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Brave Men Save Pelican Tangled In Fishing Line

StukaFox says...

I fucking hate pelicans.

Two days after I bought me a brand new '97 Camero Z-28, I was doing the 500 mile break-in and decided to drive up to the San Mateo coast for a nice little blaze up sesh at that beach next to Pescadaro. I park my new baby and trot down to the beach. Three hours and far too many hits later, I stumble back to my car.

And there, on the freshly-waxed hood of my Poor Man's 'vette, is a gigantic green, dinner-plate sized, dead-fish reeking gelatenous birdshit. This thing was fucking epic, too. At first, I was pissed, then I kinda had a sense of admiration 'cause y'all don't see that kinda bird turd every day -- it was really a once-inna-lifetime experience -- but then I went back to being fucking furious when the breeze blew the stench of rotting fish in my direction and I knew I be smelling that shit all the way down Highway 1 and back over 17. Oh yeah, and it was as thick as a pancake, too, and it was bookin' no shit from the poor Mexican fuck with the power washer that I paid $10 to wash it off back in Mountain View.

I know a pelican did it, too. Pelicans got no sense of decency. That goddamn flying monstrosity took one look at my bitchin' Camaro and said, "Yup, you're fucked now Human!" I'm sure that feathered fucker was storing that guano up for a week, just waiting for some oblivious stoner to park his BRAND FUCKING NEW car in that particular spot so it could projectile shit all over the hood.

Goddamn pelicans.

Woman pepper sprays couple eating outside without masks

Mordhaus says...

Couldn't fit all that in the title. Yes, it is just a portion of the story, we don't know who was in the right. The couple shouldn't have been eating in the dog park. I don't know the laws for the state, but here you can go sans mask outside.

IF she did pepper spray them for breaking a dog park rule and eating without masks (kind of hard to eat with them), then she is a nutjob.

IF she sprayed him for attacking her, then she is perfectly in the right.

This is just the video that was available.

newtboy said:

Eating outside? In a dog park? Edit: In a dog park with a posted "no food" policy? Without masks in a state where masks are mandatory in public?
Somehow I think this isn't telling the whole story. When it starts, the man is standing up, touching her, not calmly eating. I need to see the 2 minutes before she sprays them to decide who's the nutjob here. Almost always it's the anti maskers who rush up and cough on people after being called out, that's assault with a deadly weapon, mace is perfectly reasonable as a defense.
Edit: After reading a few reports, it seems the sprayees can't keep their story some interviews they say she came up to them ranting, out of nowhere, yelling about food and masks, spray in hand, and just started spraying them. In other interviews, they say she came up yelling, went to her car to get the spray, then returned and just started spraying. Not a good sign.

I'm withholding judgement. It's sounding fishy.

We need a national policy, enforced, like most countries that got control of the Trump virus, with heavy fines or arrests for being unmasked in public spaces. Sadly, thanks to a lack of leadership, we have instead a top leader claiming masks don't work, the virus is a hoax, go about your business, and no national plan at all.

A Deer In Headlights

newtboy says...

Democrats acted quickly, first to shelter in place, San Francisco, first state, California.....Trump pushed back and kept Republican run cities and states open while insisting there was no pandemic, Chinese hoax, liberal hoax, less deadly than the flu, gone by April, no ppe shortage, everyone can get a test. Cases in those states are mostly still on the upswing, with round two now a certainty.

Trump is still breathing. America is losing.

bobknight33 said:

Trump acted quickly, Democrats pushed back and kept their cities opened.

Trump is winning. Democrats are losing.

Amazon Distribution Center in Redlands Fire

Diversity and inclusion meeting ... at Michigan school

vil says...

San Marino? Iceland? Finland? New Zealand? Switzerland? Holland? Denmark? Canada? Possibly Sweden? Id give them a shot.

Funny to imagine that. Montenegro pulling the strings for once instead of being pushed away from the camera by Trump. Half the world scurrying to maps in vain, trying to find it, the other half not knowing what the fuss is about as usual. You will buy our goat milk or we will impose tariffs on your fancy gangster guns, automobiles and helicopters!

As superpowers go, the US is not too bad. Its a fairly hands-off type superpower if you compare it to say the Roman Empire or Napoleonic France. Taking a long time to even annex Puerto Rico properly.

Wondering really how China will fare. Give it 25 years. And they sure wont ask as nicely as you just did.

bcglorf said:

Here's a challenge, name a country you think would be better, or you would rather see as the worlds dominant super power.

Most Horrible Busy Commute To Work

newtboy says...

Interesting...I googled it spelled that way before commenting and that didn't show up, only bands and restaurants and suggestions I misspelled. I guess I should have wikied.

