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bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Once again, Sleepy Joe ran circles around the idiot right and utterly destroyed the stupid talking point that he’s unwell, demented, and catatonic (an accusation that’s really a description of Trump who sundowns daily at or before 3:30.)

He slyly tricked them into abandoning more tax cuts for the rich and their own plans for border security publicly, and easily showed their disastrous record on the economy.
Just like last year and the year before.
Reality just doesn’t enter that empty space between your ears.

The rebuttal was just nuts, smiling vapidly while predicting doom and gloom, and sounding like any second she would say “for just 52 cents a day you could save a MAGGOT. Your donation will supply them with flags, hats, and when needed, bail.” Not the best idea to use a senator who personally wrote the immigration bill then voted against it because Don said to not fix the issue under Biden. Not a great sign to women they put her barefoot in a kitchen, where you undeniably believe women belong. If the point was to appeal to women, it failed.

After completely failing to “live fact check” like he promised he would, Trump reacted like a 4 year old with clips of Biden using idiotic tic tok filters. A 5 year old would be embarrassed…not Trump or MAGA. Your bar is well below that of kindergartners.

Polling immediately before the speech gave Biden policies 45% approval, after it was above 62%.

Habba and Robert are both going to be disbarred for suborning perjury with Wiesselberg, who has now pleaded guilty to perjury in Trump’s business fraud case. I only hope they can be fined the extra $100 million Trump should have been fined for MORE CRIMINAL BUSINESS PRACTICES that were hidden and lied about during the trial….or that NY takes him back to court over them and more. He’s given them every reason to…and now he has no council (right before his litany of criminal trials start) and no lawyer worth a dime wants anything to do with him…why would they? They don’t get paid and as often as hot lose their law license and even see prison.
He paid the $91.6 million to Carroll today, but doesn’t have the $460 due in weeks, and the value of “his” properties is SEVERELY depressed compared to other similar non Trump properties….>30%….and never forget he doesn’t own most properties with his name on them, like Trump tower he only owns his apartment, the lobby, and the public restrooms, not the building. When you count his debts in full and only HIS assets, he’s almost certainly underwater. That’s why MarALago needs to be worth $1.8 billion instead of the $18 million he claimed on his taxes. He overvalues all his properties like that. There’s never been any PROOF that he’s a billionaire, only his flapping gums.
That’s probably why he replaced them as lead council for his appeal.
He really couldn’t have planned this worse. 😂

Israeli Soldiers Use Food Aid As Trap To Murder Palestinians

newtboy says...

, completely incapable of educating yourself. If you think you still have the capacity to learn when facts are shoved down your throat (based on your history I don’t) look at the second chart.
Funding has actually now slightly decreased to less than Trump sent under Biden when you adjust for inflation (but it’s true that since October Biden has been REQUESTING billions more, not sending billions more…but now that the inhuman genocide is undeniable he may stop pushing as hard for it).

See Bob, adults can admit inconvenient facts even when they make our leaders look bad…I don’t just admit it, I bring it up myself…MAGA absolutely cannot do either because you are all insanely brain numbingly clinically insecure.

Edit- speaking of which, still waiting. 😂

bobknight33 said:

So trump was funding Billions of $ for IDF Genocide?

You have some history -knowing facts on this???

Please enlighten me?
Please blathering me with your facts.

Shogun - Trailer

newtboy says...

Considering its glowing reception so far, it would be a surprise if they don’t try to find a way to extend it. It’s a rare successful idea that isn’t repeated to death by Hollywood…this is already the second time around for this story (and it sounds like it’s much better than the first from what I’ve read).
It would be a shame to change countries…it’s a fictionalized but semi-historical drama, so the story can continue for centuries with barely any plot writing required, just dialog.

ant said:

It's a miniseries according to IMDB. Maybe they will spin off with another country or something like China.

Shogun - Trailer

newtboy says...

I also liked the first two episodes.
You might know, how close is this to the 80s miniseries? I never saw it, and now I’m second guessing that choice.

ant said:

Just finished its first two episodes. They were good so *promote to get new viewers!

