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Biden and the June job reports

bobknight33 says...

I applaud the jobs #

But when you say *quality leadership, -- You are Sadly mistaken .

Putting Union back together -- you mean political payback for all the $ spent buying Biden / Democrats that Biden is now paying back the unions in favors?

So you are saying that You are in favor of big business buying our politicians and getting special breaks using American tax dollars.

What Trump damage. Went from a 0.2% GDP growth /yr to 2.5 + Growth. Obama touted that this0.2% was the new norm and Trump claimed BS. Trump said he wold crate jobs and Obama dumbly said how by waving a magic wand.

Trump, for all his BS turned America around and mad all of us better.

A strong work force is the only positive news of this Admin.

Biden and Democrat policies can make policies that help the American pocketbook but wont.

This biggest is the party stance on oil. Americans are getting poorer mostly from this fact alone. The party decided to cut out fossil fuels and go green. This decision is costing families hundreds of dollars extra, that they don't have every month.

Not just from the extra at the pump but also the extra cost to deliver goods and services .

Current media reports that this extra cost is running about 500$/month 6K$/year.

This is you man Joe, and his party's policies?

I just assume to keep Trump , mean tweets and all, and keep the $6 grand / year in my pocket.

newtboy said:

*doublepromote good news making Trumpster’s heads explode
*quality leadership, only took 18 months to repair the wrecked economy left by the ex pant pooper in chief. Putting the union back together may be an impossibility, the damage Trump did there seems irreparable.

No doubt, the anti America crowd will find a way to either deny these statistics or do mental gymnastics to say they’re still awful, and tangerine Palpatine would have done much better (despite all evidence to the contrary).

Biden and the June job reports

newtboy says...

*doublepromote good news making Trumpster’s heads explode
*quality leadership, only took 18 months to repair the wrecked economy left by the ex pant pooper in chief. Putting the union back together may be an impossibility, the damage Trump did there seems irreparable.

No doubt, the anti America crowd will find a way to either deny these statistics or do mental gymnastics to say they’re still awful, and tangerine Palpatine would have done much better (despite all evidence to the contrary).

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

$2.5 million so far on Jan 6. Not $40-60 million, but that would still be worth it. Safeguarding democracy is cheap at that price. Plenty of importance has come to light, but I wouldn’t expect you to know or acknowledge that, you are certainly remaining willfully ignorant of what’s come to light just like mr mushroom tip told you to do, and no one knows what the closed door testimony was yet besides the DOJ.
It cost near $500000000 to safeguard DC in the months after Jan 6…$2.5 million is literally 1/2 of 1% of one cost of Jan 6.

So let’s talk Benghazi, just one report of 13 cost taxpayers $7 million. So far, the Republicans have wasted $22 million on Benghazi, and $100 million total on investigating Clinton with no charges and no revelations of import, and no infractions Trump didn’t repeat.

Right. A concerted effort to perform a violent coup coupled with a second concerted effort to defraud the election using fake electors with forged documentation and a lie about election fraud is, to you, nothing of importance.
Sorry, I find democracy important.
Sorry, I find the constitution to be important.
Sorry, I find treasonous sedition against the union to be important.
I think prosecuting 874 seditious traitors to America and the constitution is important, and i think uncovering who the other appropriately 1100 more are is important.
I think knowing Trump knew his fraudulent voter fraud scheme was illegal before it started is important (since he was declared too stupid to know working with Russia to discredit Clinton was illegal in the past).
I think knowing the voter fraud theory came from something a drunken Giuliani found on Facebook or Twitter with no evidence, before the votes were counted, was important.
I think uncovering the begging for pardons by senators and representatives that planned the coup is important (it’s an admission of guilt and of knowledge of a crime).
I think a Supreme Court judge’s involvement in the coup is important.
That’s barely scratching the surface of important evidence that’s come to light so far.

This….this is why we say you are probably a Russian. You act like defending democracy and the American government are nothing important and nobody cares. No American would think that, but it is true that you SAYING something doesn’t mean you actually think it’s true.

bobknight33 said:

how much has been spent on investigation Trump ? 40 ---- 60 Million and still nothing of importance has come to light.

