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An American-Muslim comedian on being typecast as a terrorist

gorillaman says...

Different cultural values. Alright then, @SDGundamX

The claim is that these places are examples of islamic countries 'filled with nice people'. I'm suggesting that @StukaFox's list of vicious police-states is perhaps not best chosen to illustrate this view.

There's a difference in category, isn't there, between being muslim and being japanese or american. It would be absurd to say, "I am japanese because I believe..." just as it would, "I am a muslim because I happened to be born..."

Now, we can actually make sweeping and not the less factual statements about people on the basis of their shared characteristics. Japanese people are born within such a set of geographical coordinates, or to parents who hold citizenship with the state of japan, or have naturalised following a particular procedure. Millions of people lumped together in a single sentence, and without assuming they're all alike.

Muslims, like rats or serial killers, aren't all alike and they don't all believe exactly the same things. Nevertheless by definition there really are certain specific beliefs to which they must all hew. Or show me the muslim who doesn't believe that there's a god, or that muhammed received its doctrine.

If you find basic, universal islamic beliefs repugnant (as every decent person must) then it is correct, objectively correct, to generalise your antipathy to all muslims, however many millions there may be, however widely spread. The apology from number and diversity fails completely.

The LEGO Batman Movie – Trailer #4

00Scud00 says...

Yeah, this looks pretty awesome. Except for the Joker's teeth maybe, let's take away that classic Joker smile and replace it with, Killer Croc?

New Disney/Pixar short 'PIPER' is adorable.

Star Trek Beyond - Mars Attacks Scene

Drachen_Jager says...

God, people don't know their film history anymore!

Mars Attacks ripped that off from Attack of the Killer Tomatoes, only there the song was a high-pitched wailing "Puuuuberty loooove."

Man, I have to watch that movie again.

Why We Need Half Life 3

kingmob says...

Fro awhile I kept expecting them to come out of left field with new engine tech like they did for Half-Life 2 AND TF2.

But now I have just resigned that it will never happen unless they sell the IP to someone else.

They lost a good percentage of their killer art department to Arkane anyways.

10 Horrifyingly Awkward Boob Modifications

Thomas135 (Member Profile)

10 Horrifyingly Awkward Boob Modifications

"The Political News Media Lost Its Mind"

cosmovitelli says...

The US has made the rod for its own back - torture, murder, illegal invasions, nuclear brinkmanship, extra judicial assasinations even of US 16 year olds by killer robot..

The US is about to be China's bitch for a few centuries and you idiots have made sure the ruthless dictators can LAUGH at your protestations of acting better when you had the chance - while your kid is being tortured to death and they laugh at you..


bobknight33 said:


What a fool

Obama is ignoring this fighter planes flying 10 ft from an US ship Time and Time again. Obama is a pussy for not standing up for Americans and issue stern warnings and retaliation. But pussy Obama replacement is a sold out crook or Trump who is standing up for Americans on so many levels.


Jinx says...

You got your order of ops wrong is all. Lead with the stolen hair shrine construction and then if the crush has lasted to the point of its completion offer it to your living idol as evidence of your unwavering affection and superior architectural artistry.

Killer pickup technique. Literally only ever failed me a few times.

ps. 28/m/LDN ISO women (22-32) 4 long term obsession. Msg me w/ pic

gorillaman said:


You find you can get over people just by recognising that they're out of your league? That's about the point I start stealing hair off their brushes to decorate the shrine I'm building.

Tiny Dog Ain't Havin None Of That

poolcleaner says...

Do NOT f with a Jack Russel. Clearly, don't f with lions either, but Jack Russels ain't just your average small dog. Those things are calculating killers. Not the typical man's bestie and not simply small dog syndrome.

Kids React To Atari 2600 Video Games (E.T. and Asteroids)

The Vegan Who Started a Butcher Shop

transmorpher says...

With logic like Ben Rukle's, I'm surprised he's not advocating Soylent Green:
It's full of nutrients that people need, since it's made from people.
It's environmentally friendly because humans are a renewable resource.
It's ethical cause people these days live comfortable lives, so it's fine to kill them in their teens.

The good old "killing humanely" argument. Yes it's better than factory farming, but killing a human in a nicer way is still murder by law, and so is treating them nicely before killing them.
If ethical living is his goal, then he's failed.

I've also heard his story many times. Eats mainly vegan junk food, which lacks nutrients (as does all processed junk food), and then somehow links that to all vegan food being unhealthy.

This is why I'm always banging on about eating unprocessed whole foods, they are nutrient dense.

You'll also notice that at the end they are eating specifically processed meat - the type proven to cause cancer. (as well as the worlds #1 killer heart-disease).
If he wants healthy food, then he's failed.

When it comes to sustainability, foods like potatoes, rice, and grains give you the most calories output for energy/water/land put in.
There also simply isn't enough land on the planet to farm animals this way and feed everyone.
If he wants sustainable farming, then he's failed.

Also he looks like he's about 2 years late for a heart-attack.

Zero Punct- Quake (1)

poolcleaner says...

Totally. This is what we all played in school and everyone i knew had this in their car to listen to. So everywhere you drove you were in Quake.

Descent 2 also had a pretty killer soundtrack with Type O Negative and Skinny Puppy. Had that in the cd case right next to Quake.

moonsammy said:

You're absolutely correct. I loved that you could put the game disc into a standard cd player and just listen to the NIN soundtrack. Being a fan of the band and FPS games, Quake was absolutely the shit. So many hours put into it, at least up until Unreal came out.

Penn Jillette on Atheism and Islamaphobia

poolcleaner says...

I agree with you and don't hate Nazis. I hate murderers though, so I hate many of the Nazis but not all of them. Some Nazis helped Jews escape their fate and if it were not for them, some of those people would not be alive today. Disagree with me all you want, I couldn't believe otherwise.

In fact, even some of the mass murderers, the Einsatzgruppen, the meticulous destroyers of entire populations throughout Eastern Europe showed signs of their shame and guilt. When someone feels shame and guilt, that is a sign of their humanity which begs for love and forgiveness.

That doesn't excuse the horrors that they contributed to, but it also shows that they were not merely bogeymen and were themselves victims.

Now, it's very human for you to disagree with my sentiments on this topic out of love and honor for those who were unjustly murdered in this life -- we are a passionate species and it is very right to feel anger towards murderers -- but if an actual loving god (not a torturing one) were to exist, it would forgive and love for the same reasons. That's my belief and I sleep well at night for having it. Otherwise, I would simply be filled with anger and hate for the people who have caused me pain in MY actual life.

Nazis never did a goddamn thing to me directly so it's only conceptual hate that I can feel towards them. But there are people who existed side by side with me who have done me great harm -- and I even forgive and love those people who directly violated my trust. People MUST forgive those that have harmed them in order to move forward with their lives, by accepting their humanity, which although flawed, is still a mammalian emotional being, neocortex enabled and desiring compassion.

Another interesting conceptual form of love is when the family of murder victims forgive the convicted killers who harmed their own family. Isn't that interesting that some people are willing to not hate murderers of their own family members? Or when George Wallace forgave the man who attempted to assassinate him? Sure, he was a born againer and the pro-segregationist who tried to deny black people from signing up for school with white kids, but he still had it in him to forgive and to love, and that to me says he too must be forgiven and loved, because a change occurred in him and his empathy manifested in new ways as his perceptions of mankind changed over time.

gorillaman said:

National Socialism is an idea.

Nazis are a people.

You're allowed to hate an idea; you're not allowed to hate people for their ideas.

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