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Trump Pretends He Never Compared Coronavirus to the Flu

newtboy says...

TL:DW- but Pence is now claiming all the "don't worry, everything's fine, it will just go away, it's not as bad as the average flu and flu shots are protection" talk from Trump was merely hundreds of thousands - millions of Americans will die because Trump was optimistic, and based his administration's actions on his optimistic and ignorant pie in the sky high hopes, not the reality he was being told from all sides back in 2019.
Odd, when Clinton based her actions/inactions on an optimistic estimate of the safety of our embassy based on actual intelligence reports, 99% of Republicans wanted her in prison until her public execution because her decisions cost American lives.

Who's optimism cost more American lives? To date, it's Clinton 4-Trump 5500 (expected to rise to a minimum of 100000-250000 in the coming weeks). Trump's optimism is going to be more deadly to America than 9-11, the Iraq war, and the Afghanistan war combined...10-25 times more dead by the most optimistic predictions based on 100% compliance with social distancing and no surprises.
Trump's incompetence has now risen to the level of being the deadliest man in America ever by far. If he's a wartime president like he's labeled himself, these are war crimes. String him up, string him up, string him up......

One Policy That Impacts Coronavirus Math

newtboy says...

So delusional.
You asked why, which was answered in the video clearly....I guess reality means nothing to you. An impossible dream of some magically universally enriching personal responsibility (your plan-all you need to do is save that money you aren't earning for hard(er) times) means less to me than hundreds of thousands of deaths and trillions in socialist handouts and losses.

I live in the real world, not the fantasy where being undereducated, under employed, and destitute is a choice people make. This fictional reality where everyone has the means and opportunity to succeed. If working hard and staying clean was a guarantee of financial success, you might have 1/2 a point to make, but it's not.

Yep, typical....berate me for being Santa by suggesting paid leave is smart, then pat orange Santa on the back for enacting a more expensive 1/2 ass version of that plan but wasting and grifting hundreds of billions in the process. Having it be federal law before it was too late could have slowed the spread, flattening the curve....1/2 measures long after it's an epidemic won't.

Economy, in the toilet. Unemployment, jumping faster than the great depression. Health and safety, a memory. Infrastructure, completely forgotten. Debt and deficit, skyrocketing like never before in history. How exactly are you winning today?

Come on, where's my "red tsunami 2020"?

bobknight33 said:

I did watch,
Personal responsibility means nothing to you.

Ok Santa Clause.

Orange man Santa Trump got their back.

MEGA 2020

Live mic, Donald

newtboy says...

Not's an astute condemnation of and excoriation for a number of things Trump recently did (or refused to do) that put national safety at risk and makes us far less able to successfully contain the pandemic here.

Jesusismypilot said:

TLDR I'm sure the comment was a brilliant pillory of something President Trump did.

Which is The Most Dangerous Car? Problems with NHTSA ratings

newtboy says...

Maybe for average cars, but that's not true when it comes to old Broncos or Jeeps. In the early 70's, they built them like tanks (heavy and slow), especially with the roll bar option properly installed, Broncos even had a thick full tube frame, not just a C channel, not unibody, and definitely no plastic.

Granted, the safety systems were lap belts and nothing more and the steering column would spear through your chest in a head on crash while the bare metal dash cracks your passenger's head, even stock they tend to roll, the fuel economy is non existent, and top speed is well under 2/3 what modern cars can produce (good thing since the brakes are sub par), but the cars themselves are nearly indestructible (I have one of each). I've dropped my jeep frame 3+ ft onto solid rock, it chipped the rock (and maybe my spine). ;-)
Late 70's early 80's that all changed, mostly for the worst.

Spacedog79 said:

A good way to get a feel for the difference between modern and older cars is to play BeamNG. Crash an old car at speed in that and it will get destroyed while a modern car will hold together.

Which is The Most Dangerous Car? Problems with NHTSA ratings

newtboy says...

I was thinking about car safety and how the biggest variable is likely the specific cars are driven on average, and it struck me that the best way to promote public safety would be to make your maximum speed limit variable based on gvw (gross vehicle weight). This is already done for vehicles with more than two axles or those towing trailers because it's obvious they take longer to stop. The same logic should apply to every car. It's a no brainer that a Humvee takes longer to stop than a Miata, and is far less controllable under emergency braking. For the safety of both those in such larger vehicles and the general public, they should not be allowed to go as fast as cars weighing 1/4 their weight with better brakes.
A side benefit of such a system would be greater average fuel economy, because bigger cars have greater wind resistance (on average) so become less efficient at higher speeds.
Of course, I wouldn't expect that kind of reason to ever fly in America where the most popular car is a heavy truck that's never used for hauling and could be replaced with a Honda Civic with no loss of functionality for >75% of owners....but everyone wants to drive a tank so they're safer, with no thought about what that means for the other cars on the road.

