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Palestinian UN Ambassador At UN

bcglorf says...

"Who the fuck cares what the reason they wanted to invadeflee was?"

Characterization matters a little here, no?

"They had a right to refugee status there, not to take control and possession by force"

Which is at the heart of things.

The Arab narrative is that Jews arrived guns loaded and set about pillaging, killing and invading as soon as they had sufficient numbers, while the poor domestic Arab population had only been trying to assist and welcome in the refugees...

Which is ahistorical propaganda.

The reality is that for the most part, the European Jews arriving in Palestine were refugees and acting like refugees. Meaning they mostly just wanted to be able to provide food, shelter and safety for the families, just like everyone else. Most of them tried to set about doing this by legally purchasing land.

Lots of the local Arabs similarly were content to get along.

At that same time though, there were hardcore Zionists among the Jewish arrivals AND there were xenophobic elements willing to use violence within the Arab population too.

The tensions rose as the populations rose, but largely as a result of a large people being displaced, and NOT as the planned invasion you describe. The local Arab population started to band together to refuse to work, trade or sell to Jews. Violence broke out instigated separately on smallish scales by BOTH sides. Escalating violence followed, again back and forth between sides.

I'm in a camp that has a hard time blaming either the domestic Arab population for distress at the huge influx of refugees, nor for the European Jewish people having a low tolerance for discrimination and violence directed there way solely for being Jewish.

I see it as a huge mess, but with two large populations of Jewish and Arab people in Palestine acting not terribly unreasonably under circumstances of extreme pressure.

I think it's lazy and convenient to just declare 'invasion' so that you can simplify it all down to right/wrong and good guy/bad guy....

w1ndex (Member Profile)

Nike’s Flagship Store Closes Due INSANE Crime

newtboy says...

Nike had sold discounted and out-of-season items at the Northeast neighborhood factory store since 1984.
Not a flagship Nike store, but a flagship “community factory store”….a low profit discount out of season outlet store.

Last year the store quietly shuttered its doors due to internal and external theft and safety issues. With expensive and small/lightweight stock and absolutely no anti theft security in place and police too busy joking about running over citizens to even try to arrest shoplifters, it’s hardly surprising they became targets for petty theft by employees and customers.

Nike did not provide a specific reason for the permanent closure and said it is considering future locations in the area, not that they were abandoning it because of high crime. Sounds like they just need a more secure building. Nice try.

"Nike’s commitment to supporting and uplifting Portland’s North and Northeast community is unwavering. We are reimagining Nike’s retail space, permanently closing our current location at 2650 NE Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard, and considering future locations as part of this community’s long term revitalization plan,"

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Lol…WOKE is dying as a slur. 😂

It’s not helping DeSantis screaming about woke everything every fourth word, and it’s hurting Florida terribly.
Not only has Disney cancelled well over a BILLION dollars of investments in Florida and decided not to create thousands of good paying jobs there (and beaten DeSantis in courts like a step child), tourism is falling, travel safety warnings growing daily, and at least 14 major conventions have cancelled citing a hostile political climate (like the Tom Joiner foundation (sports betting and online gambling), specialty toy retail association, research in vision and ophthalmology, and the national sales network conference…not liberal conferences, business conferences with tens of thousands of well off attendees now getting hotels and expensive meals in another state).

Florida, already over $24 BILLION IN DEBT (officially predicted to be over $30 billion by 2027) is losing three of its cash flow streams thanks to the undefined “war on woke” that has destroyed DeSantis’s campaign dreams. Not even most Republicans care about that stupid culture war “woke” nonsense, and those who do couldn’t tell you what it is if their lives depended on it. 😂

PS- now both kid Rock and Manly Greene have been caught selling or drinking the beer they both started a conservative boycott of, proving again your leaders (both cultural and political) don’t do or believe what they say….ever.

I guess Cheesebro’s attempt to separate his trial by demanding a speedy trial isn’t working as expected. 😂

Oliver Anthony - Rich Men North Of Richmond

newtboy says...

Why are so many here upvoting this anti governmental America hating regressive racist extreme Christian right MAGA anthem the anti government America hating extreme Christian MAGA right has latched onto?

