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bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

BTW you anti American moron.
You got suckered into spreading Russian lies again.
The stupid race baiting video you graffitied my profile with was another lie, an American citizen having a psychotic break and killing a cat who was not in Springfield, not a Haitian in Springfield eating cats like you claimed.

Another lie spread by the idiot that believes and spreads every single lie he’s told but absolutely never admits anything, much less every single thing he believes is a blatant lie.

This makes false racist accusation 317 you have attempted to spread that I have thoroughly debunked, you lying racist piece of shit.

Yes, this IS another Russian lie you are spreading. Blatant overt racism meant to divide between rational reasonable people and irate idiot racists…guess which side you chose. Many of the bomb threats and constant calls to police are coming from one foreign country…guess which one.

The Republican campaign is purely divisive, has no solutions only scapegoats to target, has been unambiguous that they will create and spread false stories (like pet eating by migrants) to get their messages out and will ignore the damage and danger it causes (like bomb, gun, and death threats, physical attacks, and terrorism of entire communities), they support and encourage political violence at every turn then cry a River when there’s the tiniest bit of blowback like when one of your own nutjobs turns on you.
The reason it is so divisive, outrageous, racist, sexist, etc. is that this gets clicks and views and reports and distracts the news cycle from going over his record of economic collapse, health crises, job losses, division, failed trade wars, failed border policy, failed drug policy, forgotten infrastructure policy, all of 2020…honestly any of his policies…notice he doesn’t talk policy EVER. There’s good reason.

😂 just too fucking hilarious to miss….maga celebrities are begging people to stop listening to celebrities about politics! 😂

Latest Failed Assassin Arrested On Florida Highway

newtboy says...

What’s that? You see another wolf?
Both are definitely verified to be 100% hard core MAGA. Nice try. Too bad you have zero believability after 14 years of idiotic nonsensical lies and absolutely nothing more. (blm killing cops (oops, I mean far right boogaloo boyz trying to blame blm) ANTIFA on Jan 6 (oops, not a single non MAGA found attacking democracy) Pelosi was a lover’s spat (more likely from either shooter, they once loved the child rapist). The election was stolen (the felon tried to steal it, but was too incompetent). Every claim you make is stupidity mixed with anger at your own failures and spiced with racism.). But you keep shouting “WOLF! WOLF WOLF!” and see how that works out for you. I certainly wouldn’t expect you to look into how it worked for others in the past. 😂

Both had mental issues….both still attained assault style weapons after Trump repealed a law that barred people who are mentally ill from purchasing guns.

Both supported Trump. One voted for him and recently supported Nicky Haley not Biden or Harris, and once reportedly donated $10 to support democracy in Ukraine (the reason he turned on Trump, is that why you say he’s a democrat…because he’s pro-democracy?), the other was too young to vote but every single person who knew him said he was 100% far right MAGA, his motive is fame, the alleged donation to vote blue was quickly debunked as another person in another state at another age but with the same first and last name, a claim that was verified to be wrong week one after the shooting. Both were 100% MAGA, no question, verified a dozen ways over. More baseless lies from the liar ignoring all actual evidence to believe some stupid nonsense based on known falsehoods, or to just lie about the facts because they’re bad for him…shocked!

We all know you can’t admit it, we know you are incapable of admitting any mistake or lie because it’s all you have, but we also all know the truth, and the truth is BOTH ARE FAR RIGHT WING MAGA GUN NUTS THAT USED ASSAULT RIFLES (that Joe had banned in the 90s but the right removed the ban) TO ATTEMPT TO ASSASSINATE POLITICIANS THAT ARE NOT FAR RIGHT ENOUGH. (Cozying up to Putin is not right wing, btw)

It should be noted, his secret service detail told him repeatedly that he could not be safeguarded at that course because it had public roads and homes bordering multiple holes and it could not be secured. He went there anyway, and now blames the secret service.

