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We Believe: The Best Men Can Be - Gillette Ad

bobknight33 says...

You prove my point a fellow sifter is in the Soyboy camp.

Turning boys into weak men is NOT a good thing. Not anywhere in the world.

When the average woman can change a tire or brakes on the car, then maybe then Ill teach my son to be less of a man.

You desire men to be weak and woman to be strong. This thinking just weakens the society.

ChaosEngine said:

Every now and then, bob, you make something resembling a coherent argument for your position.

But most of the time it’s trolling like this that makes me instantly dismiss anything you have to say because you state it so childishly.

Look at @Mordhaus. I don’t agree with him on this issue, but I respect his opinion because he’s making a decent argument.

I believe you can be better. Maybe you should buy a Gillette razor?

Vegan Diet or Mediterranean Diet: Which Is Healthier?

newtboy says...

Lol. Good point.....dirty hippies. ;-)

Um....what? Vegans should want to avoid them almost as much as the hunter's helper and slaughterhouse sucker brand lozenges, not flock to the brand marketed at meat harvesters.

Um...really? You think non vegans fear a vegan culinary takeover or something enough to falsify studies/polls? That's hilarious.
As to the 7% number, even vegan organizations in Britain disagree, as does Wiki....
According to a 2018 survey by, the number of people who identify as vegans in the United Kingdom has risen to over 3.5 million, which is approximately seven percent of the population, and environmental concerns were a major factor in this development.[140] However, doubt was cast on this inflated figure by the UK-based Vegan Society, who perform their own regular survey: the Vegan Society themselves found in 2018 that there were 600,000 vegans in Great Britain (1.16%), which is a dramatic increase on previous figures.[141][142]
United States: Estimates of vegans in the U.S. vary from 2% (Gallup, 2012)[143] to 0.5% (Faunalytics, 2014). According to the latter, 70% of those who adopted a vegan diet abandoned it.

transmorpher said:

Clearly the statistics are stacked because we all know real vegans don't have jobs

I'd take the Fisherman's Friend study with a grain of salt :-) For starters it's going to be a biased sample, and for all we know it just means sick vegans prefer to buy Fisherman's Friend Lozengers than non-vegans.

They are going really hard with fear mongering in the UK, because veganism is taking hold - 7% of the population is now vegan :-)

We Believe: The Best Men Can Be - Gillette Ad

bcglorf says...

I have strong feelings on how people should treat each other. The blast of comments(some your own included) declaring that it's absurd for people to dislike the profiling of most men as violent and sexually abusive, or making excuses for same, are what I am calling out for the sexism that it is.

As for joining the chorus, that's kind of exactly the opposite of what I've been trying to communicate. Picking teams and setting yourself on team man/woman or white/black or straight/gay or dem/rep is one of the awful trends in society today. I want to get away from that thank you very much. I don't have the attributation for the quote but I'd pass you this as advice:
"When you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect"

For strikeout you can use the html 'strike' tag, never knew before this thread or not if it worked on the sift either.

BSR said:

I don't think this ad IS a big yawn for you. It looks to me like you have some pretty passionate feelings about it. That's a good thing. But I also think your passion would be better spent and be more effective in accomplishing your goal if it was harnessed and controlled.

A lot of the work has already been done for you. All you have to do is join the chorus. I think you'll come to find that you have some very powerful people on your side.

BTW, how do you do that strikethrough thing in your text?

Trump Thrives on Cruelty

Michael Rapaport Reacts Cat Video Taken Down By Instagram

Sagemind says...

When a company becomes content police for it's society of members, they take away free speech.

So much to say here to define the parameters, but you get what I'm saying.

Social Credit: Almost There, a Warning to Every American! (2

Here’s What Happened When Prisoners Started Vaping (HBO)

transmorpher says...

Cry me a river.

I couldn't care less if the guy that just stole my car stereo has a hard time in jail.

IMO minor crime should be treated like baseball. You get 3 strikes and then you're out. If you're not stealing for food you're a selfish scumbag and society would be far better off without you.

(and of course violent crime has no place in modern society at all, and I know there's cases which aren't black and white, but many cases are, video evidence and everything, if we at least got rid of the people who without a doubt violently assaulted someone, then we'd be better off...

You only have to watch a few videos on the Active Self Protection channel to see how many people are just straight up scum, and it's little wonder the police in the US are trigger happy - there's piles of videos where people just straight out fire at the police when asked to show their license)


Sarah help me!

Vox: Why ramen is so valuable in prison

We explain "Nordic Socialism" to Trump

Mordhaus says...

I know the original concept was fictional, but the general ideal does exist in theory. I can find numerous articles that discuss it and even Scandinavian politicians refer to it as being somewhat entrenched in the society.

Perhaps a better way to look at it would be the secondary summary given by Kim Orlin Kantardjiev. The law might be summarised as "You shouldn't think you're better than everyone else."

