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Gigantic Dutch broadcast tower collapses in Fiery Ruin

The Very Worst Driver of The Netherlands Goes Wrong

The Very Worst Driver of The Netherlands Goes Wrong

The Very Worst Driver of The Netherlands Goes Wrong

KnivesOut says...

This is exactly what I was thinking. Why would you park cars (and people) down-range, when you've just equipped this moron with a 1-ton missile?

Bunch of idiots in front of, as well as behind, the camera.>> ^nothingbot:

We have a version here (called, of course, Canada's Worst Driver) and they do this very same challenge. It's not unusual for the 'bad driver' to get nervous, hit the boxes (obstacle), or panic and slide off course. In fact, the way he lost control is fairly common on early attempts. The worst mistake here, is parking a car in the RUNOFF AREA just past an obstacle! what were they thinking! In our version, when this happens, the driver goes through a corn field, and the host makes silly quips about owing the farmer for lost crops. It's funny(ish), not deadly.

The Very Worst Driver of The Netherlands Goes Wrong

The Very Worst Driver of The Netherlands Goes Wrong

Opus_Moderandi says...

>> ^luxury_pie:

The driver was supposed to speed up, then look over his right and left shoulder at signs half-way down the track, and choose which direction to navigate around the obstacle according to whichever sign had an arrow.

Because... ?

The Very Worst Driver of The Netherlands Goes Wrong

ant says...

>> ^Jinx:

And these people have a driving license.
When you're that incompetent at driving it should really be one of those dual control cars where the instructor has a clutch pedal and brake.

They need to make tests harder.

The Very Worst Driver of The Netherlands Goes Wrong

ant says...

>> ^Sagemind:

He lets go of the wheel to cover his eyes. Great reflexes!
He must have lifted his feet off the pedals as well, because he didn't use the breaks!
(anyone have a translation for this?)


What was the point of this? Driving tests with hot women?

Salvia Freak Out!!! - Salvia is bad mmkay

Porksandwich says...


Can't quote that behemoth without trying to figure out all the embedded coding to only pick your newest stuff.

Anyway, I just wanted to address the last line of it. I have no first hand knowledge of Amsterdam, but according to their wiki they limit their coffeehouse (weed, food, coffee/drink, no alcohol) to only selling small quantities of weed and other rules:

In the Netherlands, the selling of cannabis is "illegal, but not punishable", so the law is not enforced in establishments following these nationwide rules taken from the wiki page:

no advertising
no hard drug sales on the premises
no sales to anyone under the age of 18
no sales transactions exceeding 5 grams
no public disturbances

For some offenses, a business may be forced to close for three to six months, for others, completely; all this is detailed in official policies.


So it's not as if they allow anyone, anywhere, anytime to do whatever they's controlled to some degree. They also have closed shops due to proximity to schools and I believe I've read articles where they want to close access to coffeeshops to tourists. So......I can only assume the mindset of many tourists toward drug use is a nuisance at a minimum. And there will be those who argue is anti-drug mindset, etc.

And it might be a little bit of a lot of things, but I think it speaks to a failure in education namely the complete lack of when approaching a lot of "un-approved" topics. Where you end up with polar opposite opinions, 1) no one should do it ever, 2) everyone should do it, as much as possible. It applies mostly to drugs, alcohol, tobacco, and sex in the US. It evens out a little in people (and if it doesn't it usually goes really bad) when they get past college-age when it comes to alcohol, tobacco and sex, but drugs seem to stick with them whether it be to the forbidden nature of it or addiction.

I guess with sex, unless you end up with something incurable you can recover (even a pregnancy). Tobacco you can quit, but it does have consequences for some who are genetically unlucky. Alcohol, liver issues but worse are drunk driving and just overall bad decision making that could lead to a record.

And then drugs, illegal or prescription, sometimes people become too reliant on them...especially if they affect pain and mood...and they often even get intertwined where the brain associates lack of mood suppressors/enhancers as pain. Personally I don't see why many people would risk using their drug of choice regularly if it means potentially losing their job when a drug test comes around or other consequences...and that's where I see it as an addiction when they want the job and the drug but at some point they will conflict and unwillingness to change one to keep the other.

Anyway, it's one of those things where you could go back and forth on it all day long. But in the end I think it boils down to how much other people's choices affect others. If using whatever doesn't have a noticeable impact on others then fine. But you run the spectrum of smoking in restaurants to drunk driving as to how much of an impact is noticeable. And on that, I am done posting about this as it's guaranteed to turn into some sort of political/religion discussion.

High Fructose Corn Syrup is perfectly healthy

Ryjkyj says...

>> ^peggedbea:

hey, this is something my dude and i were wondering about while we were in the netherlands last year...
in the US most sodas are made with hfcs, but in europe they mostly use real sugar... so we were reading all the soda cans there and none of them listed the sodium content but here they always list the sodium content and it's pretty well known that sodas are high in sodium...
so do they not put the sodium in sodas in europe? or do they just not have to list the sodium content on the nutrition labels?
does the sodium content have something to do with the hfcs content? or are they just adding it to our sodas over here to make us thirstier so we'll drink more soda?