At best you are a Russian troll, but I don’t give you credit for that kind of intelligence…in reality you are an uneducated gullible idiot that buys every bit of AntiAmerican propaganda Putin feeds you because you honestly hate modern America and aren’t bright enough to see reality. I haven’t noticed one you missed, and absolutely know there isn’t a single time you have admitted they tricked you into spreading the Russian based lies despite it being proven daily. You haven’t said a word about your favorite failures in mommy’s basement all being caught getting paid hundreds of thousands a month to spread anti American Russian propaganda, or the right wing media and politicians that picked up that dishonest propaganda and ran with it (like you did every single time).

I go to the “Putin’s puppet” line because you and the felon keep repeating the lies he keeps feeding you, then pretending you didn’t even as you spread the next one. You and he are Putin puppets. Putin, and El-Sisi ($10 million cash bribe to change official policy towards Egypt still completely unexplained and growing as Barr testified Trump forced him to end the investigation into the bribe that was looking bad in 2017, and is restarting. Another case of the felon selling out America for $.). Same thing as Menendez, and Dems threw him to the wolves without defense when he was caught…you just keep on defending the felon as he sells out America to pay his enormous legal bills. The best thing you could possibly say is admitting you are too stupid and ignorant for it to be intentional….maybe….it would be impossibly hard to believe even you are that dense.

bobknight33 said:

Both are DEMOCRATS. Both donated to Democrat Act Blue fundraising ordinations.

Are worst you live in fake news.
At best you are a tool for the left.

Always going to the Putin puppet line.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Another MAGA gun nut tried to assassinate the felon. A Trump voter turned Haley supporter.
Why does MAGA want to murder Trump?

Oops…JD Vance admitted on CNN that he created the eating cats story to get people to talk about immigration….yes, he unambiguously admitted he made it up to get you upset over immigration and trick you into voting for him because they lose on any other topic. HE FUCKING ADMITTED IT PLAINLY.
You still believe it, don’t you? You believed the old video of an American citizen having a psychotic break in another town and killing a cat somehow proved it was true…because you are an amazingly gullible ignoramus who always prefers lies to facts.

JD Vance aligned himself with the Proud Boys who are assaulting legal migrants and committing terrorist acts like bomb threats in Ohio based on the lies Vance admits he made up.

Still no explanation for the $10 million cash bribe paid to the felon by Egypt right before he changed US policy for Egypt’s benefit.

Margin of error beaten in all recent polls.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Who let Grandpa Simpson debate Harris?
Are you not embarrassed? Will the Republicans replace him?
She talked policy, facts, and policy comparisons, he talked imaginary personal grievances and paranoid fantasies so insane that they had to be repeatedly immediately fact checked. She baited him like a professional fisherman, and he took the bait every single time proving how simple it is to manipulate and distract him.
“I have concepts of a plan.”- the felons policy in a nutshell.

Q-“Why did you kill the border bill that would have put thousands of agents and improved technology on the border?”
A- “People don’t go to her rallies. I have the biggest rallies, people aren’t leaving my rallies, we’re going to have WW3, my rallies are the best, people are eating the dogs.”

Biden crumbled in his debate. The felon crumbled in this one. Even Fox can’t spin this as even normal, or sane.

Ooof….DJT hit $15.3…well below its pre-IPO price, and dropping fast. Not only will no one make money including the initial investors, now looks like everyone will lose their entire investment. Going to be at $.01 when he can sell.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

They’re all 100% for sale, and you keep buying it. 😂

Shocker! Trump officials, namely Dimitri Simes, is directly involved in hiring up to 30 right wing “influencers” and “News producers” to spread Russian propaganda and has been charged for secretly working for hostile foreign powers under sanctions. The felon has said clearly he will drop all sanctions against Russia on day one (and hand them Ukraine).

When is the felon going to explain the $10 million he took from Egypt, or the policy changes he made immediately afterwards?

