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TEDxCopenhagen - Why We Shouldn't Bike with a Helmet

oritteropo says...

Interesting. It must depend where then, I'm talking about Northern suburbs, and mostly teenagers.

I totally agree with your other point.>> ^Kofi:

In Melbourne I rarely see people riding without helmets. Most of my friends have been fined and now wear helmets but I am not 100% sure that the two are linked.
The point about cars is bullshit. Cars have seatbelts, airbags, crumple zones etc. A bike = 5 feet of falling over onto some skin, some bone and your mental life. Like I said, don't wear a helmet for your sake. Wear it for the sake of the people who have to look after you when you brain turns to goo.

TEDxCopenhagen - Why We Shouldn't Bike with a Helmet

Kofi says...

In Melbourne I rarely see people riding without helmets. Most of my friends have been fined and now wear helmets but I am not 100% sure that the two are linked.
The point about cars is bullshit. Cars have seatbelts, airbags, crumple zones etc. A bike = 5 feet of falling over onto some skin, some bone and your mental life. Like I said, don't wear a helmet for your sake. Wear it for the sake of the people who have to look after you when you brain turns to goo.

TEDxCopenhagen - Why We Shouldn't Bike with a Helmet

arghness says...

Because they have seatbelts to stop drivers flying out the windscreen and airbags to try and prevent their head hitting things it can still reach.

Obviously racing is far riskier, the same reason that no sensible motorcycle or mountain biker would fail to use suitable head protection.

Away from heavy traffic, I think a cycle helmet is probably not needed for a regular bicycle. However, I wouldn't be without one when sharing a road with vehicles (*shakes fist at evil buses*).

>> ^Deano:
Man's got a point about cars - why aren't they wearing helmets if it improves safety in the event of a crash? Racing drivers have them.

Topless Chair Jousting - New Olympic Sport for 2012

How the next Mars Rover will land on Mars

kronosposeidon says...

Mostly from Wikipedia:

The mass of Curiosity is five times that of the rovers Spirit and Opportunity. It will weigh almost 2000 lbs (900 kg for you devil-metric people), and be the size of a Mini Cooper. An airbag drop would have been questionable for even half its weight in two separate pieces. And then what happens if the two pieces land so far apart that they can't reach other, due to difficult terrain or simply a long distance between the two parts (they don't anticipate Curiosity traveling more than 12 miles in its two year mission)? Also, creating two pieces to run separately long enough until they could link perfectly with each other presents its own design challenges.

The Curiosity also has ten times the weight of scientific equipment compared to the previous rovers, hence its large size. They plan on doing way more with Curiosity than previous rovers. It will also travel greater distances, and be able to handle the terrain better than the previous, smaller rovers.

If you really want to get your geek on then here is an 18-page "overview" of the Mars Science Laboratory entry, descent, and landing system.>> ^dag:

This was my thought exactly. I hope they pull it off, but from a layman's perspective this seems ripe for failure. I mentioned this a while back in a Wired thread - and asked why they messed with the success of the balloon method. The answer was that the rover is too big and heavy for the balloons.
They should have made it smaller then - or do two balloon ball drops and have them link up after landing.
Great CGI though. promote
>> ^waynef100:
dang, thats a lot of potential failures right there. what was wrong with the balloon method?

Five Officers Fired after Beating on 15 year old Suspect

Lawdeedaw says...

That all depends.>> ^shagen454:
Is it really necessary for the pigs to use their cars to try and mow his legs down? I mean out of all fifteen or so of those pig cars must be someone fit enough to outrun him! I'm so sick of cops and not only that but I'm sick of Texas (and Cheney ALL over again) after watching that GasLand doc.

See my comments on the more complete version of this semi-dupe if you want my opinion on the video.

As to your question about running people over--it is up to the eye of the beholder. I mean the scenario here could go many ways.

One: A fit cop, as you mention, runs and catches this man. Well, cop subdues him--no harm no foul.

However, the second "could happen" is this guy is packing, he get's a good break away and some distance, car jacks a mom and her kids, and blows their fucking brains out. That has happened before, and it will happen again...

I would fear the second option... Because, buglary is an inherently violent crime due of the "Oh fuck" factor of what can go wrong.

Now, which incident is worse? And which incident will get the department sued?

Do you think cops like to ram another vehicle (To stop a crazy driver for example) when its their head smashing against an airbag?

What I hate is both sides. Any one who tries to defend these cop-scums, for example. Or, near me, this guy tried to pull a cop's gun…and people were mad he was shot! (It was all on camera and the cop was professional…) And that happened right after two cops died to some fucking piece of shit pig/criminal...

blankfist (Member Profile)

the craziest thing I have seen anyone do for a job ever

GeeSussFreeK says...

>> ^ctrlaltbleach:

So does anyone know if there was any chance that he could have missed the landing? Also these people are way underpaid. I thought all this stuff was cgi these days.

Here are some of the biggest fall fails in the A screen cinema...there are more.

Steel (1979)

A.J. Bakunas died doubling for George Kennedy in a fall from the Kincaid Towers in Lexington, Kentucky, for the movie "Steel". Bakunas had successfully performed a fall from the ninth floor of the construction site, but when he learned that Dar Robinson had broken his record high fall for a non-movie related publicity stunt, Bakunas returned to perform the fall from the top of the 300-foot (91 m) construction site. Bakunas performed the fall expertly, but the airbag split and Bakunas was killed.

Love Serenade (1996)

During the filming of a scene on a grain silo, stuntman Collin Dragsbaek (doubling actor George Shetsov) died when he fell onto a faulty airbag.

World Wrestling Federation event

Professional wrestler Owen Hart died in May 1999's WWE/WWF PPV Over the Edge 1999 after he was scheduled to glide down from the rafters for a ring entrance. This stunt was botched and Owen fell 78 ft (24 m) to the ring below.


QI - Left-Handed Tools

Islam: A black hole of progress.

Pacific Sun Cruise Liner in Heavy Seas - CCTV Footage

raverman says...

@dannym3141 lol... ok granted. Maybe giant ceiling net has some "issues" as a safety device. But some kind of safety strategy would seem to be responsible.

Even the staff seem to subscribe to the "fly around wildly and get hit in the face with a table leg".
Something along the lines of: "In rough seas, please make your way to the safety bay and hold on to the Tether wall".

Also...I don't subscribe to the "Better not, we'll get sued" It's like suing the car rental company because when you crashed, the airbag hit you in the face.

Cell Phone In the Microwave - Do Not Try At HoME!

NEVER Microwave an airbag

mgittle says...

Listen, I watched this drunk and laughed a fair amount. All I know is, I learned that if I had a microwave ray, I could cause massive chaos on the streets/highways by exploding everyone's airbags.

NEVER Microwave an airbag

NEVER Microwave an airbag

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