I'm doing a report on salt right now (seriously) and I think we can be pretty sure that an overabundance of sodium in your diet is a bad thing. But don't forget that sodium chloride is what makes shit taste good. Sweet things are always better with a little bit of salt to set them off. I'm pretty sure that sodium is added to pretty much any soda you can buy, including the ones in Europe. The content is higher in diet soda but it's there in regular soda as well. One thing you can be sure of: an excess of sugar in any form is WAY worse for you than an excess of sodium.

High Fructose Corn Syrup is perfectly healthy

Payback says...

>> ^peggedbea:
they don't list the values on the cans in the netherlands, i was just wondering if thats because they just dont have to or because they don't put sodium in their drinks.

Maybe the Dutch just figured out sugar-inundated drinks are bad for you, all by themselves, without their government's intervention.

High Fructose Corn Syrup is perfectly healthy

peggedbea says...

nope, we didn't even think to look at diet drinks, but in regular US coca cola, pepsi and dr. pepper there's about 35mg (or micrograms, maybe. been a while and i don't keep soda in the house)... dr. pepper may be a little higher, i think grape soda was a little lower.

they don't list the values on the cans in the netherlands, i was just wondering if thats because they just dont have to or because they don't put sodium in their drinks. >> ^dag:

I thought that sodium was only high in diet soda.
BTW, cane sugar is also used in soft drinks here in Australia - mainly because we have lots of cane farmers and few corn farmers - so it's cheap. It would probably be cheaper in the US today if there weren't massive government subsidies to corn farmers.
>> ^peggedbea:
hey, this is something my dude and i were wondering about while we were in the netherlands last year...
in the US most sodas are made with hfcs, but in europe they mostly use real sugar... so we were reading all the soda cans there and none of them listed the sodium content but here they always list the sodium content and it's pretty well known that sodas are high in sodium...
so do they not put the sodium in sodas in europe? or do they just not have to list the sodium content on the nutrition labels?
does the sodium content have something to do with the hfcs content? or are they just adding it to our sodas over here to make us thirstier so we'll drink more soda?

High Fructose Corn Syrup is perfectly healthy

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

I thought that sodium was only high in diet soda.

BTW, cane sugar is also used in soft drinks here in Australia - mainly because we have lots of cane farmers and few corn farmers - so it's cheap. It would probably be cheaper in the US today if there weren't massive government subsidies to corn farmers.

>> ^peggedbea:

hey, this is something my dude and i were wondering about while we were in the netherlands last year...
in the US most sodas are made with hfcs, but in europe they mostly use real sugar... so we were reading all the soda cans there and none of them listed the sodium content but here they always list the sodium content and it's pretty well known that sodas are high in sodium...
so do they not put the sodium in sodas in europe? or do they just not have to list the sodium content on the nutrition labels?
does the sodium content have something to do with the hfcs content? or are they just adding it to our sodas over here to make us thirstier so we'll drink more soda?

High Fructose Corn Syrup is perfectly healthy

peggedbea says...

hey, this is something my dude and i were wondering about while we were in the netherlands last year...

in the US most sodas are made with hfcs, but in europe they mostly use real sugar... so we were reading all the soda cans there and none of them listed the sodium content but here they always list the sodium content and it's pretty well known that sodas are high in sodium...

so do they not put the sodium in sodas in europe? or do they just not have to list the sodium content on the nutrition labels?

does the sodium content have something to do with the hfcs content? or are they just adding it to our sodas over here to make us thirstier so we'll drink more soda?

Ron Paul Defends Heroin in front of SC audience

smooman says...

hard drugs really arent "actively prohibited" in the netherlands as you keep suggesting. My brother recently spent a month there and based on his experiences, i'll remain entirely skeptical of your insistence of "actively prohibited". Additionally, i recently watched a documentary called The American Drug War and one of the segments was on amsterdam where they filmed this complete junkie smoking crack...........about 20 feet from a cop. Again, i'll remain skeptical.

you really should read up on prohibition in the states because alcohol certainly was criminalized. it wasnt just the sale and distribution that was outlawed, you so much as had a beer in your hand, here comes the law.

now the alcohol trafficking i was talking about was just any old joe, which i thought wouldve been obvious given the nature of the converstaion. Of course you can manufacture, distribute, and sell alcohol......if you have the proper licenses, convenient how you left that out. If i were to brew my own beer (and get caught) and/or distribute it or sell it, then i can be fined or worse because i do not have a liquor license or a license to manufacture or distribute. I had hoped that this was understood but guess i'll put in play doh terms so as to not confuse you.

as far as a heroin model is concerned, i dunno because im not a doctor. But i'd say a start is an age limit, say 21, purchasable through pharmaceuticals, probably require a prescription (what would warrant a prescription i dunno cuz im not a doctor), maybe have a background check as part of the prescription (ie no sale to violent offenders, same as guns, something like that) and have the same laws attached to it that everything else does. by which i mean buying alcohol for minors, public intox, etc

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