Do you not know what he’s saying?
Do you not understand “people like me and people like you” refers to white Christian nationalist people?
Do you not understand what’s meant by “with an old soul” (it means they want to regress to pre-civil rights era Jim crow)?
Do you not understand the “rich men north of Richmond” he speaks about are just the Democratic “tax and spend” politicians (and maybe RINOS but not MAGA)?
Do you not notice the anti government assistance message?
Did you miss the pro incel message?
Did you miss all the fat shaming by a fat man?
Did you not notice the COMPLAINT that the government protected minors being raped on an island INSTEAD OF coal miners (who in fact have had dozens of government “welfare” programs created to get them retraining and jobs in industries that are less deadly, pollute less, and pay over minimum wage as well as instituted hundreds of governmental safety regulations that have cut miner deaths exponentially).

Did no one listen to the message of the song?
Did no one else notice the completely homogenous angry white middle age crowd?

WTF people!?

I've been sellin' my soul, workin' all day
Overtime hours for bullshit pay
So I can sit out here and waste my life away
Drag back home and drown my troubles away

It's a damn shame what the world's gotten to
For people like me and people like you
Wish I could just wake up and it not be true
But it is, oh, it is

Livin' in the new world
With an old soul
These rich men north of Richmond
Lord knows they all just wanna have total control
Wanna know what you think, wanna know what you do
And they don't think you know, but I know that you do
'Cause your dollar ain't shit and it's taxed to no end
'Cause of rich men north of Richmond

I wish politicians would look out for miners
And not just minors on an island somewhere
Lord, we got folks in the street, ain't got nothin' to eat
And the obese milkin' welfare

Well, God, if you're 5-foot-3 and you're 300 pounds
Taxes ought not to pay for your bags of fudge rounds
Young men are puttin' themselves six feet in the ground
'Cause all this damn country does is keep on kickin' them down

Lord, it's a damn shame what the world's gotten to
For people like me and people like you
Wish I could just wake up and it not be true
But it is, oh, it is

Livin' in the new world
With an old soul
These rich men north of Richmond
Lord knows they all just wanna have total control
Wanna know what you think, wanna know what you do
And they don't think you know, but I know that you do
'Cause your dollar ain't shit and it's taxed to no end
'Cause of rich men north of Richmond

I've been sellin' my soul, workin' all day
Overtime hours for bullshit pay

Cop Pulls Over Top-Ranking Officer for Speeding

newtboy says...

96 in a 35, nearly triple the speed limit in a rural/residential area!?!…that’s 100% dangerous reckless driving. He intentionally drove in an outrageously unsafe manner with wanton disregard for the safety of persons or property….under color of authority to boot! That should make this a felony with a 5 year sentence.

Any citizen caught would go directly to jail with the car impounded for a week minimum (after getting beaten up and tased), and sentenced to 5-90 days, $1000 fine, two or more points on their license, cancelled insurance, and loss of employment if they drive for their job.

He gets a ticket he won’t even pay, no thought of impound, and two days of extra vacation (“without pay” means they use sick time, vacation time, overtime, or Flex Time…they still get paid in full, they’re just not on the clock for 2 days.)
His passenger in uniform didn’t even get a reprimand for doing it with him. He should also see prison.

It’s time for citizens to citizens arrest these criminals, deadly force is authorized if they resist.

What happens if u toss a grenade in the pool

newtboy says...

Calling fake. I think it’s a toy grenade and probably a coke/mentos or dry ice “bomb” underwater to make the relatively safe explosion that’s so poorly cut in at the end.

Notice he calmly holds onto the “grenade” for 3 full seconds before tossing it just feet away. No sane person would do that with a real live grenade that has a 4-5.5 second fuse and a fatality radius of 5 meters. Were it real, it easily could have exploded before hitting the water and he would be dead or severely injured. He didn’t even have a safety shield to hide behind.

A real golfball grenade sitting on the bottom like that would punch a hole in the best made pool, especially right next to the drain like it was, and the shockwave through the water would likely crack the walls.

Here’s what it really looks like (explosion at 1:14)

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Biden has cut the deficit in half, by over $1.5 TRILLION PER YEAR since 2020. Trump raised it every year, more than tripling it in 2020! You clearly haven’t thought your position through.

So that’s a “yes”…you support the terroristic taking the economy hostage and murdering it if the right isn’t capitulated too like a kidnapper with his knife to your children’s throats. You think the right thing to do is give the terrorist kidnapper anything they want and let them walk away to do it again next week. Sinking ever lower, Gary.

America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists, that only emboldens them….if you were an American and not a terrorist you would know that.

You support terroristic legislating by blackmail because you know your party is incapable of Democratic legislating and has no love for America or its citizens. You support economy destroying threats because your party only knows how to destroy economies but you hope they can blame Biden if he signs off on any “deal”.

