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10 Hours of Walking in NYC as a Woman

KimzSendai says...

A caring attempt to make someone's day better never starts with a command to smile. This has been written about much more eloquently than I'm about to by lots of people (including Abigail Van Buren or 'Dear Abby') but here I go.

When a passing stranger is told to smile what is being communicated is 'I want to see you looking more attractive and I don't give a shit about what you're actually feeling'. They are strangers, there is know way to know what the unsmiling person's day has been like or what has just happened to them (although if it's a woman alone on a NYC street - probably harassment)

So yes, the guy who told the woman in the video to smile was heaping it on like the rest of them.

newtboy said:

What about the man who saw that 'body language' as her having a bad day and told her to smile? To me, that's not harassment in the least, (well, honestly, most of this isn't, but I'm a friendly guy who does greet people, of both sexes, in passing...but then I live in the boonies, not NY) it's seeing a person having a bad day and making an attempt (although a pretty sad one) to make them smile, no?
I think if this kind of thing feels like sexual harassment to some, they really should not live in a large city where inappropriate behavior is the norm.

Making cocaine in Colombia

Trancecoach says...

Yes, you're ignored, and I read your comment anyway.

No, in saying "use drugs," I was not "implying cannabis." I said "use drugs" because I meant "use drugs." Rather than trying to interpret or 'read into' what I'm saying, it might help if you responded to my post, and not what you post in your mind on my behalf.

And I will take you up on your 'challenge:' below is a list of ten "highly intelligent" people who have used cocaine (note: at no point did I say "encourages the use of cocaine." I said "use drugs" without becoming addicted, and being able to function), so that you can provide me with 10,000 more** whose lives and families have been destroyed by it. (**And note here, we're talking about individuals whose lives were destroyed by the use of cocaine itself, and not by the pointless drug laws that imprison people for having a mental or emotional condition that provokes "self-medication" as a form of treatment. Nor are we talking about the illegal status of cocaine which, itself, gives rise to violent cartels that function in the shadow of its legal status.)

So, while certainly many of the following list of "highly intelligent" (non-cognitively deficient) and successful "celebrities" may no longer be using cocaine, all of the following have used cocaine and are/were not addicted and function(ed) just fine:

Sigmund Freud
Thomas Edison
Oprah Winfrey
Stephen King
Tim Allen
Hunter S. Thompson
Angelina Jolie
Robert Louis Stevenson
Steven Tyler
Robert Downey, Jr.

There are others (like William Burroughs, Eric Clapton, Grover Cleveland, David Crosby, Arthur Conan Doyle, Isadora Duncan, Ulysses S Grant, Abbie Hoffman, Elton John, King George V, Larry Kudlow, Sir Paul McCartney, & Barack Obama), but I thought I'd stop at 10.

And if you post the 10,000 names of those whose lives and families were destroyed by cocaine (and not by the pointless drug laws or its illegal status) by the end of the week, I'll take your point.

mxxcon said:

"use drugs" and "use cocaine" are extremely different things. I'm sure in your statement you intentionally and covertly implied cannabis.
However, having said that, for every "highly intelligent" person that you'd show me who encourages the use of cocaine, I'll show you 1000 more that had their lifes and families destroyed by it. For every 1 "highly intelligent" person you show me that did not get addicted to cocaine, I'll show you 1000 more that did.

Alas, I'm ignored, so have a good cocaine-filled day, crackhead.

Russia Today's Kick Ass News Anchor Talks With Piers Morgan

chingalera says...

Go watch that interview he did with the vapid chick from Duke university filming porn to pay for her shit degree-He's in full-cunt form with that interview.

This upvotes for Abby Martin, may her career be long and prosperous.

May she forever have that Pilate-Body from the Isle of Lesbos

eric3579 said:

Piers Morgan is just a complete tool. -end of rant

Russia Today's Kick Ass News Anchor Talks With Piers Morgan

Abby Martin denounces Russian actions in Ukraine

radx (Member Profile)

Abby Martin denounces Russian actions in Ukraine

The Story of Your Enslavement

chingalera says...

I'd be wary of trusting Rand Paul as a so-coined-by-media, 'Libertarian'.His father has distanced himself from him, he used underhanded threat-tactics when questioned by an independent reporter for RT recently(Abby Martin), he's a bought and sold team-player being groomed for yet another puppet-regime primary.
He's seems a solid prick.

OLeary's Perspective on OXFAM and the World's Impoverished

Trancecoach says...

Abby would be well served by watching some of her fellow RT hosts' shows, like say "Boom & Bust" so that, in addition to complaining about the widening wealth gap, she actually has some clue as to why it happens.
Sure, she does say down with crony-capitalism (and good for her), but she has yet to come out with an accurate reporting on the issue about how the government monopoly benefits cronies.
And focusing on the reasons behind poverty does much more good than focusing on how much the 1% owns. As far as I know, she doesn't bother with those. "Boom & Bust" does more.

"Outrage is not a method of inquiry."

My Girl

VoodooV says...

SNL really self-hammered themselves for the whole diversity issue they got hit with a while back.

When all six of their new cast members are white and only one of them is a woman that's definitely going to raise an eyebrow or two.

What's even more stupid is that we don't even get to see the new cast members very much, they keep latching onto their "veteran" sketches and they don't get a chance to shine. Same thing happened to Abby Elliot.

So yeah, makes me wonder if Lorne needs to retire

lurgee (Member Profile)

How Hemp Threatens the Corporatocracy | Brainwash Update

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'How Hemp Threatens the Corporatocracy, Brainwash Update' to 'How Hemp Threatens the Corporatocracy, Brainwash Update, Abby Martin, RT' - edited by Trancecoach

How Hemp Threatens the Corporatocracy | Brainwash Update

Corporate media propagates faked/staged events to sell wars

Ferrets and a Bowl of Snow

Sponge_32 says...

This is my video. 00Scud00, we plan on trying that this year. Someone suggested that to me on YouTube after watching my video. Ditto and Emmy in the video have both passed away but we have other ferrets that may enjoy it. Abby is still with us and she loves snow. PlayhousePals, I tried getting the dogs to quit barking (off video) but someone was outside and they just wouldn't quit. Annoying, I know. If you go to my YouTube page there is another in this series without the dogs barking.

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Beggar's Canyon