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Should you Invest in current volatile market ?

SDGundamX (Member Profile)


Would You Buy A Rusty Pre-War BMW In Banana Boxes?

nock (Member Profile)

Meet Tomatan, a wearable robot that feeds you tomatoes as yo

Meet Single Latinas at Mexico friend finder and Set Your Dat

Happy New Year - and some thoughts ... (Sift Talk Post)

Hottest Year Ever (Global Warming Hiatus) - SciShow

garmachi says...

This guy's editing style drives me bananas. He speaks one sentence, cuts to a zoom to interrupt himself with the next sentence, then he interrupts that sentence, and again cuts to a zoom out to speak the next sentence. Repeat.

linear friction welding

Evolution's shortcoming is Intelligent Design's Downfall

leebowman says...

I know, a cheap argumentative shot. I seldom cite others to prove a point, unless I first state facts, then give a link for collaboration.

I also apologize for jumping from an argument is support of the RLN to arguments in support of ID (par. 3 - 7), two related, but separate issues.

Regarding Kirk Cameron's banana fervor, I somewhat agree. I see design inferences where most others don't, including various synergistic relationships which are generally attributed to convergent evolution, but which I sometimes attribute to design, or in the case of change over time, re-design.

Most speciation events are simply naturally occurring adaptive alterations, to adapt to a changing environment. But more radical body-plan revisions, land mammal to aquatic cetacean for example, show signs of designer input, much of which could have been 'cut-and-try', rather than 'poof' style modifications. Thus, the uncovering of intermediates, and the lengthy time periods involved.

Evolution's shortcoming is Intelligent Design's Downfall

mentality says...

What you posted does nothing to refute the crapiness of the design. Why the recurrent laryngeal nerve give off branches to the cardiac plexus is very simple: The RL nerve is a branch of the Vagus nerve, which is THE source of parasympathetic innervation to the heart. The fact that some fibers may branch off of the Vagus early with the RL nerve and then rejoin the cardiac plexus further along is hardly uprising. That does NOT explain why the nerve fibers that innervates the larynx have to make an unnecessary loop downwards around the aorta.

If there WAS an intelligent designer, he could have easily made those nerve fibers innervating the the larynx split off the Vagus higher up, where the Vagus nerve PASSES BY RIGHT NEXT TO THE LARYNX.

Trying to refute this video by quoting Gray's Anatomy is either a sad misunderstanding of basic scientific concepts or just willful ignorance. Almost as bad as Kirk Cameron and the banana.

leebowman said:

They apparently didn't know that that nerve innervates the heart and other chest organs. From Gray's Anatomy:

"As the RL nerve curves around the subclavian artery or the arch of aorta, it gives several cardiac filaments to the deep part of the cardiac plexus. As it ascends in the neck it gives off branches, more numerous on the left than on the right side, to the mucous membrane and muscular coat of the oesophagus; branches to the mucous membrane and muscular fibers of the trachea and some filaments to the inferior constrictor."

And as the lady is separating the nerve from the chest area, she is actually cutting those nerve innervations. Oh, and one more thing. The long nerve does NOTHING to weaken the neck, or the animal itself, as is seen in the following video.
[url redacted]

Air Water Life The Water Ionizer Factory of the Aqua Ionizer

Lip Filler Specialist Bradford -

Scheduled Down Time Tonight (Sift Talk Post)

radx says...

It still has to be verified and validated by two Oompa Loompas wearing a capybara costume. They could be replaced by a single minion, but then we'd have to hide the bananas.

ant said:

Why is finalizing my new video submission still slow?

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