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bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Er Mer Gerd! It’s going to officially be Toth Senchal (or something else nonsensical) because Truth Social was denied a trademark for the name….idiots didn’t research it before naming the company, two other companies have trademarks that cover that name already. $1.5-$2 mill in debt (how!?), under investigation for securities violations, and now a forced rebranding. I thought Trump was some business genius, what happened?
Everything is falling apart in MAGA world….but you still haven’t noticed it was made of cardboard and scotch tape the whole time.

Sorry, just had to share the hilarious news.

Trump’s Maralago Home Raided By FBI

newtboy says...

Lol. You are so delusional.
Trump appointed judge, Trump appointed FBI head that he praised lavishly, red state FBI agents. Do you mean the Trump deep state, because it was done by the people he installed. Derp.
I bet you guys wish Garland was a Supreme Court judge and not the AG about now, don’t you! 😂

Yes, traitors who both attacked America with a violent mob and stole top level classified secrets and kept them unsecured in an unlocked basement, lied about having them repeatedly under oath, then was turned in by a Desantis plant (maybe) because he was still holding these super top secret, to be viewed only in special secured locations by a handful of people (which citizen Trump is not one of)…top secret nuclear information Trump could not declassify BTW….those people SHOULD be made ineligible for office. I say the same thing if it was Biden, AOC, or Sanders….but they don’t expose state secrets publicly on a regular basis like Trump has.

Lol….poked a small nest of nut jobs. Yes, armed thugs are menacing fbi buildings in some places, usually in groups of under 30. Yes, there was a group of Trump supporters rallying at Maralago….about 7 of them.
There are more people turning from Trump and the Republican Party now than there are nuts defending it. The Republicans are now suggesting we just get rid of espionage as a crime, quick before Trump is charged. Think of the heads exploding if Clinton had suggested that right after her email server was discovered!

Backfire?! You do live in a fantasy land. It sent some of you into a tissy fit, throwing tantrums, attacking the fbi (because you’re the law and order party!) making death threats against anyone you think is involved and attempting to follow through (because the right is so rational and non violent). That’s not a backfire. Hundreds of thousands of Republicans have become never Trumpers seeing how loose he is with Americas security at the highest levels. Those supporting him in congress are seeing their poll numbers tank. It’s looking now )knock on wood) like the midterms might be the best Democrats have ever seen, they will certainly be voting, while Republicans are not one bit excited about politics and their representatives now.

Yes,the bs of trying to keep nuclear secrets, maybe to sell, backfired. So did every ploy since the legitimate, legal, by the book, pre announced, kid gloved raid happened, all excuses and deflections fell apart as more info came out…like the warrant and receipt…Republicans wanted that so badly until they got it, now you wish it was still secret because the facts are disasterous for the right. D’oh! Talk about backfiring! ROTFLMFAHS!!! 😂

What’s the next attempted excuse? Aren’t you going to try the “everything he took was automatically declassified because Trump says so” ploy? Or has that already failed you as the ridiculous fantasy it is? Don’t you want to claim it’s all planted by the FBI? Or has that lie been destroyed because both lawyers for Trump and the secret service were present for everything, despite desperate talking heads with no information claiming they weren’t, and everything being on camera. Don’t you want to complain they didn’t give Trump a copy of the warrant or receipt and burst in unannounced at dawn with a small army smashing down doors, or has that lie fallen apart completely since they did provide the warrant and the receipt signed by Trump’s lawyers who witnessed their collection, the deferral until 10am to avoid attention, the warning of the secret service well ahead of time, the plain clothed agents to avoid detection by the press (and embarrassment by the ex president) and the 100% lack of smashed doors?
Are you ready to claim highest level classified nuclear documents being kept illegally and unsecured and being exposed to Russians, Chinese, Saudis, Israelis, etc are a nothing burger? I know it’s coming, get there and prove your anti Americanism idiocy again.

bobknight33 said:

Yet more BS fuckery by deep state to keep Trump from running 2024.

But that did poke the stick at the hornet nest of the republican party.

Boy did this BS back fire

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

You know that, at CPAC, ULTRA MAGA Republican Congress member Andy Biggs called for defunding the police, the DOJ, FBI, judges, courts, etc…anyone who has helped prosecute anyone for Jan 6 terrorism, any group investigating Trump, or Republican child raping senators….right?
Defund the police has become a far right rally cry now! After all those lies that Biden was going to defund them, and his insistence he planned the exact opposite, now your guys want to defund the police (now that your people are getting arrested and held on high bail, suddenly the disaster out incarceration system seems out of whack, where before Jan 6 any complaint was met with “you know how to avoid that? Don’t do crimes”…suddenly the right sees prison reform as important, and law enforcement as the enemy.

