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Joe diGenova: Walls closing in on Obama DOJ officials

newtboy says...

Oops....they caught another admitted witch!
Today it's revealed Manafort is pleading guilty and cooperating with Muller.

It's pretty ridiculous to pretend the crime here is that Clinton bought a report from the Republican party that implicated Trump and the DOJ used said report as the sole basis to begin an investigation that actually began as long as years earlier.

It's also utterly ridiculous to pretend that investigation has found nothing, it's gotten convictions or admissions from every administration member that's been investigated. Most of them have publicly pointed fingers directly at Trump and are cooperating with the investigation.

But yeah, @bobknight33, the walls are closing in on the investigators and President Obama because President Petulance says so, but not on the subject of the actual investigation, an admitted and convicted fraud with a cabinet chock full of undisclosed foreign Russian agents. #derpstate

Taking the stairs

Ant Stealing Diamond

ant jokingly says...

Oh. Oops. Too late. Does anyone have a time machine, dagger of time, etc.?

newtboy said:

Because, thanks to specism, even having you on video doesn't make you long as you aren't caught red handed, it could still be clean.

Bauhaus Ballet: A Dance of Geometry

Every Parent at Disney

Michael Jackson - Billie Jean ( cover by Donald Trump )

newtboy says...

Lol....yeah, you get your news from Twitter, Facebook, and Trump himself and I'm the one who buys the lies. No surprise you and the walk away people won't admit it, you've never admitted to being duped even though it's a daily occurrence. Funny they didn't disavow these memes until well after they were debunked, and they still claim the spread through conservative media is somehow proof of a mass exodus from the Democrats, even though every example they have is either stock photos or well known long term conservative activists and most retweets are Russian bots.

BTW, not from MSM......

You're doing the Russian's work for them, trying to hand America to Putin. I expect you to respond "that's better than a liberal".

Edit: The funniest part here is there is a huge walk away movement happening....lifelong Republicans walking away from the Republican party because some are intelligent enough to see it's been co opted by unpatriotic morons who seem intent on dissolving our system of government and international standing in favor of Russia, who they still remember is our enemy, not NATO.
Oops, looks like you bought more Russian lies.....Again.

bobknight33 said:

Oops. Looks like you bought the msm lies.

Michael Jackson - Billie Jean ( cover by Donald Trump )

bobknight33 says...

Oops. Looks like you bought the msm lies.

newtboy said:

Oops...turns out the #walkaway memes are likely Russian products, and they used stock photos claiming to be democrats who've walked away....and are mostly being shared by Russian trolls and bots on Facebook and Twitter.....hmmmm.....this is sounding're repeating more election related falsified propaganda spread by Russia, for the second election in a row. At least you're consistent.

Michael Jackson - Billie Jean ( cover by Donald Trump )

newtboy jokingly says...

Oops...turns out the #walkaway memes are likely Russian products, and they used stock photos claiming to be democrats who've walked away....and are mostly being shared by Russian trolls and bots on Facebook and Twitter.....hmmmm.....this is sounding're repeating more election related falsified propaganda spread by Russia, for the second election in a row. At least you're consistent.

bobknight33 said:

. #walkaway. #walkaway. #walkaway

Drive Thru Oops

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

MST3K: Teenage Caveman - Monster Stock Footage

Will This Trick Your Ears?

ulysses1904 says...

On an unrelated audio topic, is anyone familiar with the concept of Out Of Phase Stereo (OOPS)? I discovered it by accident back in the day where i would short out Walkman headphones from constant use and hear only the difference between the left and right channels. So a piano (e.g.) mixed only in the left channel would become prominent and everything else would sound far away. It brought out some interesting effects in some songs and I didn't know it had a name until I found it on the internet. People use it to discover background mutterings in Beatles recordings, among other things.

New Rule: Suckers | Real Time with Bill Maher

transmorpher says...

Oops,I must have missed the start of the video somehow lol.

But if that was his reasoning, he's still passing the buck. Why do we have to wait for the government to tell us on to throw plastic into the ocean or not to buy beef because it causes more emissions than all transport. For a person who constantly wants to keep government out of our lives, he seems to want them to also solve his problems.

Anyway I don't like the guy, but thanks for the follow up, I really did miss the message. Thx.

Sagemind said:

Um, you completely missed his point. Didn't you listen to him?

He's saying it doesn't matter what you do of what rules you use personally, it will make no difference if we don't have the proper leadership in government to make the right decisions in leadership is setting standards and solid decisions on how to clean our environment.

This video is about how, really, only government can effect the change needed to curb global warming.
Unfortunately the current US government is dismantling all those rulings and safe-gaurds, in the name of corporate money and greed over environment and the people affected by those decisions.

(His point was NOT that people trying to be healthy were dying young anyway. He was using them as examples to the fact that, no matter how hard you try on a personal level, it takes laws to make the bigger decisions to affect change)


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