug Overdose: 9852
Gun related: 8,561

When you break it down, this is fucking low brow propaganda to scare people into banning something without a true understanding of how that will affect their other freedoms. you want some facts instead of this crap.

Is reality real? Call of Duty May Have the Answer

robdot says...

He is making the first cause arguement,,by simply rewording it, by saying everything has a catalyst,,,it doesnt,,,nothing does,,,energy and matter transform...he says everything has a catalyst,,but it doesnt,,,nothing does,,

Anita Sarkeesian: 'What I Couldn't Say'

newtboy says...


First, don't be a smarmy dick and try to tell me what to do, you aren't my parent.

Second, please learn how to read carefully, then actually READ before replying.


Please learn how to stick with one argument and not move on to another, then another, then another when you can't back up your first. That's what you've done, you made a specific claim, I asked you for proof, you gave 'proof' that she's a bad person (which no one ever denied)...but not about your claim. EVER. STILL.


If you are going to make specific claims about her position(s) PROVE IT or stop saying least to me.

You completely failed to provide a single piece of evidence about what you said about her sex worker stance...still. All you've ever provided is numerous non-sequitur videos and articles that did NOT address your claim.

YOU HAVE NEVER BACKED UP YOUR CLAIM about her hating sex workers with evidence. Other people's opinion is not evidence of hers, and that's all you've given. Not a single quote or video of HER backing you up. It must not exist, since you've spent hours trying to convince me, if you had a video or article where she clearly attacks sex workers, you would have provided it. Instead you've wasted hours of my time with links that had nothing to do with our topic.

Either learn to stick to the topic you start with, or leave me alone. I can't stand peoole who agrue like you, making a claim, claiming you can prove it, then providing nothing but time wasting, non-sequitur, off topic pieces showing how bad a person she is....when that's completely not the topic, then angrily attacking the listener because you failed to convince them.

I have NEVER supported Sarkeesian. Requireing proof of something NEW about her that's illogical is not "supporting her". Seeing that you've provided ZERO proof of your claim is not " supporting her" or "closing my mind due to bias"'s a complete failure of you to provide a single word of EVIDENCE of your claim.

Change your tactic, or join lantern and trancecoach on ignore, because you are being completely ridiculous.

You don't convince me the sky is green by sending articles and videos about your pond. You won't convince me she hates sex workers by sending articles and videos about her terrible work as a 'feminist gamer' that has nothing to do with your claim.

Do I need to say it 7 more times, because I've said the same thing over and over and over and over...but you still act like I just ignored your evidence....but YOU DON"T HAVE ANY EVIDENCE ON THE TOPIC WE'RE ON.


GenjiKilpatrick said:


Don't Reply. Just Read.


And thank you Squid! Very succinct.

The Fine Tuning of the Universe

robdot says...

your arguement pre supposes someone, or science is claiming "chance" they are not.

shinyblurry said:

The video presents a philosophical argument that design should be preferred to chance or necessity. There is just as much proof in that sense for either, so why should you prefer chance or necessity. What argument would you use?

The Fine Tuning of the Universe

robdot says...

Arguement from ignorance fallacy.begging the question facllacy...also ,the water always thinks the glass was made just for it. The universe isnt fine tuned for life, life is fined tuned for the universe.

Conservative Christian mom attempts to disprove evolution

robdot says...

just to clear up a few misconceptions here..First, you cant prove your arguement, by disproving someones elses..This is a tactic of christians. Even if you could disprove evolution, that doesnt prove a 500 year old man built a giant boat.. donkeys can talk,,the sun stopped in the sky..,or there were giants on the earth,,ok?,, AKA false dichotomy fallacy.

Second,,this arguement also applies to evolution and cant disprove evolution by saying,well,where did everything come from..

This type of willfull ignorance can actually kill us,,,IE anti vaccine people...ignorance like this, can kill, your children. People will use superstition to kill their children,,,and,,yours.

Libertarian Atheist vs. Statist Atheist

robdot says...

In america anyway, the government provides clean water,sewers, police, fire depts, schools, safe roads. etc. Corps cant do business without highways,,or healthy consumers and workers. This guy is just a complete moron..the idea that bankers and corporations will self police or that markets self adjust has been proven wrong by history over and over. Who will plow the roads? who will build the damn roads? Who would build hoover dam? who would build sewers? Who would provide disaster relief? The lunacy of this idiots arguements are self evident.

Sir Isaac Newton vs Bill Nye. Epic Rap Battles of History

Purpose and the Universe by Sean M. Carroll

robdot says...

Your using the old, you cant prove there is no god arguement. Stop it.

TheFreak said:

If I see a painting of a landscape I really really like...can I forget that it's canvas and paint and...if I believe haaaaaard enough....can I live inside that painting?

If this is American teacher education, we're all doomed...

newtboy says...