ROTFLMFAHS!!! I love it when a far right plan falls apart.

Conservatives VS KKK : Spot The Difference

newtboy says...

I would just like them farther apart. On my tablet it’s way too easy to hit the wrong one, or ignore, or both, or even all 3 at the same time.
@lucky760, can that go on the list for the next iteration (assuming there is one)? Just a bit more separation of the up/down buttons.

I erased your mistaken vote with mine @BSR

BSR said:

Damn it! Again I upvoted meaning to down vote! I'm too use to upvoting videos.

I think the vote buttons need to be green for up vote and red for down vote or I really to need to pay attention on what I'm doing.

Perhaps maybe make it so the voter can correct an unintended vote.

You win this time bob but, only by mistake.

Durham's defeat

newtboy says...

Bull Durham. Lol. Trump counted on him but doesn’t even know his name.

More proof that everything Trump was charged with was true, and every charge he levied against others a lie.

One more huge “L” for the trumptards. The hits just keep coming. 3 years and millions of tax dollars spent investigating Sussmann, acquitted in 6 hours.

Another big “L” for the anti America crowd…the Florida anti free speech law attacking companies that support lgbtq organizations was just tossed out as a clear violation of the first amendment. This after his punishment for Disney supporting the lgbtq community (removing their autonomous status) fell apart because Florida law already specifically prohibited doing that, and because doing so would add billions to the state and county’s already insane $33billion debt. The “L”s just keep rolling in.

Time for the Republican Party to take a ten year time out and get their shit together, expel all the crazed morons Trump brought into the party, or just quit.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

And….another partisan witch hunt of Clinton falls apart.

Michael Sussmann, Clinton attorney, acquitted of lying to the FBI after years of baseless hyperbolic accusations and investigation from Barr and a partisan special prosecutor, John Durham.
Three years of investigation/prosecution, took the jury 6 hours to unanimously acquit.

Pete Buttigieg Perfectly Articulates Republican Behavior

newtboy says...

You know that’s not true. Democrats and independents have 48 seats, not 60(the number needed to pass any law now). Manchin and Senema are Republicans, not Democrats, and vote as such. That means there’s no chance of getting anything meaningful passed with the Republican platform being “don’t let the democrats get anything done”.

Solution to…what? Answer to….what? You can’t even form a cogent accusation.

What are utter lies and bs? Your attempts to attack Democrats?

Who says “trans community….”… what? Which is fine …how? Are you ok? Did you smoke crack recently? Meth?

You say YES to indoctrination of everyone with born again MAGA evangelical Christian doctrines and MAGA insanity, you liar. You people want prayers in preschools, bibles in schools, bans on non binary genders, bans on discussing any non “pure” monogamous heterosexual sexuality, bans on interracial relationships, and probably a ban on any mention of any other religion through high school….and you think that’s not indoctrination.

Right, because screaming insane ridiculousness at full rant like a raving crackhead (sometimes WITH a raving crackhead!) is what makes a leader. 🤦‍♂️
Pete’s been in leadership positions repeatedly…including as an officer in Afghanistan.
Now Trump, he’s never led anything that didn’t fall apart or go bankrupt or get closed for fraud while he led it….and is a blatant draft dodger.

Yelling isn’t leading. Dividing isn’t leading. Throwing tantrums isn’t leading. Attempting coups isn’t leading.

bobknight33 said:

Democrats have all the control. Where are their solution?
And Biden and his party answer is?????????????

Utter lies and BS.

You say trans community which is fine.

but we say no to indoctrination.

Pete will never be POTUS - soft spoken but not leadership material.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

A Republican-appointed judge issued a stunning attack against Donald Trump in a trial of a Capitol rioter who was found guilty this past week by a jury. The judge blasted Trump as a "charlatan" who is taking advantage of gullible people, and said that the former President doesn't seem to care about democracy. These are strong, and very true, words against Trump, especially from a Republican judge.

“ You know, I think our democracy's in trouble because unfortunately we have charlatans like our former president who doesn't in my view really care about democracy, but only about power.
And as a result of that, it's tearing this country apart. I have a concern that we unfortunately, [have] American citizens who were so gullible that they were willing to accept what was being said without any proof that the allegations about the election had any merit whatsoever. People are just outraged at how they feel our system is not taking seriously what happened on that day because of their fear of the future for this country.”