Wake up from you delusional dream and accept reality.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

So….Texas Republicans have decided to try to secede from the union as part of their official party platform. Kind of hard to pretend you guys are patriotic Americans when it’s your official plan to dissolve the union out of spite.

I actually say good riddance, let red states all secede, RGTOW, they will quickly become a third world country we can exploit. Red states take WAY more from the federal government than they put in, relying on blue state taxes to keep running. It would be hilarious to see how fast infrastructure, services, and government break down in such an occurrence.

It would also be interesting to see how they think they would defend themselves without the US military. As usual, the Cons never think things through. I so want to see how this would play out. Can we short sell Texas?

Seems like you guys need to take your own advice….if you don’t like it here in America, you can GET OUT.

Tesla DESTROYS Q1 Earnings,

newtboy says...

Today’s Tesla news, Tesla stocks dump another 10%+ on news that 10% of employees will be fired.
This as Ford and Chrysler are hiring tens of thousands of union workers to build their electric fleets.
Not the best news for stockholders.

Stand By For An Important Announcement

spawnflagger says...

I hadn't heard about that story. Funny and sad at the same time. Definitely would get thrown out of court if the prosecutor did bring charges. Reporter did the right thing (telling them), it's a shame he's getting backlash of stupidity.

When it comes to sensitive data, the government and corporations have due-diligence requirements that weren't met here (even if it was unintentional/temporary), so maybe (IANAL) the teacher's union could file a class-action suit? They'd probably settle out of court for 1 year of LifeLock or some other such BS. Maybe the website was created by the Governor's grandson or nephew as a high school project? Mistake is worse than incorrect ACLs on a S3 bucket...

newtboy said:

Yes, Missouri. The unhinged ignorant governor wants to prosecute reporters for viewing source data, but there’s no law about this, no hacking required, just a left click, and despite the governor’s politically motivated attempts to force a case, the prosecutor has declined to file any charges against the reporter who noticed and reported that the government website had publicly posted the social security numbers of every teacher in the state….likely because the only crime was on the government’s part….including the continuing politically motivated retaliatory investigations against the reporter who discovered this inexcusable lapse in security under the governor’s nose.

He (the prosecutor) should file charges against the website administrator for exposing 100000 teachers to identity theft, and the governor for abuse of power for trying to prosecute the whistleblower for reporting the non existent security to the government, he even held off publishing his report to give the school system time to fix the issue before it became public knowledge.

This man is POTUS

newtboy says...

As usual, you are just wrong…build back better is not an inflation plan you twit.

Step 1, fill the office that handles inflation, not keep it so understaffed that it can’t legally hold a functioning meeting to do anything like Republicans did all through Trump’s tenure and continue to do.

Without a functioning fed, Biden can only add bandaids. If you took civics, or cared to know what you are talking about, or just read what you are told when you ask these ignorant questions, you would know this.

Trump spent more than Obama without starting in a recession he crawled out of but instead starting with a healthy economy causing a recession, spent way more if you count all the extra money he had “printed”. That causes inflation…but not instantly. He spent the most by far in 2020, anyone with 1/2 a brain saw inflation would be the result, we all told you then. You still refuse to or are incapable of understanding.

Biden is a Democrat, so you ignore the one to blame and blame him. I notice you NEVER blamed the last figurehead…the one who knew nothing, had no experience, and led us into a near depression/pandemic then tried to overthrow democracy in America. Idiot.

You are so full of shit with that last. Give me 3 examples when Democrats voted against a plan they created to stop a win, 3 examples when democrats voted against something they said was good for their constituents simply to deny Republicans a win, because I can point to 3 instances when McConnel actually went out publicly and said that’s the Republican plan….and dozens of instances when he implemented that plan.

He now says if Republicans get control, there will be no more hearings to fill any vacancies in government by Biden, just let the country fall apart for 2-6 more years until they get to force someone in. Who cares that it destroys the economy, infrastructure, and the union…no win for dems is all that counts.

bobknight33 said:

And what is Biden plan to stop inflation?

