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maudlin Hits the Hundred Gold! (Sift Talk Post)

LA Lindy Exchange

Cutest Cat Ever!!

'Fox and Friends' show spreads fake story about ATHF Boston

joedirt says...

lol Wupus... did you watch the whole video? did you read any of the news about the Aqua Teen Hunger Hoax?

Name any news show and/or talk show that spend the majority of the time saying "some people say" or "it might be possible that". WTF! "An anonymous 911 call" but Faux News knows who called. The police did arrest these guys, so you'd think they would have checked on the 911 caller and traced the calls. Boston would be plastering the news if these guys could be pegged to a cell phone or payphone or even awake at the time of the calls.

Come on, does anything they say in this video even make sense? Just wild speculation. Wouldn't the marketing firm have called? But they try and insinuate the slacker guys did it (scape goats). If there was ANY slender possibility of being true, why did no one else report this allegation?

I suppose you believe Obama was raised by crazed Muslims...

You need to get out more.

The Most Unpopular Decision Ever (Sift Talk Post)

very small request (Sift Talk Post)

benjee says...

In fact Farhad, English (both language and literature) was my strongest subject at GCSE level (I got an A, as you can probably tell from my near-perfect grammar & punctuation in comments!) </BIG_HEAD>

A number over the trash icon would be useful for you slackers (Farhad!) who can't be arsed counting to eight (can you tell I ignore votes when saving Sifts? )

Member Rankings Added to VideoSift (Sift Talk Post)

New Numa - The Return of Gary Brolsma!

Member Rankings Added to VideoSift (Sift Talk Post)

Safety Dance BK

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