That’s what Republican judges are saying on the bench.


P.s. Another hero, Alex Jones, closed shop on his network and other businesses, claiming $1-$10 million in liabilities and $0-$50k in assets for each one. It seems he thinks this lie will let him escape hundreds of millions in liability for the Sandy Hook lawsuits, even though he reported earning over $165 million just since they began.
Bye Felicia.

This man is POTUS

newtboy says...

As usual, you are just wrong…build back better is not an inflation plan you twit.

Step 1, fill the office that handles inflation, not keep it so understaffed that it can’t legally hold a functioning meeting to do anything like Republicans did all through Trump’s tenure and continue to do.

Without a functioning fed, Biden can only add bandaids. If you took civics, or cared to know what you are talking about, or just read what you are told when you ask these ignorant questions, you would know this.

Trump spent more than Obama without starting in a recession he crawled out of but instead starting with a healthy economy causing a recession, spent way more if you count all the extra money he had “printed”. That causes inflation…but not instantly. He spent the most by far in 2020, anyone with 1/2 a brain saw inflation would be the result, we all told you then. You still refuse to or are incapable of understanding.

Biden is a Democrat, so you ignore the one to blame and blame him. I notice you NEVER blamed the last figurehead…the one who knew nothing, had no experience, and led us into a near depression/pandemic then tried to overthrow democracy in America. Idiot.

You are so full of shit with that last. Give me 3 examples when Democrats voted against a plan they created to stop a win, 3 examples when democrats voted against something they said was good for their constituents simply to deny Republicans a win, because I can point to 3 instances when McConnel actually went out publicly and said that’s the Republican plan….and dozens of instances when he implemented that plan.

He now says if Republicans get control, there will be no more hearings to fill any vacancies in government by Biden, just let the country fall apart for 2-6 more years until they get to force someone in. Who cares that it destroys the economy, infrastructure, and the union…no win for dems is all that counts.

bobknight33 said:

And what is Biden plan to stop inflation?

Spend more money via Build back better. That's his plan.
The Fed reserve manages inflation. They don't cause it.
This all started at least a decade ago when government spending really went off the rails and has yet to be controlled.

Biden is the figure head and hence gets the blame.

If a bill truly helps Americans, Democrats would stop a Republican win just as much as Republican would stop a Democrat win.

JiggaJonson (Member Profile)

newtboy says...


You’re going to love this one…..I love it when a ploy bites back.
Colorado Republican primaries are falling apart among multiple claims of fraud from the losers!


Ukrainian Airstrike on Russian Soil?

newtboy says...

Hate to see the oil burning.
Love to see Russia get a little blowback.
I fully support expanding Ukraine’s border 100 miles into Russia to create the kind of “buffer zone” Russia tried to turn Ukraine into. 100 miles of no man’s land, all Russians must move. Ukrainians may settle there. Turnabout is fair play, and they deserve every inch of lost territory.
Then they should retake Crimea.

In a second story today, Russian troops are evacuating the Chernobyl area after poisoning themselves with radiation sickness by digging trenches, driving tanks, and generally disturbing the highly radioactive soil there. Those soldiers are in for a gruesome death, Russia can’t afford to treat thousands of cases of acute radiation poisoning.

In a third report, Putin’s ploy to demand rubles for Russian oil has already fallen apart on day one. They continue to accept euros…euros they can’t transfer to Russia because of banking sanctions!

The Lab Hypothesis | Real Time (HBO)

newtboy says...

The issue is the wrong guy, a dishonest blowhard trying to cover his own failures, claimed this early on with absolutely zero evidence. It was a clear dodge, his normal MO. Refusing any responsibility for ending the international pandemic response team that would have been able to actually say when and where the outbreak started, and likely be able to keep it relegated to one small area in China. By blaming it on a Chinese lab, actually saying it was intentional, he deflects from his abject failure to protect America from a clear, obvious, incontrovertibly deadly threat on the horizon….or any time after it’s discovery.
Were the Chinese studying Covid, yes, so were we. That’s not an indication of where it came from. There’s no evidence it came from any lab, only supposition at best.

