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Metal gear solid 4- Swapping Disks?

Metal Gear Solid- Gray fox encounter

NetRunner says...

>> ^xgabex:
Automatic upvote for best video game series ever.

Absolute agreement here.

For purist MGS geeks, this is actually from Twin Snakes, the remake for Gamecube.

In my mind that only adds more *awesomesauce.

ant (Member Profile)

First gamplay footage of Gears of War 2

Abel_Prisc says...

Looks like a rental to me.

Not to rain down on the parade here, but it doesn't look like they're offering enough new features to make it worth a purchase. Not to mention the campaign of the first game being so short made me greatly regret spending 65 dollars on that one, and I don't intend on making the same mistake twice.

Don't get me wrong, the short time spent in the game is of good quality. But they haven't figured out how to bring in much replay value, and ultimately, that's what separates 'rentals' and purchase-worthy titles.

And I know about it's online features, but I also haven't forgotten how much fun I've been having in CoD4 and GTA4, and how much fun I -didn't- have in Gears of War 1's multi-player.

EDIT: And I personally think that anyone who is impressed with a 'brand new' feature being the ability to take somebody hostage must remember that this was done over six years ago in Metal Gear Solid 2.

What is your favorite genre of game to play? (Videogames Talk Post)

firefly says...

Some of my favorites, old and new:

Zelda series
Final Fantasy series (VI remains my favorite to this day)
Dragon Warrior
Metal Gear Solid
God of War/2
Punch Out/Super Punch Out)
Metroid (the old classic 2d side-styles, not the 1st person view)
Gran Turismo
Shadow of the Colossus

Outlaws (Old West FPS from Lucasarts)
Diablo 2
No One Lives Forever
Sim City
Half-Life series (Portal included!)
Wing Commander 3 (yay, Mark Hamill found work!)
Alone in the Dark
Out of This world
Age of Empires series

Metal Gear Solid 4 Gameplay

Metal Gear Solid 4 - E3 2007 Trailer

prisonpanda says...

The one thing about the Metal Gear solid games that bugs me is the cut-scenes way way too many of them and this trailer kinda says "Look more great cut-scenes". Not one gameplay video in there looks like the game is one long cut-scene then?. Im sure the game will be great but it doest really get most much interest from me looking at that.

Half-Life 1 (PC) Introduction With The Tram Ride

GuyIncognito says...

I have to agree, the original Metal Gear Solid was such an amazing game experience. I'm sure it's been plenty imitated since. About the intro, I'm not quite sure if you can find a cohesive video available, just because of the way your introduction to the game is handled.

Half-Life 1 (PC) Introduction With The Tram Ride

Raytrace says...

i would have liked to seen the first metal gear solid on there.

i remember the buying and playing it for the first time. That first elevator ride up was so cool with the metal gear solid title appearing over a shot of snake standing in the elevator... that was the moment when i knew this was going to be an awesome gaming experience and the whole game really was like a movie.

i may be rambling but i was kinda attached to that game. and i got the bad ending the first time i played it.. it made me sad.

The TRUTH about the PS3's backwards compatibility...

EMPIRE says...

Well... let's count the nails in PS3's coffin:

1- Botched "global" launch
2- Not nearly enough units to go around, even for the non-global launch.
3- 600 dollars (or euros if you're european, which makes it even more expensive).
4- So far, no game on it looks any better than it does on a Xbox 360.
5- Grand Theft Auto is no longer an exclusive in it's launch day.
6- Backwards compatibility obviously sucks ass.
7- Online service inferior to the 360.
8- Metal Gear Solid 4 is also not an exclusive anymore.

And I'm sure there are a few more I don't even remember right now.

Why do people go away? (Sift Talk Post)

ant says...

Maybe he has a mission to save the world in Metal Gear Solid. [grin]

Dag: I can help you assimilate people to be become our VideoSift collective. I'm good at it as a BorgAnt. "We are VideoSiftaholics. We will assimilate you. Resistance is futile." [grin]

New Logo Submissions (Sift Talk Post)

PS3 Delivers the Graphics!!! (WYSIWYG!)

vaterunser says...

well, some of that stuff is pre-rendered, but the PS3 could do this in real-time without a doubt...
it's a nice piece of hardware, and it's also got some promising games like Metal Gear Solid 4, 8 Days and Heavenly Sword...but come on, sixhundred dollars? that's'll take years until the game developers will be able to use the PS3's whole power, so they should just have developed a less powerful console in the first place...
most PS3 games don't look any better than the better looking X360 games (like Gears of War), so a console for like 300-400$ would be enough for now...the sad thing is, that many people WILL pay that much money for the PS3, without even considering an XBox360 or Wii...

personally, I'm going to get a Wii this have been almost the same since they made their step into 3D, so it's time something new happens...

Metal Gear Solid Fan Flick (Real-Life)

bnsa says...

THAT WAS COOL! You have to be a metal gear fan to appreciate it and to even understand what is told (even though I don't speak japanese). Also, look at those props! They must be real weapons! (And how cool they are!)

Keep in mind that the REAL Metal Gear Solid Movie has just been given the green light and is in pre-production. If they use the same story as above, it'll be cool.

(Source: )

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