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bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Aren't you going to crow about how presidential Trump is, working so hard even at the hospital? Come on, you have the pictures. I'm begging you, tell us all about it.

Aren't you going to point to his humanity of riding around the hospital to personally thank the crowd there for him?


I know his staged "look, I'm working" pictures, they were too stupid to check the meta data, those staged fake photos were under ten minutes apart, just enough time to redress Trump and switch rooms. He wasn't working. Need more proof? They're also so moronic they just gave him a blank piece of paper to be "working" on. You can see it in the picture with nothing but his signature.
I also know why you aren't talking about him going all out to thank those at the hospital....they were mostly PROUD BOYS. The vigil was actually organised by the proud boys founder, who was there. Pretty certain that was planned with Whitehouse approval, they sure as Fuck know who they are by now, and Trump put secret servicemen at high risk and a minimum of 14 days away from work and family to thank the proud boys again.

Then, to top it off, first thing he does back at the Whitehouse is remove his mask knowing full well he's highly infectious despite the medical cocktail of experimental drugs and steroids he received that no one else on the planet could possibly get, but not his precious hydroxy, even he's not stupid enough to take that poison, intentionally exposing every person in the room behind him, and there were many.

But wait...there's more! Because baby Loanspurs doesn't want to admit he wore a mask ever, he then reportedly took a camera crew outside to reshoot his reentry at the Whitehouse with no masks. That will be the official video now, not the real video with masks.

Pillar of honor and responsibility he is not.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

And another way Orange pedophile bad....selling appointments, like Dejoy at USPS. It's been clear from the get go that he's there because he donated millions to Trump through fundraising events and maximum donations. What wasn't clear until now is he violated campaign finance laws by pushing employees to attend his fundraisers and donate t he maximum, which he reimbursed by giving t hem bonuses. Clearly illegal campaign finance violations, and more reason why Trump intentionally keeping the elections commission understaffed his entire tenure so badly they cannot perform their function of prosecuting people like Dejoy.

Talk about selling America out, Trump's never done anything but.

When the next president fills the positions and returns teeth to the fec, everyone with a finger in the Trump administration going to prison.

Trump tried to sell out to China, but they want nothing to do with his flailing, inconsistent, bat shit crazy administration that can't be trusted to keep agreements and the talks fell apart. Now we have a bigger trade deficit plus billions in tariffs and China not buying American anymore. Trump simply doesn't understand international trade one bit.

Oh, let's not forget yesterday when he threatened any police department that isn't rabidly pro Trump and giving him public endorsements, "the ones who didn’t, I think we have to look at them — where do they come from." Trump only likes cops that fawn over him first, it's not about liking cops or the law, it's about liking anyone who will say they like him....If they won't, they need to be investigated.

Orange infant, biggest business failure in America two years running by HIS accounting, daughter diddling Don : bad.
Alert Joe : good AND competent.

bobknight33 said:

Biden selling out to China is subverting Americans.

Orange Man GOOD.

Sleepy Joe BAD.

Who knew a Praying Mantis could kill a Hummingbird

StukaFox says...

Y'know, I saw that picture taken in New South Wales (Aussieland) of the gigantic goddamn spider that'd caught, and was in the process of eating, a sparrow. So I thought, "Huh -- that's some fucked-up shit right there, y'all..."

In your life, you will come to certain milestones, one of which is "accepting shit you ain't gonna be able to do nothin' about..." Y'know, stuff like Japanese people clubbing dolphins, the GOP and Furries. I mean, you're totally appalled, but there ain't shit you can do about it. You either accept it and move on, or head up to the roof of the apartment complex across the street from Anthrocon and see if you can get your name on the board.

