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Trump's Covid 19 Plan, Get Cancer Then Poison Yourself

StukaFox says...

Today, Donald Chump said he was being "sarcastic" when he made these suggestions. This shocked everyone who heard him say this because no one suspected Chump actually knew a word as long as "sarcastic".

Coronavirus V: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

Dr Drew's Horrific Coronavirus Advice Compilation

lucky760 says...

@newtboy > Who knew that Adam Corolla would turn out to be the reasonable and sane adult

What is Adam Carolla's take on the matter? I used to be a daily listener but not for several years now. Curious what he's been saying about it.

Seriously shocked at Drew's idiocy. Curious if he'll ever change his tune, perhaps once deaths are into 6 figures in the US? Probably not. He's pretty adamant about being right even when everyone else knows he's wrong.

simonm (Member Profile)

simonm (Member Profile)

The Nightmare Artist

Betsy Devos Embarrassed by Sen. Al Franken

newtboy says...

Regan National University, another sham school recently accredited by Devos. Look it up. It doesn't exist. No campus, no faculty (those few actual people listed as employees were shocked to find out, but most don't exist at all), no curriculum, no students...but good enough for Trump's idiot lackeys.

Why can i not go to the pub!?

bareboards2 says...

I must admit to being shocked 20 years ago or so when going to a pub and seeing all the little pub tables covered in various states of pint glass levels -- and baby bottles. Baby bottles next to beer covered tables. She has a point -- her friend got to go to the pub! For her daddy's party!

MAGA Challenge

This Will Make You Laugh.

Cat Saves Toddler From Falling Down Stairs

lucky760 says...

That's phenomenal. Seriously.

It does seem clear it was the feline's intent to protect the kid from self-injury... kind of shockingly amazing to my eyes.



School coach Keanon Lowe disarms student

Plastic rubbish being dumped in Amazon tributary in Peru

Two Players struck by lightning

newtboy says...

Technically not electrocution....they both lived.

Also, @lucky760 makes some good points. They clearly weren't hit directly. It's possible the bolt went through wires or pipes under the field to shock them, but not with full force, clearly.

That said, playing soccer in a thunderstorm is not advisable.

Breakdancing Fly

ant says...

I shocked a house fly in my nest a few months ago that did this too. I was laughing too hard because it looked like it was break dancing to me.

lucky760 said:

That is stinking hilarious.



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