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Obama the Neo-Conservative?

jwray says...

The description to this video is just FUD. He has never supported preemptive wars. He voted against the Iraq war and said the troops should have stayed in Afghanistan to finish off Bin Laden and the Taliban. Unlike Iraq, Most of Afghanistan WANTS more troops to help fight a resurgent Taliban (and thereby defend their basic freedoms from those fundamentalist nutjobs who would have women accused of adultery beheaded) Once we've fucked up a country with war we have an obligation to help rebuild it, if that's what you mean by "nation building".

"United Nations, NATO, and the World Bank"
Aside from the World Bank's usury, why show such contempt for international cooperation? One world government is not necessarily a bad thing.

"From the cave-spotted mountains of northwest Pakistan, to the centrifuges spinning beneath Iranian soil, we know that the American people cannot be protected by oceans or the sheer might of our military alone."
Iran actually DOES have centrifuges for enriching fuel for power plants, and such equipment could easily be reallocated to weapons production if Iran wanted to do so. Nothing about that statement is inaccurate, only your FUD interpretation of it is inaccurate. Obama has never supported attacking Iran. Apparently you think acknowledging the existence of a threat we might face is equivalent to advocating war. Irishman makes the same mistake. Obama is not warmongering, he is trying to build international cooperation. Counterterrorism does not require starting any new wars. He has said we will GTFO of Iraq by 2010 and just finish the job in Afghanistan.

"join overwhelming military force with sound judgment"
That's not saying we should start any new wars. The only war he's advocating is finishing the job in Afghanistan.

What Sawyer says to Kate in Lost Season 4 Finale

Technotronic ☆ Pump Up The Jam

Wanda Sykes on Gay Marriage

Helping 1.5 mil Iraqi Refugees = Treason

qualm says...

Yup. Most Dems are more "liberal" than the Republicans on "values", but after that all bets are off. But hey, even Cindy Sheehan is a right-winger on economic issues. There's hope, though, for a resurgent progressive movement in the US. The recent WSF in Atlanta was a remarkable event.

A commercial from India about permenant markers

vsabraxas says...

"like telling her she's worthless."----checkout sati.

"Sati is the practice through which widows are voluntarily or forcibly burned alive on their husband's funeral pyre. It was banned in 1829, but had to be banned again in 1956 after a resurgence. There was another revival of the practice in 1981 with another prevention ordinance passed in 1987 (Morgan 1984). The idea justifying sati is that women have worth only in relation to men. This illustrates women's lack of status as individuals in India"

Focus - Hocus Pocus

Pregnant in America - trailer

gargoyle says...

Good post! At the other end of the spectrum is


There is a small but sure resurgence into natural births, which made this mama very happy. I live where I have the opportunity and the support to choose to birth at home (as well as two low-risk pregnancies). If you are pregnant check out these sites, to see the other end of the spectrum. It doesn't have to be the hospital way.

CNN panel discussion slandering atheists!

PostMortem says...

Hi Choggie,

I disagree with your comment on one major point. Beyond that I'm going to make a couple of comments that, if I read the deeper meaning to your statement correctly, we may actually agree on.

A jew is like a black man, you can't scrub the jewish off Atheist, has developed and adopted a system of beliefs, just like a Christian, which is NOT like a Jew

Jewish is not a race. This is a common misconception. The misconception was compounded in the US by a SCOTUS ruling in the 80's. The ruling stated the Jewish can be considered a race for purposes of anti-discrimination laws. Many Jews were very upset by this because they felt that it misrepresented what a Jew was.
(Watch me tip-toe around this mine field.... Just to be clear I think the SCOTUS decision was good if it prevents discrimination)
Not to belabor the point, but because it is such a commonly held belief that Jewish is a race I want to make sure I'm clear. Jews come from many different places. There are Arab Jews, Russian Jews, African Jews. They are not all descendants of the ethnic group that most people commonly associate with Jews (Ashkenazim), nor are they recent converts.
Here is a picture of a married Jewish couple:
He is a Ashkenazim Jew (The group we most associate with Jews) and she is a Mizrahi Jew.
What do you think, same race? Same culture/religion absolutely, same race I don't think so.

