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This Video Is A HIPAA Violation!

StukaFox says...

Yay!! We're in MY WORLD right now! HIPAA is the reason I get paid what I do, but the real nuts on my sundae is THIS little motherfucker:

You don't even remotely understand how esoteric and convoluted this goddamn thing is, and how hard your pee-pee will get whacked if you fuck up implementing it. I have to do audits against this shit. There's THOUSANDS of questions and the auditors will not tell you the criteria for passing. I've had audits come back that looked like a 2nd grader submitting her paper, "Frogs are neat!" to the Harvard Review Board and yet passed, and I've had audits with two ultra-specialized misses on them that got the whole audit disqualified. I spend more time on documentation -- and the endless, ENDLESS paperwork that comes along with that shit -- than actually doing the technical stuff.

tl;dr: I like turtles.

Why Does My Dog... Walk in Circles Before Lying Down?

luxintenebris jokingly says...

perhaps you're highly susceptible to 'peer pressure'. it happens in many social circles. akin to why most women follow the same fashions.

so in the den, of your home, while it's just you and the dog, you're finding yourself circling while the dog finds itself losing and searching for the remote often.

good luck with learning the 'new' grooming habits. am envious if you succeed.

surfingyt said:

yes but why do *I* do it?

US sues to block TX abortion law

bobknight33 says...

Any Tech knows when there is a heart beat( except those in training or just out of school).
And they will tell you it occurs around 6 to 10 weeks. Fully developed or not a beat is a beat.

When finger develop they are stubs but still they are fingers.

Techs are not Drs but they relay 100% on what the tech say and write.

Not talking about Techs giving a treatment plan ( straw man argument).
Techs report and Dr give treatment options.
( hence high malpractice insurance costs).
Dr may edit and add to the report. IF they spot an error then can edit.

So you mom dragged yo to work and you somehow you became as knowledgeable at them.

My sister used to be a butcher and brought her daughter to work often. This does not make the daughter a butcher or even remotely knowledgeable of the subject.

You bringing up the many any many DR yo u met is irreverent to the argument.

So reading a book makes you more knowledgeable than the ones who see for themself day in day and day out.
( bet you supplement this with lots of YouTube's)

{{If I listen to lots and lots of music and read a few books This will make you smarter than an actual song writer? }} Good logic bud.

Elitist Tool:
What actual hands on knowledge do you fucking have about this topic?

newtboy said:

If people who see it daily call it a heart beat, then clearly reading a book is better, because you can't get a heart beat without a heart, and a valveless, chamberless tube isn't a heart.

Jebus. Double negative and heart best? Are you drunk?

I do think +-90% of them know, 10% believe they hear a heart beat because they can now detect a faint nerve signal, but no heart. That 10% are fooling themselves to avoid contradicting their beliefs with fact.

What bubble? Did I say they didn't? That doesn't make them doctors. Lab techs do the same...mri techs, even x-Ray techs in some places. Would you let a tech determine your treatment plan, or even diagnose you without a real doctor involved? They aren't even nurses, they know how to run the machine and spot certain results for further investigation/treatment. The doctors review and often edit the reports. If a report of a 6 week pregnancy talked about the heart, that tech would be let go for incompetence. There is no heart.

Dumb fuck, you asked me how many I've talked to. I answered. Now you act like I brought it up to say I know some, so I am one?! Are you on meth?

Mom worked at Texas Children's hospital and Methodist hospital in Houston, so yes, those specialists and many many many more, and being curious I asked them lots of questions.

Because my mom worked at a childrens hospital means I knew sonographers and ultrasound techs, there's a difference, which was your question. Jesus, you're like Ritalin kid from smoking yourself you're fighting this amazing fight with spinning kicks and flips so amazing it gets you hard, but to everyone else you're flailing wildly and are just annoying, not a dangerous opponent to be feared or respected.

Removal of Asian giant hornet 'murder hornet' nest

StukaFox says...

Right after Jackass came out, a couple of friends-of-a-friend decided to stage their own version of the movie -- with a hornet's nest. They found the thing hanging from a tree at the edge of a field and it was not remotely on the small size. Also, this was in late August and the queen had already flown away, leaving the drones to slowly starve to death. Thus, the enormous number of stripey-stripey sting-stings were already good 'n' pissed-off.

They were about to get moreso.

So chowderhead A and chowderhead B have a brilliant plan: they're going to shoot this enormous ball full of astoundingly-irate murderous insects with a shotgun while they're filming it. If you're hearing banjos playing and luke-warm cheap beers being cracked open, you're about in the right frame of mind.