Edit:Even if the guess that it came from a Chinese lab is correct, it doesn’t excuse one second of Trump’s (lack of) response and outright denials for months-years. The origin has nothing to do with the danger level, in fact, if it WERE enhanced/created in a lab as he claimed, that’s more reason to consider it MORE dangerous, not reason to claim it’s just a cold or mild flu and will disappear like magic in a few weeks. Granted, it was fun to see him (only after his trade deal fell apart) blame this deadly virus on the Chinese as an unforgivable deliberate act of germ warfare and accuse them of minimizing the danger and hiding the size and severity of the outbreak and in the same breath claim it’s nothing to worry about, not dangerous, probably not deadly, not worth any action to protect against, and just a minimal annoyance soon to disappear….but also disappointing to see how easily so many Americans glossed over the two faced hypocritical responsibility shirking stance he took.

This guy claims most, nearly all viruses can’t both infect people and be transmitted….what utter nonsense. If that were true, there would have never been epidemics, pandemics, not even outbreaks. Credibility destroyed.

I guess he didn’t hear about swine flu, or bird flu, or flu, or colds, or any transmittable virus. 🤦‍♂️
I guess they haven’t heard new mutations are far less deadly (but more transmittable) than earlier versions, so they are getting less dangerous, contrary to his claim.

Not transmitting well outdoors means it’s not natural?! Bullshit, animals nest together. Many natural viruses require close contact to transmit.

DNA testing proved early on that this is not a man made virus. Is it possible a Chinese lab made a natural virus more dangerous, then a lab mistake released it? Yes, but there’s no evidence that’s the case, even these people who’s livelihood relies on people accepting “the lab hypothesis” (hypothesis=guess) admit it’s all conjecture, there’s no evidence, certainly no proof. It’s not the lab theory because it’s unproven.


BTW, this couple are married, anti vaxers, Ivermectin proponents, and were thrown out of Evergreen College, and are now both now discredited and disgraced. Their main source of income is now their anti vax, pro Ivermectin, Covid isn’t dangerous podcasts loved by morons like Joe Rogan, and a source of much of his misinformation that’s getting him removed from his platform.
“Bret Weinstein is one of the foremost purveyors of COVID-19 disinformation out there,” says Dr. David Gorski, a surgical oncologist and professor at Wayne State University who also debunks quack remedies as managing editor at a website called Science-Based Medicine. “Weinstein can be ‘credited’ with playing a large role in popularizing the belief that ivermectin is a miracle cure or preventative for COVID-19, that the vaccines are dangerous, and that the disease itself is not. Why are Rogan and Maher attracted to his messages? Contrarians and conspiracy theorists tend to be attracted to each other.”

Downvote discredited shills who profit from misinformation. No surprise at all, considering who posted this dishonest propaganda from discredited propagandists.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Uh oh. Now the bank and tax fraud surrounding the Trumps acquiring the lease for the DC hotel are under investigation. This time Ivanka is going down with Daddy, because she overvalued properties used to secure the loan bu 3 times, claiming things like her apartment with a for sale price of $8.5 million was worth 25 million, etc.
nothing new, just more Trump fraud, more Trump theft from America, banks, and the public.

This is you pick. This is you guy? Only makes sense if you’re an anti American Russian troll trying to damage America as much as possible.

Edit: D’oh! Pence’s lawyer, present at many meetings in the whitehouse discussing the coup plans, testified for over 9 hours to the Jan 6 commission. He has direct personal knowledge of exactly what the president’s involvement before, during, and after the attack against America for Trump was, and apparently has no qualms about talking about it. He didn’t plead the fifth like all Trump’s lackeys (which Trump says is proof of guilt except when he does it), he didn’t fight subpoenas (which Trump has said is proof of guilt….when it wasn’t him). He testified, with members coming out of the session calling him a patriot who cares about America, unlike many others they’ve subpoenaed and interrogated. A man who put country before a person. Not good for Tangerine Palpatine.

Delay tactics are failing, obstruction is failing, destruction of evidence is failing, hiding the forging of fraudulent certifications for fraudulent electors failed, hiding and denying direct Republican Party involvement has failed, denying individual involvement has failed, denial of the event has failed, abusing expired privileges to hide evidence has failed, whining and crying like spoiled children has failed, threatening prosecutors has failed. Whole lotta fail going on over there.

Pipe Lining - the step-by-step process - Part II

vil says...

This video is for show, normally they would line the tube in place.

Also most useful if the pipe is inside a wall between two expensive apartments or below something you cant dig under. Its for special cases.

Rain pipe and chimney proctologist. We have a camera on a cable.

mxxcon said:

So much work and hassle...

You work as a proctologist?

EXTREME Close Range Intercept of VIOLENT EF4 Tornado

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