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The Day the Dinosaurs Died – Minute by Minute

BSR says...

You know you got to go through hell
before you get to heaven -Steve Miller Band

All alone or in twos
The ones who really love you
Walk up and down outside the wall
Some hand in hand
And some gather together in bands
The bleeding hearts and the artists
Make their stand
And when they've given you their all
Some stagger and fall after all it's not easy
Banging your heart against some mad bugger's wall -Pink Floyd

The words of the prophets
Are written on the subway walls
And tenement halls
And whispered in the sounds of silence -Paul Simon

shinyblurry said:

2 Peter 3:1-7 Beloved, I now write to you this second epistle (in both of which I stir up your pure minds by way of reminder), 2 that you may be mindful of the words which were spoken before by the holy prophets, and of the commandment of us, the apostles of the Lord and Savior, 3 knowing this first: that scoffers will come in the last days, walking according to their own lusts, 4 and saying, “Where is the promise of His coming? For since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of creation.” 5 For this they willfully forget: that by the word of God the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of water and in the water, 6 by which the world that then existed perished, being flooded with water. 7 But the heavens and the earth which are now preserved by the same word, are reserved for fire until the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men.

Cop blinds a home security camera before issuing a citation

newtboy says...

Sorry, Mayberry was forcibly annexed and is now fully incorporated. Andy and Barney were both fired, and the new department defunded their pensions to pay for new military equipment. ;-)

I actually live in one of those small communities, the nearest town with a population over 1000 is the largest in California without a police department, Mckinleyville. Eureka police actually train to deescalate and follow that training mostly, but we still have incidents, and much worse we still have cops covering for each other, shielding criminal cops behind a blue wall of silence and lies. We don't have good apples turning them in and handing over hidden evidence.

Payback said:

No, there's a few. They're all members of the same station with little interaction with other forces, and they live in the communities they serve, but there's a few.

QAmom - Confronting my mom's conspiracy theories

newtboy says...

Repeated non partisan recounts, above board by republican chosen organizations with bipartisan witnesses and uninterrupted video despite the lies OAN told you, with no Italian satellites wirelessly changing Trump votes (you delusional morons forgot there is a paper record of all votes that's been verified as matching the electronic counts). It's been proven twice over.
The fake audit dragging on now is none of those things, it's purely partisan, there aren't bipartisan witnesses, it's not all recorded, it has no rules, no plan, and no professionals involved, just Trumpsters trying to find any nonsense they can use to fool morons into believing they found fraud, Trump won, you really aren't all loser crybabies butt hurt over losing and throwing tantrums....but the thing is, you are.

Prove it was above board? How about give one scintilla of proof it wasn't, not crack heads spouting bullshit, not babies whining that they won, proof. So far every single bit of proof has shown every single case of demonstrable fraud was perpetrated by Trump voters for Trump. From double voters to voter suppression to hundreds of thousands of "lost" mail in ballots Dejoy refused court orders to even look for, Texas, all cases are Trump frauds....but you don't care a whit about that massive, multi spiked wheel of fraud because it ALL benefited Trump.

Prove it was above board? Ask any Republican in office if THEIR election was through fraud. Every single one will tell you no. If the ballots that elected them are not fraudulent, neither was the presidential election on the same ballots. Try it, see what happens.

Prove it was above board? No amount of incontrovertible proof would ever satisfy you, because you are incapable of examining it and understanding so you defer to whatever rambling mumbling nonsense Trump and Q feed you, never grasping that they lie to you at every turn but instead insisting it's reality that has it all wrong, Trump won two elections, climate change both isn't real and is a good thing, trickle down works, insane debt is both the most important thing we should focus on and a nothing burger, poorly built fences that fall in the wind are huge immovable concrete walls....I could go on all day.

We had multiple bipartisan professional forensic audits, that's where they found all that Republican fraud. You want a partial audit by fully partisan political hacks that are part of the stop the steal cult, not looking for fraud (bamboo ballots, really?!), they're looking to continue the circus long enough that you don't forget the big lie before the next election, and hoping to destroy the capabilities of any county that went to Biden to hold the next election....Maricopa needs to rebuy tens of millions in election equipment because any machine you morons touched has been permanently decertified and must be discarded (should be destroyed so republican counties don't buy them knowing they've been tampered with). Now you want to repeat that in all 50 states, only in counties that went for Biden. How about this, I think many would agree to that, but only if the auditors pay to replace all election equipment in counties they audit before they get approval, and do not get personally identifying information under any circumstances (in AZ they want names, addresses, criminal records, and social security numbers....all unsecured and gone through by unqualified unsupervised unverified certifiable morons who are guaranteed to turn around and sell it to hackers.) That means $10-50 million per audit...up front in cash.