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Looks like the felon took $10 million from Assisi for his 2016 campaign then Barr blocked and ended and hid the investigation into it in 2018.
The felon changed US policy towards Egypt in many ways including releasing $190 million in military aid to the dictator who threw out the democratically elected government and normalizing relations with him, then followed with $1.2 billion in 2018 despite the continuing human rights abuses. Pretty good payoff for just $10 million.
Just like Menendez, same crime, same time….so when’s the trial?

Also, Oklahoma Republican commissioner and former state speaker of the house, Todd Hiett has been busted for groping another man’s (another Republican commissioner, Bob Anthony) penis at a work event.
Non-consensual sexual abuse I do NOT condone, how about you?
Why do you not protest this disgusting behavior?
Are you a deviant also?
Do you like just grabbing men’s penises in public without even asking?
That would make you even more deplorable.

Bidenomics failed - Next POTUS will be left holding the bag

newtboy says...

Downvote based purely on the description, which is insanity. Could only make it 30 seconds into this delusional masturbatory fantasy. “Everyone's getting fired across all industries, says Danielle. U.S. recession is here and the housing market is crashing.” She actually said this recession started last October. The economy is falling the economy is falling!…the MAGA mantra since Biden took office and never true.
(Edit…gave it another try only to find out it’s at least in part a commercial for real estate agents from a real estate agency! LOL)

The market is at record highs and rocketing up, unemployment still at (near) record lows, gdp up 3.4% 4th quarter 23, inflation 3% and falling (-.1% in May-June), yearly wage growth 4.7% in April (last #s), manufacturing steadily on the rise, profits are record highs, oil production at record highs and rising, and the 100% guaranteed deep recession/depression we had coming after 2020 was averted.
Even immigration is getting drastically better since Biden sidestepped the obstructionist MAGA congress and acted unilaterally like he should never have to if congress functioned.

The current state of the economy is not good, it’s GREAT!

Compared to the last year of the felon’s administration, 2020, it’s impossibly amazingly stupendous, the Trump administration failed in every way and left the next administration holding the bag…this administration turned the failed economy 180 degrees around to become the envy of the world economically, created more jobs than every Republican president in my lifetime combined (the last guy lost more than anyone ever) created more manufacturing jobs than the last guy lost (and that’s a lot) took a negative gdp to a healthy positive, turned record high unemployment into record low unemployment for a record long time period, saved democracy and NATO in Europe, avoided the guaranteed recession/depression we were headed into in Jan 21, and never sold state secrets or policy for personal or familial gains (despite all the myriad of false never proven claims).
More projection from the party that nearly ended America in 2020, then tried again on Jan 6 21.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Reminding you that your guy partied in private with Epstein and unchaperoned prepubescent girls from at least 1991-2007 (2 years after he was finally indicted for running a child prostitution ring for years) without pause and didn’t hide or deny it, indeed he bragged about it often. No one travelled to child rape island for naked prepubescent girl massages more than your hero.

Every accusation you make is an admission…Don’t pretend you care about child rape and make baseless blatantly false accusations about your rivals then go silent when evidence proves it’s your guy who has been raping children for decades, or you’re going to have your nose rubbed in it like this.

PS- Hilarious comparison…Biden spoke at a black church where he was invited by the congregation, which attended and worshipped as normal before Biden gave a speech about the promise of America and the advancements we’ve made…compare to Trump who rented a black church embroiled in scandal with a felon pastor willing to rent it out, filled it with white Qanon/2025 believers who worshipped Trump, chanting his name and praising him while he described an apocalyptic America crumbling and devolving in criminal debauchery and bankruptcy (he aught to know!) when he wasn’t talking about himself.

Uh-oh. Pro-life activists and evangelicals are splitting from Trump because the campaign has been clear that he does not support a national abortion ban, and they insist on one. The rift is bad enough that the RNC has banned cameras from meetings of the party platform committee to hide the rift and infighting… which has never been done.
It’s a catch 22…oppose a national ban, lose the evangelicals which are your base now. Support a national ban, lose 75%+ of women and a majority of men. 😂

French MAGA lost bigly…3rd place. Their candidate was proud that her policies are the same policies as Trump, which are the same policies of Putin…yes, she admits that without flinching…that loser French woman has far more spine than little Donny.

