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Jurassic Park Auditions - SNL

pigeon (Member Profile)

Watchmen Series Trailer


People are Manipulating You on Facebook - Smarter Every Day

notarobot says...

This problem isn't only an issue on facebook. It effects basically every social media site, including twitter, youtube, reddit, and linkedin.

There have even been issues with manipulation on Videosift---though the community structure here is very well designed, to combat that sort of thing.

*news *quality *promote *worldaffairs (for mention of the Myanmar genocide.)

Mystic95Z said:

Not me they aren't, I dont do facebook never have never will.

pigeon (Member Profile)

Glider crashes into tree

RFlagg says...


Passenger (front seat) : 1 broken arm

Pilot (back seat) : minor injuries

The article they link however doesn't list injuries:

Now, while I'd love to learn to fly a glider (beyond money, the best place "locally" is Caesar Creek Soaring Club, which is about 3 1/2 hours from me), and I might be out of my element here... it looks like he was going way too fast on his approach. Not sure what the situation was that caused him to come in that fast.

Also looks like he should have went down from the field a bit further, then turned to it, as it seems like he still had enough height left to go another few hundred yards down, turn around, and get lined up.

The video doesn't show if he had the wing spoilers deployed or not. Now I know some say don't deploy spoilers on the turn (though this guy seems to debunk that to some degree, so he'd have had to make the turn, then deploy at the last second... again getting to the fact the turn to the landing strip was made too early.

Again, I'm probably out of my element here, but I'd think, had he waited to make the turn to the landing strop, lined up, then deployed the wing spoilers, he'd have been able to bring her down a bit easier... of course he'd probably still have too much speed. That's what I want to know, where was the speed coming from, did he bring her down super fast, was he or the passenger on a time crunch?

Muppet Show -- Halfway Down the Stairs

Was "Can you trust Kurzgesagt?" video preemptive dmg control

Reverse Firefighting

Cat Sees His Owner Who Died Years Ago

Cat Sees His Owner Who Died Years Ago

Trumpasaurus Rex

newtboy says...

No ad hom attacks please.
Keep your negative comments directed at the comment or post, not the poster. This isn't youtube or reddit.

Mystic95Z said:

Dumb ass shit posted by the dumbest mofo on this site. Trump will either be impeached or lose horribly in 2020. Suck it Republicunts.

Star Trek: Discovery - Season 2 | Official Trailer

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Beggar's Canyon