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A Vote for Obama is a Vote for Romney - Literally

Boise_Lib (Member Profile)

Mitt Romney's Vietnam

Jinx says...

>> ^shuac:

And just what was Barack Obama doing during 1966-1970?
Note that I've tagged this comment with the sarcasm tag, because Obama was 5 years old in 1966, making the above question kind of ridiculous. However, had I not opted to write this extra comment pointing out the sarcasm, I'm quite sure the tag would have gone unnoticed and someone here would have undoubtedly come to Obama's defense in a frothy, picayune fashion. How do I know this? Because it's happened many times before: the sarcasm tag is too subtle.

See, to me the whole point of sarcasm is that the subtext isn't obvious, or at least isn't obvious to everybody. If you'd made that post without explanation or "intonation" I still would have got it. Its like an inside joke. You have to risk excluding people to make others feel included in the joke.

Although, it did just dawn on me that you might be using the sarcasm tag and explanation ironically. Thats really some next level meta-sarcasm right there.

Romney silent on climate change

Cher & Kathy Griffin on the Republican Party

blahpook says...

>> ^bobknight33:

This election is about Jobs.
Romney could step in and run any fortune 100 company and Obama would not have a clue.

If you want jobs Vote Romney.

So then let him run a fortune 100 company. It's not the same as running a country.

The Onion Voter's Guide To Mitt Romney

The Onion Voter's Guide To Mitt Romney

The Onion Voter's Guide To Mitt Romney

The Onion Voter's Guide To Mitt Romney

Romney silent on climate change

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'mitt romney, global warming, smug smirks' to 'mitt romney, global warming, smug smirks, lip smacks' - edited by bareboards2

OverlappingElvis (Member Profile)

Romney silent on climate change

VoodooV says...

creepy smile is creepy.

oh Mitt, you're so unlikable...even in your own party. What's it like to know people are only voting for you because you're white?

Sagemind (Member Profile)

Trancecoach (Member Profile)

How a Libertarian Destroys Mitt Romney

Edgeman2112 says...

>> ^renatojj:

@Edgeman2112 if his track record isn't spotless, just focus on the spots and don't bother ever mentioning his many correct predictions. Nevermind his arguments either, if you blow any mistakes he made out of proportion, it invalidates whatever he stands for.
Also, being a multimillionaire investor, you obviously understand more about global markets and money than he does, right?

I don't comment on this willy-nilly. I've always, always watched him when he's on CNBC or Yahoo and catch his articles. Never does he have anything bullish to say hence permabear. I wish he would dig deeper in his claims but he always stays highlevel.

He rants about tuition being high because of subsidies by the government, but never digs deep into why.

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