Same results in the UK, but that was expected after the unmitigated disaster that has been far right rule there.

Just to remind you,
Trump needs a new VP because he tried to murder his first one.
Trump needs a new cabinet because his old cabinet thinks he’s a criminal fascist psychopath.
He needs a new First Lady because Melania refuses to be seen with him or to be First Lady again (not that she fulfilled the position the first time, but she won’t even live in DC this time…wanna bet that some young blond Ivanka clones will?).
Trump needs a new legal team because his old one has all been disbarred for criminality they did for Trump.
He even needs a new strategist because Bannon is busy in prison despite his pardons. 😂

But you think Joe stuttering is worse.

BTW- since you love to use the “even CNN says” and “liberal media says” nonsense…
CNN - CEO = Trump donor
ABC - CEO = Trump donor
NBC - CEO = Trump donor
CBS - CEO = Trump donor
MSNBC - CEO = Trump donor
NYT - CEO = Trump donor
Wall Street Journal - OWNER = Rupert Murdoch
FOX - OAN - Blaze - Newsmax - Infowars - do I need to say a word?
Where is this liberal media bias again? I can’t find it.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

lol. Trying to distance himself from the fascist democracy ending project 2025, the felon has tried to lie and say he knows nothing about who the founders are and what the plans are, but he disagrees with some of the plans. (Notice the embedded lie in that statement?)

There’s a problem though, many of the founders work for him and he’s been talking about their plan for months. Others like the Heritage Foundation are a massive part of his campaign. He knows who they are and exactly what they’re promoting…fascism.

Kind of like when he claimed to not know what the KKK was or who David Duke is, but thanked them for their endorsement….hoping people wouldn’t find out that his grandfather was a lead KKK member in the 20s, arrested for starting a race riot in NY and attacking police. The rapist definitely knows the KKK and its leadership…the rapist definitely knows project 2025 and its leadership, he employs them and he leads them.

Project 2025 is 100% the Trump campaign. The child raping felon cannot escape it.

Ed Martin, deputy policy director for the Republican National Convention’s platform committee and one of 3 anti abortion activist men drafted to write Trump’s abortion policy claims Trump is 100% on board with a total national abortion ban with no exceptions for rape or incest or the health or life of the woman…he claims no abortion has ever been performed to safeguard the life or health of the woman, not ever. The campaign is trying to hide this because they know it will lose him the election, but it’s on camera.

“ The first declaration, signed by Jane Doe herself, detailed Trump's alleged "savage sexual attack" on the then-13-year-old plaintiff.

The second declaration was signed by pseudonymous Tiffany Doe, who said she was hired by Jeffrey Epstein throughout the 1990s to recruit adolescent women to attend the billionaire's parties.

Tiffany Doe claims she convinced the then-13-year-old plaintiff to attend the parties as a means to break in to New York's professional modeling world. In her declaration, Tiffany Doe says she witnessed four sexual encounters in which Jane Doe was forced to have sex with Trump, and two encounters involving the plaintiff and Jeffrey Epstein.

The Tiffany Doe declaration included Epstein's threats against her and her family for disclosing the details of any sexual abuse of minors by Epstein and his party guests, swearing under penalty of perjury that she understands that her and her family's lives are "now in grave danger."

The new complaint includes an additional witness exhibit from an anonymous "Joan Doe" whose sworn declaration says Jane Doe told her what happened with Trump and Epstein during the 1994-1995 school year.”