The "audit" being done by cyberninjas isn't forensic. They have zero experience. It's like a complicated death happened and the main suspect is handed the body to make their own determination of how they weren't murdered, they fell on all 14 knives while accidentally shooting themselves in the face 6 closed, the suspect now inherits the victims estate and wife. So retarded, useless, and in no way a real investigation. It's a bullshit show for morons.

Yes, republicans are blocking that nonsense too, because it's not an audit, it's an incredibly expensive exercise in destroying trust in elections....a Putin plan that undeniably hurts America but has zero chance of actually producing evidence, proof, or rational theories of fraud. There's absolutely no way it could overturn the election even if it did find massive election outcome changing fraud (hasn't found non-republican fraud yet, btw, been 7 months of searching under every rock so far)...That's not how the law works. Sadly, you get legal advice from a crackhead and Giuliani, both clinically insane.

I wonder. What do you morons think? Do you believe if they can find ANY fraud from Democrats the position is just handed to Republicans? 1) There's already been massive Republican frauds found but no Republican handed over their seats 2) there's no mechanism for decertifying a certified election and 3) if there were, it would mean a special election, not that Trump just gets installed. Trump's favorability is 1/2 Biden's, same goes for many Republican senators and representatives. If there was a new election today, it would be a shutout against Republicans. Not a blue wave, not a blue tsunami, but a biblical blue flood, and your team can't build boats or swim. Is that what you want?

Might want to rethink this anti American, undemocratic plot to steal elections after the fact, it's destroyed your party's future, reputation, and further damaged you're believability and trustworthiness that were already on life support.

Cry us more snowflake tears, Bobby....I'm making lemonade and need the sweet syrup of sadness to keep flowing.

bobknight33 said:

The only bet I see issue with is the election.

Prove that the election was above board.

Only way is a full forensic audit.

Some states are pursuing this and democrats are trying to block / hinder these attempts.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

You love to go after Biden for having a speech impediment, so of course you aren't going to be a hypocrite and you'll go after Trump's demented, rambling, total nonsensical speech in N Carolina where, among other nonsense, he declared....

"We have to get it done. We have no choice. Actually, we have to get it done together. We're going to defund our freedoms. You just take a look at what's happening. Biden is halted wall construction, suspended, removals, and even removables or removals of just horrible, horr...." all with his huge extra absorbent diaper showing clearly through his pants that were apparently on backwards.

No? That's normal to you?

LiquidPiston X-Mini 79cc SI Engine Animation

SFOGuy says...

"How is the engine going in durability testing? "We've been hyper-focused on proving the general operability, and showing that the engine works in these application demonstrators," says Shkolnik. "Now that it's pretty apparent that it's working, everyone wants to know how many hours can it run. We're working through that, it's part of what we're going to be doing over the next year. We're running engines for tens of hours, dozens of hours, we're not yet in the hundreds of hours where we want to be.

"We're not even running them long enough to think about things like seal replacement yet," he continues. "It's been a combination of little things we're addressing as we go along. "

Hmmm. So, not an actual engineer--why would a seal that's in the wall and has the rotor spinning past it do so much better than a seal which is in the rotor and spinning and spinning past the wall?

StukaFox said:

This response seems to have a few gaps in it, but here's what a company rep said:

"And then there's our apex seals, they're like our piston rings," he continues. "In the Wankel engine, they're inside the rotor, again. They move at a high speed, and bounce around, they're very hard to lubricate. In our case, they're stationary, they don't bounce around, and you can lubricate them directly from the housing.

"So we basically solved the key challenges the old rotaries had with combustion and with oiling. Those oiling challenges caused both durability issues and emissions problems. By making those components stationary, we solve the challenges of the old rotary. And we also upgraded its cycle to give it much higher efficiency."

What Are You Doing With Your Life? The Tail End

StukaFox says...

I don't often say this, but fuck this video.

If you're 25, the end of your life is an abstraction and the whole "there's time to change things!" is a nice balm. When you're 55, your death isn't an abstraction, it's a fact of life that dominates more and more of what remaining time you have left. The awareness of impending mortality is insidious once you're passed 50. It creeps into every part of your life and every decision you make.

Let me teach you one of those amazing words the Germans come up with for describing various forms of existential agony: weltschmerz. Loosely, this is a form of sadness when one realizes what is versus what could have been. This is the compound interest of regrets and choices not made, or made poorly. Not only does weltschmerz grow with each year, its very presence amplifies itself because the more you know what could have been, the more you see what the cost of that absence is. Then, if that's not evil enough, that knowledge focuses the mind on the time remaining and how little you can do to negate the harm done, which then re-amplifies the weltschmerz.