Spend more money via Build back better. That's his plan.
The Fed reserve manages inflation. They don't cause it.
This all started at least a decade ago when government spending really went off the rails and has yet to be controlled.

Biden is the figure head and hence gets the blame.

If a bill truly helps Americans, Democrats would stop a Republican win just as much as Republican would stop a Democrat win.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Aaaaaahahahaha! …….Aaaaaaa…..Aaaaaaa…..Aaaaaaahahahahaha!!!
Stop, I can’t breath. You are so hilariously funny.

And Russia didn’t invade Ukraine during Trump’s tenure. Derp!

Sorry that polling and reality disagree with your ignorant, uneducated opinion so thoroughly….but it’s a fact. Multiple polls after the state of the union (not on Fox or Pravda Social) were 71%-80% positive. So much better than little Don John did on his best poll ever on anything.

Clearly you only listened to high school dropout Boebert, not the speech…or you are incapable of recognizing solutions (after Trump, not surprising, he loved to call creating problems “solutions”). Going after the assets of the oligarchs is just one of many solutions that’s having major effects already you utter moron. Unifying NATO and the UN is another.

Yeah, 80% failure among ignorant idiotic cultists who think Boebert and Green’s inability to be professional, civil, or have any manners or self control whatsoever was a shining example of proper behavior and support their public outburst over not supporting our troops then went on to vote against supporting those very same injured troops the next day (look it up), but among the thinking public, up to 80% positive. ROTFLMFAHS! Coward Cadet Bone Spurs never offered solutions, only division and wastefulness, complete capitulation to despotic dictators, and self aggrandizement.
Talk about gullible, you believed Trump…you still do. You believed Covid wasn’t dangerous, lockdowns weren’t useful, Trump is a good businessman, the right isn’t blatantly racist, trickledown works, Trump’s tax breaks were for everyone, the wall is a good idea and Mexico will pay for it, the election was stolen, ….the list of bat shit crazy insanity you believe could fill three long books.

Cranial Rectosis is curable, Bob. You just need to push and pull at the same time.

You’ve been wrong on every point you’ve made politically for over a decade Bob, don’t you ever want to be correct instead of just extremely Right? Don’t you hate being the party of feelings rather than facts, a cult of personality? That used to be a complaint FROM the right, now it’s 100% descriptive of them.

BTW, the clip you posted of CNN discussing his lower poll numbers, the “slip”, are talking about a slip in their polls from 78%-71%, lower than you might expect from just Democrats (but then, that’s not who they polled) about 25% higher than Trump ever reached on his best day. LMFAHS you deluded ijit!!!

Remember how you love to ignore history and claim Democrats are the party of racism? How many Democrats are members of extremist racist organizations, because the entire Freedom Caucus is and the Republican Party has no problems with that. No censure for holding white supremacist rallies, only for investigating an attack on the capitol by racist terrorists….that gets a censure. But sure, Republicans aren’t racists…they just really love racist imagery, speech, and actions. 🤦‍♂️

Jesus, you’re dumb Bob. Always spouting off about things you know nothing about but feel certain ways about, and you’re always wrong. Try looking up what you think is true before posting, you’ll find that 90+% of what you believe intentionally runs contrary to reality and fact…the other 9.9% is honest mistake or misunderstanding.

bobknight33 said:

Damn you are gullible.
Biden's Sate of the Union speech was a 80% failure. Biden offered no solutions to current issues

To state there was a 78% favorably rating is is foolish.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

bobknight33 says...

Damn you are gullible.
Biden's Sate of the Union speech was a 80% failure. Biden offered no solutions to current issues

To state there was a 78% favorably rating is is foolish.

newtboy said:

Ignoring your total ignorance of recent history to point out, Joes favorability rating on his state of the Union address was 78%.
78% Bob. 30% higher than Trump’s best poll.
Failure Trump never got 50% approval on anything, and today rates around 30% and falling fast as he supports Putin’s invasion and hates on America, as his obvious attempts to subvert democracy and steal the presidency are exposed in courts, as his total failures as a businessman are exposed through the courts.