1) you were more than fine with spending like a drunken sailor on things that hurt America when Trump added 1/3 of the total debt in one term, crashed the economy, blew up the debt and deficit, killed 1 million Americans and disabled 2 million, and created 15% unemployment…you actually want to go back. Biden has spent exponentially less, and boosted revenue massively, both help the debt.
2) you moron, paying the bills you already racked up isn’t spending more. Not paying them is WASTING TRILLIONS for absolutely nothing…clearly what the right prefers. You want to max out the credit card on nonsense for 4 years then tell Democrats they can’t spend a dime except on Republican corporate welfare programs or you’ll just not pay the bill and get the card cancelled, knowing it will make the entire family homeless, handing the family farm over to China who holds our debt and can forclose. 🤦‍♂️

Estimates are near 8 million jobs lost and over $10 TRILLION in private stock losses expected in just the short term, far worse if it’s a long term problem…TRILLIONS in government losses and TRILLIONS MORE EVERY YEAR in higher interest rates…a complete government shutdown as government employees go unpaid so stop working (but continue to rack up salaries that will be paid eventually, for not working)…and a global depression worse than the Republican caused deregulation recession of ‘08.

I dare you to claim evaporating $10 trillion somehow SAVES money….I double dog dare you.

You are prepared to get poorer for nothing at all while STILL having the debt grow thanks to Trump’s outrageous spending spree, but are insistent that Republican spending not lose a dime.
Every Republican program should be cancelled first, all those contracts/bills to build the wall defaulted, all those military programs making equipment we no longer use cancelled, million dollar fake “investigations” that have only exposed the criminal hypocrisy of the right and not corroborated a single accusation cancelled, the tax breaks for billionaires and corporations that did NOT create a boom they caused a crash cancelled, any and all federal payments to red states cancelled because it only makes them reliant on the federal government which is like slavery…then not only would no loss of the societal safety net (guaranteeing a wave of homelessness never seen), 1 million vets would not be made homeless, etc AND the debt would actually be lowered.

You love the idea of getting poorer for spite and nothing more, dumbshit. If you just stop paying your credit card, the debt isn’t forgiven, it raises exponentially with higher interest and fees and lowers your ability to borrow more, that’s what’s already happened and will be so much worse in the depression by choice the right wants to cause. The money will still be spent, it will just cost exponentially more to borrow it.

Republicans have left the Capitol for their 5 day weekend to return Tuesday to restart “negotiations” they are pretending to be involved in, meaning default is now guaranteed without some legal wrangling by Biden to end run them. He should have done so in February.

The damage this is going to cause the economy is ten fold what it claims to be trying to save. It is clearly not about saving money, it’s 100% about blocking any democratic legislation by usurping the president is control of the purse strings. You would never accept this from the left. You know it too.

I know anyone not a brain dead cultist slug knows this, this fight isn’t over the debt, it’s about control…control from the minority by terrorism. We need a second amendment solution…only 20 representatives need to miss the vote for sanity to return.

bobknight33 said:

So Government should just spending there is not tomorrow.
This inflation id due to excessive government spending.

If you like getting poorer be for biden and team.

Debt Ceiling Talks Cancelled

newtboy says...

Gaetz just said on an interview with Semafor when talking about his fellow conservative’s position on the debt ceiling “negotiations”…

”They don’t feel like we should negotiate with our hostage.”

More proof the debt ceiling crisis is 100% manufactured terroristic “holding the country hostage” to subvert democracy and rule from the minority or destroy the economy, and that the right has no intention of negotiating or compromising their insane position that the right may add 1/3 of all US debt in one term unfettered by any restraints but the left must be so miserly they abandon their own barely funded safety net programs … but not Republican waste and grift like unwanted military programs and other corporate welfare…and absolutely not increase revenue but cut it more or else.

America doesn’t negotiate with hostage taking terrorists. Even “negotiating” invites more of the same. Easy solution to this is…
1)Walk from the fake “negotiations”. 2)unilaterally abolish the debt ceiling by presidential order. 3) Crush Republicans in 24. 4) Legislate a solution and stop the stupidity.

How did 4 years of MAGA bring the US to this!?!

Man Rips Up His Cash Over Seat Belt Ticket

surfingyt says...

While smart to wear one I also agree it shouldn't be a law. It's the same as helmet laws which vary from state to state proving that it's not really a public safety issue so much as a reason for the cops to have (yet another) tool in their toolbox to collect additional revenue and potentially escalate the crime.