*quality explanation of why crash testing is only a tiny part of real life safety in cars

Which is The Most Dangerous Car? Problems with NHTSA ratings

eric3579 says...

imo We've come a long way in a short period of time when it comes to vehicle safety, and i get the impression automobiles are going to be quite a bit safer in the near future.

I've been the cause of three minor fender benders in my life, and all three would have been avoided if i was driving a new fancy car equipped with collision avoidance gear.

Policeman Just Hanging Out While On Duty

newtboy says...

Maybe, but I'm not paid well with extraordinary benefits and authority or charged with public safety. They are. I don't have paid therapy to get over the treatment they give and I receive, they do. I don't have immunity from consequences, they do. I don't have a gang willing to lie, cheat, steal, threaten,etc on my behalf, they do. I don't fight tooth and nail for my right to lie to you for my benefit and your detriment, they do.
My cynicism doesn't destroy and end lives with accusations, lies, and bullets...theirs does.

It was hardly early afternoon, and my cynicism is a constant. ;-)

Nothing is going to change. I was a helpful, hopeful person until reality made me change, my helpfulness and optimism about people never changed a cynical one into an optimist, but they sure changed my optimism to cynicism. I've too often seen open hearted 'benefits of a doubt' be exploited, and it's exceptionally rare it's been earned or rewarded. I would say if you aren't cynical about humans in general, and authorities without exception, you aren't paying attention and you'll end up regretting it.

That said, I'm not saying don't be helpful, just be careful about it or prepared to pay for your good deeds. Edit: I am saying don't put yourself in jeopardy to help cartel gang members. They don't warrant the risk.

Mauru said:

dude. it's a bit ironic that you seem to display the same dark cynicism which you describe as being at fault for the situation you describe.
While I don't exactly disagree with your sentiment I sincerely hope it was just a spur of late night "bwah, world is grim".
Help someone if you can - don't underestimate the impact of leading by example - and if you wait for someone to define who needs to "logically begin" or what the implications of some obscure system are nothing's going to change,

Fascinating Interview with a Sociopath

newtboy says...

It's important to note there's a difference between antisocial personality disorder and just being antisocial.
Just being antisocial is not a personality disorder.
Antisocial - not sociable; not wanting the company of others
Antisocial personality disorder -Those with antisocial personality disorder tend to lie, break laws, act impulsively, and lack regard for their own safety or the safety of others. Symptoms may lessen with age.

We all know people with antisocial personality disorder, we likely have one or more in the Whitehouse, but recognizing them can be impossible if you don't understand what to look for, especially considering most know how to mask their lack of empathy and manipulative personality expertly, even more so when you understand many people would prefer a pleasant lie to a cold hard truth.
Kudos to him for being so open.
*promote *quality information

School resource officer threatens to shoot student leaving

newtboy says...

They threatened to shoot him if he tried to leave school. He has every right to defend himself, and zero obligation to remain after such threats to his safety. They're lucky he didn't just duck behind the dash and hit the gas, using the excuse he feared for his safety after an armed man blocked his exit and threatened to shoot him if he drove away.
Standing in traffic, blocking his vehicle to detain him as they did is illegal too. Any decent lawyer would have both their jobs. School administrators aren't police, school resource officers aren't police. Detaining someone by physically blocking their exit with a threat of deadly violence is called kidnapping.
The proper action would be to simply suspend him, but allow him to leave, not go on a power trip and commit crimes. I feel like these administrators are going to have a problem in the near future.

Stay In School, Kids...

newtboy says...

