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Serj Tankian - Sky Is Over

Serj Tankian - Sky Is Over

The biggest reason for universal healthcare (Blog Entry by jwray)

choggie says...

This is what you can expect to be set up while Hillary is in office-the groundwork will be laid for universal health care. You will pay through the nose, a down-payment in the next four years, on your own fucking demise. More and more power will be given to the new and improved, Joseph Mengele mechanism. All the while, other bought and sold systems will break down, as their bastardized versions grow in their effective power and control, in every aspect of what we are being told we need for our pathetic, work till you drop, existences. Sounds fun, huh kids??

ren & stimpy rape your soul

Straight To Video - Mindless Self Indulgence (for CapnWill)

Awesome Zelda song

Ron Paul Interviewed by Wolf Blitzer

choggie says...

Makes perfect sense qualm, Rosa Parks (symbol) Paul (another symbol) "Racist" card (label)- hate this sort of bullshit-think for the stink that it is....MG Paul is not one of the scenarios, and like those before him who have tried, he will be used and abused, but not be president-the spiral is always headed towards the solenoidal center, we're simply nearer that center as we go the way of all contrived systems....some break down faster than others.

Purdue University models the 9/11 WTC attack computationally

cryptographrix says...

As for the amount of people needed to carry off such an operation, well I don't see how it would be in the thousands.

Think about it - Dick Cheney orders a couple of different exercises to be carried out by the Nation's military on the day of the event, to keep them busy. Those exercises have the nicely added effect of putting false radar signals on various control tower's radar, etc - as they are taking part in the exercises, and thus NEED to be able to instruct various military personnel as to where the false planes are, all as part of normal military exercises(yes, former mil here, too - all of what I'm saying is actually well documented).

To get some form of explosive in the tower - well, I don't know where you heard the "proposed 26 hours" that you cite above, but the WTC towers were being worked on for about 2 weeks prior to 9/11. Various parts of the towers were having power turned on and off, and only during the last weekend, both building's power and security systems were shut down.

Now, the people to plant the explosives, etc - would they really have to have very little moral character? How did 9/11 benefit the American economy?

Well, prior to 9/11, Iraq's Saddam Hussein had announced that it would start accepting Euros as payment for Oil("In November 2000, Iraq became the first OPEC nation to begin selling its oil for Euros." - Due to our embargo on Iraq, and the subsequent "Oil for Food" program that the UN announced, it made sense that, in order for them to get at least some funding to feed their economy in at least the slightest way...maybe to be able to afford weapons - maybe even just to be able to buy building materials for their own country - who knows?

Thing is, as part of a 1972-1973(can't remember which year) agreement between President Nixon and OPEC, OPEC agreed to accept only USD as payment for oil. This subsequent agreement occurred one or two years after Nixon stopped the backing of the USD by gold for foreign investors, on August 15, 1971. The USD hadn't been backed by gold for citizens of the U.S., but foreign investors could cash in their USD for gold up until that point.

What does this mean? Well, basically it means that the USD stopped being backed by gold in 1971 and OPEC started accepting ONLY USD for oil in 1972 or 73...essentially backing our currency by what?....oil!

So, as you can probably understand, it's quite a threat for Iraq to start accepting Euros for oil(and the USD has taken a hit because of it - around 17% loss in value, so far).

Now, however(and this might explain a lot to you), Iran has opened it's "Oil Bourse" - accepting what for oil?....Euro and Yen. What further complicates matters with Iran, however, is that China is now buying 50% of it's oil from Iran in Yen, because, of course, it's easier for them(easier than having to try to get USD to buy oil from OPEC with).

Well, that kindof complicates things on a global geopolitical stage. What it means is that, as more countries start buying oil with Euro and Yen, they will stop trying to get USD, and even use the last of their USD and not really have a need to get more(since they can now buy oil in Euro or Yen - or even diversify between Euro, Yen, and USD - either way, the demand for USD lowers).

On a global scale, this will most certainly disrupt the value of the USD like never seen before.