Google's New Anti-White A.I. Image Generator "Gemini"

Google's New Anti-White A.I. Image Generator "Gemini"

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bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Shocker! The infant STILL DOESN’T HAVE THE BALLS TO ADMIT BEING WRONG. Especially sad since you insist on being wrong almost exclusively.
Keep trying to change the subject, I’ll keep bringing it back to your insecurity and infantilism, such a scared baby that admitting a mistake seems like it would end you, wouldn’t it. Don’t worry, you’ll learn to grow up once you get to preschool.

BTW- Trump promises “very powerful crime” in DC if elected. 😂
Also, Karen Greene wasted the courts time by appealing her fines for refusing to wear a mask in congress all the way to the Supreme Court, (shocked they heard it) and today lost her final appeal. She’ll have to pay the $100000 (and probably 3 times that in legal fees) and has wasted the time of 3 courts that had better cases to try. Typical MAGA Karen, all about her non existent rights overriding everyone else’s rights AND safety, and absolutely zero thought to the cost to others.

Still crickets about the ONLY witness (who never produced ANY evidence) in the Biden impeachment sham admitting he is a Russian intelligence agent and the story came directly from Russian counter intelligence.
Worse, this is the SECOND main MAGA witness from the impeachment scam that turned out to be an intelligence agent of our enemies, remember the first one who was a Chinese agent and illicit oil and arms dealer for our enemies that was also indicted for lying about this case….but you said you still had credible witness Smirnoff and all his indisputable proof. 🤦‍♂️

Rep. Ken Buck (R-CO) who was in the room has admitted the Republicans/MAGA were told their witnesses were not credible in any way BEFORE THEY HEARD FROM THEM OR SAW ANY INTERVIEWS. They knew this was all propaganda directly from our enemies from the very start and ran with it anyway. This makes all MAGA a foreign agent that knowingly lied to America in order to weaken us.

This has made all MAGA nothing more than a subsidiary of Pravda, the Kremlin’s propaganda paper. Absolutely everything the MAGA house has done this session is based on hostile foreign agents lying to them and them buying the lies. Working with our enemies to spread lies that are designed to weaken America…sure SOUNDS like treason to me. Treasonous traitors belong in Gitmo until their turn with the firing squad.

How Al Green Ruined The Impeachment Scam

newtboy says...

😂 Total 100% exoneration! 😂

The political hit piece fabricated by a Trumpist operative tried in every dishonest way to impugn his character, proving conclusively that it’s not an investigatory report it’s an editorial opinion article, but even he could not make even a minor case for criminality even to MAGgots willing to believe anything no matter how hard he twisted the evidence.
There’s no evidence of any crimes, that’s why there’s no recommendation for prosecution.

😂 100% exoneration, absolutely zero evidence of any possible criminality, unlike Trump who has provided 100% proof of treasonous criminality in dozens of ways. 😂

Edit: Meanwhile Trump doesn’t know who is president today, who he was in an election against in 2016, or who was president in 2020, does not recall that we already fought WW2, doesn’t know foreign leaders or countries, can’t distinguish Haley from Pelosi, and often doesn’t know where he is…all proven repeatedly in videos of him trying to speak at high school gymnasiums that can’t be filled, videos that include the crowds leaving as he speaks because they’re hearing the dementia unfiltered and it’s a turn off.
When you talk about Biden flubbing words 95% of the time you can’t provide video, just snide comments from biased third parties, and when you can provide video it’s highly edited to pretend a slight stutter is a mental disorder. Every time you actually see him speak unedited even you have admitted he was surprisingly lucid and intelligent. Trump’s gaffs need no such production, they’re unavoidable every time you watch him speak in a rambling stream of consciousness for even just 30 seconds.

bobknight33 said:

DOJ found Joe guilty as hell for holding classified documents but too feeble to prosecute . Yet Feeble Joe stays POTUS. This wont age well,

newtboy (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Uh oh, @bobknight33, they found the culprit that made the fake Biden robocalls in New Hampshire.