Only delusional cultists would say they failed to prove his motive was personal and against the national interest. Deal with it.
His "transcript", a heavily edited summary that put the best possible spin on his call proved it handily by itself, and not one word, action, or piece of evidence contradicts that conclusion.
His defence was "as president, I'm essentially king and can do no wrong, and everything is permitted. My party is in control and are too scared of me to convict." So much for faithfully preserving, protecting and defending the constitution, he can't even read one sentence from it, said it was a foreign language. (That's fact, not opinion, btw) It's obvious he has no idea whatever it says.
There was no amount of indisputable proof that would have convinced the cowardly sycophantic"republicans" to turn on Trump, they ignored all evidence provided and refused to look at any, much less investigate because they know he now owns what's left of their party and therefore their futures, and they also know the slightest step out of line makes them his target, which means losing their job, power, and family's safety because his cultists include thousands of potential domestic terrorists just itching for him to set their target.
Edit:"The strength and power of despotism consists wholly in the fear of resistance." Thomas Paine

Edit: my theory is they reserved the dozen indisputable criminal acts they can prove until the Democrats run the Senate next year just in case he wins by hook or crook, knowing there is nothing, including cold blooded public murder, that the Republicans would convict him of.

Jesusismypilot said:

That's a lot of TDS in one post. I wish there was video to go with the frothy typing.

It was a big show that hinged on one exceptionally weak plank... motive. Dems failed to prove the motive of President Trump's quid pro quo was to meddle with the 2020 election. The Dem running of the impeachment was as poor as their running of the Iowa caucus. Deal with it.

Security Door

Climbing 700 m above the Abyss: Stairway to Heaven Austria

WmGn says...

In the close-up of the carabiners at 1:06, the gates are both facing in the same direction.

When we see them in use (e.g. 1:17 - 1:22, 1:30), they're facing in opposite directions - which, as I understand it, is the correct way to use them as it reduces the risk that an accident (e.g. a falling rock hit, a fall that suddenly stresses the safety line...) opens both at once.

I liked this video, but would have expected a high-safety culture not to show carabiners the wrong way around?

Impeachment Bombshell Ties Trump and Rudy to Ukraine Scheme

newtboy says...

Still laughing Bobski? I am.

Trump has no facts on his side. Not one. Even his best defense, the money was released without the announcement of the investigations he demanded, is laughable since that came AFTER the drug deal was being investigated publicly....just like his angry denial on the phone of "I want nothing, I want nothing, no quid pro quo" came after he knew an investigation had started, he probably thought the question was a set up and was being taped by investigators. You don't get credit for dropping the money bag after being caught stealing it.

I'm sure the state department was pissed they were bypassed by Trump's idiot lackies pushing extortion schemes, their job is to safeguard our national interests and national safety and Trump was actively engaged in private unsanctioned operations in direct opposition to our national interests, policies, and laws using private citizens to form and implement secret foreign policy that directly contradicts long term public policy, hurts our standings, hurts Ukraine, and helps Putin. The only winner is Russia, who sold moronic Trump a previously thoroughly debunked fantasy, and he was so eager to suck more Putin cock that he discarded the entire intelligence community's warnings and the state department and instead believed a pair of Russian tied Ukrainian crooks and liars, and did their bidding for a bribe.

Any reasonable American is pissed he stupidly sold out the country for a lie.

Giving aid and comfort to an enemy of the state is called what? There's no question that withholding the aid to Ukraine gave both aid and comfort to Russia, a hostile foreign power and enemy of America.
What did Trump say we should to to those who committed treason?

bobknight33 said:

I'm not crying I'm laughing my ass off over the democrat special. Only hearsay witnesses.

State department pissed that they weren't used. With all the leaks no wonder Trump bypassed this group.

Your drinking Shift Koolaid and being killed by facts.

Giuliani/Trump Donors/Associates Arrested Fleeing The U.S.

newtboy says...

Oops....Trump's trade advisor went on Fox and stupidly admitted that as part of his trade talks with China he asked the Chinese to investigate Biden....well before Trump said the same thing on international television. This tanks the moronic Republican lie that Trump was only trolling the press when he publicly said China needs to investigate his political rivals, it was also an official request tied to his trade wars.

Numerous other Republicans are getting caught in this Giuliani slime web, having accepted massive foreign donations from Giuliani's friends with strings attached to each one.

Now, after pulling our forces from Syria where they were stopping Turkey from invading by their presence....for their safety and to get the U.S. out of the middle east he said, but really it's to protect his interests in the Trump towers in Turkey from state seizure....Today he announced he's sending thousands of troops to Saudi Arabia for their protection. (I guess so they don't have to use those weapons he's so proud they bought?)
These moves not only make it likely ISIS will survive and embed themselves worldwide, but also makes enemies of the Kurds, our staunch allies. It is foreseeable that a new, anti American Kurdish terrorist group will be the result. Who could possibly blame them?

Also this morning Trump lost another appeal trying to hide his taxes.

Will the madness ever end?

Moment Bridge Collapses Crushing Boats And Trapping Crew

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