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Starship Troopers - I'm Doing My Part

choggie says...

This movie is all smiles...the longest series of pyrotechnics charges on film in this movie....No shit, a mile and a half, to simulate and wair-strike on the bugs, through a Klendathu canyon....that planet;s name from Heinlein's 1959 novel Starship Troopers ..
Here's another classic film adaptation inspired by Hiney

Plot summary for
The Brain Eaters (1958)

Strange things are happening in Riverdale, Illinois. A huge, seemingly alien structure has been found jutting out of the earth. Sent to investigate the origin of the mysterious object, Senator Walter Powers discovers that parasites from the center of the earth have infiltrated the town, taking control of the authorities and workers, making communication with the outside world impossible, and leaving the responsibility of stopping the invasion up to Powers and a small group of free individuals.

Real Japanese Mech Warrior

Farhad2000 says...

Logically there is no way a mech will be created for military purposes in replacement of conventional forces. What one would see is armoured suits akin to Starship Troopers (The book not the crappy movie)

A giant centipede, scolopendra gigantea robusta, killing and eating a mouse.

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