PS- I love how Trump reminded everyone how disastrous 2020 was, and how mentally feeble he is by bringing up “supply change” on OAN, claiming “no one had ever heard of the supply change before Biden” (he meant supply chain)…clearly forgetting that “supply chain problems” entered the current lexicon in 2020 when store shelves actually were bare because factories and ports shut down leading to SUPPLY CHAIN ISSUES. No TP, no sanitizer, no medicines, no eggs, no milk, no pork (NO BACON!), ports closed, cargo ships waiting offshore by the thousands, trains full of cargo left in bad neighborhoods for thieves to empty because there was no one to unload them at warehouses and no place to store them, neighborhoods near ports absolutely filled with abandoned truck trailers for the same reason…all under Trump, suckers!
THANKS TRUMP for reminding your low IQ voters with no memory that “supply chain problems” were first created by Trump who botched Covid worse than any other leader on the planet. 😂

Oof…the failed impeachment just keeps getting better. We now know what Greene was talking about when she claimed the Democrats “hid” one of their members who ruined their little vote… Rep. Al Green of Texas was having surgery and the vote was scheduled to try to make sure he couldn’t vote, but he left the hospital and voted, ruining the tie vote they expected which would have let the speaker cast the deciding vote. Yet another sneaky underhanded MAGA attempt to subvert democracy foiled. D’oh!

😂 No immunity for Trump really has MAGA shitting their pants. Good job Trump, now you either get denied by the Supreme court and likely start in June and end your treason trial in September or you get them to hear you (and again rule against your obviously wrong interpretation of checks and balances as defined in the constitution) and his trial should end in late October, far too late to replace him on the ballot but with him disqualified…leading to massive landslides across the board for Democrats as MAGA doesn’t show up to vote if they can’t vote for Trump. 😂

Bonus- Residents of Eagle Pass Texas now say they are far more worried and afraid of the out of control angry nutjob MAGgots that showed up there than the migrants.

Oops Project Veritas again admitted lying about voter fraud, this time a fake accusation about Pennsylvania post masters mishandling ballots.

OH SWEET ZOMBIE GEEBUS! Look up MAGA loser Solomon Peña who lost his election in 22…he of course baselessly claimed fraud and tried to intimidate election officials to not certify the election, intimidate them by shooting their houses up, in one case missing a Senator’s 10 year old by inches as she slept.
Now both his first and his second hired attempted assassins have plead guilty to shooting up election officials houses at Peña’s direction (he paid them to do it, and personally shot up some of the houses with them). They could both get life.
Another day, another MAGA bunch of terrorists.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Still waiting for an answer to this too. 😂
Citation please…when was Putin turned down by NATO after he applied? Date and video please. I know, answers are for liberals, you don’t do answers you only do regurgitated propaganda, and it can’t answer questions.
What you claimed is pure Putin created propaganda you accept as fact without a thought… твоя мать трахает собак comrade.

I’m also still waiting to know if you still insist Trump wasn’t named in the latest batch of Epstein documents, and who lied to you getting you to believe that stupidity in the first place.

But then I’m still waiting for an answer to what the charges are against Hillary from your claims in 2016…another stupid lie you repeated then went silent when pressed, hoping everyone would forget what an insecure gullible blowhard you are. 7 years later no answer and no charges, but plenty against you know who! 😂 lock him up, lock him up, lock him up! That will never get old! Lock him up, lock him up, lock him up, lock him up, lock him up, lock him up!

Hiding from your constant stupid baseless accusations hasn’t worked, people remember, and you’ve only proven it over and over conclusively to everyone reading with constant idiotic accusations you immediately shrink away from but never retract when they’re easily debunked in seconds. 😂

Lack of testicular fortitude is a side effect of cranial rectosis.

newtboy said:

Bwaaahahaha!!! Putin was turned down by NATO?!? Citation please!
what I can find about Putin wanting in NATO is according to him he once floated the idea offhand to Clinton but only if Russia was admitted immediately without waiting in line, meeting basic requirements, paying, or having an acceptance vote, and only if Russia gets the same full power as America without contributing the same amount…not a true, serious, or in any way official application to join. He was not “turned down”, in fact Clinton publicly said he wouldn’t object to Russia entering NATO, but they never applied. It’s propaganda for ignorami, Sucker.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

lol….”creep”! Love it. 😂

Putin’s “Leftist talking points”! LOL!!! Not according to Russia. They gave their reasons for invasion at the time, NATO expanding was not among them. 😂

Bwaaahahaha!!! Putin was turned down by NATO?!? Citation please!
Russia walked from even negotiations with NATO in 2015. When do you say Putin asked to join…please provide a video of his speech requesting admission. Doesn’t exist because it didn’t happen. You bought and repeated ANOTHER stupid lie.