That brings us back to the Dante-esque horror that was the gigantic goddamn spider from Boganland. What're you gonna do, right? You know that spider's paid off the Prime Minister and is on a Qantas flight to parts unknown (probably in whatever that class is that's above Business Class that the airlines keep totally fuckin' secret because of fears that if you found out they were serving dolphin steak and cocaine up near the pointy end of the aircraft, you might just decided to jump out of your seat, charge the hidden door to the Coked-Up Cetacean Lounge, and proceed to hoover every last flake of that fine, fine Peruvian blow -- or get shot seven times in the back if you're black) and will soon be consume children, the elderly, or blasted passengers stumbling off a Qantas A-380 with a wild look in their eyes and a coke-stache that would embarrass Chuck Barris.

So the moral of this story is: Jesus FUCK I love cocaine!!

BSR (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Yes, he planned to commit suicide on stage, the event owner found out he was serious and cancelled the show, he went home and did it alone.
His stage shows usually ended with him naked, bleeding, and sometimes covered in shit.

As for the translation, I just pulled apart and recombined what you wrote. Come on. Bleeding hearts and artists....and bleeding artists. ;-)

BSR said:

Showing results for GG Allin

I think I remember seeing a video about this guy. Didn't he want die on stage?

Trump and Fox Struggle to Attack Sen. Kamala Harris

newtboy says...

You must be joking.
He may have more support among those still calling themselves Republicans, but there are insanely fewer of those today, #walkaway, and his approval among independents has tanked from it's low starting point, and among democrats it's non existent. Also, he's the incumbent, can't get none of that there reform when you're the incumbent, and that was his ONLY selling point. Also, you don't have Biden cheating the election process like Clinton, so fewer turning away from the Democrats.
All these anti Trump commercials are produced by Republicans, Bobby, not Democrats, not Russia, not China, Republicans. I've lost count of the number of anti Trump Republican groups they're popping up so fast.

Democrats fed up with Joe stuttering or flubbing words (but not concepts) will go with Trump, who lost his mental grip before 2016, and finger bangs his daughters, rapes women, cheats on every wife, has a child with his daughter, and has failed at every leadership metric?!? Wow. That will be a sight to see. If they do, we will get the president we deserve, and it will end this great experiment in democracy.

You know what you complain about ALL happened under Trump's leadership, not during Biden's. Same leadership in cities, the only change was Trump that made civility and law fall apart.
Covid is only a non issue to idiots who believe Trump over literally anyone else, no matter their credentials or evidence. Above 85 IQ people understand they live in the real world where 160000 are dead and likely 500000 permanently disabled.
>160000 dead, >5 times the rate of deaths and infections than the global average including third world nations, they aren't just elderly, they do include thousands of children dead and tens of thousands brain damaged. Republicans were prepared to shut down over Benghazzi, 4 deaths...but not over 160000, even knowing not shutting down will extend the pandemic, extend the shutdowns, extend the national isolation, extend the depression, and cost the U.S. trillions upon trillions more in excess costs and losses, all of which could have been avoided by shutting down two weeks earlier and mandating masks, but Trump didn't, so we are the worst effected nation on earth in nearly every way.

Why are you still getting information from the Don the con? He's steered you wrong at every single turn.

bobknight33 said:


I'll say it.

Trump will win by a fucking landslide.

More supporters today than 2016. Democrats fed up with the far left of their party, not to mention Finger Banging JOE loosing his mental grip will push Trump to victory.

The fake news, BLM rioters, Democrat lead cities dumping on Blue lives, cutting funding. Crime spiking, looting, murder rates spiking will lead to total victory.

Covid is a non issue. People want to go tow work not be ordered by Democrat mayors, Governors to stay shut down.

Covid death rates are low % , except elderly, and not worth the economic damage to people, states, nation.

hypocrisy of the left

JiggaJonson says...

@newtboy @BSR I mean you can take ANY of those claims and pick them apart in short order.

You can burn churches? even in covid heavy places they are letting people go to church still, even though the rest of us think it's stupid and will cause more infections just so people can visit their imaginary friend.

Unless you don't feel that way, in which case stop spreading your hate propaganda.

I don't have to apologize for being white, but i can recognize history and when there is a disparity in the way the police enforce the law I can stand with them and say "THATS NOT FAIR" Standing up for people isn't me apologizing for myself, and it doesn't make me less of a person.