Places, everybody!

The stage is set: on one end, at what's decided to be "minimum safe distance", are our erstwhile David Attenborough/Jonny Knoxville knock-offs. At a decidedly NOT minimum safe distance away is the arthropod version of the T'sar Bomba. All we're missing now is a Mossberg, enough idiocy to think this can end any way but badly, and a camera. With far too much alacrity for what's about to happen, all three are provided.

Aaaaaand, ACTION!

* BOOOM! *

At first, surprisingly, nothing happens. This period of stasis lasts roughly a picosecond. Then, unsurprisingly, things start to happen and they happen far more quickly than the Chuckle Brothers planned on. This plays out in three acts:

Act 1: "Hey, uh, why is the nest still there?"
Act 2: "Uh-oh..."

Hubris takes many forms, and schadenfreude takes twice as many, but both combined were statistically zero compared to the number of hornets involved in this fiasco. Had the two Mensa escapees who irked said hornets thought this thing through -- stop laughing -- perhaps they would have arrived at the conclusion that 1. a shotgun slug is not the preferred load-out when dealing with a ball made out of wasp puke and 2. being the only two things visible within a 20 mile radius of the ball made out of wasp puke pretty much negates the mystery of who the hornets are going to sting the ever-loving fuck out of.

With their plans in ruins and the nest not, our heroes decide to quit the field. This is the first smart thing they've done since looking at that big ball of wasps and deciding it was redolent with untapped hilarity. The hornets are having none of this white flag nonsense, however, and they decide to quit screwing around and really inflict some pain. It's a quarter mile back to the car and the hornets are going to make them pay for every inch of it.

The final score:
Hornet losses: meh, they were all going to die in a few weeks anyway.
The chucklenuts: 23 stings, a dropped shotgun, and three minutes of footage that they took in the pre-YouTube era and thus is lost to time.

Hornets are not toys.

TX law & tattoos

Anom212325 says...

Lol why did you edit out the 2 lists I also gave that total in the multiple billions ?

"Are you so insane you think if Christians were ever a target, they can't possibly ever be a perpetrator" Again with you spreading lies/fake news. Stop painting your psychotic thoughts as things I said. It was a piece of an article and the article also didn't say anything remotely as what you are claiming.

If you didn't edit out the other lists you would clearly see your initial statement is false.

newtboy said:

Um, moron, most of those are murders committed in the name of Christianity. American colonization was absolutely about conversion by force, murder in the name of religious superiority, and by itself was >90% of those deaths you mentioned.
Holy fuck. What's wrong with you?

The King's Man - Official Red Band Trailer (2021)

StukaFox says...

This looks like the kind of Indiana Jones fun. It's over the top, totally ridiculous and doesn't take itself remotely seriously.

See also: the GOP.

Dying in the name of freedom

noseeem says...

Being against the vaccine?

At ░5░9░ you should remember the AIDS epidemic?

Think about how people were worried about it? How they had to learn about it? That it was, for a while, a real fear amongst the unknowing? But after a while, most people understood the risk. After all that, shouldn't you've learned?

When those nurses came back from Africa, caring for Ebola victims, then they got treatment also - which group was most vocal? The changes of them contracting it were even more remote than AIDS!

Being ░5░9░ , should remember living under the threats of Herpes, Hepatitis, AIDS, West Nile, Lyme, Ebola, Hunta...all those viruses...having to learn the what it is, what it does, how it's caught, and the risks of ignoring sound medical advice - why has it changed?

Remember seat belts and helmet laws? Child seats? Live with it and had no choice about it. Those help keep people alive.

Why is having a SAFE - EFFECTIVE - and F R E E vaccine such a misery?

bobknight33 said:

You either have free choice or you dont.


FedEx Truck gets stolen while package is being delivered

After the recent IPCC climate report an old 'Newsroom' clip

StukaFox says...

Not with a P/E of ~370 it won't. A P/E of 370 means TSLA would have to make 370x current earnings to be even remotely close to its current valuation. TSLA can't sell regulatory credits and rely on BTC profit forever; at some point they have to make a profit with their core business.

Protip: they won't because they're going to be eaten alive by the number of other electric car manufacturers coming online who DO know how to run a profitable business.

TSLA is pure BBB- speculative garbage and as soon as the Fed stops holding back the enormous lake of shit that is the US economy right now, reality WILL assert itself, just like in 2000 and 2008.

bobknight33 said:

This will (make) my Tesla stock go to the moon.

newtboy (Member Profile)

bobknight33 says...