NATO was created to protect Western European countries from the Soviet Union expanding into their territories, not to fight communism but USSR expansionism. Russian expansionism is still a threat, and you don’t start a “No Homers” club then admit Homer because he changed his hairstyle…meaning you don’t form an alliance to protect against Russia then admit Russia as a lead member.
Btw- Putin has expressed interest in returning to communist socialist Russia and retaking all satellite nations.

PS- your broken English once again betrays your foreign nationality, “Guess America need an enemy for feed the military industrial complex.” is not a fractured English sentence fragment an American would say and denotes an alien sentence structure in your native tongue. 😂

PS- to debunk your Russian propaganda that NATO agreed to not expand….

And what I can find about Putin wanting in NATO is according to him he once floated the idea offhand to Clinton but only if Russia was admitted immediately without waiting in line, meeting basic requirements, paying, or having an acceptance vote, and only if Russia gets the same full power as America without contributing the same amount…not a true, serious, or in any way official application to join. He was not “turned down”, in fact Clinton publicly said he wouldn’t object to Russia entering NATO, but they never applied. It’s propaganda for ignorami, Sucker.

This stuff you spout is simple to debunk in seconds, and is mostly pure Russian propaganda straight from Sputnik. You should really look into your nonsense before spewing it into the ether like a drunk puppet in Team America. If only you cared that you look like an idiotic knownothing anti democracy anti American nutjob cultist, but clearly that doesn’t bother you.

Here’s a nightcap for you…Trump’s “security” rushing righty media away from his event when protesters start chanting “LOCK HIM UP! LOCK HIM UP! LOCK HIM UP!” 😂

bobknight33 said:

Has everything to do with NATO creep.

As usual you are just using leftest talking points.

NATO was created to keep Communist Russia in check. Russia is no longer Communist.

Also Putin asked to be enter into NATO but was turned down. -- Guess America need an enemy for feed the military industrial complex.

God Made A Dictator

newtboy says...

Trump also supports Israel exclusively, and still does. He fully supports Netanyahu grabbing power and fully supports his war. Biden didn’t “do this”, Netanyahu did, but he’s continuing the policy that has been in place since the 50’s of blind support for Israel and turning a blind eye to their atrocities and illegalities while funding and arming them.

The UN, despite America’s obstruction and obfuscation, is finally waking up to the genocidal monster they helped create that is Israel, waking up likely far too late.

I actually agree with the second part, we should stop funding the Israeli/Palestinian war, and stop funding Israel. The blowback for our support costs us 10 times what we gift Israel to commit genocide.

A disproportionate number of the violent expansionist settlers, the main cause of continuing hostilities, are American immigrants, they should all lose their citizenship and be labeled as terrorists.

bobknight33 said:

Biden did this. Stop funding this war!

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Idiot rapist mr trump has now (not including today) uncontrollably posted 50 more libelous statements about his rape victim, Carrol, since his second lying about rape trial started, and given numerous slanderous press conferences/interviews…the same kind he’s twice convicted of already and paid $5 million for the first case and awaits her second (much larger) judgement.
The jury saw what he posted during jury selection in opening statements. They will see the rest in closing statements right before deciding how much to fine him. Do you think his actions are those of a smart man, or someone having an uncontrollable tantrum?
They could easily just decide the price has been set…$5 million per statement, making it $250 million so far with likely 5 more days of his libeling and slandering her continuously WHILE AWAITING JUDGEMENT FOR LIBEL AND SLANDER! The jury is supposed to decide how much it will take to stop him and he thinks this will minimize his exposure? This judgement could actually dwarf the NY State judgement he has coming for $350 million and ending his businesses.
You don’t really believe he has $700+ million to spare, do you? 😂 you know the banks own all his properties, not him, right? You do know his billionaire status is only self claimed, never corroborated, right? 😂
Syphilis really destroys your brain. Probably why he thinks it’s ok to complain publicly (in New Hampshire) how ridiculous it was that after he lost the election he had to follow the law as he’s facing 91 counts for not following the law when he lost the election.