This is you pick. This is you guy? I can only hope he’s the 2024 candidate. It won’t be a blue wave, it won’t be a blue tsunami, it will be a blue sea level rise…and likely a red demise.
ROTFLMFAHS! So gratifying watching your anti American hate group lose its power.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Ignoring your total ignorance of recent history to point out, Joes favorability rating on his state of the Union address was 78%.
78% Bob. 30% higher than Trump’s best poll.
Failure Trump never got 50% approval on anything, and today rates around 30% and falling fast as he supports Putin’s invasion and hates on America, as his obvious attempts to subvert democracy and steal the presidency are exposed in courts, as his total failures as a businessman are exposed through the courts.

This is you pick. This is you guy? I can only hope he’s the 2024 candidate. It won’t be a blue wave, it won’t be a blue tsunami, it will be a blue sea level rise…and likely a red demise.
ROTFLMFAHS! So gratifying watching your anti American hate group lose its power.

bobknight33 said:

Putin didn't invade under Trump. He did however invade with sleep Joe behind the wheel.

Guess Biden is Putin's bitch.
How's Biden favorably rating doing?

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Interesting….it was also a pro-Putin rally apparently. Not surprising, they’re both rabidly anti American morons.
But at least they aren’t child sex abusers like Bobert and her pedophile husband who, while out together (her 17, him 24), exposed himself to numerous underage girls at a bowling alley (just one entry in their LONG violence filled rap sheets, but one that should have them both on the sex offender registry). Or the time she was arrested for trying to get a group of kids caught underage drinking to run from the cops….more child abuse, not to mention the domestic violence on both their parts. BTW, after interrupting the state of the union to heckle Biden over her claim that he wasn’t supporting veterans who were sick from toxic exposure she then voted against supporting veterans who were sick from toxic exposure while deployed.

You have some real winners there. The best of your best….they learned from the master, Trump, a well known pedophile and child abuser, besties with Epstein for decades….and total fucking moron.

newtboy said:

Greene and Gosar were scheduled speakers and celebrities at a racist white nationalist rally last weekend.
Republicans gave lip service to the idea that racist white nationalism doesn’t belong in the party, but have not censured or reprimanded either for what isn’t their first time courting racist white nationalists, because there clearly and blatantly is a place for racist white nationalists, neo-nazis, and white terrorists in your party….way more room than there is for those concerned with direct attacks against democracy and America and other treason.
Also Wendy Rogers (AZ) at different events. Her Republican Governor supported that by funding her campaign.
You can stop pretending you aren’t racist and fascist, your party has all but given up denying it.

The dangers of a Russian energy superpower

newtboy says...

No, he lucked out, but Trump’s foreign policy was worse. He just capitulated to international thugs, cozied up to them except Iran. That’s why Ukraine was already occupied and Crimea recognized. It’s why N Korea advanced their capabilities so much. It’s why the Taliban gained so much power in 2020. He actually claimed China used biological warfare against us (utter bullshit, but his position), but made no moves against them in retaliation. No wars happen if you don’t oppose our enemies.

Biden isn’t my god, he’s far from perfect, he’s just an improvement. Being instrumental in opposing Assad gassing his own people is a bad thing? I was disappointed we didn’t depose him quickly with international support.

The Ukrainian parliament threw Yanukovych out in Feb 2014 on the grounds that he "has restrained himself from performing his constitutional duties" and effectively resigned. He had surprised everyone by abandoning an agreement made with Europe to be part of a free trade union, shocking the country, and instead intended to strengthen ties with Russia, and had been murdering protesters in the streets when he fled the country.

The people of Ukraine and Russia will suffer. Germany too. Probably all NATO nations….and all countries dependent on Russian aid.

My idea would have been to threaten Putin months ago that if one MORE Russian soldier or piece of military equipment crosses the border into Ukraine, we will fast track Ukraine into the UN immediately, permanently recognizing their actual borders, if he doesn’t send more military, we can negotiate peacefully with UN status on hold…and get solidarity with our allies on the plan. Maybe simplistic, but it’s what he fears, use it.

Spacedog79 said:

Trump didn't start any wars yet Biden was instrumental in conflicts like Syria and Libya that killed and displaced millions, both Russian allies.