But I digress, he's been hearing this from people on this site for ~ ten years. Dont waste your time, let the dumb dumbs who think covid isn't real Darwin themselves.

So yeah, @bobknight33, go to a megachurch, go to a trump rally like she suggests. Prove you're done with our bullshit if you feel that way.

hypocrisy of the left

JiggaJonson says...

yeah i've lost my patience, the republican governor in my state is trying to conjure up new virus by i shit u not, this is what happened

day before school starts in the state = students and staff need to wear a mask at all times in indiana (unless in 3rd grade or younger)

day after school starts = students do NOT need to wear a mask as long as they are 3 feet apart - teachers still do


-There is no point in trying to rationalize with his type.
-He doesn't care and is unaffected if there are reasons or facts that run contrary to what he believes.

He just hates liberals. PASSIONATE HATRED is what drives people like that is what I've learned in the past weeks.

I asked someone to wear a mask at CVS and got "I have SEEN a video of Hillary Clinton torturing young children and dancing in the nude around them as a fire burns. The blacks WON they want you to wear a mask. BUT I AM NOT A SHEEP - I SAWWWWWWWWW THE VIDEO OF IT WITH MY oWn tWo EyEs!!! YARE YOU GONNA TELL ME I DIDNT SEE IT? IT'S SATANIC!~"

me - "dude..."

There's no point in arguing with someone like that who is not arguing/conversing in good faith. The only reason he doesn't sound crazier is because he's typing instead of yelling.

BSR said:

No. It's his cry for knowledge and understanding.

Not to worry. Newt is a very patient man helping as best he can.

Inside Nancy Pelosi’s District:

newtboy says...

SF has this problem so bad because it's such a successful city. Cost of living is at least double the national average, you're lucky to find a small one bedroom for $3500 a month there.
Because the weather is mild year round, transients never move on to warmer climates, but more show up in spring.
Housing problems there are largely caused by rising housing costs, unaffordable to some working 3 jobs. Many are lured in because you get more panhandling money when the average income is >$100000. I recall a few being investigated in the 90's who seemed to make well over $100000 a year by begging, one was estimated at $250000+. Thousands are working homeless, living in their cars because they don't earn enough to even share an apartment. Most make more than the national average. Keep in mind, $190000 is middle class in San Francisco.

This has been an issue in San Francisco and the bay in general at least since the early 80's when i lived there....but it has gotten worse as the population and rent increased but low income housing didn't.
Now Trump has said there will be no low income housing (which he thinks means all blacks) in suburbs, directing infinitely more homeless and low income citizens to cities in search of a possible roof over their heads...and in the same breath he blames Democrats for the homeless problems in cities.

As mentioned above, there is no republican plan to deal with homeless. None. They seem to think if you deny them services and food they evaporate. It doesn't work that way.

Pelosi doesn't control San Francisco, she represents it in the house. Derp.

What a dishonest tool. 1/2 the nation's homeless?! Bullshit. San Francisco has around 10000, America has around 500000. It's just more bullshit and *lies @bobknight33, not philosophy, news, or talks, and the only thing to learn from it is massive levels of misinformation.

I chose to #walkaway after listening to black voices

StukaFox says...

Bob, nicely done! You outed a fake YouTube account -- this guy? He doesn't exist. Notice he never uses his name anywhere? Not in the videos, not on his channel, nowhere. He has no internet presence apart from this channel. He has no images of himself searchable by Google Images, and AFAICT, he has no Facebook or Twitter feed. Before 12/31/2019, he had no footprint at all. A quick look at his videos shows he's lying about what he said about supporting BLM (the video he put up a month ago about BLM being a Communist front is pretty telling).

How odd that you found him, however, given that the video you linked to has less than 10k views.

How it Starts

Drachen_Jager says...

They're already a step ahead.

Even though they've ALL voted by mail at some point, they now claim it's too open to fraud (never mind that most of those caught were on the Republican side). They know vote by mail will be big in the fall, so he'll use it as an excuse to claim victory anyhow and refuse to relinquish the office.