PS- Speaker of the house says Biden was ordained by God. MAGA insists that the Democratic Party has more power than God and overpowered him to install Biden against God’s wishes. 😂

PPS- Trump has set up what amounts to a charity (the Patriot Freedom Project) to help support, aid, and comfort the Jan 6 insurrectionists, many of which have been convicted of seditious insurrection so the claim they aren’t insurrectionists is factually and legally invalid, he has headlined many of their functions, and even hosted them at his properties for free. I wonder how the MAGA brain thinks that isn’t offering aid and comfort to insurrectionists…another violation of the 14th, can you explain?

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Still waiting coward. 😂

Waiting for you to grow a pair big enough to admit just once that you were 100% wrong. Pretty certain you are 100% incapable of admitting it, but I’m not letting you walk away from it.
Contrary to your lies, Trump is named repeatedly in the recent Epstein document release, listed as a person who raped a 13 year old girl…you claimed he’s not listed at all. He’s also on the Lolita Express passenger list going to Child Rape Island 7 times in a 4 year period, despite having his own plane.
Trump also slept with his daughter, raped 27 women and 13 year old girls, sexually assaulted nearly every attractive woman he’s ever met, and was recorded bragging about ALL of it. Not to mention being a thief, fraud, tax cheat, terrorist, treasonous insurrectionist, pederast, and dementia ridden constant liar. He doesn’t know where he is most days, and proves it by saying the wrong place on stage, can’t remember who is president (he thinks it’s Obama), can’t remember who was president 2017-20 (often blames Biden for things in 2020 or earlier), fears that we might get into WW2, and calls for ending the constitution and presidential elections because he deserves it. 🤦‍♂️

You’ve been saying that about Ukraine for years, Vlad. Sucker. They have proven you wrong every time you tried to predict the war’s future….not that you would ever admit it.
They are having issues because Republicans blocked much needed aid for months clearly trying to help Trump’s friend, Putin, and hurt democracy.

Why don’t you ever even admit to yourself that you are always wrong? Why is it you are also always on the side of evil, fascism, draconian dictators, and against Democracy. It’s consistent Bobby.
You listen to the stupidest random ignorami with nothing to lose and everything to gain from lying to you…and you love it, you are never one bit upset that every word is dishonest propaganda. You just go looking for the next lie.

Still waiting little baby. I’ll bring up your cowardly infantilism every time you try to spout more nonsensical lies, waiting for you to grow up and admit you just lie constantly because truth is for liberals. 😂

Side note-Please oh please, Don, keep Habba as your lead council in your criminal trials. She is so unqualified, incompetent, inexperienced, and abrasive that she guarantees not only conviction but the higher end of sentencing guidelines. Day 2 of his second EG Carrol rape case was another utter disaster. There may be no choice, 3 of his lawyers quit last week…Tacopino, and his subordinates Seagal, and Diorio. He no longer has a real criminal legal team, and the team that has spent a year preparing for his criminal trials that start in under 2 months just quit him. 😂 that’s gotta hurt. Habba’s going to get him the firing squad!
Lost another appeal today because they forgot to claim executive privilege over Trumps Twitter records until it was too late.