Hundreds of phone records, written messages, and flight logs detailing his multiple trips to kiddie rape island where Epstein, his self described “partner in crime” ran a child prostitution ring, corroborated their consistent sworn declarations about Mr Donald John Trump raping a 13 year old girl. These accusations were never retracted by any of the witnesses or victims nor were they disproven in any way, and mountains of evidence all points to one conclusion. The case was dropped due to hundreds of credible death threats and a lack of security for the victims and their families from terrorist MAGA.

Trump Is Immune - LegalEagle analysis

newtboy says...

The invalid and corrupt SCOTUS changed the law to make “official acts” by one person, the president, above the law, can’t even be scrutinized…which has NEVER been the case, indeed our government was designed to avoid exactly that. NO MAN IS ABOVE THE LAW has been the American motto since its inception. That creed has now been invalidated by this unfathomable decision which adds the asterisk “*except the president when acting officially” while intentionally leaving open the question of what is an official act and what isn’t, allowing for uneven, unequal, inconsistent application based on politics or payoffs, not law or facts.

They did say acts by the POTUS in or outside their authority can be prostituted…legalizing bribery so long as the policy change comes before the final check. A Freudian slip you got correct. That was another change this extremist court just made.

Once again since you cannot read or comprehend what you’ve been told repeatedly, the position was not fear mongering about hypotheticals, it was pointing out the specific anti democratic crimes already committed and those promised by one candidate in their campaign of retribution against the non cultists…the exact examples brought up during arguement that were just determined to be legal, like the assassination of a political rival by the military. That is not hypothetical now, they ruled on it precisely.


No President has ever needed immunity for official acts before Trump because none ever tried to commit felonies then hide behind their authority as president (Nixon tried, but like Trump his crimes were definitely unofficial acts not official no matter how he tried to make them official, not presidential orders but campaign activities just like the coup, but he had the moral fortitude to step down and go away, Trump would rather burn it all down.)

Explain why Trump needs immunity if he didn’t commit crimes.

bobknight33 said:

SCOTUS upheld what always been. Acts done with in POTUS authority are immune from prosecution. Acts done outside of POTUS authority can be criminal and prostituted. Nothing changed nothing added nothing removed.
From the SCOTUS ruling " the dissents position in the end boil down ignoring the Constitution's separation of powers and the Courts precedent and instead fear mongering of extreme hypotheticals.

Biden Brings Felon On Stage

newtboy says...

“Fined for mishandling the payment “?
She hired a law firm and classified the payment as legal fees. Isn’t that something your side says isn’t a crime? 😂
The dossier was bought and paid for by Republicans, then sold to the Clinton Campaign. I know you hate that fact, but it’s there.

The laptop contents are fantasy, as is the diary. Half truths and pure fiction. Shouldn’t have tampered with it if you wanted anyone to pay attention….not that it would matter anyway, Hunter is nobody.

The economy crashed under the felon, it got better under Biden. Trump can get credit for the first 6-12 months of the next president’s economy which were not good, but absolutely not last 12 which so far are amazing, far better than the last guy’s best year.

Michael Flynn was convicted of treasonous activity and the felon Trump pardoned him because he did the treason for Trump, namely negotiating with Russia in December before his administration started then lying about it to the FBI.

The Biden’s did no such thing and your multiple investigations have found zero evidence of any payoffs nor a single time Biden changed policy to help China, that was Don and Ivanka who were given millions in patents then the next morning changed policy to favor China, then were gifted more million dollar patents. You can’t point to any untoward or even questionable payment after 4 full years of investigations. At best you just refuse to hear the verified explanations and make up crimes.

Trump lost jobs. He left a negative gdp and recession. Shelves went bare under the felon. Over 1 million Americans died due to his policy according to his own CDC. He added more to the debt and deficit in one term than any listed president did in two. The wannabe dictator left the nation more divided than any time since the 1850s and continues to sew division constantly. Trump was worse than any you listed by any measure. You simply deny the facts.