I hope I've shown that a Jew is like an atheist or Christian.

I think however that your argument does have merit. You would have been on a more solid foundation if you had used my comparison to women as your challenge of my statement. Women definitely can't "scrub" it off. If I read your opinion correctly (and please tell me if I'm not) you feel that there are different degrees of bigotry/discrimination and that ridicule on the grounds of race is worse than on the grounds of ideas or beliefs. I'm going to assume that you also feel that bigotry based on sex is also worse than basing it on ideas or beliefs.

Well I agree! I think basing bigotry on something that someone can't change is worse that basing it on something they can change/hide.
Allow me to give you an example:
I live in Japan and have faced numerous instances of racism and bigotry. One of the worst and most recent was when I was looking for a new apartment. The vast majority of apartment owners (over 90 percent, and this is in Tokyo, much worse in smaller areas) would not rent to me because I was not Japanese. I can't hide that I'm not Japanese, it's as clear as the white skin on my face. However if they were going to discriminate on the grounds that I was an atheist, well that would be easy enough to hide. I wouldn't be happy about it, but I could do it if necessary.

So in short; Yes I think you have a valid point. Not all discrimination or bigotry is equal.

However in my defense, it was never my intention to suggest that bigotry towards atheists is equal to bigotry towards Jews or women. (I realize now that it could come across that way but it really wasn't my intention). I do happen to believe that had the same things been said about Jews it would have been worse. Basically because of the tragic history of the Jews and the resurgence of anti-Jewish feeling around the world. I do think that they are in a much more precarious position in the world than atheist are.

There are many different things you couldn't say on television without being challenged in the strongest terms. The reason I posted the comment about replacing the word atheist with the word Jew or woman was just to draw attention to the fact that I found it hypocritical that it seems OK to say whatever outrageous things you'd like about atheists, but when it comes to many other groups pundits would think long and hard about saying the same things. I never meant to put the overall situation of atheists on equal footing with Jews or women.

As well please don't think that I feel atheists or atheism is a sacred cow. I would have had very little problem with the pundits attacking the ideas/beliefs of atheism or atheists. That's fair game, but that was not what they were doing. They were obviously completely uniformed and were taking wild swings at the big bad bogey man that they believe atheism to be. Not once in their ranting did I hear a reasonable criticism or debating point, it was all just broad generalizations, hence why I felt it was bigotry.

I hope this rather obscenely long post clears things up.


U Can't Touch This (Gotta love the pants!)

Teaching Children To Become Martyrs - An Aid Worker Speaks

joedirt says...

Why is there always a random resurgence of pro-Israeli propanda ever so often. Look, give all your money to Israel, and go away. Most people could care less about Iraq, and that is a war with out troops in it.

So really, really, just like Israel likes it, no one cares about Israel. (Or if you really do, you know better than to discuss it on anonymous internet forums... especially video ones)

So quit with the anti-Semitism. (Yes, Palestinians are Semites.. how ironic..)

iphone is going to pwn. It will also pwn your wallet.

Farhad2000 says...

Deano raises an excellent point. Are we over designing something that essentially only is supposed to make calls, maybe SMS or check the time? Are we simply being sold an idea when we can take pictures on it, videos, phonecals, sms, music collection, email, internet, and probably in the near future our entire identification and monetary stock?

There is a large resurgence of mobile phones being stripped down to bare minimals which are selling exceptionally well because the boomer generation mostly needs a phone that works and is easy to use not a digital swiss army knife. Largest emerging market is going to be the retiring generation.

Me I just like simplicity. k.i.s.s.

Rainbow - 70's "Kids" Show

NickyP says...

this was the 80s, I remember it well. It was shit. There was a bit a resurgence about five years ago. A lot of students though it was retro, it's just bollocks. However this one is the bollocks

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