Not only that Biden had a hand in the 2014 coup in Ukraine where a democratically elected Russian friendly leader was ousted with backing from the Western powers.

Now in response Putin may have overstepped in Ukraine, and painted in to a corner he'll make the people of Ukraine suffer for it.

Biden's foreign policy is an immature black and white version of the world that despite the rhetoric leads to the results no one wanted.

Texas Cop Vapes Confiscated Weed on Cruiser Camera

newtboy says...

Case and point,
If you haven’t seen it yet, this fresh on the job good cop got strangled for stopping her sergeant from pepper spraying a handcuffed suspect already in the cop car….as she was instructed to do.
He’s finally on vacation as of late January (the event happened on November 19, and his supervisory duties were temporarily suspended) and his union is standing by him 100%, as is the police commissioner, whining that the mayor called the sergeant’s actions disgusting, outrageous because he’s not convicted of a crime, and in the same breath whining “ The fact that was a 911 call came over of a piece of shit beating up somebody, and then this is how it all started. That’s the sad part about this. It got thrown onto this and spun in a way so ridiculous right now, it is like beyond,”.
It’s the third official report of his being unnecessarily violent.
Right, ridiculous to investigate a cop on videos committing felony assaults.

Kinda odd they aren’t standing with the cop that stopped a violent abuse of power, and instead back the out of control violent cop that attacked her on camera.

surfingyt said:

initially some do exist but when their union and coworkers cover up all the time and IA is defunded and simpletons like beeeewb bootlick all day the whole bushel goes. this dolt was probably praised most of his career for his continuous quota busting record, instead it should be a red flag.

Texas Cop Vapes Confiscated Weed on Cruiser Camera

surfingyt says...

initially some do exist but when their union and coworkers cover up all the time and IA is defunded and simpletons like beeeewb bootlick all day the whole bushel goes. this dolt was probably praised most of his career for his continuous quota busting record, instead it should be a red flag.

newtboy said:

Where are the good apples.

Tesla’s TOTAL DOMINATION (new data)

bobknight33 says...

Competition? Seriously what competition is there?

2 things are clear
Clearly your anti Tesla.
Clearly you truly dont know much about the EV market.

Tesla is dominating the EV space.
Tesla has 8 quarters of growth.
Growing roughly 20% per quarter and about 70% YoY
2021 seen 84% growth in car sales.
Demand is a 6 month wait.
Tesla has sold 930K vehicles in 2021.
2022 Fremont and shanghai will make 1.2Mvehicles alone.
Giga TX and Berlin coming on line soon should add 500K vehicles.

Ford / GM do not have the capitol to make EV and ICE.
Layers of management and union demands will keep from a rapid necessary to EV.
Ford / GM have each have over 100 Billion in debt
Factory closing and chip shortages causing more Ford /GM losses
Ford / GM probably go under unless bailed out.
Ford/ Gm lost sales and Tesla grew sales.

Toyota also dragging their feet.
VW is the only company seems to be moving to EV in a substantial manor.

As you say high demand / low supply is some how bad. This is good place to be. Its a supply issue . Tesla is addressing that.

Saying Tesla doesn't pay taxes. false argument. Every company pays their taxes. If you don't like the amount then that's a government tax policy issue.

FSD is still in beta form. It is not a final product. It is pretty fuckign good as is.

Elon being pro corporate anti tax is what you would expect.
Im sure Apple, Facebook, Google are all in this same camp.
Far right? I dont know about that.

newtboy said:

So, time to end the subsidies and tax breaks for Tesla then. No more government handouts for them.

They’re not going to be so dominant when actual competition is available, coming soon from every maker. (High demand, low inventory, double sticker price gas cars aren’t a fair comparison.).
They also wouldn’t be so profitable if they paid taxes.

It was not a good move to program the self driving unit to run stop signs. (Yes, they programmed it to just “rolling stop” at stop signs recently which is not just illegal it’s also dangerous.). That’s the kind of upgrade you get with Tesla, without warning. How many recalls now?

Also not a good move for Elon to admit he’s far right, pro corporate subsidy, anti tax. It alienates most of his customers.

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