Nice pedophile fantasy you have there, every accusation is an admission, but not smart especially since Trump definitely fucked his daughter and has bragged about it publicly for decades, Barron is definitely her son, the resemblance is there but not with Melania. Trump is on the Epstein list more than anyone else but Maxwell who he still wishes well…know who isn’t? Biden. Trump is an adjudicated rapist with now 40 accusers. Know who isn’t? One has 34 felony convictions…which one was that? 😂

BTW- the first few post debate polls are out…Biden gained a few points after the debate. Enjoy!

bobknight33 said:

The Russia hoax was just that. Bought and paid for by hilly Clinton, and she got fined for mishandling the payment .

The Laptop IS real. The diary is real

The Economy did get better.
Michael Flynn took a shit deal. along with all the others


Biden sold America to China and Ukraine and lined the pockets of himself and his family.

Trump still a better POTUS than OBAMA, Biden or wannabee Clinton.

Joe showered with his daughter. Pedophile Joe is your man.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Your criminal morons are trying to retroactively erase the Jan 6 committee in order to “invalidate” the subpoenas they issued in order to reverse the convictions for ignoring those subpoenas in order to save Bannon from prison.
It won’t work, they already are convicted of ignoring them. Congress can’t erase a conviction. Derp. (It would never pass the senate anyway, it’s a political stunt meant to fail).

The only thing maga has tried to do all term is cover up their own criminality and stupidity and waste time and resources making baseless accusations about political rivals that go absolutely nowhere in the end….so they simply never end the “investigations” so they never have to admit they found NOTHING.

Now that deep investigation into elected official’s families is normal, Biden’s DOJ should absolutely be investigating the entire crime family, paying close attention to international revenue streams and policies dealing with the nations that paid them BILLIONS and continue to pay “fees” in the hundreds of millions for investment advice from someone who’s never successfully invested in anything (except corruption).
China stopped renting floors of empty office space in Trump properties when he lost the presidency….but no, that’s not a bribe either. They needed that space to be empty for Chinese reasons.


bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Thank you for admitting the well known blatantly fraudulent fake you just tried to pass as fact.

Yes. Another Fake. Another fraud you try to disguise as a fact.

What you never seem to realize is every time you get behind one of these fake stories (which is constantly) what you are really saying is you have no real argument so you are forced to make up nonsense. Every time you doctor a video to make President Biden look unfit you admit he actually is fit. It’s an admission of the total failure of your position….something you would never intentionally do no matter how badly your position had failed, but a message you send daily by relying on lies and fraud to make your position.

It’s fake because it is not a payoff like is suggested and is what the President denied, but income/growth from declared 100% legal INVESTMENTS in Chinese companies with his 100% legitimate international investment company, again, not direct payments from them.
If making money from foreign investments is suddenly going to be considered illegal or immoral, let’s start with whales who directly and demonstrably sold policy for billions before going after minnows who made millions through investments with no policy involved. Who made billions from foreign powers again? Who directly made hundreds of millions directly from hostile governments like China while in office? (Rented unused space in his buildings for years, then cancelled the leas when he lost.). Who changed US policy to benefit the same governments?
Another long ago debunked talking point that’s really an admission disguised as an accusation, more fake news like every single thing you believe.

Notice he was not prosecuted for unreported income from foreign governments, nor was he charged with not reporting himself as a foreign agent…unlike dozens of maga officials and Trump family members. Barr spent 4 years investigating every detail of his finances and came up with nothing.

It’s also fake because it attempts to paint the father with the imagined sins of the son, which is nonsense.

It’s also hilarious because it reminds us that Trumps family DID have direct payments from hostile foreign governments after changing American international policy to benefit those governments to the tune of $3.5 billion, a verified fact unlike the lie that China paid Hunter $3 billion, or that President Biden ever changed any U.S. policy after a payment. Neither has been verified by a scintilla of evidence because neither happened.

Everything you believe is nonsense, because you bought every lie told by the lie machine for the last 8 years.
Every, single, one.