OOOPS…Those were 4000 votes for Biden that were incorrectly counted for Trump just discovered. More MAGA “cheating” (intentional or not, 4000 more votes that were counted for Trump but belonged to Biden).

bobknight33 said:

The Ukraine war is all but over. A total loss all because of Biden desire to expand NATO nations.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Gym Jordan busted today by actual phone and text messages from the whitehouse on Jan 6. He had claimed he may have talked to the whitehouse a maximum of one time on Jan 6 and only after the capital had been cleared, now it’s proven he had a 10 minute conversation with Trump hours before going to object to the legitimate electors from multiple states.
No wonder he’s still ignoring his subpoena over the biggest crime ever in American history with more arrests and more convictions than the next 3 mass crimes put together, he was directly involved and one of the architects of the attempted coup….and a willing child rapist protector. Never forget you chose the party of child rapists, willingly and with full knowledge of who you were standing with.
“You will know them by the company they keep.” makes you look like one sick fucker. These are your guys….

276 Frederick Eugene Wall, Republican candidate for state senate in SC, is charged with child pornography and sexual exploitation of a minor. He threatened reporter who asked him about it. He denies he was charged, but he has the same name, age, and address.

277 Gary Schaffrick, State GOP Treasurer in CT - child endangerment that sounds a lot like sexual assault (Bathing nude with 5 yr old boy who he sits on his lap while both are naked, sharing a bed)

278 Elected @GOP state legislators who oppose changes to state statutes of limitation so that victims of sexual assault and exploitation will be able to come forward and get justice. They are on the side of rapists and child molesters

279 GOP Rep. Michael Capps of Wichita - child abuse of foster child, overturned on a technicality, party withdraws supports, asks him to withdraw but he won’t

280 Roy Bolden, Chair of the Providence GOP - first-degree and second-degree child molestation, and third-degree sexual assault.

281 Elliott Broidy, former RNC Finance Chair, mega-donor - sexual abuse

282 Iowa GOP staff Jim Friedrich cost Iowa taxpayers $2.2 million with his sexual harassment of women

283 Former GOP State Senator Shawn Hamerlinck, sexual harassment - cost taxpayers #2.2 million

284 Iowa state Sen. Merlin A Bartz - sexual harassment

285 Iowa GOP aide Ed Failor Jr - sexual harassment

286 Iowa GOP state Sen. Rick Bertrand - sexual harassment

287 Iowa State Sen Bill Anderson - inappropriate conduct, comments

288 Iowa State Sen Tim Kapucian - inappropriate comments/conduct

289 GOP NV Assembly candidate and LEGAL brothel owner Dennis Hof was under investigation for sexual assault, though his death 10/16/18 will probably end the investigation

290 ID state rep Mark Patterson - pled guilty to attempted rape, lied about it, also said his constituents aren’t interested in that.

291 Southern Baptist Seminary leader Paige Patterson pressured women to not report their rapes, told a woman it was good she was raped. He’s not the rapist, but he helped the rapist rape more women.

292 ME state house GOP candidate Mark Bedell - domestic violence

293 NH state Rep. Eric Schleien to resign amid allegations he sexually assaulted 16-year-old student.

294 ME GOP state house candidate Chris Hoy - violating a protective order, domestic violence, assault, pled guilty

295 GOP Voters - More Republican voters would vote for a candidate accused of sexual harassment than would not. They have embraced their role as the party of sexual abuse.

296 John Boswell, Republican donor-activist - sexual assault. Arrested twice, first time at Trump inauguration, paid a $50 fine.

297 OK Republican George Faught makes the list for claiming rape and incest are God’s will. Rape culture on steroids.

298 State Rep. Rob Brooks - R-WI - racist remarks and sexual harassment

299 US Rep Ralph Norman thinks sexual assault is a joke, cracking a joke about it during a debate

300 Former executive director of SC Republican Party Todd Kincannon - domestic violence. He may be mentally ill.

Bonus- Trump’s Georgia RICO case codefendent Trevion Kutti’s lawyers both withdrew from the case because she can’t pay them (she claimed one was willing to come back, but he was still on the zoom meeting and told the judge absolutely not unless she found the cash first, then she declined a public defender. This means, unless she can find a lawyer prepared to defend her in a 4 week minimum public RICO case involving treason for free with absolutely nothing to gain for them, she’s going into it with no representation. If she’s found guilty, thanks to RICO so is Trump. The house of cards is falling! 😂

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