You can slap whatever Hallmark bullshit you need on this to get through the day, but weltscmerz never goes away. It's always there. It's there at 3:00am when you wake up in a silent house and look at everything around you as consolation prizes for races not won. It's there when you see your friends succeeding in a million different ways that you didn't. It's there when you look at 6 million lines of text you wrote and realize you're not going to be Hemingway after all.

So fuck this video. I don't need a cutesy animated memento mori, I've already got a wall clock in my death row cell.

Here endth the rant.

(Nick Drake nailed weltschmerz perfectly in "When The Day Is Done". Here's the video to that song:

Ex-Trump Adviser Steve Bannon Arrested & Charged with Fraud

Rising crime rates

surfingyt says...

walls keep closing in giggitty giggitty. would pay good money to see bobs grief-stricken face. visual representation to the left tho-

newtboy said:

The fact that Trump didn't leave the Whitehouse in handcuffs is proof that Democrats and Republicans are soft on crime.

Virginia Officers Respond To Armed Suspect

newtboy says...

Neither supports racial supremacy like your ilk, so the leading question is a red herring non sequitur.
I am not an anarchist, not since I turned 16, so I don't support Antifa, but I enjoy watching them make your head spin immensely.
I have always supported equality under the law, so yes, I absolutely support BLM....I would if they murdered a cop every time an unarmed black person was killed by police.

You are delusional.
Do, at some time, most cops act appropriately? Yes. Are you so brain damaged you take much accusations and hear "all cops are all bad all the time"? I've never said that. Pablo Escobar, by all reports, was a quite generous man who helped the poor on many occasions....he was not a good person.
Same for cops.
If you murder one person but do your job well otherwise, you are a murderous thug. If you allow fellow officers to get away with murder but don't participate, you are a murderous thug. If you spend every waking hour tending to the invalid and elderly on your own dime and you only kidnap and rape one child, you are a disgusting child rapist. If you cover for another motherfucker who's a kiddie fucker, you're no fucking better than the motherfucking rapist. That's the norm for American police, cover for the bad ones under any circumstances.

Cops can do good at times, usually when they know they're on multiple cameras, it doesn't ever erase their crimes.

Most, I would say statistically all cops are at best accomplices if not the bad actors. Good policing includes stopping other cops from committing crimes....until BLM pushed the issue, that was absolutely not the case...It might have happen once a decade nation wide, always ending with the whistleblower fired and under threat from police. Now, thanks 100% to BLM, that's slowly changing. Maybe up to .01% of the time...and that's an improvement.

Trump said to hit them harder and more often, cops listened and cheered.

Cops wear cameras. If they followed the law, they could put out ten thousand videos of themselves doing the right thing every day, not one a month, deescalation, not shooting until threatened, stopping other cops from beating handcuffed suspects to death and arresting them, defending the accused shoplifters from the racist store owner's false accusations instead of what we do see, smashing their window and pulling them through it because a racist said they think they stole something, they just don't know what or when. Have you EVER seen one of those? No, but you can see 10 disgusting abuses recorded daily with never another cop intervening, always the entire department forming a blue wall, destroying evidence, publicly pushing lies, testifying to lies, etc. They're a gang, they only protect and serve themselves when the chips are down. This is not a media perception, it's cold hard fact buddy.

Cops went to the supreme court to guarantee their right to lie. They are all professional liars. Liars cannot be trusted. I know, you can't grasp that concept because it would mean questioning daddy Trump, but it's true. When you give people authority, the power of life and death, and the legal right to lie at all times you set up a disastrous's what we have. Racist liars who kill. No good deed erases that.

Yes, Bob. Cops admit they shoot three citizens to death daily on average, already an abject failure, but hide likely > 95% of the deaths they cause by blaming the victim, claiming suicide by somehow beating themselves to death or claiming they died in a minor wreck that caused no injury after beating them to death. Claiming a cell phone clearly visible that they are talking to 911 on looks like a gun and shooting 47 times, running them over intentionally then stopping 10 ft away but claiming they had to because they feared for their lives, kneeling on their neck for 9 minutes and later saying the people telling them they just killed the man distracted them from knowing they killed the man. Strangling boys for 17 minutes straight while beating their heads with a giant maglight.......Daily. Multiple times daily.

You are such a delusional idiot.

bobknight33 said:

So you are against ANTIFA and BLM?

Most cops do good policing.