I would swallow my own tongue before riding a train that crowded. Never, ever, ever, ever, ever. It's panic inspiring just thinking about it. I left the San Francisco bay area because it was far too crowded, but by comparison it's completely unpopulated.

oritteropo said:

I could speculate that it's because many European languages (including German) spell it that way? Even in English it was the dominant spelling until the 1890s (at least according to the google NGRA
M viewer.

Re the actual video, it takes a few cancelled trains before my line gets that crowded. It would be interesting to know if this was normal for this line.

S.F. Homeless man brings dead raccoon to a local McDonalds

S.F. Homeless man brings dead raccoon to a local McDonalds

Black Mirror: Bandersnatch | Official Trailer | Netflix

RFlagg says...

I'd say it isn't overly depressing. It's not San Junipero level happy, not even Hang the DJ. Perhaps somewhere around USS Callister and Nosedive. It's not overly depressing.

There are certainly sadder endings than others. I've watched/played it twice and basically hit 4 or all 5 endings. though I'd say there are only 3 or so "real" endings. As one can perhaps tell by the trailer, he's making a game called Bandersnatch, and there are 3 reviews of the game, which is what I'd call the real endings. The other hard endings, generally let you reset, and go back to one, or even two, key moments to reset the story lines. In those two viewings I don't recall the Jerome F Davies laughing scene that is seen in the trailer.

There are a few cool points. Like you pick which cereal you want in the morning, it'll be noted later in the show. Your music choice will effect a line later. There are some Black Mirror Easter Eggs as one would expect.

It's not the best Black Mirror episode, San Junipero is impossible to beat I'd think. but it is far from the worst. It's in the upper half, perhaps upper 3rd or even quarter.

eric3579 said:

What i need to know is does this leave you feeling miserable or is there a reasonable happyish ending (something not leaving me depressed)?

Upvote comment if it does NOT leave you feeling shitty/depressed/miserable/hopeless.

Downvote comment if it does leave you feeling all or any of those things.

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

Monsoon V

shagen454 says...

Yeah people are moronic about flooding during monsoons, that's why we in Arizona have a "stupid motorist" law that charges them for their own rescue.

Not only a month ago I was driving back to AZ from San Diego and it was pouring the whole way back. Got back to Tucson and it was cold and clouds everywhere. Next day decided to go to this awesome canyon because I knew there would be water and after a rain like that the Sonoran desert becomes gloriously green. Basically the whole canyon park is split by a wash that turns into a raging river and on this occasion the water was flooding over all of the bridges essentially making half the canyon park inaccessible.

Then, out of the blue comes this young guy walking super fast holding his two daughters' hands, began to cross the flooded bridge, the water was about two feet deep but it was moving fast. Luckily, a park ranger stopped him, but those two little kids probably would have been swept away and drowned. Later, on we saw a rescue heli go up and saw on the news that someone had been swept away because they tried to cross.

Clearing Frozen Roof Drains on Warehouse

BSR says...

That's me after driving for hours through the night drinking coffee and finally arriving at a rest area on the Interstate. Sans the hammer and chisel.

How do you embed Instagram's videos? (Geek Talk Post)

ant says...

@lucky760 & @dag -- So, there's no way to post embed code into VS like from

<blockquote class="instagram-media" data-instgrm-captioned data-instgrm-permalink="" data-instgrm-version="9" style=" background:#FFF; border:0; border-radius:3px; box-shadow:0 0 1px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.5),0 1px 10px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.15); margin: 1px; max-width:540px; min-width:326px; padding:0; width:99.375%; width:-webkit-calc(100% - 2px); width:calc(100% - 2px);"><div style="padding:8px;"> <div style=" background:#F8F8F8; line-height:0; margin-top:40px; padding:50.0% 0; text-align:center; width:100%;"> <div style=" background:url(
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Venom Trailer 2

Sagemind says...

"The approach makes sense. Lethal Protector reinvented the long-tongued symbiote for the '90s. It kicked off with a truce between Eddie Brock and Spider-Man, and saw Brock move to San Francisco. There, he began a career as an antihero rather than as a villain. Needless to say, trouble followed hot on Brock's heels, as the miniseries saw Venom hunted down by the Life Foundation. They sought to tap into the power of Brock's symbiote, and created five new symbiote spawn. We can assume the film will adapt this plot twist to introduce Carnage, rumored to be the main bad guy. He's one of Marvel's most brutal villains, created when a symbiote bonded with a psychopathic murderer. It's believed Riz Ahmed is playing Carnage's host, Cletus Kasady."

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