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Finding Nemo - The Seagulls "Mine? Mine?"

Shimmering Silver, the Stuff of Stars

rottenseed (Member Profile)

Bachmann runs from prior gay stmts-Anderson Cooper reports

marinara (Member Profile)

w1ndex (Member Profile)

Dad doesn't give a crap about skateboarding, or faceplants

Ron Paul Officially Declares Run for Republican Nomination

John Belushi: Samurai Deli (w/ Buck Henry)

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (TMNT) Commodore 64 (C64)

Hillbilly Airlines - (Music by Sift Member lavoll)

Olbermann Special Comment: The Four Great Hypocrisies

Syrian protester captures own death on camera

marbles says...

More anti-American propaganda:

'CNN Arabic' Poll Grants Assad 'Personality of the Year 2009' Title
The readers of the website chose Syrian President Bashar Assad as the "Personality of the Year 2009" with a 67% of total votes after winning 20,687 votes out of 30,679.
CNN Arabic considered that the improvement of Syrian-Lebanese relations and the recent visit of Lebanon's PM Saad Hariri to Syria helped in making Assad a key player in the region.

The website added that at the end of the year, Assad reaped the fruits he had sown in its beginning. It said that Assad's participation in Doha's emergency summit of the Arab League during the Gaza War helped in boosting his popularity.


Could it be that Assad was too popular for his own good?

Corporate Givaways Cost us Schools, Public Safety

11-year-old girl sings a phenomenal Adele cover

TheSluiceGate says...

>> ^Duckman33:

>> ^TheSluiceGate:
Someone forgot to tell her that if you want to go viral and surprise people with your unassuming youthful talent you're supposed to do these videos live, standing in your kitchen, not lip-syncing to a pre-record, spotlit in a smoky studio.

[Edit] Lip syncing to a pre-record? I guess you missed the guy behind her playing the guitar? Perhaps you should look up the definition of lip syncing my friend. This is not it.

I take the point (but I don't see the relevance of the guitar behind her).
I was going by her proximity to the microphone (too much low end in the signal, unless whe was using an omni, which you certainly wouldn't want to use on a live video shoot in that environment with people moving around etc.*)

Note also that the info on this video says "The audio for this video was recorded live on the ice at the Centennial Sports Plex in Nashville, TN." whereas some of her others are at pains to say: "the audio for this cover was recorded LIVE with the video, in one take, with no pitch correction applied!" or "The audio and video for this recording were recorded simultaneously live with no studio overdubs or autotune." - Which to me also suggests a disconnect of audio and video (even if they we're both done in the same place!).

That said - it's actually irrelevant if it was recorded live or not. The point remains the same: I think a more raw lo-fi recording / video would create more interest rather than the relatively high / polished production values.


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