Explaining Pink Floyd's First Masterpiece

Casually Explained: AMERICA!

Never use Wire Nuts Again - Wago is Better Connector

newtboy says...

Seems ok for laymen installing only 12 gauge wire (they don't work with multiple wire sizes) with no tension (pulls out easier) carefully placed in an empty junction box, but not so much for other sizes of wire, and terrible in crowded boxes because the lever is easily popped open by other wires out of sight and then you may have a bare hot wire loose in your wall. That never happens with a properly installed wirenut.
I'll stick with wirenuts, they work great, are safer, won't let the wire pull out, and only sacrifice 3/4" of wire in the unlikely event they need replacing....and they're cheaper. Sticking with what works.

Covid Deaths Trump Vs Biden

cloudballoon says...

Way I see it, while Trump is a major contributor to USA Covid-19 deaths, yes, but the MAIN reason is the overly libertarian, short-term economics driven policy and false "human right/freedom" anti-masking rhetoric that caused the rise of the pandemic to the levels countries like the USA & Brazil is at. There are many levels of government, people's behavior and economic factors to blame, not just Trump.

Just calling it the "China virus" doesn't solve the pandemic, nor absolve Trump of blame, he hardly ever tried to get things under control.

All Trump did was letting 0%/low tax paying Wall street mega-corporations profiting handsomely during the pandemic, while the mom & pop main street stores & its staff going under. You know, because MAGA!

‘This is not a zoo’: Biden administration blocks filming

newtboy says...


Another Bobesque tantrum post? How lovely.

Trying to equate the slight disappointment the international community has with Biden as president to the abject horror of Trump as president as if the disdain were equal. LMFAHS!! Ridiculously asinine.

As usual, right wing apologists can't read. Some gaps were left when construction halted after Biden halted funding, funding the courts had deemed illegal btw, but others were not. Some were planned, some were due to failures of the fence Trump chose, some were due to contractors doing half assed jobs or being incapable of the work, some due to topography, there were many excuses but in the end, it wasn't a wall, it wasn't complete, it barely extended border barriers, and many places were left less secure...none of which is Biden's fault. They knew full well the next administration wasn't continuing this plan. You don't think they should have planned for that maybe? Finished the parts they dismantled at least before the only supporter left power? Nope. Guess not. Perfectly reasonable to leave it half done and expect the next guy who campaigned against it to finish it or take all the blame for all it's failures. Didn't Donny promise to have it done his first term anyway?


I read a few articles from multiple sources on both sides before responding...not just the one particular cherry picked one you linked...i know better.

Not half ever wanted the wall, and likely under 1/3 want more poorly built fencing now that we've seen how horrible it is. Over half want the border secured, but that's not the same as support for the dumb wall/fence. Border security isn't just a fence, it comes in all flavors. Indeed, many agree that the best way to stem immigration is not building barriers both physical and institutional, but to increase anti narco terrorism funding in central America and end the war on drugs. Starve the drug gangs of money, they'll lose power and stop driving families out.

It was absolutely NOT paid for, Trump had to use an executive order to redirect funds that were earmarked by congress to pay for military family housing, because he couldn't get congress to pay for his boondoggle, much less Mexico as promised. If it had been fully funded, it would have been fully built.

Biden is not doing well at immigration. In his defense, he was left a clusterfuck, but he hasn't solved any major problems yet. As an adult, I'm capable of admitting that easily. The level of incompetence between him and Trump, however, are worlds apart, and the approaches are as well. One dehumanized and demonized immigrants, the other seems to be at least trying to get a working immigration and refugee system back in place, but is moving slowly. Your implications that they're both equally awful indicates either a strong bias for Trump, or strong break with reality.

I and others have clearly said many times on other threads, Biden is failing at immigration, and failing at being prepared to accept immigrant children. As a seeming right wing apologist at best, you seem blind and deaf to those complaints from the left and pretend we are childishly hypocritical no, you're far from getting it right, you're getting it totally backwards and twisted. Derp.

Another empty complaint/accusation. What fake news did I spread? Pretty easy but also completely meaningless to shout "your wrong" with no explanation, no correction, no specifics. Very Trumpian of you sir.

Anybody who writes what you did about Biden must be a hypocritical and douchey Trump supporter or just a plain brown wrapper nutjob. Even with his speech impediment, Biden is clear, thoughtful, and coherent...unlike Trump who never said a complete sentence or even complete thought in four years. Your hyper biased characterizations and factless, pointless, non sequitor, insult ridden tantrums masquerading as an argument are what paint you as a Trumpster, not your baseless accusations of hypocrisy.