BSR said:

Seat belts will better help keep you in control of your vehicle after a collision. If your car rolls over or you go sideways into a tree it helps keep you from back, head and neck injuries which could leave you with pain and mobility issues long after the crash. I also see it as being very selfish to your family and loved ones who potentially may have to care for you if you survive, in which case you will be very annoyed and annoying.

It should be mandated by government because some people think they are the best drivers ever.

Does any of your family members drive the disabled alarm car?

Man Rips Up His Cash Over Seat Belt Ticket

cloudballoon says...

It's a public safety issue if you speed & crash, and then got flung onto the road.... but that's admittedly extreme.

I myself prefer to take the seatbelt off when I'm reversing.

The guy not only need to wear a seat belt, he needs to be strapped in a padded room...

visionep said:

Those alarms can be disabled. I always disable them on my cars so it doesn't annoy me when I don't want to wear my seatbelt.

Seatbelt laws are very strange to me. I think the law should only be that you can get a ticket if you don't force your children to wear a seatbelt. Forcing adults to wear them does nothing for public safety, it's a personal safety issue which shouldn't be mandated by the government.

I'm surprised the cops didn't refer the guy to mental services. This guy definitely has control issues and it would be worth it for his family to have him checked out and get help if he needed it.

Man Rips Up His Cash Over Seat Belt Ticket

visionep says...

Those alarms can be disabled. I always disable them on my cars so it doesn't annoy me when I don't want to wear my seatbelt.

Seatbelt laws are very strange to me. I think the law should only be that you can get a ticket if you don't force your children to wear a seatbelt. Forcing adults to wear them does nothing for public safety, it's a personal safety issue which shouldn't be mandated by the government.

I'm surprised the cops didn't refer the guy to mental services. This guy definitely has control issues and it would be worth it for his family to have him checked out and get help if he needed it.

Watch Elon Musk's Rocket Explode After Launch

Harzzach says...

The damage was so massive that they have to rebuild entire portions of the Texas Launch Site. It's quite possible that the immediate failure of several engines on one side was caused by debris from the launch pad.

How build launch durable pads, especially when using powerful engines, isnt something we have to learn first by making mistakes. This is basic engineering 101 at NASA.

While i still cant get enough from vertically landing rocket stages and i deeply respect the work of Space-X engineers ... this ongoing, absolute reckless launch safety strategy (or should i say the lack of) does not bode well for manned missions.

BSR said:

The launch pad and surrounding area was a mess with debris and a car was damaged some distance away from the launch pad.

Roger's Spaceship crashed on Earth.

newtboy jokingly says...

It’s been established years ago that Roger was just a crash test dummy testing the safety of his ship that was intentionally crashed, not “The Decider” judging Earth.
What’s this rewriting of cartoon history!?!

Paris Burns As Macron Remains Defiant

newtboy says...

Typical of you to not watch the video and completely misinterpret the issue.

Had you watched it, you would maybe understand the protests aren’t over the age changes, they’re over Macron unilaterally making the change without any parliamentary vote….

…so you can comprehend, imagine if Biden lowered the age for Social Security and Medicaid by presidential order without consulting congress. You would be out there burning government buildings right now calling him the Devil.

You think average people live to 94 or older…or can you simply not do the math? (I know which). 77 (average lifespan) - 67 (retirement age in America) = 10 years…10 years of retirement after 50 at work is too much. Seriously. You should be able to rest a few more years after 67.

Millionaires paid 75%+ tax when it started. Go back to that and exempt anyone making over $150k or with over $2 million in the bank from collecting, 3-1 is totally sustainable.

Clearly you don’t understand what a ponzi scheme is or how they work.

When Social security was enacted, retirement was relatively unknown and the elderly largely lived as paupers, destitute, relying on the kindness of strangers for their meager existence. The disabled were put in horrific institutions. How do you think that would work today?

The simple solution is enact and enforce reasonable income/net worth limits. If those that don’t need it stop taking it, it functions fine…but the rich want their slice too until they can destroy the safety net they don’t need.

bobknight33 said:

62 to 64 retirement age..
some government cheese for 30+ years.
You should be able to work few more years.

Granted there are differences between a labor and an accountant on ones body after 30 years of work.

Social security is a ponzi scheme.
Once introduced the average life span was 67 and SS come started at 65.

+ there were about 5 putting in for every 1 taking out. Now its about 3 to 1. Unsustainable.

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