That vid is awesome.. I ended watching about 5 more about it. There is also another style on same principle.

Totally cool concept. This could really help remote locations or 3rd world places.

newtboy said:

Thanks. A nice simple design is always best

James May's Tesla Model S has failed!

spawnflagger says...

Like many cars with remote unlock, the Nissan Leaf has a "hidden" key in the keyfob, and you can unlock the door and pull the manual hood-release to access the 12V battery. No biggie.

admiralronton said:

A dying 12v in EVs isn't a problem with just Teslas. When I leased my Nissan Leaf many years ago, they warned me about the same thing, except the battery only charges when the car is actually on, not while it's charging. Fortunately, the battery never went flat on me, and even if it had, I think it was a damn site easier to access than Tesla's.

Covid Deaths Trump Vs Biden

Mordhaus says...

The EU has open borders and free travel amongst the various nations if you are a citizen of a member nation. I will agree our per capita death rate is higher, but still (based on the well researched Lancet study) you cannot lay more than about 40% of the deaths at Trump's feet. I don't deny he could have handled the pandemic much better, but it has been some time since we have had a pandemic on this level. Multiple leaders have handled it differently and time will eventually label them for the history aspect of it.

I go by the facts. Not conjecture, and not opinion. I also don't consider Birx to be even remotely a good source since she rode down the trail willy nilly with the same person you are blaming all the deaths on. I will never trust or vote for Trump again, but you cannot lay the percentage you are proposing on him solely. Just like we cannot move Biden to almighty status for his handling of the situation when he is currently running a similar death rate on par with the same time last year, WHILE having massive vaccination.

Has he made steps that have helped? Certainly and I would say he is definitely doing a better job than Trump, but by your own admission almost anyone could. The fact of the matter is, as I said last year, you cannot fight a pandemic like this without having the martial law like power China had or being in a situation to isolate yourself from outside contact.

newtboy said:

Yes, they had isolation we don't, but also had fewer resources to work with by far, and are much closer to the outbreak in China with tons of travel between countries. I would say having a reasonable, thoughtful population that wanted to avoid being someone who spread the virus and killed people, so followed instructions nearly without exception, compared to the U.S. who had a leader denouncing closings, masks, and social distancing and a population that was happy to spread the disease for political reasons. I think that has WAY more to do with our horrific , worst on the planet per capita despite the most resources by far outcome.

We only have two borders to close. Canada is easy, just ask nicely and they'll stay home. The border with Mexico is a problem, granted, I found it odd Trump didn't use emergency powers to finish his fence when he had a legitimate reason, but that would mean admitting Covid is dangerous, but if we cooperated with Mexico to secure the border we could have minimized all international travel early.

Back to Canada, with two open borders. They have 23000 and a population of 37.59 million, so they also have a per capita death rate well under 1/2 ours, close to 1/3, and they also could have done better if we had done better. It's impossible to figure out what percentage of their infections came from the U.S., but it's definitely a significant number.

Other nations have divisions, if not states, provinces, prefecture, or some other separation of areas. I don't agree that because we have states in our country we are like the EU, because a federal law or executive order covers all states and territories, the EU has no such mechanism as far as I know.

We were the only nation with an international Global Health Security and Biodefense unit, with teams in China and elsewhere, designed to identify new diseases early to avoid pandemics. Trump is totally responsible for dismantling that office, meaning there's a likelihood every non Chinese death and most Chinese deaths would have been avoided had Trump not been butt hurt over a good system set up by Obama. His racist and political hatred put the planet at risk. That alone puts most deaths, U.S. and global, directly on his hands.

Also, the EU population is double ours, meaning with all the multiple open borders and haphazard mix of regulations from different countries, and the enormous immigrant populations, and some actual temporary lockdowns in some of their countries (but not all by far) their infection/death rates are barely over 1/2 what ours are per capita. That's not on par, sorry.

Some of their leaders have some blood on their hands because of poor or slow decisions, but few actually fought against all science and public health measures, denying the mortality rates and doctor's recommendations to convince their populations to do nothing at all to mitigate the pandemic...Brazil did....look at them now. Yes, the president of Brazil absolutely has blood on his hands, and his response mirrored Trump's.

Brokers MANIPULATING MARKET to save hedge fund billionaires

StukaFox says...

