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William Shatner Doesn't Like To Be Corrected

Fusionaut says...

>> ^MaxWilder:
Is that a hint of his Canadian roots?

no. He's from Montreal so he should know how to pronounce french words... But if the Shatner pronounces it this way we obviously should make it canon. This man will be Governor General one day...

Why aren't there more women on QI?

Shepppard says...


Different strokes I guess, but I don't find wanda sykes attractive at all, and I personally really don't find Sarah Silverman that funny.

It's not a sex thing for me, I just don't like their styles of comedy. I hate Elvira kurt, the lesbian bit has been played to death and it's quite stale now, I don't like the women who (like the video says) think they're a minority, but there are female comedians who DO make me laugh.

I watch just for laughs regularily (Montreal comedy festival, there's many sifts of comedians doing their just for laughs set on the sift) and Most of the women that are on it are (to me) moderately attractive if nothing else, AND funny. Mary Ellen Hooper, for example. I'd provide more but there aren't a lot of videos of it on youtube.

But, who knows. Maybe I'm the weird one.

Quebec story on The young turks,Muslims stirring up trouble

gargoyle says...

This was an interesting perspective from an older Montreal woman (written in french) who talks about how women in Canada, specifically Quebec with its strong Catholic background, fought for certain rights, and freedom from restrictive Catholic influence: the right to divorce, the wearing of a veil in church, the right to sign for your own medical consent etc.

Quebec story on The young turks,Muslims stirring up trouble

Matthu says...

I find this to be a truly interesting debate.

Now, I'd like to mention I find this to be a really weak piece by TyT. I don't like the dude in this vid, he's clearly a douche. He spends over 1:30 talking about the French lady when she doesn't have anything to do with the issue. I like the other guy that appears in TyT vids and woud've liked to get his take. But w/e. I also find that for such a divisive, complicated and debatable issue they really seem to be chewing around the fat.

I am from and live in Montreal, btw I'm not French Canadian don't downvote so quick , and this issue seems to arise a lot over here. I'd like to know the rules and the reactions to muslims' very different cultural and religious traditions in the rest of North America.

For me I really think we can put aside issues of social and religious tolerance. We can put aside our(mostly) collective disdain for religious fundamentalists. Let's also put aside our apprehensiveness of archaic, outdated, and even sometimes absurd traditions. We can even put aside the fact that the government ought not have any say in it's citizens' dress.

At the end of the day I truly believe it should be my right, and an institutions right, to refuse service to any individual who refuses to show me their face.

Unless I'm running a hot dog stand on St. Catherine in the middle of winter and it's -30°c It's still Canada...

Winter Olympics Roundup in 60 Seconds

handmethekeysyou says...

When I was in Montreal, I ordered brunch that came with "bacon". It was what we in the states call "Canadian bacon". This is just my very limited personal experience.

P.S. It was delicious.>> ^Skeeve:
When will Americans learn that what you call "Canadian bacon" isn't what we Canadians think is bacon?
Bacon is bacon.
What you call Canadian bacon is just smoked ham.

ButterflyKisses (Member Profile)

Payback says...

Actually, I recall it too, which is why I mentioned it, sarcastically... moreover, I recall the '94 Vancouver Riot after the Canucks' almost-win, and the 2008 riot in Montreal after a win as well.

In reply to this comment by ButterflyKisses:
Actually I recall a moment in time when hockey fans did cause a riot and millions in damage in Edmonton several years ago. Sorry but regional membership won't prevent acts of human stupidity.

Besides this the Associated press should be scolded for coming down on these fine athletes for celebrating mildly with OMG cigars, champagne and beer. I know it's not very lady-like but hell they're hockey players!!!

>> ^Payback:
What the Hell. Totally agree. They weren't doing anything the other 4000 Canadians in the stands weren't doing. In fact, the fans didn't even go outside and have a riot that causes $5M+ damage. THAT'S the Canadian way to celebrate a hockey victory!

Nina Conti fists her monkey on stage

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'nina conti, monk, monkey, ventriloquism, cute, funny, montreal' to 'nina conti, monk, monkey, ventriloquism, cute, funny, montreal, bloody sinister' - edited by ponceleon

Washington DC Blizzard of 2010: 24 Inches Of Snow In 24h

Matthu says...

This is awesome! Being from Montreal and dealing with this every year it's nice to watch a video that so expertly displays the awesome power of Snow.

P.S. Amazingly we here in eastern Canada didn't get any of this storm For once.

Terminus (captivating suspenseful short film < 9 min.)

Nuit Blanche.

Krupo says...

Hands up if you expected a video related to the Nuit Blanche event, winter version in Montreal or fall version in Toronto. Great entry to the *shortfilms channel though.

Albeit, those shards of glass would leave some nasty cuts in non magic land.

Quebec's cutie Ariane Moffatt wants it all! "Je Veux Tout"

United Steelworkers of Montreal "Shot Tower"

calvados says...

Google-fu suggests there are no lyrics for this puppy on the intertubes. This is what I've cobbled together so far. It'd be cool if you lot (i.e., my adoring public) weighed in with your own comments as to what certain words or phrases might be, since as you'll see there's plenty of holes left when the song goes fast:

I've been workin' on a watchtower
Been haulin' up that molten lead
[Blue] fingernails 'n bleedin' gums for me

I've lost my hair and I've lost it all
Watchin' those lead drops fall
No bigger paycheques and some ... you see

Twelve toxic years in this bump and grind
The seventy-five feet I leave behind
Cursin' dreams and lead and ... and ...

If it wasn't me, it'd be my son
If it wasn't him, it'd be someone
His life wouldn't be any brighter than mine

Been working on a shot tower
Been haulin' up that molten lead


Twelve years ... from Griffintown
... me all around
... put me down

Tried to talk...

Seventy-five plus...
... bring me down

Brother was a constable, he ... he was a priest

My sister was conscripted for


Been working on a watchtower
Been haulin' up that molten lead
It's blue fingernails and bleedin' gums for me

Let's dance with the angel of death on this earth
Let's dance ...
Let's dance ...
Let's drink to the boys that we all left behind
Let's raise another bucket of death up the vertical line

... heard a sound

... near the hot-dog stand

... clean up all that mess

No sovereignty or work for you this year

... rushin' home

Let's dance with the angel of death on this earth
Let's dance...
Let's dance...
Let's drink to the boys that we all left behind
Let's raise another bucket of death up the vertical line

Let's dance, let's dance, let's drink
Let's raise another bucket of death up the vertical line

... from Montreal, I've never seen those lead drops fall
But it's blue fingernails and bleedin' gums for me

calvados (Member Profile)

NicoleBee (Member Profile)

Quebec's cutie Ariane Moffatt wants it all! "Je Veux Tout"

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