BTW, did you see the black woman who through genuine accident voted twice argued with a judge's sentence and so he doubled it?

Meanwhile, President Trump registered to vote in Florida, using Mar a Lago as his "home address" in Florida in September 2019.

Dude.... I think even @bobknight33 knows enough to realize there's an issue there.

Also, a Republican Congressman representing Kansas registered himself to a Kansas apartment he rented for a few months while claiming the benefits of being an Alaska resident and later changed his home address to a UPS store to cast a vote in a specific district for the municipal election. Want to bet whether he'll get shown leniency because he just made an "honest" mistake. (Honest here meaning, 'I agree with you politically, so won't punish you for cheating'.)

newtboy said:

I won't be a bit surprised, nor will I be surprised when the Bobites gloat about how brilliant it was of him to throw the nation and economy into turmoil so he could subvert democracy.

That's why EVERYONE needs to register to vote by mail, and cite CDC guidelines if a reason is required in your state. They have already said in person voting should be avoided whenever possible.

And don't be fooled, while Republicans are parroting the "vote by mail fraud" fraud, they're also signing up themselves in droves.

Protester gets maced and shot in the face by gas projectile

Drachen_Jager says...

Hey, did you hear a Detective from Springfield Mass got fired within days of posting an offensive Black Lives Matter post?

That's right, it was a photo of her nice at a BLM protest holding a sign saying, “Who do we call when the murderer wear the badge.” and some of her colleagues found that offensive enough they had to fire her.

So apparently they can act when their snowflakes are in danger of melting, just not, you know when they murder innocent people, frame innocent people, steal from innocent people and criminals, lie about incidents, doxx those who disagree with them then shrug it off when the doxxed person's neighbor is brutally raped apparently as a direct result of the doxxing (idiot got the wrong apartment number, police later said it was no big deal because the woman only suffered minor injuries (she was bruised head to toe, and raped, but no broken bones, so it's all good, right?) and the city counselor the cop doxxed could have been found through other means).

It's not a question of what to do "if" the criminal wears a badge. The criminals wear badges. The question is what can be done to stop them.

Death of a Bee Hive

newtboy says...


That was insane! I've had multiple hives, and I could often pull them apart without a suit on if I went slowly enough. I've never seen anything near that aggression, even after transporting a wild hive in a bouncing trailer for 45miles, and they were pissed!

Too bad, it looked like a healthy hive.

I think he made the right choice to kill it. Sad.

Tulsa - Lincoln Project

newtboy says...

Sorry, Bobby. 1/2 facts are no facts. No one hid Wallace's party.

Wallace was awful, but changed with his party, apologized for his intolerance and racism, and changed his tune on racial issues.

Not Trump, who at that time was busy denying blacks apartments in any of his buildings for years, even after admitting the practice and promising the government he would stop. He never apologized, and never stopped being blatantly racist.

No one, including you, believes Republicans are anti racists who embrace proud racists and Nazis and Democrats are the racists who call out racism, include other races in the party beyond token members, and shun racists and Nazis. They both switched positions 50 years ago....and you just pretend they didn't. So sad and unconvincingly intentionally ignorant, is that really the best you've got? If so, just concede now, save yourself a beating.

How many civil rights leaders are Republicans today, Bob? How many?

You really are looking moronic, intentionally ignoring what we ALL know happened in the 60-70's. 1/2 truths, Bobby, it's the best you ever offer....1/2 truths.

Your position amounts to saying "Black people are so dumb they don't know Republicans are helping and Democrats hate them." So moronic and racist a position. It's why Trump gets 8% of the black vote....No matter how much he panders and shows off his black person at rallies.

Hilariously, this is really not about Biden vs Trump or Republicans VS Democrats, it's about Republicans VS Trump. These commercials are made by REPUBLICANS! LMFAHS!
Here's another for you....

bobknight33 said:

MLK, a man of peace. . Governor George Wallace DEMOCRAT, On his 1963, inauguration speech said “Segregation now, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever!” His inauguration speech was written by Ku Klux Klan...... Truth is a bitch Sorry Lincoln project 1/2 facts are no facts and hence do nothing but stir the pot of discontent.