Now I remember why I had you on ignore. Thanks for the reminder.

Anom212325 said:

"Sorry, there's no cult of Biden." Saying that in the same breath as all the dribble you just posted. lol what's wrong with you? You are obsessed with Trump being the devil. You just have to shout it with all your cult-like might. The guy isn't even in power anymore yet you need a diaper change every post you make. Your obsessed brainwashed little brain can't understand that non-Americans DONT LIKE TRUMP AND DONT LIKE BIDEN! Also what did I expect, Americans can't read past a headline of an article.

Those gaps would not have been there if Biden didn't freeze the construction. Like it or not half of the US want the wall and it was paid for. Stoping it was cutting off your nose to spite the face. Biden realized that hence the plan to finish it. The point of the article if you read past the headline was how bad Biden is handling the border crisis of his own making. Just like trump fucked up handling it Biden is doing the exact same.

Let me just get this straight. Trump child border camp bad. Biden child border camp good. Trump border crisis bad. Biden border crises good. Trump speaking like a senile Bad. Biden speaking like a senile good. Am I getting it right ?
Derp indeed.

You would think shouting and blaming everybody else for spreading fake news you would be more diligent... You're so blinded by your hate anybody who posts about your hypocrisy must be a trump supporter.
This is why the world hate Americans... Self centred fucks.

‘This is not a zoo’: Biden administration blocks filming

Anom212325 says...

"Sorry, there's no cult of Biden." Saying that in the same breath as all the dribble you just posted. lol what's wrong with you? You are obsessed with Trump being the devil. You just have to shout it with all your cult-like might. The guy isn't even in power anymore yet you need a diaper change every post you make. Your obsessed brainwashed little brain can't understand that non-Americans DONT LIKE TRUMP AND DONT LIKE BIDEN! Also what did I expect, Americans can't read past a headline of an article.

Those gaps would not have been there if Biden didn't freeze the construction. Like it or not half of the US want the wall and it was paid for. Stoping it was cutting off your nose to spite the face. Biden realized that hence the plan to finish it. The point of the article if you read past the headline was how bad Biden is handling the border crisis of his own making. Just like trump fucked up handling it Biden is doing the exact same.

Let me just get this straight. Trump child border camp bad. Biden child border camp good. Trump border crisis bad. Biden border crises good. Trump speaking like a senile Bad. Biden speaking like a senile good. Am I getting it right ?
Derp indeed.

You would think shouting and blaming everybody else for spreading fake news you would be more diligent... You're so blinded by your hate anybody who posts about your hypocrisy must be a trump supporter.
This is why the world hate Americans... Self centred fucks.

newtboy said:

LMFAHS!!!! Bobby? That is you, isn't it? This is the kind of total non sequitur, irrational, fact free, second grade level "argument" I expect from you. Not sure why you quoted me, you didn't address a single point I made with your rambling rant.

The delusion and lack of self awareness is strong with this one.

Sorry, there's no cult of Biden. Democrats still have functioning brains, unlike Trumpists who believe eating fresh babies make people younger and gives them magic powers, that vaccines have invisible Microsoft microchips that will take over their brains so George Soros can force them to become transsexual communists, and that when you lose an election the patriotic thing to do is stage a deadly coup. The right lost it's mind in 2015 and has never seen a doctor.

If Biden shot someone in cold blood, Democrats would demand prosecution and ostracize him. When Trump said it, he meant it, and the crowd of magamorons cheered in unanimous agreement. Derp?

Not a bit sure what you mean by linking an article about Biden considering completing some of the useless fencing Trump replaced existing barriers with. No surprise, most of the "wall" Trump brags about replaced existing barriers, many more functional than his fence design that is just gawd awful, easy to push down and drive trucks through and that can't even stand up in wind, but also weren't completed and often ended up being maybe 100 yards of fence, then 20 yards of nothing, then another 100 yards of fence, then more gaps, etc. Those unfinished repair/replacement projects are worthless wastes of billions if not finished, and often made the border more porous, not more secure, because they replaced functional (if imperfect) barriers. You think you have some point to make because Biden is considering finishing those projects to at least fix the holes Trump left, and plans to fund them legally through congress not by illegal executive orders taking money earmarked by congress for military family housing and handing it to his donors brand new construction companies for no bid contracts like Trump did, against court orders no less? I just don't know what you think that means, how it's a bad thing Biden is doing by not just ignoring problems created by the ineptitude of the previous administration but instead being presidential, or how it defends Trump's disastrous record, which seems to be your objective.

Hmmmm.....more snowflake tears, yummy.

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