Sorry to be the little grey raincloud on this Hate The Hedges party, but you might want to understand the implications of what just happened

Y'know that fund that's getting all attention, Melvin Capital? Yeah, fuck them, right? Fuckin' shorters all shortin' and shit -- they played, they paid!

There's a reason they were bailed out and with all due haste.

Here's the issue: they were VERY good at the shorting game. So good that they actually had to turn away business. They made money like horses makes shit. When clients couldn't get in at Melvin, they went elsewhere. That opened the door to a lot of other firms basically mirroring exactly what MC was doing, which included shorting the fuck outta GME.

Fuck those guys too, right? It's their money, so why should I care?

Let's go back a few year, shall we, to the glorious chapter in finance and economics that was the 2008 Crash. Remember when Paulson lost his shit because he realized that in about 36 hours, the basic system called Western Capitalism was going to shit the bed; the bedroom; the whole house and pretty much every surface above the ocean within a planetary radius? This is sorta like that. Only worse.

The thing about short squeezes is that the losses can be infinite, and that's exactly why WallStreetBets did what they did. They knew if they bought and held -- diamond hands -- the stock would have to rise as the shorters had to cover their bets. Melvin Capital and a shit-ton of other, smaller firms had to do that and ran out of liquidity long before GME was even at $50. For every share of stock they shorted, they need to cough up another share at a higher value -- and they HAD to actually have the higher-priced share.

And here's where things get VERY ugly.

Shorting GME was such a sure thing that a huge number of shorts were placed. In fact, more shares of GME were shorted than actually existed. Oops. But hey, SURE THING, BABY and what's the worst that can happen?

Yeeeah, y'see where this is going now?

So these firms, not only are they broke, they don't have the shares, either. They need to come up with shares, pronto, at any price, because contractual obligations are a motherfucker in the finance world. But again, more shorts than there are shares and the people who have the shares, WSB and 4chan's /biz/, aren't letting them go. The longer they hold, the higher the price will go as short after short faces having to cough up the shares they borrowed.

A lot of people are about to lose a LOT of money -- the kinda losses that have so many zeros attached that looking at the number bores the eyes.

Back to 2008: the reason the whole world almost started Mad Max LARPing back then is that a narrow number of highly-important financial institutions were a wee bit thin on liquidity because they were having to pay it out by the boatload. That's bad. What would be better is if risk were more distributed, and how could that little plan POSSIBLY go wrong? Maybe a Black Swan event involving a huge amount of money that needs to be paid out by all of them due to this annoying bird.

That's where we are now, but no one even remotely knows what that figure is going to be. Again, (potentially) infinite losses multiplied by 150% times the number of shares actually available, multiplied by the dogshit risk factor on the loans and the leveraged payouts -- your best case scenario might be a loss of about $500 billion. Someone has to come up with that money, be it the Fed or other banks/investors, but that latter group has to come up with the money themselves, which is generally accomplished by selling profitable holdings. We all know what happens when a lot of people have to sell, right?

I always wanted to live in interesting times, thus proving what an utter fuckwit I am.

Maroon 5 - Memories (Cover) One Voice Children's Choir

Let's talk about Trump going to the hospital....

bcglorf says...

-Including race as a determining factor in your admission score
as a 'liberal' ideal
This IS happening broadly, link to how and arguments for why it is 'good'

-Enforcement of a race based "day of absence" where based on your race you were to be 'kicked off' campus for the day
Specifically the day of absence was at evergreen:
Similarly reverse racist attitudes though are common enough, like chasing out a student journalist here for simply covering an event:

-"deplatforming" people for having dissenting opinions
Jordan Peterson is the biggest example, but my local uni has also banned pro-life student clubs too, so maybe I'm a little Canada biased on this?

-The entire circle-jerk of intersectionalism:
---"whiteness" needs to be defined as something inherently negative
Here's the Standford course on it if you or your parents wanna enrol:

---"Racism" needs to redefined as not simply racial prejudice, but racial prejudice PLUS power(you know, so only white people can be racist under the new definition)
Likewise offered at Stanford, unless this is the lone critical race theory course that doesn't champion the above prejudice+power definition.

---"systemic racism" getting defined as anything with unequal outcomes, so if asian students do too well in math it must mean the system is favouring them and we need to step in

And I'm out of time,

but seriously I'm a little baffled this was remotely controversial? Identity politics is a game the left has been playing at HARD for at minimum the decades since Affirmative Action was launched. The notion that the idea would eventually get national level push back should have been easy to see coming.

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