The fight is not about Biden VS Trump. POTUS come and go.

Its really about Dems VS REPs. Which party is the best party of unity, equality for blacks.

Which party pushed equality more? Reps started the NAACP, Rep started the NRA to teach blacks how to defend themselves. Republicans push the civil rights act of 64 and 68. Dems pushed back but pushed a Dem potus to sign it.

Dems need black dependency to stay in power and need a dependent voting pool. Sad. Dems used people as slaves then and political pawns today.


newtboy says...

Brother? Really? Yeah, you aren't a bit racist, just stuck in the 70's (when that would still be considered racist, but at least contemporarily racist).

One bad apple.....spoils the bunch is the rest of that sentence.
We see nothing but bad apples. There are no good apples in the bunch, because they left those bad apples in the bunch for decades, actually recruiting them in many cases (see Florida, who recruits cops fired for violence).

Pablo Escobar did nice things, he was a bad apple. Not being the most racist, accusatory, disrespectful, violent assholes possible at every turn does not make a good apple. Turning in, and testifying against his fellow thuggish cops whenever they get violent, racist, or abusive until those cops are in prison instead of on the force, that makes a good apple. They don't exist.

The agreement between law enforcement and citizens starts with law enforcement's obligations.
First is to enforce the law evenly and fairly, not use it as a club for their personal prejudices. Second is their obligation to police themselves with greater zeal and less leeway than they give citizens.
Until they fulfil these obligations, citizens have no obligation to be civil to them. They shirked their obligations first, and theirs came with authority and benefits they retain even though they fail at their obligations every single time.
Civility with police in no way protects you from often does nothing but give them excuses to violate citizens further. Any first year lawyer can tell you, there's no benefit to speaking with them at all.

Funny how you think finding one instance where being friendly ended with just a ticket and search you insist it works every time despite the numerous, uncountable examples proving that's simply not true shown to you daily.

"The race issue" (as if it's only one issue) if at the forefront because Republicans have become so outrageously overtly racist with support from the top down that the entire planet has had enough and are marching against the racist, murderous police. We know who is on who's side. It's clear. No one is accepting your word on the subject. We know you have said clearly that you support lying if it helps your cause or proves your point.

BTW, thanks for getting last night's bobknight33 off the keyboard. That one really needs more practice before being put in rotation, he didn't sound like the bobknight33 group in any way. Edit:oops, I hadn't read your other post this morning. These do not appear to be the same person posting in your name 1 1/2 hours apart....shift change comrades?

bobknight33 said:


Sorry NEWT no brother was harmed. Nothing to see here. I realize ALL you post is bad cop vids because of your derange mind is to intolerant to accept that not all cops are bad.

Take solace newt, you will find something to bitch about this.

This is the example of the social compact between society and its law enforcement.

Funny when one is cordial, open dialog, legal, and complies with request form officers things go pretty well.

However this is NOT the narrative that FAKE news pushes day in day out, sowing the seeds of discontent just for the up coming election. If Dems win then race issue pushed to the back burner again.

Police Who Murder Man In Public On Camera Fired

newtboy says...

Absolutely correct....but after he stopped moving and breathing with a dozen witnesses and on cameras, odds are good you would beat any charges. If I was a jurist I would never convict.

I'm worried.....they charged the cop who was on camera, but I haven't heard about any autopsy. It seems likely that the officer(s) off camera, knee to his midsection and/or full body weight, is the one that caused his death. It's hard to strangle someone with a knee unless they're face up. There were three holding him, not one helping him, they're all guilty here.
I'm afraid the charges are designed to placate the masses then fall apart....again.

surfingyt said:

i agree its tempting to stop this from happening... but you say this after the fact that floyd is dead.

in your scenario, the person being arrested ends up living. so he goes to jail, alive. you get arrested for assaulting an officer and obstructing justice and now have to prove the person would have died if you had not intervened. that's a steep uphill battle but i would be on your side.

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