Had Iraq actually gotten clients for his "Oil for Euro/Yen" program, it would have been devastating for the USD back in 2001...but 9/11 happened, giving us a "reason"(even if only superficially and even a lie) to go into Iraq.

In effect, those that may have taken down the towers did us a favor - they stopped millions from being killed by what would be an ensuing recession/depression in the value of the USD(as is kindof happening now) by killing only 2000 people in the towers, and a couple thousand killed in a war to hold onto Iraq's oil as a type of backing for USD.

Don't believe me, though - look into it yourself. All of the above described events and places are well documented. Look into the "Iranian Oil Bourse" in particular.

Supersize Me Extra - "The Smoking Fry"

Skeeve says...

This experiment proves absolutely nothing. When you eat food, it's not molds and household bacteria that break it down. There are specific acids, enzymes and chemicals in the digestive system that break down everything we eat into it's basic components. Fries, which are basically pure starch, begin being broken down as soon as they enter your mouth, where salivary amylase breaks it down into maltose and dextrin. The process continues after it leaves the stomach (salivary amylase is deactivated by the acid in the stomach). Watching food rot is no way to demonstrate how the "food is breaking down in your body".

Intellivision - Advanced Dungeons and Dragons - Video Game

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

I still remember those controllers with the shiny joy-disks. The technology of the Intellivision was arguably better than the 2600, but I think the system was let down by the game quality.

I think this game in particular was in response to Atari's way cool game "Adventure". Oh, Warren Robinette - where have you gone when we need you.

Photograph Transformed to 3D model

winkler1 says...

The image here demonstrates how the system breaks things down into ground/billboard/sky.

Don't think this would work so well for pr0n because it doesn't really handle curves

I tried installing this but it didn't find some DLL's properly in the matlab libs..despite setting the PATH.

Body Armour: Vietnam And Now

Farhad2000 says...

Wow, I can't believe you guys. Do you really need the Daily Show to mock this clip for you to see the flipside of this? The advertisement is clearly aimed to get a gut reaction in the viewer, so you are convinced immediately. Such cheap political tactics are just subversive. And I wouldn't support a candidate who does that.

This administration is filled with pork barell politics, how can you explain this system being refused because Raytheon already had a goverment contract to develop a similar system several years down the line, but there is a system there now! There entire system needs to change. Armed forces should be able to independtly purchase their equipment.

Further more this addressing this issue is like dousing the fire of a skyscraper in flames. There is a big problem with the conflict America is in, there aren't enough forces, the forces that are there are spread thin doing police duty, the situation is chaotic. The conflict, the people who took you there are the problem.

This is a band aid fix for a gunshot wound, you cannot fight a war when you cut taxes but increase spending, promise to deliver results of military truimph while having less forces, that's just ridiculous. Such cheap political ads, got us into this siutation of living in a world full of he said she said gossip and bs while the real issues get lost in the noise. How else can you explain an administration winning on morality grounds concerned about homosexuality while it's involved in a war and economic spiralling.

MTHEL - Mobile Tactical High Energy Laser (8:38)

Farhad2000 says...

"In 2000 and 2001 THEL shot down 28 Katyusha artillery rockets and 5 artillery shells. On November 4, 2002, THEL shot down an incoming artillery shell. A mobile version has completed successful testing. During a test conducted on Aug. 24, 2004 the system successfully shot down multiple mortar rounds. The test represented actual mortar threat scenarios. Targets were intercepted by the THEL testbed and destroyed; both single mortar rounds and salvo were tested.

Even though military experts such as the former head of the Administration for the Development of Weapons and the Technological Industry, Aluf Yitzhak Ben Yisrael, were calling for the implementation of the THEL, the project was discontinued.

In theory certain countermeasures could reduce the effectiveness of THEL. These could include heat hardening and reflective coating of the projectiles, which would increase the necessary laser exposure time. However THEL has primarily been developed to intercept relatively primitive threats such as homemade Qassam rockets and World War II-era Katyusha rockets, which thus far have not incorporated sophisticated countermeasures."

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