Of course it isn't a 'law' in the rulebooks, but when you have a mostly homogeneous society that believes in a certain cultural norm, then it might as well be.

I suspect we will disagree on whether it is truly a factor, I can only offer my opinion based on what I have read and studied. One of the nasty side effect of my crippling fear of flight is the likelihood that I will never visit a country I can't drive to or take a short sea voyage to.

Zawash said:

Janteloven is fictional, from a satire piece. Successful Scandinavians are celebrated, not put down.
Side note: The law was not written by Aksel Sandemose - it was found and twisted. The original laws were taken verbatim from the sobriety movement, where the list of laws was hung up on the wall. Although Sandemose did one change - each law ended with "...when you drink". And then the laws suddenly make quite a bit of sense.
Sandemose's contribution was to remove this crucial point of the laws, that it fit mentality he had seen elsewhere. Like all good satire, it has a grain of truth, but it is by no means a defining description of Scandinavians - it works just as well in a lot of hickwille towns all over the world.

Steve Schmidt on Trump 'Stoking And Inciting' Worst Among Us

newtboy says...

How could anyone possibly connect Dumb Donald's continuing public accusations against numerous prominent Jews that they are paying refugees (rapists and murderers), gang members (murderers), and Islamic terrorists (murderers) to "invade America" with the right wing terrorist, Bowers, who authored a social media post before the shooting accusing the organization HIAS, the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, of bringing "invaders in that kill our people."
There's clearly no connection at all. Just because right wing terrorists are attacking the exact targets Trump continues to designate as the enemy (like calling CNN "the enemy of the people" between when the second and third bomb addressed to them was discovered), and are using his arguments and tweets in their manifestos and internet ramblings doesn't mean they've ever even heard of Trump, no connection.

bobknight33 said:

Such Bull crap. Trump has nothing to do with the shooting.

Dog whistle for the left.

TED Talk: Whitopia

Drachen_Jager says...

You really like the sound of your own voice, don't you?

1) You cherry picked and then exaggerated my statements.

2) You toned it down a bit, while still doing both of the above.

3) Now you're just cherry picking.

There's no point debating you if you're just going to be disingenuous about it.

Does a group of white people who are purposely excluding racial minorities seem equally, more, or less prone to racially charged violence than a multi-ethnic group?

And before you bring that black group back into the discussion, remember, odds are (at least in the US) they don't have the range of options the whites do. Most of the time, a group of 50 or more black people forms with no other racial groups present because they're pushed into less desirable areas and excluded from the wealthier side of society. I agree that it's possible that group could be prone to violence, but I'd argue that their reasons would stem more from social inequality, rather than racism. You can't make that same argument for the white group.

newtboy said:

My counter argument....that that's not what you said....and it's still inaccurate.

You said the blanket statement about any/every group of 50 whites being a violent racist gang is not entirely inaccurate. It is.

Now, had you said the blanket statement about every group of whites being a lynch mob was true some of the time, that would still be a wildly inaccurate overstatement, but better. There has been no point in time when every group of 50 white men was a lynch mob.

Had you said what you now say, it's not entirely inaccurate because it's true some of the time in certain specific areas with certain groupings, it would be contradicting the original blanket statement which is inaccurate, so it's still technically incorrect, just like saying the statement about groups of black people isn't entirely is, because the unwritten but undeniable subject of the statement is ANY group of 50 black/white people, not one specific group in a few specific places at some times.

If you understand that, you understand why it's entirely inaccurate no matter how you wish to interpret the rest.

Is it true that there have been groups of 50 white men that were a lynch mob, yes. That doesn't resemble what you said.

Liberals 'Drag' Kids Into Early Sexualization

C-note says...

Just because it's not my cup of tea doesn't mean they do not have the right to express themselves within the law. I saw smiling faces, heard laughter and saw no tears. The reporter shed light on a segment of society that few have seen and for that I upvote.

Texas mom spanks teen son after he took off in her BMW

Mordhaus says...

Heinlein counters with "pain is the basic mechanism built into us by millions of years of evolution which safeguards us by warning when something threatens our survival. Why should society refuse to use such a highly perfected survival mechanism?"

BSR said:

"Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent", became one of Isaac Asimov's favorite sayings.

'Cornerstore Caroline' calls 911 on 9 year old for 'groping'

bobknight33 says...


Kanovaugh-- Every leftest believed Ford- on her word alone. Where was the voice of reason then? Maybe if Kanovaugh was black. Oh wait never mind Democrats pulled that stunt on Clarence Thomas. Political Witch hunts are blind.

Don't take a woman's word at face value.

Crazy women like this need to be caged up -- they are dangerous to males.

I do feel sorry for this young boy. He did nothing except be a kid.
I also for sad for our society that encourages crazy women like this.

Mordhaus said:

The main point of this narrative is that she though a 9 year old black kid bumping into her was a grope. I'm sure if it was a white kid she would have said nothing.

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