Once again, the neocon answer is dismissiveness and insult, with no logic, reason, or facts.
You certainly don't have me pegged, sir. I'm not a dumb kid of today, nor did I spend much time in public schooling. 1290, 3.5, 138 and graduated...sorry to disappoint or confuse.
Your comprehension of my position is appallingly incorrect, and knee jerkingly insulting to boot.
I have both been taught, and learned from experience, that capitalism is not the best answer to every problem, nor is liberalism (not that they are opposites or related). Neither is evil or good, those are things only people can be. Neither is a panacea.
Educators want nothing of the are describing baby sitters.
Wow, amazing that you aren't chanting "We're #1" like most neocons mindlessly do. I'll give you props for that little victory. I agree, our position is sad, more so when you consider the cost we pay for that result, and the costs we will pay because of it.
I do think you are (redacted) wrong that any TEACHERS want this kind of mind numbing chanting or dumbing down of their students...I do agree there aren't enough teachers teaching, and too many babysitters in their place. I also think this is due, in large part, to the lack of respect and compensation available to a public school've already shown the former quite clearly, and your political affiliates have seen to the latter.
You seem to have convinced yourself that, since I don't go along with your narrow train of thought, that I'm all for, and 100% behind the current education system, I never even hinted at that straw man arguement. What I did say is that capitalist business always does the least work possible to get the most pay out, and that's not what we want for our tax dollars, especially not our education system. As was said before, this particular flaw is an issue caused by for-profit privatization with not enough regulation, which if it must be politicized is a right wing baby.

bobknight33 said:

The American Government education system is an anti education system.
Kids today get a less quality education than before.

I don't mind these dumb kids today because it means added job security. You are too dumb to know better. Someone needs to serve me lunch and sweep my floors.

You must be one of them. You were taught and firmly believe that Liberalism is good and capitalism is evil and must be destroyed. The fact of the matter is the exact opposite, Liberalism is evil.

And yes educators do want this dumbing down of students. They have been doing this for years. Finally the education is controlled by union controlled liberals. They have been in control for decades. We are not #1 or 8th, we are down in the middle of the pack down at 20. For all the money we spend per child and to be in 20th place.

TDS 2/24/14 - Denunciation Proclamation

newtboy says...

Please what? You made a jump back to an argument that had been solved because you had no response to the argument I had made on the new topic we were discussing. Either you did it from lack of comprehension, or simply as a ridiculous attempt to cloud your failing argument. Either calls for derision.
You stopped making arguments and moved onto derision without arguement. That means I no longer have an argument from you to correct or debate.
You started the "get it?" questioning, so don't whine about it coming back on you. Turnabout's fair play. Get it?
I hate to tell you, but some of those are arguments. Others were explanations of position, made for your benefit because you seemed to have difficulty comprehending.
I've made numerous relevant arguments, all of which you've conceded. What more do you need to know?

Trancecoach said:

"your comprehension is apparently even lower that I thought"


"this was clearly wrong"

"I classify your lack of response to my answer to your ridiculous question"

"that means you conceded that you had no response and you 'lost'"

"That sentiment is incorrect"

"You seem to want to ignore those facts and the implications that logically follow them"

I hope you realize that none of these are "arguments."

Get it? Is that the best you can do? Get it?

These are irrelevant to the Jon Stewart video.

Let me know if you have any factually relevant arguments to make.

EDIT: And we can probably move beyond all the question begging, hmmk?

Canada creates Gayest video ever

A10anis says...

This is my last response. Listen; "shaming" doesn't work. In fact you contradict yourself by saying; "Matter of fact, psychologically, it's one of the surest ways to endure behavior." Shaming endures behaviour? What are you talking about? Education works. It really is that simple. Stop the brainwashing of kids by zealots. Stop the education of kids by bronze age mythology. And stop using infantile ads, like these, to try and "inform," when all they do is confirm, to homophobes, their prejudices. Mature debate and education, education, education will ultimately win any homophobic arguement. I'm done..

shatterdrose said:

It's called shaming. Look it up. And yes, it does work. Matter of fact, psychologically, it's one of the surest ways to endure behavior. Unfortunately, we've lost that in America with teachers barred from using red ink, giving bad grades and every little league athlete getting an award.

When 90% of the worlds population is making fun of you, you begin to rethink your stance. And conversely, it's the same tactic bullies use but only in a negative way. As you said, "human nature" is to conform with a little room for individualism. People want to fit into the crowd, and when you're the only one gay-bashing, you stand out in a very negative way when everyone is either ignoring you or calling you an idiot.

(Not to mention, ads like this cause those of us who support gay rights to cheer louder thus making it harder for those beating up LGBT's to get away with their acts feeling like they did the whim of society. It's called Mob Behavior. It's also very human . . .)

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