In New Hampshire disgraced felon Trump once again demanded that “President Obama immediately resign”. He STILL thinks Obama is president, it is not a joke, it is not reference to his claim that Obama pulls the strings, it is his tiny feeble brain melting under the pressure. He knows it makes him look like he’s in full blown dementia, but he keeps on doing it. Are you gullible enough to believe it’s on purpose, and if so isn’t that also an indication of dementia?

bobknight33 said:

Is this "fake" also?

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Uh oh….Kushner’s $3.7 BILLION that he raked in while in the White House (not elected) and the Saudi refinancing that helped pay off his $1.8 BILLION in real estate debt only AFTER he had a meeting with the Saudis and changed US policy to help them blockade Quatar (who had refused to refinance his real estate and who said clearly and officially that they interpreted the military blockade and troops on their border as “If you don’t pay me or my father in law the Americans are going to sanction an invasion of your country.”) is under congressional investigation by the senate finance committee.
He also sold lists of foreign agents who were killed and sold them billions in arms we previously refused to sell them, and hid his direct involvement in the assasination of an American journalist. The crown prince brags he has Kushner (and therefore Trump) in his pocket (thanks to billions in bribes).

The investigation also involves implications that laws requiring registration of foreign agents and foreign investments have been not just ignored but actively broken possibly to hide the sale of stolen classified documents. The hundreds of millions in “fees” paid to failed real estate investor Kushner every year for “managing the over $3 billion of foreign money (not one cent invested in America) are also incredibly shady and are not properly reported.

Just to be clear because I know you cannot follow along…Kushner sold official US foreign policy (blockading Quatar), state secrets (our intelligence about our allies agents), and helped hide a live dismemberment murder of an American (Kashogi) for up to $3.6 billion to invest, $1.8 billion in “refinancing” (paid off his debts) and a hundred million +- per year for doing it…and is going to be under congressional investigation (along with his wife and step dad).
Pretty much exactly what you morons CLAIMED about Hunter but could find no evidence whatever of ANY payments or policy shifts, none. Now being investigated.

Er-mer-gerd! The campaign paid $75-$125 to attend the rally in Las Vegas…$75 to show up, $50 more if you get on a broadcast….and it still wasn’t a big crowd!
At least you know where your campaign contributions are going…to feed one convicted felon’s ego.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Now over 50 of his supporters are hospitalized with heat stroke because he held a rally at noon in Phoenix during a heat wave so he could make it to the fundraiser in SF in the evening and court some San Francisco money after publicly kissing some men on stage in Phoenix.
Convicted felon Trump kissed convicted felon and disgraced ex sheriff Joe Arpio (whose criminal racism cost his state hundreds and hundreds of millions in settlements to his victims, and whose felony conviction for a cruel sheriff office policy of strict racial profiling he refused to stop after being ordered by the courts was pardoned by convicted felon Trump). In order to prosecute and abuse non white citizens for crimes they had not committed he ignored thousands of cases of sexual abuse, never investigating. He also tortured multiple citizens to death in his tent jails in the Arizona desert with no AC. Trump pardoned him.

Convicted felon Trump used to hate homosexual PDAs, now he makes them. He’s changed!

Holy crap…the prosecution already rested against Hunter! They haven’t proven he was actively using at the time he filled out the form…he claims he had been sober for weeks…sounds like he may skate. Intent to defraud is required, and if he thought he had quit at the time, they failed to prove it. Why even bother to prosecute without proof he was still getting high at the time? A: politics.

Compare- Biden has ruled out a pardon for his son. Convicted felon Trump insists on one for himself.

newtboy said:

Oof…convicted felon Trump held a mid day rally in Arizona (so he could go to a San Francisco fundraiser in the evening) during a heat wave and a dozen maga were hospitalized with heat stroke. More proof you are nothing but a vote for him, and you suffering to near death doesn’t even register to him. Guaranteed he won’t be reimbursing the Phoenix fired department that had to use up its resources taking care of convicted felon Trump’s mess.

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